colour.colorimetry.dataset.illuminants.d_illuminants_s_spds Module

CIE Standard Illuminant D Series \(S_n(\lambda)\) Distributions

Defines the CIE Standard Illuminant D Series \(S_n(\lambda)\) distributions involved in the computation of CIE Standard Illuminant D Series relative spectral power distributions.


[1]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE Method of Calculating D-Illuminants. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 145–146). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186
[2]Lindbloom, B. (2007). Spectral Power Distribution of a CIE D-Illuminant. Retrieved April 05, 2014, from
colour.colorimetry.dataset.illuminants.d_illuminants_s_spds.D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({u'S2': SpectralPowerDistribution( 'S2', {300.0: 0.0, 310.0: 2.0, 320.0: 4.0, 330.0: 8.5, 340.0: 7.8, 350.0: 6.7, 360.0: 5.3, 370.0: 6.1, 380.0: 3.0, 390.0: 1.2, 400.0: -1.1, 410.0: -0.5, 420.0: -0.7, 430.0: -1.2, 440.0: -2.6, 450.0: -2.9, 460.0: -2.8, 470.0: -2.6, 480.0: -2.6, 490.0: -1.8, 500.0: -1.5, 510.0: -1.3, 520.0: -1.2, 530.0: -1.0, 540.0: -0.5, 550.0: -0.3, 560.0: 0.0, 570.0: 0.2, 580.0: 0.5, 590.0: 2.1, 600.0: 3.2, 610.0: 4.1, 620.0: 4.7, 630.0: 5.1, 640.0: 6.7, 650.0: 7.3, 660.0: 8.6, 670.0: 9.8, 680.0: 10.2, 690.0: 8.3, 700.0: 9.6, 710.0: 8.5, 720.0: 7.0, 730.0: 7.6, 740.0: 8.0, 750.0: 6.7, 760.0: 5.2, 770.0: 7.4, 780.0: 6.8, 790.0: 7.0, 800.0: 6.4, 810.0: 5.5, 820.0: 6.1, 830.0: 6.5}), u'S1': SpectralPowerDistribution( 'S1', {300.0: 0.02, 310.0: 4.5, 320.0: 22.4, 330.0: 42.0, 340.0: 40.6, 350.0: 41.6, 360.0: 38.0, 370.0: 43.4, 380.0: 38.5, 390.0: 35.0, 400.0: 43.4, 410.0: 46.3, 420.0: 43.9, 430.0: 37.1, 440.0: 36.7, 450.0: 35.9, 460.0: 32.6, 470.0: 27.9, 480.0: 24.3, 490.0: 20.1, 500.0: 16.2, 510.0: 13.2, 520.0: 8.6, 530.0: 6.1, 540.0: 4.2, 550.0: 1.9, 560.0: 0.0, 570.0: -1.6, 580.0: -3.5, 590.0: -3.5, 600.0: -5.8, 610.0: -7.2, 620.0: -8.6, 630.0: -9.5, 640.0: -10.9, 650.0: -10.7, 660.0: -12.0, 670.0: -14.0, 680.0: -13.6, 690.0: -12.0, 700.0: -13.3, 710.0: -12.9, 720.0: -10.6, 730.0: -11.6, 740.0: -12.2, 750.0: -10.2, 760.0: -7.8, 770.0: -11.2, 780.0: -10.4, 790.0: -10.6, 800.0: -9.7, 810.0: -8.3, 820.0: -9.3, 830.0: -9.8}), u'S0': SpectralPowerDistribution( 'S0', {300.0: 0.04, 310.0: 6.0, 320.0: 29.6, 330.0: 55.3, 340.0: 57.3, 350.0: 61.8, 360.0: 61.5, 370.0: 68.8, 380.0: 63.4, 390.0: 65.8, 400.0: 94.8, 410.0: 104.8, 420.0: 105.9, 430.0: 96.8, 440.0: 113.9, 450.0: 125.6, 460.0: 125.5, 470.0: 121.3, 480.0: 121.3, 490.0: 113.5, 500.0: 113.1, 510.0: 110.8, 520.0: 106.5, 530.0: 108.8, 540.0: 105.3, 550.0: 104.4, 560.0: 100.0, 570.0: 96.0, 580.0: 95.1, 590.0: 89.1, 600.0: 90.5, 610.0: 90.3, 620.0: 88.4, 630.0: 84.0, 640.0: 85.1, 650.0: 81.9, 660.0: 82.6, 670.0: 84.9, 680.0: 81.3, 690.0: 71.9, 700.0: 74.3, 710.0: 76.4, 720.0: 63.3, 730.0: 71.7, 740.0: 77.0, 750.0: 65.2, 760.0: 47.7, 770.0: 68.6, 780.0: 65.0, 790.0: 66.0, 800.0: 61.0, 810.0: 53.3, 820.0: 58.9, 830.0: 61.9})})

CIE Standard Illuminant D Series \(S_n(\lambda)\) spectral power distributions

D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS : CaseInsensitiveMapping
{‘S0’, ‘S1’, ‘S1’}