Source code for colour.colorimetry.lefs

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Luminous Efficiency Functions Spectral Power Distributions

Defines luminous efficiency functions computation related objects.

See Also
`Luminous Efficiency Functions Jupyter Notebook

.. [1]  Wikipedia. (n.d.). Mesopic weighting function. Retrieved June 20,
        2014, from\

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from colour.colorimetry import (
from colour.colorimetry.dataset.lefs import MESOPIC_X_DATA
from colour.utilities import closest

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2017 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['mesopic_weighting_function',

[docs]def mesopic_weighting_function( wavelength, Lp, source='Blue Heavy', method='MOVE', photopic_lef=PHOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer'], scotopic_lef=SCOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer']): """ Calculates the mesopic weighting function factor at given wavelength :math:`\lambda` using the photopic luminance :math:`L_p`. Parameters ---------- wavelength : numeric or array_like Wavelength :math:`\lambda` to calculate the mesopic weighting function factor. Lp : numeric Photopic luminance :math:`L_p`. source : unicode, optional **{'Blue Heavy', 'Red Heavy'}**, Light source colour temperature. method : unicode, optional **{'MOVE', 'LRC'}**, Method to calculate the weighting factor. photopic_lef : SpectralPowerDistribution, optional :math:`V(\lambda)` photopic luminous efficiency function. scotopic_lef : SpectralPowerDistribution, optional :math:`V^\prime(\lambda)` scotopic luminous efficiency function. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Mesopic weighting function factor. Examples -------- >>> mesopic_weighting_function(500, 0.2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.7052200... """ mesopic_x_luminance_values = sorted(MESOPIC_X_DATA.keys()) index = mesopic_x_luminance_values.index( closest(mesopic_x_luminance_values, Lp)) x = MESOPIC_X_DATA[mesopic_x_luminance_values[index]][source][method] Vm = ((1 - x) * scotopic_lef.get(wavelength) + x * photopic_lef.get(wavelength)) return Vm
[docs]def mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function( Lp, source='Blue Heavy', method='MOVE', photopic_lef=PHOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer'], scotopic_lef=SCOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer']): """ Returns the mesopic luminous efficiency function :math:`V_m(\lambda)` for given photopic luminance :math:`L_p`. Parameters ---------- Lp : numeric Photopic luminance :math:`L_p`. source : unicode, optional **{'Blue Heavy', 'Red Heavy'}**, Light source colour temperature. method : unicode, optional **{'MOVE', 'LRC'}**, Method to calculate the weighting factor. photopic_lef : SpectralPowerDistribution, optional :math:`V(\lambda)` photopic luminous efficiency function. scotopic_lef : SpectralPowerDistribution, optional :math:`V^\prime(\lambda)` scotopic luminous efficiency function. Returns ------- SpectralPowerDistribution Mesopic luminous efficiency function :math:`V_m(\lambda)`. Examples -------- >>> print(mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(0.2)) SpectralPowerDistribution(\ '0.2 Lp Mesopic Luminous Efficiency Function', (380.0, 780.0, 1.0)) """ photopic_lef_shape = photopic_lef.shape scotopic_lef_shape = scotopic_lef.shape shape = SpectralShape( max(photopic_lef_shape.start, scotopic_lef_shape.start), min(photopic_lef_shape.end, scotopic_lef_shape.end), max(photopic_lef_shape.interval, scotopic_lef_shape.interval)) wavelengths = shape.range() spd_data = dict(zip(wavelengths, mesopic_weighting_function( wavelengths, Lp, source, method, photopic_lef, scotopic_lef))) spd = SpectralPowerDistribution( '{0} Lp Mesopic Luminous Efficiency Function'.format(Lp), spd_data) return spd.normalise()