Source code for

Sony .spi3d LUT Format Input / Output Utilities

Define the *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT* format related input / output utilities

-   :func:``
-   :func:``

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from import LUT3D, LUTSequence
from import path_to_title
from colour.utilities import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "BSD-3-Clause -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs] def read_LUT_SonySPI3D(path: str | Path) -> LUT3D: """ Read given *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT* file. Parameters ---------- path *LUT* path. Returns ------- :class:`colour.LUT3D` :class:`LUT3D` class instance. Examples -------- Reading an ordered and an unordered 3D *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT*: >>> import os >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), ... "tests", ... "resources", ... "sony_spi3d", ... "Colour_Correct.spi3d", ... ) >>> print(read_LUT_SonySPI3D(path)) LUT3D - Colour Correct ---------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 3 Domain : [[ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 1. 1.]] Size : (4, 4, 4, 3) Comment 01 : Adapted from a LUT generated by Foundry::LUT. >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), ... "tests", ... "resources", ... "sony_spi3d", ... "Colour_Correct_Unordered.spi3d", ... ) >>> print(read_LUT_SonySPI3D(path)) LUT3D - Colour Correct Unordered -------------------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 3 Domain : [[ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 1. 1.]] Size : (4, 4, 4, 3) Comment 01 : Adapted from a LUT generated by Foundry::LUT. """ path = str(path) title = path_to_title(path) domain_min, domain_max = np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([1, 1, 1]) size: int = 2 data_table = [] data_indexes = [] comments = [] with open(path) as spi3d_file: lines = filter(None, (line.strip() for line in spi3d_file.readlines())) for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): comments.append(line[1:].strip()) continue tokens = line.split() if len(tokens) == 3: attest( len(set(tokens)) == 1, 'Non-uniform "LUT" shape is unsupported!', ) size = as_int_scalar(tokens[0]) if len(tokens) == 6: data_table.append(as_float_array(tokens[3:])) data_indexes.append(as_int_array(tokens[:3])) indexes = as_int_array(data_indexes) sorting_indexes = np.lexsort((indexes[:, 2], indexes[:, 1], indexes[:, 0])) attest( np.array_equal( indexes[sorting_indexes], np.reshape( as_int_array(np.around(LUT3D.linear_table(size) * (size - 1))), (-1, 3) ), ), 'Indexes do not match expected "LUT3D" indexes!', ) table = np.reshape( as_float_array(data_table)[sorting_indexes], (size, size, size, 3) ) return LUT3D(table, title, np.vstack([domain_min, domain_max]), comments=comments)
[docs] def write_LUT_SonySPI3D( LUT: LUT3D | LUTSequence, path: str | Path, decimals: int = 7 ) -> bool: """ Write given *LUT* to given *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT* file. Parameters ---------- LUT :class:`LUT3D` or :class:`LUTSequence` class instance to write at given path. path *LUT* path. decimals Formatting decimals. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Definition success. Warnings -------- - If a :class:`LUTSequence` class instance is passed as ``LUT``, the first *LUT* in the *LUT* sequence will be used. Examples -------- Writing a 3D *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT*: >>> LUT = LUT3D( ... LUT3D.linear_table(16) ** (1 / 2.2), ... "My LUT", ... np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), ... comments=["A first comment.", "A second comment."], ... ) >>> write_LUT_SonySPI3D(LUT, "My_LUT.cube") # doctest: +SKIP """ path = str(path) if isinstance(LUT, LUTSequence): usage_warning( f'"LUT" is a "LUTSequence" instance was passed, using first ' f'sequence "LUT":\n{LUT}' ) LUTxD = LUT[0] else: LUTxD = LUT attest(not LUTxD.is_domain_explicit(), '"LUT" domain must be implicit!') attest(isinstance(LUTxD, LUT3D), '"LUT" must be either a 3D "LUT"!') attest( np.array_equal( LUTxD.domain, np.array( [ [0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], ] ), ), '"LUT" domain must be [[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]!', ) with open(path, "w") as spi3d_file: spi3d_file.write("SPILUT 1.0\n") spi3d_file.write("3 3\n") spi3d_file.write(f"{LUTxD.size} {LUTxD.size} {LUTxD.size}\n") indexes = np.reshape( as_int_array(np.around(LUTxD.linear_table(LUTxD.size) * (LUTxD.size - 1))), (-1, 3), ) table = np.reshape(LUTxD.table, (-1, 3)) for i, array in enumerate(indexes): spi3d_file.write("{:d} {:d} {:d}".format(*array)) spi3d_file.write(f" {format_array_as_row(table[i], decimals)}\n") if LUTxD.comments: for comment in LUTxD.comments: spi3d_file.write(f"# {comment}\n") return True