Source code for colour.utilities.common

Common Utilities

Define the common utilities objects that don't fall in any specific category.

-   :cite:`DjangoSoftwareFoundation2022` : Django Software Foundation. (2022).
    slugify. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from\
-   :cite:`Kienzle2011a` : Kienzle, P., Patel, N., & Krycka, J. (2011).
    refl1d.numpyerrors - Refl1D v0.6.19 documentation. Retrieved January 30,
    2015, from\

from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import inspect
import os
import re
import types
import unicodedata
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
from pprint import pformat

import numpy as np

from colour.constants import THRESHOLD_INTEGER
from colour.hints import (
from colour.utilities import CanonicalMapping, Lookup, is_xxhash_installed

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

_CACHING_ENABLED: bool = not os.environ.get("COLOUR_SCIENCE__DISABLE_CACHING", False)
Global variable storing the current *Colour* caching enabled state.

[docs] def is_caching_enabled() -> bool: """ Return whether *Colour* caching is enabled. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *Colour* caching is enabled. Examples -------- >>> with caching_enable(False): ... is_caching_enabled() False >>> with caching_enable(True): ... is_caching_enabled() True """ return _CACHING_ENABLED
[docs] def set_caching_enable(enable: bool): """ Set *Colour* caching enabled state. Parameters ---------- enable Whether to enable *Colour* caching. Examples -------- >>> with caching_enable(True): ... print(is_caching_enabled()) ... set_caching_enable(False) ... print(is_caching_enabled()) True False """ global _CACHING_ENABLED # noqa: PLW0603 _CACHING_ENABLED = enable
[docs] class caching_enable: """ Define a context manager and decorator temporarily setting *Colour* caching enabled state. Parameters ---------- enable Whether to enable or disable *Colour* caching. """
[docs] def __init__(self, enable: bool) -> None: self._enable = enable self._previous_state = is_caching_enabled()
def __enter__(self) -> caching_enable: """ Set the *Colour* caching enabled state upon entering the context manager. """ set_caching_enable(self._enable) return self def __exit__(self, *args: Any): """ Set the *Colour* caching enabled state upon exiting the context manager. """ set_caching_enable(self._previous_state) def __call__(self, function: Callable) -> Callable: """Call the wrapped definition.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: with self: return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] class CacheRegistry: """ A registry for mapping-based caches. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.utilities.CacheRegistry.registry` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.__str__` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.register_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.unregister_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.clear_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.clear_all_caches` Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_cache("Cache A") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.unregister_cache("Cache B") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)'} >>> print(cache_b) {} """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self._registry: dict = {}
@property def registry(self) -> dict: """ Getter property for the cache registry. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Cache registry. """ return self._registry
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a formatted string representation of the cache registry. Returns ------- :class:`str` Formatted string representation. """ return pformat( { name: f"{len(self._registry[name])} item(s)" for name in sorted(self._registry) } )
[docs] def register_cache(self, name: str) -> dict: """ Register a new cache with given name in the registry. Parameters ---------- name Cache name for the registry. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Registered cache. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} """ self._registry[name] = {} return self._registry[name]
[docs] def unregister_cache(self, name: str): """ Unregister cache with given name in the registry. Parameters ---------- name Cache name in the registry. Notes ----- - The cache is cleared before being unregistered. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.unregister_cache("Cache B") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)'} >>> print(cache_b) {} """ self.clear_cache(name) del self._registry[name]
[docs] def clear_cache(self, name: str): """ Clear the cache with given name. Parameters ---------- name Cache name in the registry. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_cache("Cache A") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)'} """ self._registry[name].clear()
[docs] def clear_all_caches(self): """ Clear all the caches in the registry. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_all_caches() >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)', 'Cache B': '0 item(s)'} """ for key in self._registry: self.clear_cache(key)
CACHE_REGISTRY: CacheRegistry = CacheRegistry() """ *Colour* cache registry referencing all the caches used for repetitive or long processes. """
[docs] def handle_numpy_errors(**kwargs: Any) -> Callable: """ Decorate a function to handle *Numpy* errors. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Callable References ---------- :cite:`Kienzle2011a` Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> @handle_numpy_errors(all="ignore") ... def f(): ... 1 / numpy.zeros(3) >>> f() """ keyword_arguments = kwargs def wrapper(function: Callable) -> Callable: """Wrap given function wrapper.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with np.errstate(**keyword_arguments): return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
ignore_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="ignore") raise_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="raise") print_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="print") warn_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="warn")
[docs] def ignore_python_warnings(function: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorate a function to ignore *Python* warnings. Parameters ---------- function Function to decorate. Returns ------- Callable Examples -------- >>> @ignore_python_warnings ... def f(): ... warnings.warn("This is an ignored warning!") >>> f() """ @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] def attest(condition: bool | DTypeBoolean, message: str = ""): """ Provide the `assert` statement functionality without being disabled by optimised Python execution. Parameters ---------- condition Condition to attest/assert. message Message to display when the assertion fails. """ if not condition: raise AssertionError(message)
[docs] def batch(sequence: Sequence, k: int | Literal[3] = 3) -> Generator: """ Return a batch generator from given sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence Sequence to create batches from. k Batch size. Yields ------ Generator Batch generator. Examples -------- >>> batch(tuple(range(10)), 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object batch at 0x...> """ for i in range(0, len(sequence), k): yield sequence[i : i + k]
_MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED: bool = True """*Colour* multiprocessing state."""
[docs] class disable_multiprocessing: """ Define a context manager and decorator to temporarily disabling *Colour* multiprocessing state. """ def __enter__(self) -> disable_multiprocessing: """ Disable *Colour* multiprocessing state upon entering the context manager. """ global _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED # noqa: PLW0603 _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED = False return self def __exit__(self, *args: Any): """ Enable *Colour* multiprocessing state upon exiting the context manager. """ global _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED # noqa: PLW0603 _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED = True def __call__(self, function: Callable) -> Callable: """Call the wrapped definition.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with self: return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
def _initializer(kwargs: Any): """ Initialize a multiprocessing pool. It is used to ensure that processes on *Windows* inherit correctly from the current domain-range scale. Parameters ---------- kwargs Initialisation arguments. """ # NOTE: No coverage information is available as this code is executed in # sub-processes. import colour.utilities.array # pragma: no cover colour.utilities.array._DOMAIN_RANGE_SCALE = kwargs.get( "scale", "reference" ) # pragma: no cover import colour.algebra.common # pragma: no cover colour.algebra.common._SDIV_MODE = kwargs.get( "sdiv_mode", "Ignore Zero Conversion" ) # pragma: no cover colour.algebra.common._SPOW_ENABLED = kwargs.get( "spow_enabled", True ) # pragma: no cover
[docs] @contextmanager def multiprocessing_pool(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Generator: """ Define a context manager providing a multiprocessing pool. Other Parameters ---------------- args Arguments. kwargs Keywords arguments. Yields ------ Generator Multiprocessing pool. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> def _add(a, b): ... return a + b >>> with multiprocessing_pool() as pool: ..., b=2), range(10)) ... # doctest: +SKIP [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] """ from colour.algebra import get_sdiv_mode, is_spow_enabled from colour.utilities import get_domain_range_scale class _DummyPool: """ A dummy multiprocessing pool that does not perform multiprocessing. Other Parameters ---------------- args Arguments. kwargs Keywords arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass def map(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None): # noqa: ARG002 """Apply given function to each element of given iterable.""" return [func(a) for a in iterable] def terminate(self): """Terminate the process.""" kwargs["initializer"] = _initializer kwargs["initargs"] = ( { "scale": get_domain_range_scale(), "sdiv_mode": get_sdiv_mode(), "spow_enabled": is_spow_enabled(), }, ) pool_factory: Callable if _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED: import multiprocessing pool_factory = multiprocessing.Pool else: pool_factory = _DummyPool pool = pool_factory(*args, **kwargs) try: yield pool finally: pool.terminate()
[docs] def is_iterable(a: Any) -> bool: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is iterable. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to check the iterability. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is iterable. Examples -------- >>> is_iterable([1, 2, 3]) True >>> is_iterable(1) False """ return isinstance(a, str) or (bool(getattr(a, "__iter__", False)))
[docs] def is_numeric(a: Any) -> bool: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is a :class:`Real`-like variable. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is a :class:`Real`-like variable. Examples -------- >>> is_numeric(1) True >>> is_numeric((1,)) False """ return isinstance( a, ( int, float, complex, np.integer, np.int8, np.int8, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64, np.uint8, np.uint16, np.uint32, np.uint64, np.floating, np.float16, np.float32, np.float64, np.csingle, np.cdouble, ), # pyright: ignore )
[docs] def is_integer(a: Any) -> bool: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is an :class:`numpy.integer`-like variable under given threshold. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is an :class:`numpy.integer`-like variable. Notes ----- - The determination threshold is defined by the :attr:`colour.algebra.common.THRESHOLD_INTEGER` attribute. Examples -------- >>> is_integer(1) True >>> is_integer(1.01) False """ return abs(a - np.around(a)) <= THRESHOLD_INTEGER
[docs] def is_sibling(element: Any, mapping: Mapping) -> bool: """ Return whether given element type is present in given mapping types. Parameters ---------- element Element to check whether its type is present in the mapping types. mapping Mapping types. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether given element type is present in given mapping types. """ return isinstance(element, tuple({type(element) for element in mapping.values()}))
[docs] def filter_kwargs(function: Callable, **kwargs: Any) -> dict: """ Filter keyword arguments incompatible with the given function signature. Parameters ---------- function Callable to filter the incompatible keyword arguments. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Keywords arguments. Returns ------- dict Filtered keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> def fn_a(a): ... return a >>> def fn_b(a, b=0): ... return a, b >>> def fn_c(a, b=0, c=0): ... return a, b, c >>> fn_a(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_a, b=2, c=3)) 1 >>> fn_b(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_b, b=2, c=3)) (1, 2) >>> fn_c(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_c, b=2, c=3)) (1, 2, 3) """ kwargs = copy(kwargs) try: args = list(inspect.signature(function).parameters.keys()) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return {} for key in set(kwargs.keys()) - set(args): kwargs.pop(key) return kwargs
[docs] def filter_mapping(mapping: Mapping, names: str | Sequence[str]) -> dict: """ Filter given mapping with given names. Parameters ---------- mapping Mapping to filter. names Name for given mapping elements or a list of names. Returns ------- dict Filtered mapping elements. Notes ----- - If the mapping passed is a :class:`colour.utilities.CanonicalMapping` class instance, then the lower, slugified and canonical keys are also used for matching. - To honour the filterers ordering, the return value is a :class:`dict` class instance. Examples -------- >>> class Element: ... pass >>> mapping = { ... "Element A": Element(), ... "Element B": Element(), ... "Element C": Element(), ... "Not Element C": Element(), ... } >>> filter_mapping(mapping, "Element A") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'Element A': <colour.utilities.common.Element object at 0x...>} """ def filter_mapping_with_name(mapping: Mapping, name: str) -> dict: """ Filter given mapping with given name. Parameters ---------- mapping Mapping to filter. name Name for given mapping elements. Returns ------- dict Filtered mapping elements. """ keys = list(mapping.keys()) if isinstance(mapping, CanonicalMapping): keys += list(mapping.lower_keys()) keys += list(mapping.slugified_keys()) keys += list(mapping.canonical_keys()) elements = [mapping[key] for key in keys if name == key] lookup = Lookup(mapping) return {lookup.first_key_from_value(element): element for element in elements} names = [str(names)] if isinstance(names, str) else names filtered_mapping = {} for filterer in names: filtered_mapping.update(filter_mapping_with_name(mapping, filterer)) return filtered_mapping
[docs] def first_item(a: Iterable) -> Any: """ Return the first item of given iterable. Parameters ---------- a Iterable to get the first item from. Returns ------- :class:`object` Raises ------ :class:`StopIteration` If the iterable is empty. Examples -------- >>> a = range(10) >>> first_item(a) 0 """ return next(iter(a))
[docs] def copy_definition(definition: Callable, name: str | None = None) -> Callable: """ Copy a definition using the same code, globals, defaults, closure, and name. Parameters ---------- definition Definition to be copied. name Optional definition copy name. Returns ------- Callable Definition copy. """ copy = types.FunctionType( definition.__code__, definition.__globals__, str(name or definition.__name__), definition.__defaults__, definition.__closure__, ) copy.__dict__.update(definition.__dict__) return copy
[docs] @functools.cache def validate_method( method: str, valid_methods: tuple, message: str = '"{0}" method is invalid, it must be one of {1}!', as_lowercase: bool = True, ) -> str: """ Validate whether given method exists in the given valid methods and optionally returns the method lower cased. Parameters ---------- method Method to validate. valid_methods Valid methods. message Message for the exception. as_lowercase Whether to convert the given method to lower case or not. Returns ------- :class:`str` Method optionally lower cased. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the method does not exist. Examples -------- >>> validate_method("Valid", ("Valid", "Yes", "Ok")) 'valid' >>> validate_method("Valid", ("Valid", "Yes", "Ok"), as_lowercase=False) 'Valid' """ valid_methods = tuple([str(valid_method) for valid_method in valid_methods]) method_lower = method.lower() if method_lower not in [valid_method.lower() for valid_method in valid_methods]: raise ValueError(message.format(method, valid_methods)) return method_lower if as_lowercase else method
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] def optional(value: T | None, default: T) -> T: """ Handle optional argument value by providing a default value. Parameters ---------- value Optional argument value. default Default argument value if ``value`` is *None*. Returns ------- T Argument value. Examples -------- >>> optional("Foo", "Bar") 'Foo' >>> optional(None, "Bar") 'Bar' """ if value is None: return default else: return value
[docs] def slugify(object_: Any, allow_unicode: bool = False) -> str: """ Generate a *SEO* friendly and human-readable slug from given object. Convert to ASCII if ``allow_unicode`` is *False*. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores. Parameters ---------- object_ Object to convert to a slug. allow_unicode Whether to allow unicode characters in the generated slug. Returns ------- :class:`str` Generated slug. References ---------- :cite:`DjangoSoftwareFoundation2022` Examples -------- >>> slugify(" Jack & Jill like numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and silly characters ?%.$!/") 'jack-jill-like-numbers-123-and-4-and-silly-characters' """ value = str(object_) if allow_unicode: value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", value) else: value = ( unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value) .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("ascii") ) value = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", value.lower()) return re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "-", value).strip("-_")
if is_xxhash_installed(): import xxhash from colour.utilities.documentation import is_documentation_building int_digest = xxhash.xxh3_64_intdigest if is_documentation_building(): # pragma: no cover import array
[docs] def int_digest( args: ( # noqa: ARG001 str | bytes | bytearray | memoryview | array.ArrayType[int] ), seed: int = 0, # noqa: ARG001 ) -> int: """ Generate an integer digest for given argument using *xxhash* if available or falling back to :func:`hash` if not. Parameters ---------- args Argument to generate the int digest of. seed Seed used to alter result predictably. Returns ------- :class:`int` Integer digest. """ return -1
else: int_digest = hash # pyright: ignore # pragma: no cover