Source code for colour.models.rgb.transfer_functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import absolute_import

from colour.utilities import CaseInsensitiveMapping, filter_kwargs

from .common import CV_range, legal_to_full, full_to_legal
from .aces import (log_encoding_ACESproxy, log_decoding_ACESproxy,
                   log_encoding_ACEScc, log_decoding_ACEScc,
                   log_encoding_ACEScct, log_decoding_ACEScct)
from .alexa_log_c import (log_encoding_ALEXALogC, log_decoding_ALEXALogC)
from .arib_std_b67 import oetf_ARIBSTDB67, oetf_reverse_ARIBSTDB67
from .canon_log import (log_encoding_CanonLog, log_decoding_CanonLog,
                        log_encoding_CanonLog2, log_decoding_CanonLog2,
                        log_encoding_CanonLog3, log_decoding_CanonLog3)
from .cineon import log_encoding_Cineon, log_decoding_Cineon
from .dci_p3 import oetf_DCIP3, eotf_DCIP3
from .dicom_gsdf import oetf_DICOMGSDF, eotf_DICOMGSDF
from .gamma import function_gamma
from .gopro import log_encoding_Protune, log_decoding_Protune
from .itur_bt_601 import oetf_BT601, oetf_reverse_BT601
from .itur_bt_709 import oetf_BT709, oetf_reverse_BT709
from .itur_bt_1886 import eotf_reverse_BT1886, eotf_BT1886
from .itur_bt_2020 import oetf_BT2020, eotf_BT2020
from .st_2084 import oetf_ST2084, eotf_ST2084
from .itur_bt_2100 import (
    oetf_BT2100_PQ, oetf_reverse_BT2100_PQ, eotf_BT2100_PQ,
    eotf_reverse_BT2100_PQ, ootf_BT2100_PQ, ootf_reverse_BT2100_PQ,
    oetf_BT2100_HLG, oetf_reverse_BT2100_HLG, eotf_BT2100_HLG,
    eotf_reverse_BT2100_HLG, ootf_BT2100_HLG, ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG)
from .linear import function_linear
from .panalog import log_encoding_Panalog, log_decoding_Panalog
from .panasonic_vlog import log_encoding_VLog, log_decoding_VLog
from .pivoted_log import log_encoding_PivotedLog, log_decoding_PivotedLog
from .red_log import (log_encoding_REDLog, log_decoding_REDLog,
                      log_encoding_REDLogFilm, log_decoding_REDLogFilm,
                      log_encoding_Log3G10, log_decoding_Log3G10,
                      log_encoding_Log3G12, log_decoding_Log3G12)
from .rimm_romm_rgb import (oetf_ROMMRGB, eotf_ROMMRGB, oetf_ProPhotoRGB,
                            eotf_ProPhotoRGB, oetf_RIMMRGB, eotf_RIMMRGB,
                            log_encoding_ERIMMRGB, log_decoding_ERIMMRGB)
from .smpte_240m import oetf_SMPTE240M, eotf_SMPTE240M
from .sony_slog import (log_encoding_SLog, log_decoding_SLog,
                        log_encoding_SLog2, log_decoding_SLog2,
                        log_encoding_SLog3, log_decoding_SLog3)
from .srgb import oetf_sRGB, oetf_reverse_sRGB
from .viper_log import log_encoding_ViperLog, log_decoding_ViperLog

__all__ = ['CV_range', 'legal_to_full', 'full_to_legal']
__all__ += [
    'log_encoding_ACESproxy', 'log_decoding_ACESproxy', 'log_encoding_ACEScc',
    'log_decoding_ACEScc', 'log_encoding_ACEScct', 'log_decoding_ACEScct'
__all__ += ['log_encoding_ALEXALogC', 'log_decoding_ALEXALogC']
__all__ += ['oetf_ARIBSTDB67', 'oetf_reverse_ARIBSTDB67']
__all__ += [
    'log_encoding_CanonLog', 'log_decoding_CanonLog', 'log_encoding_CanonLog2',
    'log_decoding_CanonLog2', 'log_encoding_CanonLog3',
__all__ += ['log_encoding_Cineon', 'log_decoding_Cineon']
__all__ += ['oetf_DCIP3', 'eotf_DCIP3']
__all__ += ['oetf_DICOMGSDF', 'eotf_DICOMGSDF']
__all__ += ['function_gamma']
__all__ += ['log_encoding_Protune', 'log_decoding_Protune']
__all__ += ['oetf_BT601', 'oetf_reverse_BT601']
__all__ += ['oetf_BT709', 'oetf_reverse_BT709']
__all__ += ['eotf_reverse_BT1886', 'eotf_BT1886']
__all__ += ['oetf_BT2020', 'eotf_BT2020']
__all__ += ['oetf_ST2084', 'eotf_ST2084']
__all__ += [
    'oetf_BT2100_PQ', 'oetf_reverse_BT2100_PQ', 'eotf_BT2100_PQ',
    'eotf_reverse_BT2100_PQ', 'ootf_BT2100_PQ', 'ootf_reverse_BT2100_PQ',
    'oetf_BT2100_HLG', 'oetf_reverse_BT2100_HLG', 'eotf_BT2100_HLG',
    'eotf_reverse_BT2100_HLG', 'ootf_BT2100_HLG', 'ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG'
__all__ += ['function_linear']
__all__ += ['log_encoding_Panalog', 'log_decoding_Panalog']
__all__ += ['log_encoding_VLog', 'log_decoding_VLog']
__all__ += ['log_encoding_PivotedLog', 'log_decoding_PivotedLog']
__all__ += [
    'log_encoding_REDLog', 'log_decoding_REDLog', 'log_encoding_REDLogFilm',
    'log_decoding_REDLogFilm', 'log_encoding_Log3G10', 'log_decoding_Log3G10',
    'log_encoding_Log3G12', 'log_decoding_Log3G12'
__all__ += [
    'oetf_ROMMRGB', 'eotf_ROMMRGB', 'oetf_ProPhotoRGB', 'eotf_ProPhotoRGB',
    'oetf_RIMMRGB', 'eotf_RIMMRGB', 'log_encoding_ERIMMRGB',
__all__ += ['oetf_SMPTE240M', 'eotf_SMPTE240M']
__all__ += [
    'log_encoding_SLog', 'log_decoding_SLog', 'log_encoding_SLog2',
    'log_decoding_SLog2', 'log_encoding_SLog3', 'log_decoding_SLog3'
__all__ += ['oetf_sRGB', 'oetf_reverse_sRGB']
__all__ += ['log_encoding_ViperLog', 'log_decoding_ViperLog']

LOG_ENCODING_CURVES = CaseInsensitiveMapping({
    'ACEScc': log_encoding_ACEScc,
    'ACEScct': log_encoding_ACEScct,
    'ACESproxy': log_encoding_ACESproxy,
    'ALEXA Log C': log_encoding_ALEXALogC,
    'Canon Log 2': log_encoding_CanonLog2,
    'Canon Log 3': log_encoding_CanonLog3,
    'Canon Log': log_encoding_CanonLog,
    'Cineon': log_encoding_Cineon,
    'ERIMM RGB': log_encoding_ERIMMRGB,
    'Log3G10': log_encoding_Log3G10,
    'Log3G12': log_encoding_Log3G12,
    'Panalog': log_encoding_Panalog,
    'PLog': log_encoding_PivotedLog,
    'Protune': log_encoding_Protune,
    'REDLog': log_encoding_REDLog,
    'REDLogFilm': log_encoding_REDLogFilm,
    'S-Log': log_encoding_SLog,
    'S-Log2': log_encoding_SLog2,
    'S-Log3': log_encoding_SLog3,
    'V-Log': log_encoding_VLog,
    'ViperLog': log_encoding_ViperLog
Supported *log* encoding curves.

LOG_ENCODING_CURVES : CaseInsensitiveMapping
    **{'ACEScc', 'ACEScct', 'ACESproxy', 'ALEXA Log C', 'Canon Log 2',
    'Canon Log 3', 'Canon Log', 'Cineon', 'ERIMM RGB', 'Log3G10', 'Log3G12',
    'Panalog', 'PLog', 'Protune', 'REDLog', 'REDLogFilm', 'S-Log', 'S-Log2',
    'S-Log3', 'V-Log', 'ViperLog'}**

[docs]def log_encoding_curve(value, curve='Cineon', **kwargs): """ Encodes linear-light values to :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value using given *log* curve. Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. curve : unicode, optional **{'ACEScc', 'ACEScct', 'ACESproxy', 'ALEXA Log C', 'Canon Log 2', 'Canon Log 3', 'Canon Log', 'Cineon', 'ERIMM RGB', 'Log3G10', 'Log3G12', 'Panalog', 'PLog', 'Protune', 'REDLog', 'REDLogFilm', 'S-Log', 'S-Log2', 'S-Log3', 'V-Log', 'ViperLog'}**, Computation curve. Other Parameters ---------------- EI : int, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ALEXALogC`}, Ei. E_clip : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Maximum exposure limit. E_min : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Minimum exposure limit. I_max : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Maximum code value: 255, 4095 and 650535 for respectively 8-bit, 12-bit and 16-bit per channel. bit_depth : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ACESproxy`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog2`}, **{8, 10, 12}**, Bit depth used for conversion, *ACESproxy* uses **{10, 12}**. black_offset : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_Cineon`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_Panalog`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_REDLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_REDLogFilm`}, Black offset. density_per_code_value : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_PivotedLog`}, Density per code value. firmware : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ALEXALogC`}, **{'SUP 3.x', 'SUP 2.x'}**, Alexa firmware version. in_reflection : bool, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog2`}, Whether the light level :math:`x` to a camera is reflection. linear_reference : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_PivotedLog`}, Linear reference. log_reference : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_PivotedLog`}, Log reference. out_legal : bool, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog2`, :func:`colour.models.log_encoding_SLog3`}, Whether the non-linear *Sony S-Log*, *Sony S-Log2* or *Sony S-Log3* data :math:`y` is encoded in legal range. negative_gamma : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_PivotedLog`}, Negative gamma. method : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_encoding_ALEXALogC`}, **{'Linear Scene Exposure Factor', 'Normalised Sensor Signal'}**, Conversion method. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray *Log* value. Examples -------- >>> log_encoding_curve(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4573196... >>> log_encoding_curve(0.18, curve='ACEScc') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4135884... >>> log_encoding_curve(0.18, curve='PLog', log_reference=400) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3910068... >>> log_encoding_curve(0.18, curve='S-Log') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.3849708... """ function = LOG_ENCODING_CURVES[curve] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
LOG_DECODING_CURVES = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ACEScc': log_decoding_ACEScc, 'ACEScct': log_decoding_ACEScct, 'ACESproxy': log_decoding_ACESproxy, 'ALEXA Log C': log_decoding_ALEXALogC, 'Canon Log 2': log_decoding_CanonLog2, 'Canon Log 3': log_decoding_CanonLog3, 'Canon Log': log_decoding_CanonLog, 'Cineon': log_decoding_Cineon, 'ERIMM RGB': log_decoding_ERIMMRGB, 'Log3G10': log_decoding_Log3G10, 'Log3G12': log_decoding_Log3G12, 'Panalog': log_decoding_Panalog, 'PLog': log_decoding_PivotedLog, 'Protune': log_decoding_Protune, 'REDLog': log_decoding_REDLog, 'REDLogFilm': log_decoding_REDLogFilm, 'S-Log': log_decoding_SLog, 'S-Log2': log_decoding_SLog2, 'S-Log3': log_decoding_SLog3, 'V-Log': log_decoding_VLog, 'ViperLog': log_decoding_ViperLog }) LOG_DECODING_CURVES.__doc__ = """ Supported *log* decoding curves. LOG_DECODING_CURVES : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'ACEScc', 'ACEScct', 'ACESproxy', 'ALEXA Log C', 'Canon Log 2', 'Canon Log 3', 'Canon Log', 'Cineon', 'ERIMM RGB', 'Log3G10', 'Log3G12', 'Panalog', 'PLog', 'Protune', 'REDLog', 'REDLogFilm', 'S-Log', 'S-Log2', 'S-Log3', 'V-Log', 'ViperLog'}** """
[docs]def log_decoding_curve(value, curve='Cineon', **kwargs): """ Decodes :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value to linear-light values using given *log* curve. Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. curve : unicode, optional **{'ACEScc', 'ACEScct', 'ACESproxy', 'ALEXA Log C', 'Canon Log 2', 'Canon Log 3', 'Canon Log', 'Cineon', 'ERIMM RGB', 'Log3G10', 'Log3G12', 'Panalog', 'PLog', 'Protune', 'REDLog', 'REDLogFilm', 'S-Log', 'S-Log2', 'S-Log3', 'V-Log', 'ViperLog'}**, Computation curve. Other Parameters ---------------- EI : int, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ALEXALogC`}, Ei. E_clip : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Maximum exposure limit. E_min : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Minimum exposure limit. I_max : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ERIMMRGB`}, Maximum code value: 255, 4095 and 650535 for respectively 8-bit, 12-bit and 16-bit per channel. bit_depth : int, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ACESproxy`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog2`}, **{8, 10, 12}**, Bit depth used for conversion, *ACESproxy* uses **{10, 12}**. black_offset : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_Cineon`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_Panalog`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_REDLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_REDLogFilm`}, Black offset. density_per_code_value : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_PivotedLog`}, Density per code value. firmware : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ALEXALogC`}, **{'SUP 3.x', 'SUP 2.x'}**, Alexa firmware version. in_legal : bool, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog2`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog3`}, Whether the non-linear *Sony S-Log*, *Sony S-Log2* or *Sony S-Log3* data :math:`y` is encoded in legal range. linear_reference : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_PivotedLog`}, Linear reference. log_reference : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_PivotedLog`}, Log reference. negative_gamma : numeric or array_like {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_PivotedLog`}, Negative gamma. out_reflection : bool, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog`, :func:`colour.models.log_decoding_SLog2`}, Whether the light level :math:`x` to a camera is reflection. method : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.models.log_decoding_ALEXALogC`}, **{'Linear Scene Exposure Factor', 'Normalised Sensor Signal'}**, Conversion method. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray *Log* value. Examples -------- >>> log_decoding_curve(0.457319613085418) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> log_decoding_curve(0.413588402492442, curve='ACEScc') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> log_decoding_curve(0.391006842619746, curve='PLog', log_reference=400) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> log_decoding_curve(0.376512722254600, curve='S-Log') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ function = LOG_DECODING_CURVES[curve] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
__all__ += ['LOG_ENCODING_CURVES', 'LOG_DECODING_CURVES'] __all__ += ['log_encoding_curve', 'log_decoding_curve'] OETFS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ARIB STD-B67': oetf_ARIBSTDB67, 'DCI-P3': oetf_DCIP3, 'DICOM GSDF': oetf_DICOMGSDF, 'ITU-R BT.2020': oetf_BT2020, 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG': oetf_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': oetf_BT2100_PQ, 'ITU-R BT.601': oetf_BT601, 'ITU-R BT.709': oetf_BT709, 'ProPhoto RGB': oetf_ProPhotoRGB, 'RIMM RGB': oetf_RIMMRGB, 'ROMM RGB': oetf_ROMMRGB, 'SMPTE 240M': oetf_SMPTE240M, 'ST 2084': oetf_ST2084, 'sRGB': oetf_sRGB }) OETFS.__doc__ = """ Supported opto-electrical transfer functions (OETFs / OECFs). OETFS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'sRGB', 'ARIB STD-B67', 'DCI-P3', 'DICOM GSDF', 'ITU-R BT.2020', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ITU-R BT.601', 'ITU-R BT.709', 'ProPhoto RGB', 'RIMM RGB', 'ROMM RGB', 'SMPTE 240M', 'ST 2084'}** """
[docs]def oetf(value, function='sRGB', **kwargs): """ Encodes estimated tristimulus values in a scene to :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value using given opto-electronic transfer function (OETF / OECF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'sRGB', 'ARIB STD-B67', 'DCI-P3', 'DICOM GSDF', 'ITU-R BT.2020', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ITU-R BT.601', 'ITU-R BT.709', 'ProPhoto RGB', 'RIMM RGB', 'ROMM RGB', 'SMPTE 240M', 'ST 2084'}**, Opto-electronic transfer function (OETF / OECF). Other Parameters ---------------- E_clip : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.oetf_RIMMRGB`}, Maximum exposure level. I_max : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.oetf_ROMMRGB`, :func:`colour.models.oetf_RIMMRGB`}, Maximum code value: 255, 4095 and 650535 for respectively 8-bit, 12-bit and 16-bit per channel. L_p : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.oetf_ST2084`}, Display peak luminance :math:`cd/m^2`. is_12_bits_system : bool {:func:`colour.models.oetf_BT2020`}, *ITU-R BT.2020* *alpha* and *beta* constants are used if system is not 12-bit. r : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.oetf_ARIBSTDB67`}, Video level corresponding to reference white level. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value. Examples -------- >>> oetf(0.18) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4613561... >>> oetf(0.18, function='ITU-R BT.2020') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4090077... >>> oetf(0.18, function='ST 2084', L_p=1000) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1820115... """ function = OETFS[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
OETFS_REVERSE = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ARIB STD-B67': oetf_reverse_ARIBSTDB67, 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLD': oetf_reverse_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': oetf_reverse_BT2100_PQ, 'ITU-R BT.601': oetf_reverse_BT601, 'ITU-R BT.709': oetf_reverse_BT709, 'sRGB': oetf_reverse_sRGB }) OETFS_REVERSE.__doc__ = """ Supported reverse opto-electrical transfer functions (OETFs / OECFs). OETFS_REVERSE : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'sRGB', 'ARIB STD-B67', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLD', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ITU-R BT.601', 'ITU-R BT.709'}** """
[docs]def oetf_reverse(value, function='sRGB', **kwargs): """ Decodes :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value to tristimulus values at the display using given reverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF / OECF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'sRGB', 'ARIB STD-B67', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLD', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ITU-R BT.601', 'ITU-R BT.709'}**, Reverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF / OECF). Other Parameters ---------------- r : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.oetf_ARIBSTDB67`}, Video level corresponding to reference white level. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Tristimulus values at the display. Examples -------- >>> oetf_reverse(0.461356129500442) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> oetf_reverse( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 0.409007728864150, function='ITU-R BT.601') 0.1... """ function = OETFS_REVERSE[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
EOTFS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'DCI-P3': eotf_DCIP3, 'DICOM GSDF': eotf_DICOMGSDF, 'ITU-R BT.1886': eotf_BT1886, 'ITU-R BT.2020': eotf_BT2020, 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG': eotf_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': eotf_BT2100_PQ, 'ProPhoto RGB': eotf_ProPhotoRGB, 'RIMM RGB': eotf_RIMMRGB, 'ROMM RGB': eotf_ROMMRGB, 'SMPTE 240M': eotf_SMPTE240M, 'ST 2084': eotf_ST2084, }) EOTFS.__doc__ = """ Supported electro-optical transfer functions (EOTFs / EOCFs). EOTFS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'DCI-P3', 'DICOM GSDF', 'ITU-R BT.1886', 'ITU-R BT.2020', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ProPhoto RGB', 'RIMM RGB', 'ROMM RGB', 'SMPTE 240M', 'ST 2084'}** """
[docs]def eotf(value, function='ITU-R BT.1886', **kwargs): """ Decodes :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value to tristimulus values at the display using given electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'ITU-R BT.1886', 'DCI-P3', 'DICOM GSDF', 'ITU-R BT.2020', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', 'ProPhoto RGB', 'RIMM RGB', 'ROMM RGB', 'SMPTE 240M', 'ST 2084'}**, Electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Other Parameters ---------------- E_clip : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_RIMMRGB`}, Maximum exposure level. I_max : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_ROMMRGB`, :func:`colour.models.eotf_RIMMRGB`}, Maximum code value: 255, 4095 and 650535 for respectively 8-bit, 12-bit and 16-bit per channel. L_B : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_BT1886`, :func:`colour.models.eotf_BT2100_HLG`}, Screen luminance for black. L_W : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_BT1886`, :func:`colour.models.eotf_BT2100_HLG`}, Screen luminance for white. L_p : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_ST2084`}, Display peak luminance :math:`cd/m^2`. gamma : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_BT2100_HLG`}, System gamma value, 1.2 at the nominal display peak luminance of :math:`1000 cd/m^2`. is_12_bits_system : bool {:func:`colour.models.eotf_BT2020`}, *ITU-R BT.2020* *alpha* and *beta* constants are used if system is not 12-bit. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Tristimulus values at the display. Examples -------- >>> eotf(0.461356129500442) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> eotf(0.409007728864150, function='ITU-R BT.2020') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... >>> eotf(0.182011532850008, function='ST 2084', L_p=1000) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1... """ function = EOTFS[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
EOTFS_REVERSE = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ITU-R BT.1886': eotf_reverse_BT1886, 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG': eotf_reverse_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': eotf_reverse_BT2100_PQ, }) EOTFS_REVERSE.__doc__ = """ Supported reverse electro-optical transfer functions (EOTFs / EOCFs). EOTFS_REVERSE : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'ITU-R BT.1886', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}** """
[docs]def eotf_reverse(value, function='ITU-R BT.1886', **kwargs): """ Encodes estimated tristimulus values in a scene to :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value using given reverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'ITU-R BT.1886', 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}**, Reverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF / EOCF). Other Parameters ---------------- L_B : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_reverse_BT1886`, :func:`colour.models.eotf_reverse_BT2100_HLG`}, Screen luminance for black. L_W : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_reverse_BT1886`, :func:`colour.models.eotf_reverse_BT2100_HLG`}, Screen luminance for white. gamma : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.eotf_BT2100_HLG`}, System gamma value, 1.2 at the nominal display peak luminance of :math:`1000 cd/m^2`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray :math:`R'G'B'` video component signal value. Examples -------- >>> eotf_reverse(0.11699185725296059) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.4090077... >>> eotf_reverse( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 0.11699185725296059, function='ITU-R BT.1886') 0.4090077... """ function = EOTFS_REVERSE[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
__all__ += ['OETFS', 'OETFS_REVERSE', 'EOTFS', 'EOTFS_REVERSE'] __all__ += ['oetf', 'oetf_reverse', 'eotf', 'eotf_reverse'] OOTFS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG': ootf_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': ootf_BT2100_PQ, }) OOTFS.__doc__ = """ Supported opto-optical transfer functions (OOTFs / OOCFs). OOTFS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}** """
[docs]def ootf(value, function='ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', **kwargs): """ Maps relative scene linear light to display linear light using given opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}** Opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Luminance of a displayed linear component. Examples -------- >>> ootf(0.1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 779.9883608... >>> ootf(0.1, function='ITU-R BT.2100 HLG') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 63.0957344... """ function = OOTFS[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
OOTFS_REVERSE = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG': ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG, 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ': ootf_reverse_BT2100_PQ, }) OOTFS_REVERSE.__doc__ = """ Supported reverse opto-optical transfer functions (OOTFs / OOCFs). OOTFS_REVERSE : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}** """
[docs]def ootf_reverse(value, function='ITU-R BT.2100 PQ', **kwargs): """ Maps relative display linear light to scene linear light using given reverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). Parameters ---------- value : numeric or array_like Value. function : unicode, optional **{'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ'}** Reverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). Other Parameters ---------------- L_B : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG`}, :math:`L_B` is the display luminance for black in :math:`cd/m^2`. L_W : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG`}, :math:`L_W` is nominal peak luminance of the display in :math:`cd/m^2` for achromatic pixels. gamma : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.models.ootf_reverse_BT2100_HLG`}, System gamma value, 1.2 at the nominal display peak luminance of :math:`1000 cd/m^2`. Returns ------- numeric or ndarray Luminance of scene linear light. Examples -------- >>> ootf_reverse(779.988360834115840) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 0.1000000... >>> ootf_reverse( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 63.095734448019336, function='ITU-R BT.2100 HLG') 0.1000000... """ function = OOTFS_REVERSE[function] return function(value, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
__all__ += ['OOTFS', 'OOTFS_REVERSE'] __all__ += ['ootf', 'ootf_reverse']