Source code for colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.red_log

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
RED Log Encodings

Defines the *RED* log encodings:

-   :func:`log_encoding_REDLog`
-   :func:`log_decoding_REDLog`
-   :func:`log_encoding_REDLogFilm`
-   :func:`log_decoding_REDLogFilm`
-   :func:`log_encoding_Log3G10`
-   :func:`log_decoding_Log3G10`
-   :func:`log_encoding_Log3G12`
-   :func:`log_decoding_Log3G12`

See Also
`RGB Colourspaces Jupyter Notebook

.. [1]  Sony Imageworks. (2012). Retrieved November 27, 2014, from\
.. [2]  Nattress, G. (2016). Private Discussion with Shaw, N.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions import (log_encoding_Cineon,

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2017 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'log_encoding_REDLog', 'log_decoding_REDLog', 'log_encoding_REDLogFilm',
    'log_decoding_REDLogFilm', 'log_encoding_Log3G10', 'log_decoding_Log3G10',
    'log_encoding_Log3G12', 'log_decoding_Log3G12'

[docs]def log_encoding_REDLog(x, black_offset=10 ** ((0 - 1023) / 511)): """ Defines the *REDLog* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numeric or array_like Linear data :math:`x`. black_offset : numeric or array_like Black offset. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Non-linear data :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_REDLog(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.6376218... """ x = np.asarray(x) return (( 1023 + 511 * np.log10(x * (1 - black_offset) + black_offset)) / 1023)
[docs]def log_decoding_REDLog(y, black_offset=10 ** ((0 - 1023) / 511)): """ Defines the *REDLog* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Non-linear data :math:`y`. black_offset : numeric or array_like Black offset. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Linear data :math:`x`. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_REDLog(0.637621845988175) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ y = np.asarray(y) return (((10 ** ((1023 * y - 1023) / 511)) - black_offset) / (1 - black_offset))
[docs]def log_encoding_REDLogFilm(x, black_offset=10 ** ((95 - 685) / 300)): """ Defines the *REDLogFilm* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numeric or array_like Linear data :math:`x`. black_offset : numeric or array_like Black offset. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Non-linear data :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_REDLogFilm(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4573196... """ return log_encoding_Cineon(x, black_offset)
[docs]def log_decoding_REDLogFilm(y, black_offset=10 ** ((95 - 685) / 300)): """ Defines the *REDLogFilm* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Non-linear data :math:`y`. black_offset : numeric or array_like Black offset. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Linear data :math:`x`. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_REDLogFilm(0.457319613085418) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799999... """ return log_decoding_Cineon(y, black_offset)
[docs]def log_encoding_Log3G10(x, legacy_curve=False): """ Defines the *Log3G10* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numeric or array_like Linear data :math:`x`. legacy_curve : bool, optional Whether to use the v1 *Log3G10* log encoding curve. Default is `False`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Non-linear data :math:`y`. Notes ----- - The v1 *Log3G10* log encoding curve is the one used in *REDCINE-X beta 42*. *Resolve 12.5.2* also uses the v1 curve. *RED* is planning to use v2 *Log3G10* log encoding curve in the release version of the *RED SDK*. Use the `legacy_curve=True` argument to switch to the v1 curve for compatibility with the current (as of September 21, 2016) *RED SDK*. - The intent of the v1 *Log3G10* log encoding curve is that zero maps to zero, 0.18 maps to 1/3, and 10 stops above 0.18 maps to 1.0. The name indicates this in a similar way to the naming conventions of *Sony HyperGamma* curves. The constants used in the functions do not in fact quite hit these values, but rather than use corrected constants, the functions here use the official *RED* values, in order to match the output of the *RED SDK*. For those interested, solving for constants which exactly hit 1/3 and 1.0 yields the following values:: B = 25 * (np.sqrt(4093.0) - 3) / 9 A = 1 / np.log10(B * 184.32 + 1) where the function takes the form:: Log3G10(x) = A * np.log10(B * x + 1) Similarly for *Log3G12*, the values which hit exactly 1/3 and 1.0 are:: B = 25 * (np.sqrt(16381.0) - 3) / 9 A = 1 / np.log10(B * 737.28 + 1) Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_Log3G10(0.18, legacy_curve=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3333336... >>> log_encoding_Log3G10(0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.0915514... """ x = np.asarray(x) if legacy_curve: return np.sign(x) * 0.222497 * np.log10((np.abs(x) * 169.379333) + 1) else: return (np.sign(x + 0.01) * 0.224282 * np.log10((np.abs(x + 0.01) * 155.975327) + 1))
[docs]def log_decoding_Log3G10(y, legacy_curve=False): """ Defines the *Log3G10* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Non-linear data :math:`y`. legacy_curve : bool, optional Whether to use the v1 *Log3G10* log encoding curve. Default is `False`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Linear data :math:`x`. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_Log3G10(1.0 / 3, legacy_curve=True) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1799994... >>> log_decoding_Log3G10(1.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 184.3223476... """ y = np.asarray(y) if legacy_curve: return (np.sign(y) * (np.power(10.0, np.abs(y) / 0.222497) - 1) / 169.379333) else: return (np.sign(y) * (np.power(10.0, np.abs(y) / 0.224282) - 1) / 155.975327) - 0.01
[docs]def log_encoding_Log3G12(x): """ Defines the *Log3G12* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- x : numeric or array_like Linear data :math:`x`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Non-linear data :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_Log3G12(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3333326... """ x = np.asarray(x) return np.sign(x) * 0.184904 * np.log10((np.abs(x) * 347.189667) + 1)
[docs]def log_decoding_Log3G12(y): """ Defines the *Log3G12* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Non-linear data :math:`y`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Linear data :math:`x`. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_Log3G12(1.0 / 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1800015... """ y = np.asarray(y) return (np.sign(y) * (np.power(10.0, np.abs(y) / 0.184904) - 1) / 347.189667)