Source code for colour.appearance.hke

Helmholtz—Kohlrausch Effect

Define the following methods for estimating Helmholtz-Kohlrausch effect (HKE):

-   :attr:`colour.HKE_NAYATANI1997_METHODS`: Nayatani HKE computation methods,
    choice between variable achromatic colour ('VAC') and variable chromatic
    colour ('VCC').
-   :func:`colour.HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_object_Nayatani1997`:
    *Nayatani (1997)* HKE estimation for object colours.
-   :func:`colour.HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_luminous_Nayatani1997`:
    *Nayatani (1997)* HKE estimation for luminous colours.
-   :func:`colour.appearance.coefficient_q_Nayatani1997`:
    Calculates :math:`WI` coefficient for *Nayatani 1997* HKE estimation.
-   :func:`colour.appearance.coefficient_K_Br_Nayatani1997`:
    Calculates :math:`K_{Br}` coefficient for *Nayatani 1997* HKE estimation.

-   :cite:`Nayatani1997` : Nayatani, Y. (1997). Simple estimation methods for
    the Helmholtz—Kohlrausch effect. Color Research & Application, 22(6),
    385-401. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1520-6378(199712)22:6<385::AID-COL6>3.0.CO;2-R

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import spow

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import ArrayLike, Literal, NDArrayFloat

from colour.utilities import CanonicalMapping, as_float_array, tsplit, validate_method

__author__ = "Ilia Sibiryakov"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

HKE_NAYATANI1997_METHODS = CanonicalMapping(
        "VAC": -0.1340,
        "VCC": -0.8660,
HKE_NAYATANI1997_METHODS.__doc__ = """
*Nayatani (1997)* *HKE* computation methods, choice between variable achromatic
colour ('VAC') and variable chromatic colour ('VCC')


[docs] def HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_object_Nayatani1997( uv: ArrayLike, uv_c: ArrayLike, L_a: ArrayLike, method: Literal["VAC", "VCC"] | str = "VCC", ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Return the *HKE* value for object colours using *Nayatani (1997)* method. Parameters ---------- uv *CIE uv* chromaticity coordinates of samples. uv_c *CIE uv* chromaticity coordinates of reference white. L_a Adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`. method Which estimation method to use, *VCC* or *VAC*. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Luminance factor (:math:`\\Gamma`) value(s) computed with Nayatani object colour estimation method. References ---------- :cite:`Nayatani1997` Examples -------- >>> import colour >>> white = colour.xy_to_Luv_uv(colour.temperature.CCT_to_xy_CIE_D(6504)) >>> colours = colour.XYZ_to_xy( ... [colour.wavelength_to_XYZ(430 + i * 50) for i in range(5)] ... ) >>> L_adapting = 65 >>> HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_object_Nayatani1997( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... colour.xy_to_Luv_uv(colours), white, L_adapting ... ) array([ 2.2468383..., 1.4619799..., 1.1801658..., 0.9031318..., \ 1.7999376...]) """ u, v = tsplit(uv) u_c, v_c = tsplit(uv_c) method = validate_method(method, tuple(HKE_NAYATANI1997_METHODS)) K_Br = coefficient_K_Br_Nayatani1997(L_a) q = coefficient_q_Nayatani1997(np.arctan2(v - v_c, u - u_c)) S_uv = 13 * np.sqrt((u - u_c) ** 2 + (v - v_c) ** 2) return 1 + (HKE_NAYATANI1997_METHODS[method] * q + 0.0872 * K_Br) * S_uv
[docs] def HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_luminous_Nayatani1997( uv: ArrayLike, uv_c: ArrayLike, L_a: ArrayLike, method: Literal["VAC", "VCC"] | str = "VCC", ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Return the *HKE* factor for luminous colours using *Nayatani (1997)* method. Parameters ---------- uv *CIE uv* chromaticity coordinates of samples. uv_c *CIE uv* chromaticity coordinates of reference white. L_a Adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`. method Which estimation method to use, *VCC* or *VAC*. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Luminance factor (:math:`\\Gamma`) value(s) computed with Nayatani luminous colour estimation method. References ---------- :cite:`Nayatani1997` Examples -------- >>> import colour >>> white = colour.xy_to_Luv_uv(colour.temperature.CCT_to_xy_CIE_D(6504)) >>> colours = colour.XYZ_to_xy( ... [colour.wavelength_to_XYZ(430 + i * 50) for i in range(5)] ... ) >>> L_adapting = 65 >>> HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_luminous_Nayatani1997( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... colour.xy_to_Luv_uv(colours), white, L_adapting ... ) array([ 7.4460471..., 2.4767159..., 1.4723422..., 0.7938695..., \ 4.1828629...]) """ return ( 0.4462 * ( HelmholtzKohlrausch_effect_object_Nayatani1997(uv, uv_c, L_a, method) + 0.3086 ) ** 3 )
[docs] def coefficient_q_Nayatani1997( theta: ArrayLike, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Return the :math:`q(\\theta)` coefficient for *Nayatani (1997)* *HKE* computations. The hue angle :math:`\\theta` can be computed as follows: :math:`tan^{-1}\\cfrac{v' - v'_c}{u' - u'_c}` where :math:`u'` and :math:`v'` are the CIE 1976 chromaticity coordinates of the test chromatic light and :math:`u'_c` and :math:`v'_c` are the CIE 1976 chromaticity coordinates of the reference white light. Parameters ---------- theta Hue angle (:math:`\\theta`) in radians. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` :math:`q` coefficient for *Nayatani (1997)* *HKE* methods. References ---------- :cite:`Nayatani1997` Examples -------- This recreates *FIG. A-1*. >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> angles = [(np.pi * 2 / 100 * i) for i in range(100)] >>> q_values = coefficient_q_Nayatani1997(angles) >>> plt.plot(np.array(angles), q_values / (np.pi * 2) * 180) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0x...>] >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ theta = as_float_array(theta) theta_2, theta_3, theta_4 = 2 * theta, 3 * theta, 4 * theta return ( -0.01585 - 0.03017 * np.cos(theta) - 0.04556 * np.cos(theta_2) - 0.02667 * np.cos(theta_3) - 0.00295 * np.cos(theta_4) + 0.14592 * np.sin(theta) + 0.05084 * np.sin(theta_2) - 0.01900 * np.sin(theta_3) - 0.00764 * np.sin(theta_4) )
[docs] def coefficient_K_Br_Nayatani1997( L_a: ArrayLike, ) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Return the :math:`K_{Br}` coefficient for *Nayatani (1997)* *HKE* computations. Parameters ---------- L_a Adapting luminance in :math:`cd/m^2`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` :math:`K_{Br}` coefficient for *Nayatani (1997)* *HKE* methods. Notes ----- - The :math:`K_{Br}` coefficient is normalised to unity around :math:`63.66cd/m^2`. References ---------- :cite:`Nayatani1997` Examples -------- >>> L_a_values = [10 + i * 20 for i in range(5)] >>> coefficient_K_Br_Nayatani1997(L_a_values) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.7134481..., 0.8781172..., 0.9606248..., 1.0156689..., \ 1.0567008...]) >>> coefficient_K_Br_Nayatani1997(63.66) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 1.0001284... """ L_a_4495 = spow(L_a, 0.4495) return 0.2717 * (6.469 + 6.362 * L_a_4495) / (6.469 + L_a_4495)