Source code for colour.colorimetry.illuminants

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Defines *CIE* illuminants computation related objects:

-   :func:`colour.D_illuminant_relative_spd`
-   :func:`colour.CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function`

See Also
`Illuminants Jupyter Notebook

-   :cite:`CIETC1-482004n` : CIE TC 1-48. (2004). 3.1 Recommendations
    concerning standard physical data of illuminants. In CIE 015:2004
    Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (pp. 12-13). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6
-   :cite:`Lindbloom2007a` : Lindbloom, B. (2007). Spectral Power Distribution
    of a CIE D-Illuminant. Retrieved April 5, 2014, from
-   :cite:`Wyszecki2000z` : Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE Method of
    Calculating D-Illuminants. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods,
    Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 145-146). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.colorimetry import (D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS,

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2018 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['D_illuminant_relative_spd', 'CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function']

[docs]def D_illuminant_relative_spd(xy): """ Returns the relative spectral power distribution of given *CIE Standard Illuminant D Series* using given *xy* chromaticity coordinates. References ---------- - :cite:`Lindbloom2007a` - :cite:`Wyszecki2000z` Parameters ---------- xy : array_like *xy* chromaticity coordinates. Returns ------- SpectralPowerDistribution *CIE Standard Illuminant D Series* relative spectral power distribution. Examples -------- >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> xy = np.array([0.34570, 0.35850]) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... D_illuminant_relative_spd(xy) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpectralPowerDistribution([[ 300. , 0.0193039...], [ 310. , 2.1265303...], [ 320. , 7.9867359...], [ 330. , 15.1666959...], [ 340. , 18.3413202...], [ 350. , 21.3757973...], [ 360. , 24.2528862...], [ 370. , 26.2782171...], [ 380. , 24.7348842...], [ 390. , 30.0518667...], [ 400. , 49.458942 ...], [ 410. , 56.6929605...], [ 420. , 60.1981682...], [ 430. , 57.9390276...], [ 440. , 74.9047554...], [ 450. , 87.3151258...], [ 460. , 90.6691236...], [ 470. , 91.4109985...], [ 480. , 95.1362798...], [ 490. , 91.9956940...], [ 500. , 95.7488852...], [ 510. , 96.6315995...], [ 520. , 97.1308377...], [ 530. , 102.0961518...], [ 540. , 100.7580555...], [ 550. , 102.3164095...], [ 560. , 100. ...], [ 570. , 97.7339937...], [ 580. , 98.9175842...], [ 590. , 93.5440898...], [ 600. , 97.7548532...], [ 610. , 99.3559831...], [ 620. , 99.1396431...], [ 630. , 95.8275899...], [ 640. , 99.0028159...], [ 650. , 95.8307955...], [ 660. , 98.3850717...], [ 670. , 103.2245516...], [ 680. , 99.3672578...], [ 690. , 87.5676019...], [ 700. , 91.8218781...], [ 710. , 93.0772354...], [ 720. , 77.0098456...], [ 730. , 86.6795856...], [ 740. , 92.7570922...], [ 750. , 78.3784557...], [ 760. , 57.8075859...], [ 770. , 83.0873522...], [ 780. , 78.4245724...], [ 790. , 79.7098456...], [ 800. , 73.5435857...], [ 810. , 64.0424558...], [ 820. , 70.9121958...], [ 830. , 74.5862223...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_args={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_args={...}) """ M = 0.0241 + 0.2562 * xy[0] - 0.7341 * xy[1] M1 = (-1.3515 - 1.7703 * xy[0] + 5.9114 * xy[1]) / M M2 = (0.0300 - 31.4424 * xy[0] + 30.0717 * xy[1]) / M distribution = {} for i in D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS['S0'].shape: S0 = D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS['S0'][i] S1 = D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS['S1'][i] S2 = D_ILLUMINANTS_S_SPDS['S2'][i] distribution[i] = S0 + M1 * S1 + M2 * S2 return SpectralPowerDistribution( distribution, name='CIE Standard Illuminant D Series')
[docs]def CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function(wl): """ *CIE Standard Illuminant A* is intended to represent typical, domestic, tungsten-filament lighting. Its relative spectral power distribution is that of a Planckian radiator at a temperature of approximately 2856 K. *CIE Standard Illuminant A* should be used in all applications of colorimetry involving the use of incandescent lighting, unless there are specific reasons for using a different illuminant. Parameters ---------- wl : array_like Wavelength to evaluate the function at. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE Standard Illuminant A* value at given wavelength. References ---------- - :cite:`CIETC1-482004n` Examples -------- >>> wl = np.array([560, 580, 581.5]) >>> CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function(wl) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 100. , 114.4363383..., 115.5285063...]) """ wl = np.asarray(wl) return (100 * (560 / wl) ** 5 * (((np.exp( (1.435 * 10 ** 7) / (2848 * 560)) - 1) / (np.exp( (1.435 * 10 ** 7) / (2848 * wl)) - 1))))