


colour_plotting_defaults([parameters]) Enables Colour default plotting parameters.
colour_cycle(**kwargs) Returns a colour cycle iterator using given colour map.
canvas(**kwargs) Sets the figure size.
camera(**kwargs) Sets the camera settings.
decorate(**kwargs) Sets the figure decorations.
boundaries(**kwargs) Sets the plot boundaries.
display(**kwargs) Sets the figure display.
render([with_boundaries, with_decorate]) Convenient wrapper definition combining colour.plotting.decorate(), colour.plotting.boundaries() and colour.plotting.display() definitions.
label_rectangles(rectangles[, rotation, …]) Add labels above given rectangles.
equal_axes3d(axes) Sets equal aspect ratio to given 3d axes.
single_colour_swatch_plot(colour_swatch, …) Plots given colour swatch.
multi_colour_swatches_plot(colour_swatches) Plots given colours swatches.
image_plot(image[, label, label_size, …]) Plots given image.



single_spd_plot(spd[, cmfs, …]) Plots given spectral power distribution.
multi_spd_plot(spds[, cmfs, …]) Plots given spectral power distributions.
single_cmfs_plot([cmfs]) Plots given colour matching functions.
multi_cmfs_plot([cmfs]) Plots given colour matching functions.
single_illuminant_relative_spd_plot([…]) Plots given single illuminant relative spectral power distribution.
multi_illuminants_relative_spd_plot([…]) Plots given illuminants relative spectral power distributions.
visible_spectrum_plot([cmfs, …]) Plots the visible colours spectrum using given standard observer CIE XYZ colour matching functions.
single_lightness_function_plot([function]) Plots given Lightness function.
multi_lightness_function_plot([functions]) Plots given Lightness functions.
blackbody_spectral_radiance_plot([…]) Plots given blackbody spectral radiance.
blackbody_colours_plot([shape, cmfs]) Plots blackbody colours.

Colour Characterisation


colour_checker_plot([colour_checker]) Plots given colour checker.

Corresponding Chromaticities


corresponding_chromaticities_prediction_plot([…]) Plots given chromatic adaptation model corresponding chromaticities prediction.

CIE Chromaticity Diagrams


chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1931([cmfs, …]) Plots the CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram.
chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1960UCS([cmfs, …]) Plots the CIE 1960 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1976UCS([cmfs, …]) Plots the CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
spds_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1931(spds) Plots given spectral power distribution chromaticity coordinates into the CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram.
spds_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1960UCS(spds) Plots given spectral power distribution chromaticity coordinates into the CIE 1960 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
spds_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1976UCS(spds) Plots given spectral power distribution chromaticity coordinates into the CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.

Colour Models


RGB_colourspaces_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1931([…]) Plots given RGB colourspaces in CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram.
RGB_colourspaces_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1960UCS([…]) Plots given RGB colourspaces in CIE 1960 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
RGB_colourspaces_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1976UCS([…]) Plots given RGB colourspaces in CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
RGB_chromaticity_coordinates_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1931(RGB) Plots given RGB colourspace array in CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram.
RGB_chromaticity_coordinates_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1960UCS(RGB) Plots given RGB colourspace array in CIE 1960 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
RGB_chromaticity_coordinates_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1976UCS(RGB) Plots given RGB colourspace array in CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.
single_cctf_plot([colourspace, decoding_cctf]) Plots given colourspace colour component transfer function.
multi_cctf_plot([colourspaces, decoding_cctf]) Plots given colourspaces colour component transfer functions.

Colour Notation Systems


single_munsell_value_function_plot([function]) Plots given Lightness function.
multi_munsell_value_function_plot([functions]) Plots given Munsell value functions.

Optical Phenomena


single_rayleigh_scattering_spd_plot([…]) Plots a single Rayleigh scattering spectral power distribution.
the_blue_sky_plot([cmfs]) Plots the blue sky.

Colour Quality


single_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(…) Plots the Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of given illuminant or light source spectral power distribution.
multi_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(…) Plots the Colour Rendering Index (CRI) of given illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions.
single_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(…) Plots the Colour Quality Scale (CQS) of given illuminant or light source spectral power distribution.
multi_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(…) Plots the Colour Quality Scale (CQS) of given illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions.

Colour Temperature & Correlated Colour Temperature


planckian_locus_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1931([…]) Plots the planckian locus and given illuminants in CIE 1931 Chromaticity Diagram.
planckian_locus_chromaticity_diagram_plot_CIE1960UCS([…]) Plots the planckian locus and given illuminants in CIE 1960 UCS Chromaticity Diagram.

Colour Models Volume


RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot([colourspaces, …]) Plots given RGB colourspaces gamuts in given reference colourspace.
RGB_scatter_plot(RGB, colourspace[, …]) Plots given RGB colourspace array in a scatter plot.

Geometry Plotting Utilities


quad([plane, origin, width, height, depth]) Returns the vertices of a quad geometric element in counter-clockwise order.
grid([plane, origin, width, height, depth, …]) Returns the vertices of a grid made of quads.
cube([plane, origin, width, height, depth, …]) Returns the vertices of a cube made of grids.