Source code for colour.plotting.notation

Colour Notation Systems Plotting

Define the colour notation systems plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour.plotting.plot_single_munsell_value_function`
-   :func:`colour.plotting.plot_multi_munsell_value_functions`

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

import numpy as np

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from matplotlib.axes import Axes
    from matplotlib.figure import Figure

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from colour.hints import Any, Callable, Dict, Sequence, Tuple

from colour.notation import MUNSELL_VALUE_METHODS
from colour.plotting import filter_passthrough, override_style, plot_multi_functions

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs] @override_style() def plot_single_munsell_value_function( function: Callable | str, **kwargs: Any ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Plot given *Lightness* function. Parameters ---------- function *Munsell* value function to plot. ``function`` can be of any type or form supported by the :func:`colour.plotting.common.filter_passthrough` definition. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs {:func:`colour.plotting.artist`, :func:`colour.plotting.plot_multi_functions`, :func:`colour.plotting.render`}, See the documentation of the previously listed definitions. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` Current figure and axes. Examples -------- >>> plot_single_munsell_value_function("ASTM D1535") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (<Figure size ... with 1 Axes>, <...Axes...>) .. image:: ../_static/Plotting_Plot_Single_Munsell_Value_Function.png :align: center :alt: plot_single_munsell_value_function """ settings: Dict[str, Any] = {"title": f"{function} - Munsell Value Function"} settings.update(kwargs) return plot_multi_munsell_value_functions((function,), **settings)
[docs] @override_style() def plot_multi_munsell_value_functions( functions: Callable | str | Sequence[Callable | str], **kwargs: Any, ) -> Tuple[Figure, Axes]: """ Plot given *Munsell* value functions. Parameters ---------- functions *Munsell* value functions to plot. ``functions`` elements can be of any type or form supported by the :func:`colour.plotting.common.filter_passthrough` definition. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs {:func:`colour.plotting.artist`, :func:`colour.plotting.plot_multi_functions`, :func:`colour.plotting.render`}, See the documentation of the previously listed definitions. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` Current figure and axes. Examples -------- >>> plot_multi_munsell_value_functions(["ASTM D1535", "McCamy 1987"]) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (<Figure size ... with 1 Axes>, <...Axes...>) .. image:: ../_static/Plotting_Plot_Multi_Munsell_Value_Functions.png :align: center :alt: plot_multi_munsell_value_functions """ functions_filtered = filter_passthrough(MUNSELL_VALUE_METHODS, functions) settings: Dict[str, Any] = { "bounding_box": (0, 100, 0, 10), "legend": True, "title": f"{', '.join(functions_filtered)} - Munsell Functions", "x_label": "Luminance Y", "y_label": "Munsell Value V", } settings.update(kwargs) return plot_multi_functions( functions_filtered, samples=np.linspace(0, 100, 1000), **settings )