Source code for colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.fujifilm_f_log

Fujifilm F-Log Log Encoding

Define the *Fujifilm F-Log* log encoding:

-   :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_FLog`
-   :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_FLog`
-   :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_FLog2`
-   :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_FLog2`

-   :cite:`Fujifilm2022` : Fujifilm. (2022). F-Log Data Sheet Ver.1.1 (pp.
-   :cite:`Fujifilm2022a` : Fujifilm. (2022). F-Log2 Data Sheet Ver.1.0 (pp.

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy as np

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat

from colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions import full_to_legal, legal_to_full
from colour.utilities import Structure, as_float, from_range_1, to_domain_1

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

CONSTANTS_FLOG: Structure = Structure(
"""*Fujifilm F-Log* constants."""

CONSTANTS_FLOG2: Structure = Structure(
"""*Fujifilm F-Log2* colourspace constants."""

[docs] def log_encoding_FLog( in_r: ArrayLike, bit_depth: int = 10, out_normalised_code_value: bool = True, in_reflection: bool = True, constants: Structure = CONSTANTS_FLOG, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define the *Fujifilm F-Log* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- in_r Linear reflection data :math`in`. bit_depth Bit-depth used for conversion. out_normalised_code_value Whether the non-linear *Fujifilm F-Log* data :math:`out` is encoded as normalised code values. in_reflection Whether the light level :math`in` to a camera is reflection. constants *Fujifilm F-Log* constants. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Non-linear data :math:`out`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``in_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``out_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Fujifilm2022` Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_FLog(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4593184... The values of *2-2. F-Log Code Value* table in :cite:`Fujifilm2022` are obtained as follows: >>> x = np.array([0, 18, 90]) / 100 >>> np.around(log_encoding_FLog(x, 10, False) * 100, 1) array([ 3.5, 46.3, 73.2]) >>> np.around(log_encoding_FLog(x) * (2**10 - 1)).astype(np.int_) array([ 95, 470, 705]) """ in_r = to_domain_1(in_r) if not in_reflection: in_r = in_r * 0.9 cut1 = constants.cut1 a = constants.a b = constants.b c = constants.c d = constants.d e = constants.e f = constants.f out_r = np.where( in_r < cut1, e * in_r + f, c * np.log10(a * in_r + b) + d, ) out_r_cv = out_r if out_normalised_code_value else legal_to_full(out_r, bit_depth) return as_float(from_range_1(out_r_cv))
[docs] def log_decoding_FLog( out_r: ArrayLike, bit_depth: int = 10, in_normalised_code_value: bool = True, out_reflection: bool = True, constants: Structure = CONSTANTS_FLOG, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define the *Fujifilm F-Log* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- out_r Non-linear data :math:`out`. bit_depth Bit-depth used for conversion. in_normalised_code_value Whether the non-linear *Fujifilm F-Log* data :math:`out` is encoded as normalised code values. out_reflection Whether the light level :math`in` to a camera is reflection. constants *Fujifilm F-Log* constants. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Linear reflection data :math`in`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``out_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``in_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Fujifilm2022` Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_FLog(0.45931845866162124) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1800000... """ out_r = to_domain_1(out_r) out_r = out_r if in_normalised_code_value else full_to_legal(out_r, bit_depth) cut2 = constants.cut2 a = constants.a b = constants.b c = constants.c d = constants.d e = constants.e f = constants.f in_r = np.where( out_r < cut2, (out_r - f) / e, (10 ** ((out_r - d) / c)) / a - b / a, ) if not out_reflection: in_r = in_r / 0.9 return as_float(from_range_1(in_r))
[docs] def log_encoding_FLog2( in_r: ArrayLike, bit_depth: int = 10, out_normalised_code_value: bool = True, in_reflection: bool = True, constants: Structure = CONSTANTS_FLOG2, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define the *Fujifilm F-Log2* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- in_r Linear reflection data :math`in`. bit_depth Bit depth used for conversion. out_normalised_code_value Whether the non-linear *Fujifilm F-Log2* data :math:`out` is encoded as normalised code values. in_reflection Whether the light level :math`in` to a camera is reflection. constants *Fujifilm F-Log2* constants. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.floating` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Non-linear data :math:`out`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``in_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``out_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Fujifilm2022a` Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_FLog2(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3910072... The values of *2-2. F-Log2 Code Value* table in :cite:`Fujifilm2022a` are obtained as follows: >>> x = np.array([0, 18, 90]) / 100 >>> np.around(log_encoding_FLog2(x, 10, False) * 100, 1) array([ 3.5, 38.4, 57.8]) >>> np.around(log_encoding_FLog2(x) * (2**10 - 1)).astype(np.int_) array([ 95, 400, 570]) """ return log_encoding_FLog( in_r, bit_depth, out_normalised_code_value, in_reflection, constants )
[docs] def log_decoding_FLog2( out_r: ArrayLike, bit_depth: int = 10, in_normalised_code_value: bool = True, out_reflection: bool = True, constants: Structure = CONSTANTS_FLOG2, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define the *Fujifilm F-Log2* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- out_r Non-linear data :math:`out`. bit_depth Bit depth used for conversion. in_normalised_code_value Whether the non-linear *Fujifilm F-Log2* data :math:`out` is encoded as normalised code values. out_reflection Whether the light level :math`in` to a camera is reflection. constants *Fujifilm F-Log2* constants. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.floating` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Linear reflection data :math`in`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``out_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``in_r`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Fujifilm2022a` Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_FLog2(0.39100724189123004) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799999... """ return log_decoding_FLog( out_r, bit_depth, in_normalised_code_value, out_reflection, constants )