Source code for colour.colorimetry.lightness

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Lightness :math:`L`

Defines *Lightness* :math:`L` computation objects.

The following methods are available:

-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Glasser1958`: *Lightness* :math:`L`
    computation of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using
    *Glasser, Mckinney, Reilly and Schnelle (1958)* method.
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Wyszecki1963`: *Lightness* :math:`W`
    computation of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Wyszecki (1963)* method.
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_CIE1976`: *Lightness* :math:`L^*`
    computation of given *luminance* :math:`Y` as per *CIE 1976*
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2010`: *Lightness*
    :math:`L_{hdr}` computation of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using
    *Fairchild and Wyble (2010)* method.
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2011`: *Lightness*
    :math:`L_{hdr}` computation of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using
    *Fairchild and Chen (2011)* method.

See Also
`Lightness Jupyter Notebook

-   :cite:`Fairchild2010` : Fairchild, M. D., & Wyble, D. R. (2010).
    hdr-CIELAB and hdr-IPT: Simple Models for Describing the Color of
    High-Dynamic-Range and Wide-Color-Gamut Images. In Proc. of Color and
    Imaging Conference (pp. 322-326). ISBN:9781629932156
-   :cite:`Fairchild2011` : Fairchild, M. D., & Chen, P. (2011). Brightness,
    lightness, and specifying color in high-dynamic-range scenes and images.
    In S. P. Farnand & F. Gaykema (Eds.), Proc. SPIE 7867, Image Quality and
    System Performance VIII (p. 78670O). doi:10.1117/12.872075
-   :cite:`Glasser1958a` : Glasser, L. G., McKinney, A. H., Reilly, C. D., &
    Schnelle, P. D. (1958). Cube-Root Color Coordinate System. Journal of the
    Optical Society of America, 48(10), 736. doi:10.1364/JOSA.48.000736
-   :cite:`Lindbloom2003d` : Lindbloom, B. (2003). A Continuity Study of the
    CIE L* Function. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from
-   :cite:`Wikipediabs` : Nayatani, Y., Sobagaki, H., & Yano, K. H. T. (1995).
    Lightness dependency of chroma scales of a nonlinear color-appearance model
    and its latest formulation. Color Research & Application, 20(3), 156-167.
-   :cite:`Wyszecki1963b` : Wyszecki, G. (1963). Proposal for a New
    Color-Difference Formula. Journal of the Optical Society of America,
    53(11), 1318. doi:10.1364/JOSA.53.001318
-   :cite:`Wyszecki2000bd` : Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE 1976
    (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula. In Color Science: Concepts and
    Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (p. 167). Wiley.

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.biochemistry import reaction_rate_MichealisMenten
from colour.constants import CIE_E, CIE_K
from colour.utilities import (CaseInsensitiveMapping, as_numeric,
                              filter_kwargs, warning)

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2018 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'lightness_Glasser1958', 'lightness_Wyszecki1963', 'lightness_CIE1976',
    'lightness_Fairchild2010', 'lightness_Fairchild2011', 'LIGHTNESS_METHODS',

[docs]def lightness_Glasser1958(Y): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Glasser et alii (1958)* method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric or array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. Returns ------- numeric or array_like *Lightness* :math:`L`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L` is in range [0, 100]. References ---------- - :cite:`Glasser1958a` Examples -------- >>> lightness_Glasser1958(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 36.2505626... """ Y = np.asarray(Y) L = 25.29 * (Y ** (1 / 3)) - 18.38 return L
[docs]def lightness_Wyszecki1963(Y): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`W` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Wyszecki (1963)* method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric or array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. Returns ------- numeric or array_like *Lightness* :math:`W`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`W` is in range [0, 100]. References ---------- - :cite:`Wyszecki1963b` Examples -------- >>> lightness_Wyszecki1963(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.0041149... """ Y = np.asarray(Y) if np.any(Y < 1) or np.any(Y > 98): warning(('"W*" Lightness computation is only applicable for ' '1% < "Y" < 98%, unpredictable results may occur!')) W = 25 * (Y ** (1 / 3)) - 17 return W
[docs]def lightness_CIE1976(Y, Y_n=100): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L^*` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using given reference white *luminance* :math:`Y_n` as per *CIE 1976* recommendation. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric or array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. Y_n : numeric or array_like, optional White reference *luminance* :math:`Y_n`. Returns ------- numeric or array_like *Lightness* :math:`L^*`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` and :math:`Y_n` are in domain [0, 100]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L^*` is in range [0, 100]. References ---------- - :cite:`Lindbloom2003d` - :cite:`Wyszecki2000bd` Examples -------- >>> lightness_CIE1976(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... """ Y = np.asarray(Y) Y_n = np.asarray(Y_n) Lstar = Y / Y_n Lstar = as_numeric( np.where(Lstar <= CIE_E, CIE_K * Lstar, 116 * Lstar ** (1 / 3) - 16)) return Lstar
[docs]def lightness_Fairchild2010(Y, epsilon=1.836): """ Computes *Lightness* :math:`L_{hdr}` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Fairchild and Wyble (2010)* method according to *Michealis-Menten* kinetics. Parameters ---------- Y : array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. epsilon : numeric or array_like, optional :math:`\epsilon` exponent. Returns ------- array_like *Lightness* :math:`L_{hdr}`. Warning ------- The input domain of that definition is non standard! Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, :math:`\infty`]. References ---------- - :cite:`Fairchild2010` Examples -------- >>> lightness_Fairchild2010(10.08 / 100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 24.9022902... """ maximum_perception = 100 Y = np.asarray(Y) L_hdr = reaction_rate_MichealisMenten(Y ** epsilon, maximum_perception, 0.184 ** epsilon) + 0.02 return L_hdr
[docs]def lightness_Fairchild2011(Y, epsilon=0.710, method='hdr-CIELAB'): """ Computes *Lightness* :math:`L_{hdr}` of given *luminance* :math:`Y` using *Fairchild and Chen (2011)* method accordingly to *Michealis-Menten* kinetics. Parameters ---------- Y : array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. epsilon : numeric or array_like, optional :math:`\epsilon` exponent. method : unicode, optional **{'hdr-CIELAB', 'hdr-IPT'}**, *Lightness* :math:`L_{hdr}` computation method. Returns ------- array_like *Lightness* :math:`L_{hdr}`. Warning ------- The input domain of that definition is non standard! Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` is in domain [0, :math:`\infty`]. References ---------- - :cite:`Fairchild2011` Examples -------- >>> lightness_Fairchild2011(10.08 / 100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 26.45950981... >>> lightness_Fairchild2011(10.08 / 100, method='hdr-IPT') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 26.3524672... """ Y = np.asarray(Y) if method.lower() == 'hdr-cielab': maximum_perception = 247 else: maximum_perception = 246 L_hdr = reaction_rate_MichealisMenten(Y ** epsilon, maximum_perception, 2 ** epsilon) + 0.02 return L_hdr
LIGHTNESS_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'Glasser 1958': lightness_Glasser1958, 'Wyszecki 1963': lightness_Wyszecki1963, 'CIE 1976': lightness_CIE1976, 'Fairchild 2010': lightness_Fairchild2010, 'Fairchild 2011': lightness_Fairchild2011 }) LIGHTNESS_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported *Lightness* computations methods. References ---------- - :cite:`Fairchild2010` - :cite:`Fairchild2011` - :cite:`Glasser1958a` - :cite:`Lindbloom2003d` - :cite:`Wyszecki1963b` - :cite:`Wyszecki2000bd` LIGHTNESS_METHODS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'Glasser 1958', 'Wyszecki 1963', 'CIE 1976', 'Fairchild 2010', 'Fairchild 2011'}** Aliases: - 'Lstar1976': 'CIE 1976' """ LIGHTNESS_METHODS['Lstar1976'] = LIGHTNESS_METHODS['CIE 1976']
[docs]def lightness(Y, method='CIE 1976', **kwargs): """ Returns the *Lightness* :math:`L` using given method. Parameters ---------- Y : numeric or array_like *luminance* :math:`Y`. method : unicode, optional **{'CIE 1976', 'Glasser 1958', 'Wyszecki 1963', 'Fairchild 2010', 'Fairchild 2011'}**, Computation method. Other Parameters ---------------- Y_n : numeric or array_like, optional {:func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_CIE1976`}, White reference *luminance* :math:`Y_n`. epsilon : numeric or array_like, optional {:func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2010`, :func:`colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2011`}, :math:`\epsilon` exponent. Returns ------- numeric or array_like *Lightness* :math:`L`. Notes ----- - Input *luminance* :math:`Y` and optional :math:`Y_n` are in domain [0, 100] or [0, :math:`\infty`]. - Output *Lightness* :math:`L` is in range [0, 100]. References ---------- - :cite:`Fairchild2010` - :cite:`Fairchild2011` - :cite:`Glasser1958a` - :cite:`Lindbloom2003d` - :cite:`Wikipediabs` - :cite:`Wyszecki1963b` - :cite:`Wyszecki2000bd` Examples -------- >>> lightness(10.08) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... >>> lightness(10.08, Y_n=100) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.9856290... >>> lightness(10.08, Y_n=95) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 38.9165987... >>> lightness(10.08, method='Glasser 1958') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 36.2505626... >>> lightness(10.08, method='Wyszecki 1963') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 37.0041149... >>> lightness(10.08 / 100, epsilon=1.836, method='Fairchild 2010') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 24.9022902... """ function = LIGHTNESS_METHODS[method] return function(Y, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))