Source code for colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.itut_h_273

Recommendation ITU-T H.273 Transfer Characteristics

Define the *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* transfer functions that do not belong
in another specification or standard, or have been modified for inclusion:

-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_H273_Log`
-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_inverse_H273_Log`
-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_H273_LogSqrt`
-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_inverse_H273_LogSqrt`
-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_H273_IEC61966_2`
-   :func:`colour.models.oetf_inverse_H273_IEC61966_2`
-   :func:`colour.models.eotf_H273_ST428_1`
-   :func:`colour.models.eotf_inverse_H273_ST428_1`

-   :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` : International
    Telecommunication Union. (2021). Recommendation ITU-T H.273 -
    Coding-independent code points for video signal type identification.
-   :cite:`SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2019` : Society of
    Motion Picture and Television Engineers. (2019). ST 428-1:2019 - D-Cinema
    Distribution Master — Image Characteristic. doi:10.5594/SMPTE.ST428-1.2019

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import spow

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat

from colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions import (
from colour.utilities import as_float, as_float_array, from_range_1, to_domain_1

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs] def oetf_H273_Log(L_c: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100:1 range). Parameters ---------- L_c Scene *Luminance* :math:`L_c`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding electrical signal :math:`V`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Warnings -------- - The function is clamped to domain [0.01, np.inf]. Examples -------- >>> oetf_H273_Log(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.6276362525516... >>> oetf_H273_Log(0.01) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0 >>> oetf_H273_Log(0.001) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0 >>> oetf_H273_Log(1.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0 """ L_c = to_domain_1(L_c) V = np.where( L_c >= 0.01, # L_c in [0.01, 1] range 1 + np.log10(L_c) / 2, # L_c in [0, 0.01] range 0, ) return as_float(from_range_1(V))
[docs] def oetf_inverse_H273_Log(V: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* inverse-opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100:1 range). Parameters ---------- V Electrical signal :math:`V`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding scene *Luminance* :math:`L_c`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Warnings -------- - The function is clamped to domain [:func:`colour.models.oetf_H273_Log` (0.01), np.inf]. Examples -------- >>> oetf_inverse_H273_Log(0.6276362525516) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.17999999... >>> oetf_inverse_H273_Log(0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.01 >>> oetf_inverse_H273_Log(1.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0 """ V = to_domain_1(V) L_c = np.where( oetf_H273_Log(0.01) <= V, # L_c in [0.01, 1] range spow(10, (V - 1) * 2), # L_c in [0, 0.01] range 0, ) return as_float(from_range_1(L_c))
[docs] def oetf_H273_LogSqrt(L_c: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100\\*Sqrt(10):1 range). Parameters ---------- L_c Scene *Luminance* :math:`L_c`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding electrical signal :math:`V`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Warnings -------- - The function is clamped to domain [:func:`colour.models.oetf_H273_LogSqrt` (sqrt(10) / 1000), np.inf]. Examples -------- >>> oetf_H273_LogSqrt(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.702109002041... >>> oetf_H273_LogSqrt(0.003162277660168) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0 >>> oetf_H273_LogSqrt(0.0001) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0 >>> oetf_H273_LogSqrt(1.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0 """ L_c = to_domain_1(L_c) V = np.where( L_c >= np.sqrt(10) / 1000, # L_c in [sqrt(10)/1000, 1] range 1 + np.log10(L_c) / 2.5, # L_c in [0, sqrt(10)/1000] range 0, ) return as_float(from_range_1(V))
[docs] def oetf_inverse_H273_LogSqrt(V: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* inverse-opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100\\*Sqrt(10):1 range). Parameters ---------- V Electrical signal :math:`V`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding scene *Luminance* :math:`L_c`. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Warnings -------- - The function is clamped to domain [sqrt(10) / 1000, np.inf]. Examples -------- >>> oetf_inverse_H273_LogSqrt(0.702109002041) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799999999... >>> oetf_inverse_H273_LogSqrt(0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.00316227766... >>> oetf_inverse_H273_LogSqrt(1.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0 """ V = to_domain_1(V) L_c = np.where( oetf_H273_LogSqrt(np.sqrt(10) / 1000) <= V, # L_c in [sqrt(10)/1000, 1] range spow(10, (V - 1) * 2.5), # L_c in [0, sqrt(10)/1000] range 0, ) return as_float(from_range_1(L_c))
[docs] def oetf_H273_IEC61966_2(L_c: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for *IEC 61966-2* family of transfer functions (*2-1 sRGB*, *2-1 sYCC*, *2-4 xvYCC*). Parameters ---------- L_c Scene *Luminance* :math:`L_c`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding electrical signal :math:`V`. Notes ----- Usage in :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` is as follows: - For *IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB (MatrixCoefficients=0)*, the function is only defined for :math:`L_c` in [0-1] range. - For *IEC 61966-2-1 sYCC (MatrixCoefficients=5)* and *IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC*, the function is defined for any real-valued :math:`L_c`. +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- - :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Examples -------- >>> oetf_H273_IEC61966_2(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4613561295004... >>> oetf_H273_IEC61966_2(-0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS -0.4613561295004... """ L_c = as_float_array(L_c) V = np.where( L_c >= 0, eotf_inverse_sRGB(L_c), -eotf_inverse_sRGB(-L_c), ) return as_float(V)
[docs] def oetf_inverse_H273_IEC61966_2(V: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for *IEC 61966-2* family of transfer functions (*2-1 sRGB*, *2-1 sYCC*, *2-4 xvYCC*). Parameters ---------- V Electrical signal :math:`V`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding scene luminance :math:`L_c`. Notes ----- Usage in :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` is as follows: - For *IEC 61966-2-1 sRGB (MatrixCoefficients=0)*, the function is only defined for :math:`L_c` in [0-1] range. - For *IEC 61966-2-1 sYCC (MatrixCoefficients=5)* and *IEC 61966-2-4 xvYCC*, the function is defined for any real-valued :math:`L_c`. +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_c`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- - :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` Examples -------- >>> oetf_inverse_H273_IEC61966_2(0.461356129500) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799999999... >>> oetf_inverse_H273_IEC61966_2(-0.461356129500) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS -0.1799999999... """ V = as_float_array(V) L_c = np.where( V >= 0, eotf_sRGB(V), -eotf_sRGB(-V), ) return as_float(L_c)
[docs] def eotf_inverse_H273_ST428_1(L_o: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define *Recommendation ITU-T H.273* inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) for *SMPTE ST 428-1 (2019)*. Parameters ---------- L_o Output display *Luminance* :math:`L_o` of the image. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding electrical signal :math:`V`. Notes ----- - The function given in :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` multiplies :math:`L_o` by 48 contrary to what is given in :cite:`SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2019` and :func:`colour.models.eotf_inverse_DCDM`. +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_o`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- - :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021`, :cite:`SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2019` Examples -------- >>> eotf_inverse_H273_ST428_1(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.5000483... """ L_o = to_domain_1(L_o) return as_float(from_range_1(eotf_inverse_DCDM(L_o * 48)))
[docs] def eotf_H273_ST428_1(V: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Define the *SMPTE ST 428-1 (2019)* electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). Parameters ---------- V Electrical signal :math:`V`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding output display *Luminance* :math:`L_o` of the image. Notes ----- - The function given in :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021` divides :math:`L_o` by 48 contrary to what is given in :cite:`SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2019` and :func:`colour.models.eotf_DCDM`. +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``V`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``L_o`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- - :cite:`InternationalTelecommunicationUnion2021`, :cite:`SocietyofMotionPictureandTelevisionEngineers2019` Examples -------- >>> eotf_H273_ST428_1(0.5000483377172) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799999... """ V = to_domain_1(V) return as_float(from_range_1(eotf_DCDM(V) / 48))