Source code for colour.models.rgb.hanbury2003

IHLS Colour Encoding

Define the :math:`IHLS` (Improved HLS) colourspace related transformations:

-   :func:`colour.RGB_to_IHLS`
-   :func:`colour.IHLS_to_RGB`

-   :cite:`Hanbury2003` : Hanbury, A. (2003). A 3D-Polar Coordinate Colour
    Representation Well Adapted to Image Analysis. In J. Bigun & T. Gustavsson
    (Eds.), Image Analysis (pp. 804-811). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import sdiv, sdiv_mode, vecmul

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import ArrayLike, NDArrayFloat

from colour.utilities import from_range_1, to_domain_1, tsplit, tstack, zeros

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

MATRIX_RGB_TO_YC_1_C_2: NDArrayFloat = np.array(
        [0.2126, 0.7152, 0.0722],
        [1, -0.5, -0.5],
        [0, -np.sqrt(3) / 2, np.sqrt(3) / 2],
"""*RGB* colourspace to *YC_1C_2* colourspace matrix."""

MATRIX_YC_1_C_2_TO_RGB: NDArrayFloat = np.linalg.inv(MATRIX_RGB_TO_YC_1_C_2)
"""*YC_1C_2* colourspace to *RGB* colourspace matrix."""

[docs] def RGB_to_IHLS(RGB: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Convert from *RGB* colourspace to *IHLS* (Improved HLS) colourspace. Parameters ---------- RGB *RGB* colourspace array. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *HYS* colourspace array. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``RGB`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``HYS`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Hanbury2003` Examples -------- >>> RGB = np.array([0.45595571, 0.03039702, 0.04087245]) >>> RGB_to_IHLS(RGB) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 6.2616051..., 0.1216271..., 0.4255586...]) """ RGB = to_domain_1(RGB) R, G, B = tsplit(RGB) Y, C_1, C_2 = tsplit(vecmul(MATRIX_RGB_TO_YC_1_C_2, RGB)) C = np.hypot(C_1, C_2) with sdiv_mode(): C_1_C = sdiv(C_1, C) arcos_C_1_C_2 = zeros(C_1_C.shape) arcos_C_1_C_2[C_1_C != 0] = np.arccos(C_1_C[C_1_C != 0]) H = np.where(C_2 <= 0, arcos_C_1_C_2, (np.pi * 2) - arcos_C_1_C_2) S = np.maximum(np.maximum(R, G), B) - np.minimum(np.minimum(R, G), B) HYS = tstack([H, Y, S]) return from_range_1(HYS)
[docs] def IHLS_to_RGB(HYS: ArrayLike) -> NDArrayFloat: """ Convert from *IHLS* (Improved HLS) colourspace to *RGB* colourspace. Parameters ---------- HYS *IHLS* colourspace array. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *RGB* colourspace array. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``HYS`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+===============+ | ``RGB`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`Hanbury2003` Examples -------- >>> HYS = np.array([6.26160518, 0.12162712, 0.42555869]) >>> IHLS_to_RGB(HYS) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.4559557..., 0.0303970..., 0.0408724...]) """ H, Y, S = tsplit(to_domain_1(HYS)) pi_3 = np.pi / 3 k = np.floor(H / pi_3) H_s = H - k * pi_3 C = (np.sqrt(3) * S) / (2 * np.sin(2 * pi_3 - H_s)) C_1 = C * np.cos(H) C_2 = -C * np.sin(H) RGB = vecmul(MATRIX_YC_1_C_2_TO_RGB, tstack([Y, C_1, C_2])) return from_range_1(RGB)