Source code for colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions.sony_slog

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sony S-Log Encodings

Defines the *Sony S-Log* log encodings:

-   :func:`log_encoding_SLog`
-   :func:`log_decoding_SLog`
-   :func:`log_encoding_SLog2`
-   :func:`log_decoding_SLog2`
-   :func:`log_encoding_SLog3`
-   :func:`log_decoding_SLog3`

See Also
`RGB Colourspaces Jupyter Notebook

.. [1]  Gaggioni, H., Dhanendra, P., Yamashita, J., Kawada, N., Endo, K., &
        Clark, C. (n.d.). S-Log: A new LUT for digital production mastering
        and interchange applications. Retrieved from\
.. [2]  Sony Corporation. (n.d.). S-Log Whitepaper. Retrieved from S-Log.pdf
.. [3]  Sony Corporation. (n.d.). Technical Summary for
        S-Gamut3.Cine/S-Log3 and S-Gamut3/S-Log3. Retrieved from\

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
from colour.utilities import as_numeric

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2017 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'log_encoding_SLog', 'log_decoding_SLog', 'log_encoding_SLog2',
    'log_decoding_SLog2', 'log_encoding_SLog3', 'log_decoding_SLog3'

[docs]def log_encoding_SLog(t): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- t : numeric or array_like Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Camera output code :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_SLog(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3599878... """ t = np.asarray(t) return (0.432699 * np.log10(t + 0.037584) + 0.616596) + 0.03
[docs]def log_decoding_SLog(y): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Camera output code :math:`y`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_SLog(0.359987846422154) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ y = np.asarray(y) return 10 ** ((y - 0.616596 - 0.03) / 0.432699) - 0.037584
[docs]def log_encoding_SLog2(t): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log2* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- t : numeric or array_like Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Camera output code :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_SLog2(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3849708... """ t = np.asarray(t) return ((4 * (16 + 219 * (0.616596 + 0.03 + 0.432699 * (np.log10(0.037584 + t / 0.9))))) / 1023)
[docs]def log_decoding_SLog2(y): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log2* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Camera output code :math:`y`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_SLog2(0.384970815928670) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ y = np.asarray(y) return ((10 ** (((( (y * 1023 / 4 - 16) / 219) - 0.616596 - 0.03) / 0.432699)) - 0.037584) * 0.9)
[docs]def log_encoding_SLog3(t): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log3* log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. Parameters ---------- t : numeric or array_like Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Camera output code :math:`y`. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_SLog3(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4105571... """ t = np.asarray(t) return as_numeric( np.where(t >= 0.01125000, (420 + np.log10( (t + 0.01) / (0.18 + 0.01)) * 261.5) / 1023, ( t * (171.2102946929 - 95) / 0.01125000 + 95) / 1023))
[docs]def log_decoding_SLog3(y): """ Defines the *Sony S-Log3* log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. Parameters ---------- y : numeric or array_like Camera output code :math:`y`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Input light level :math:`t` to a camera. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_SLog3(0.410557184750733) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ y = np.asarray(y) return as_numeric( np.where(y >= 171.2102946929 / 1023, ((10 ** ((y * 1023 - 420) / 261.5)) * (0.18 + 0.01) - 0.01), ( y * 1023 - 95) * 0.01125000 / (171.2102946929 - 95)))