Source code for colour.plotting.volume

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Colour Models Volume Plotting

Defines colour models volume and gamut plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour.plotting.RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot`
-   :func:`colour.plotting.RGB_scatter_plot`

from __future__ import division

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import pylab
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d import Poly3DCollection

from colour.constants import DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE
from colour.models import RGB_to_XYZ
from colour.models.common import (COLOURSPACE_MODELS_LABELS,
from colour.plotting import (DEFAULT_PLOTTING_ILLUMINANT, cube,
                             get_RGB_colourspace, get_cmfs, grid, render)
from colour.utilities import Structure, tsplit, tstack

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2018 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder', 'nadir_grid', 'RGB_identity_cube',
    'RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot', 'RGB_scatter_plot'

def common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, model=None):
    Reorder axis of given colourspace model :math:`a` values according to its
    most common volume plotting axis order.

    a : array_like
        Colourspace model values :math:`a`.
    model : unicode, optional
        **{'CIE XYZ', 'CIE xyY', 'CIE Lab', 'CIE Luv', 'CIE UCS', 'CIE UVW',
        'IPT', 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab'}**
        Colourspace model.

        Reordered colourspace model values.

    >>> a = np.array([0, 1, 2])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a)
    array([0, 1, 2])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, 'CIE Lab')
    array([1, 2, 0])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, 'CIE LCHab')
    array([1, 2, 0])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, 'CIE Luv')
    array([1, 2, 0])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, 'CIE LCHab')
    array([1, 2, 0])
    >>> common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder(a, 'IPT')
    array([1, 2, 0])

    if model in ('CIE Lab', 'CIE LCHab', 'CIE Luv', 'CIE LCHuv', 'IPT',
                 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab'):
        i, j, k = tsplit(a)
        a = tstack((j, k, i))

    return a

def nadir_grid(limits=None, segments=10, labels=None, axes=None, **kwargs):
    Returns a grid on *xy* plane made of quad geometric elements and its
    associated faces and edges colours. Ticks and labels are added to the
    given axes according to the extended grid settings.

    limits : array_like, optional
        Extended grid limits.
    segments : int, optional
        Edge segments count for the extended grid.
    labels : array_like, optional
        Axis labels.
    axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional
        Axes to add the grid.

    Other Parameters
    grid_face_colours : array_like, optional
        Grid face colours array such as
        `grid_face_colours = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)`.
    grid_edge_colours : array_like, optional
        Grid edge colours array such as
        `grid_edge_colours = (0.25, 0.25, 0.25)`.
    grid_face_alpha : numeric, optional
        Grid face opacity value such as `grid_face_alpha = 0.1`.
    grid_edge_alpha : numeric, optional
        Grid edge opacity value such as `grid_edge_alpha = 0.5`.
    x_axis_colour : array_like, optional
        *X* axis colour array such as `x_axis_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)`.
    y_axis_colour : array_like, optional
        *Y* axis colour array such as `y_axis_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)`.
    x_ticks_colour : array_like, optional
        *X* axis ticks colour array such as
        `x_ticks_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85)`.
    y_ticks_colour : array_like, optional
        *Y* axis ticks colour array such as
        `y_ticks_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85)`.
    x_label_colour : array_like, optional
        *X* axis label colour array such as
        `x_label_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85)`.
    y_label_colour : array_like, optional
        *Y* axis label colour array such as
        `y_label_colour = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85)`.
    ticks_and_label_location : array_like, optional
        Location of the *X* and *Y* axis ticks and labels such as
        `ticks_and_label_location = ('-x', '-y')`.

        Grid quads, faces colours, edges colours.

    >>> nadir_grid(segments=1)
    (array([[[-1.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ],
            [-1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ]],
           [[-1.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [-1.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ]],
           [[-1.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ],
            [-1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ]],
           [[ 0.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   , -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ]],
           [[ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.   ,  1.   ,  0.   ]],
           [[-1.   , -0.001,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   , -0.001,  0.   ],
            [ 1.   ,  0.001,  0.   ],
            [-1.   ,  0.001,  0.   ]],
           [[-0.001, -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.001, -1.   ,  0.   ],
            [ 0.001,  1.   ,  0.   ],
            [-0.001,  1.   ,  0.   ]]]), array([[ 0.25,  0.25,  0.25,  0.1 ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  1.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  1.  ]]), array([[ 0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ,  0.5 ],
           [ 0.75,  0.75,  0.75,  0.25],
           [ 0.75,  0.75,  0.75,  0.25],
           [ 0.75,  0.75,  0.75,  0.25],
           [ 0.75,  0.75,  0.75,  0.25],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  1.  ],
           [ 0.  ,  0.  ,  0.  ,  1.  ]]))

    if limits is None:
        limits = np.array([[-1, 1], [-1, 1]])

    if labels is None:
        labels = ('x', 'y')

    extent = np.max(np.abs(limits[..., 1] - limits[..., 0]))

    settings = Structure(**{
        'grid_face_colours': (0.25, 0.25, 0.25),
        'grid_edge_colours': (0.50, 0.50, 0.50),
        'grid_face_alpha': 0.1,
        'grid_edge_alpha': 0.5,
        'x_axis_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        'y_axis_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0),
        'x_ticks_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85),
        'y_ticks_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85),
        'x_label_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85),
        'y_label_colour': (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.85),
        'ticks_and_label_location': ('-x', '-y')

    # Outer grid.
    quads_g = grid(
        origin=(-extent / 2, -extent / 2),

    RGB_g = np.ones((quads_g.shape[0], quads_g.shape[-1]))
    RGB_gf = RGB_g * settings.grid_face_colours
    RGB_gf = np.hstack((RGB_gf, np.full(
        (RGB_gf.shape[0], 1), settings.grid_face_alpha, DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE)))
    RGB_ge = RGB_g * settings.grid_edge_colours
    RGB_ge = np.hstack((RGB_ge, np.full(
        (RGB_ge.shape[0], 1), settings.grid_edge_alpha, DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE)))

    # Inner grid.
    quads_gs = grid(
        origin=(-extent / 2, -extent / 2),
        height_segments=segments * 2,
        width_segments=segments * 2)

    RGB_gs = np.ones((quads_gs.shape[0], quads_gs.shape[-1]))
    RGB_gsf = RGB_gs * 0
    RGB_gsf = np.hstack((RGB_gsf, np.full((RGB_gsf.shape[0], 1), 0,
    RGB_gse = np.clip(RGB_gs * settings.grid_edge_colours * 1.5, 0, 1)
    RGB_gse = np.hstack((RGB_gse, np.full((RGB_gse.shape[0],
                                           1), settings.grid_edge_alpha / 2,

    # Axis.
    thickness = extent / 1000
    quad_x = grid(
        origin=(limits[0, 0], -thickness / 2), width=extent, height=thickness)
    RGB_x = np.ones((quad_x.shape[0], quad_x.shape[-1] + 1))
    RGB_x = RGB_x * settings.x_axis_colour

    quad_y = grid(
        origin=(-thickness / 2, limits[1, 0]), width=thickness, height=extent)
    RGB_y = np.ones((quad_y.shape[0], quad_y.shape[-1] + 1))
    RGB_y = RGB_y * settings.y_axis_colour

    if axes is not None:
        # Ticks.
        x_s = 1 if '+x' in settings.ticks_and_label_location else -1
        y_s = 1 if '+y' in settings.ticks_and_label_location else -1
        for i, axis in enumerate('xy'):
            h_a = 'center' if axis == 'x' else 'left' if x_s == 1 else 'right'
            v_a = 'center'

            ticks = list(sorted(set(quads_g[..., 0, i])))
            ticks += [ticks[-1] + ticks[-1] - ticks[-2]]
            for tick in ticks:
                x = (limits[1, 1 if x_s == 1 else 0] + (x_s * extent / 25)
                     if i else tick)
                y = (tick if i else
                     limits[0, 1 if y_s == 1 else 0] + (y_s * extent / 25))

                tick = int(tick) if DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE(
                    tick).is_integer() else tick
                c = settings['{0}_ticks_colour'.format(axis)]


        # Labels.
        for i, axis in enumerate('xy'):
            h_a = 'center' if axis == 'x' else 'left' if x_s == 1 else 'right'
            v_a = 'center'

            x = (limits[1, 1 if x_s == 1 else 0] + (x_s * extent / 10)
                 if i else 0)
            y = (0 if i else
                 limits[0, 1 if y_s == 1 else 0] + (y_s * extent / 10))

            c = settings['{0}_label_colour'.format(axis)]


    quads = np.vstack((quads_g, quads_gs, quad_x, quad_y))
    RGB_f = np.vstack((RGB_gf, RGB_gsf, RGB_x, RGB_y))
    RGB_e = np.vstack((RGB_ge, RGB_gse, RGB_x, RGB_y))

    return quads, RGB_f, RGB_e

def RGB_identity_cube(plane=None,
    Returns an *RGB* identity cube made of quad geometric elements and its
    associated *RGB* colours.

    plane : array_like, optional
        Any combination of **{'+x', '-x', '+y', '-y', '+z', '-z'}**,
        Included grids in the cube construction.
    width_segments: int, optional
        Cube segments, quad counts along the width.
    height_segments: int, optional
        Cube segments, quad counts along the height.
    depth_segments: int, optional
        Cube segments, quad counts along the depth.

        Cube quads, *RGB* colours.

    >>> vertices, RGB = RGB_identity_cube(None, 1, 1, 1)
    >>> vertices
    array([[[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  0.]],
           [[ 0.,  0.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  0.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  1.]],
           [[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  0.,  1.],
            [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
           [[ 0.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  1.]],
           [[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 0.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 0.,  0.,  1.]],
           [[ 1.,  0.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  0.],
            [ 1.,  1.,  1.],
            [ 1.,  0.,  1.]]])
    >>> RGB
    array([[ 0.5,  0.5,  0. ],
           [ 0.5,  0.5,  1. ],
           [ 0.5,  0. ,  0.5],
           [ 0.5,  1. ,  0.5],
           [ 0. ,  0.5,  0.5],
           [ 1. ,  0.5,  0.5]])

    quads = cube(
    RGB = np.average(quads, axis=-2)

    return quads, RGB

[docs]def RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot(colourspaces=None, reference_colourspace='CIE xyY', segments=8, display_grid=True, grid_segments=10, spectral_locus=False, spectral_locus_colour=None, cmfs='CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', **kwargs): """ Plots given *RGB* colourspaces gamuts in given reference colourspace. Parameters ---------- colourspaces : array_like, optional *RGB* colourspaces to plot the gamuts. reference_colourspace : unicode, optional **{'CIE XYZ', 'CIE xyY', 'CIE Lab', 'CIE Luv', 'CIE UCS', 'CIE UVW', 'IPT', 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab'}**, Reference colourspace to plot the gamuts into. segments : int, optional Edge segments count for each *RGB* colourspace cubes. display_grid : bool, optional Display a grid at the bottom of the *RGB* colourspace cubes. grid_segments : bool, optional Edge segments count for the grid. spectral_locus : bool, optional Is spectral locus line plotted. spectral_locus_colour : array_like, optional Spectral locus line colour. cmfs : unicode, optional Standard observer colour matching functions used for spectral locus. Other Parameters ---------------- \**kwargs : dict, optional {:func:`colour.plotting.volume.nadir_grid`}, Please refer to the documentation of the previously listed definition. face_colours : array_like, optional Face colours array such as `face_colours = (None, (0.5, 0.5, 1.0))`. edge_colours : array_like, optional Edge colours array such as `edge_colours = (None, (0.5, 0.5, 1.0))`. face_alpha : numeric, optional Face opacity value such as `face_alpha = (0.5, 1.0)`. edge_alpha : numeric, optional Edge opacity value such as `edge_alpha = (0.0, 1.0)`. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> c = ['ITU-R BT.709', 'ACEScg', 'S-Gamut'] >>> RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot(c) # doctest: +SKIP """ if colourspaces is None: colourspaces = ('ITU-R BT.709', 'ACEScg') count_c = len(colourspaces) settings = Structure(**{ 'face_colours': [None] * count_c, 'edge_colours': [None] * count_c, 'face_alpha': [1] * count_c, 'edge_alpha': [1] * count_c, 'title': '{0} - {1} Reference Colourspace'.format(', '.join(colourspaces), reference_colourspace) }) settings.update(kwargs) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure() axes = figure.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') illuminant = DEFAULT_PLOTTING_ILLUMINANT points = np.zeros((4, 3)) if spectral_locus: cmfs = get_cmfs(cmfs) XYZ = cmfs.values points = common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder( XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, illuminant, reference_colourspace), reference_colourspace) points[np.isnan(points)] = 0 c = ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5) if spectral_locus_colour is None else spectral_locus_colour) pylab.plot( points[..., 0], points[..., 1], points[..., 2], color=c, linewidth=1, zorder=1) pylab.plot( (points[-1][0], points[0][0]), (points[-1][1], points[0][1]), (points[-1][2], points[0][2]), color=c, linewidth=1, zorder=1) quads, RGB_f, RGB_e = [], [], [] for i, colourspace in enumerate(colourspaces): colourspace = get_RGB_colourspace(colourspace) quads_c, RGB = RGB_identity_cube( width_segments=segments, height_segments=segments, depth_segments=segments) XYZ = RGB_to_XYZ(quads_c, colourspace.whitepoint, colourspace.whitepoint, colourspace.RGB_to_XYZ_matrix) quads.extend( common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder( XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, colourspace.whitepoint, reference_colourspace), reference_colourspace)) if settings.face_colours[i] is not None: RGB = np.ones(RGB.shape) * settings.face_colours[i] RGB_f.extend( np.hstack((RGB, np.full((RGB.shape[0], 1), settings.face_alpha[i], DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE)))) if settings.edge_colours[i] is not None: RGB = np.ones(RGB.shape) * settings.edge_colours[i] RGB_e.extend( np.hstack((RGB, np.full((RGB.shape[0], 1), settings.edge_alpha[i], DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE)))) quads = np.asarray(quads) quads[np.isnan(quads)] = 0 if quads.size != 0: for i, axis in enumerate('xyz'): min_a = np.min(np.vstack((quads[..., i], points[..., i]))) max_a = np.max(np.vstack((quads[..., i], points[..., i]))) getattr(axes, 'set_{}lim'.format(axis))((min_a, max_a)) labels = COLOURSPACE_MODELS_LABELS[reference_colourspace] for i, axis in enumerate('xyz'): getattr(axes, 'set_{}label'.format(axis))(labels[i]) if display_grid: if reference_colourspace == 'CIE Lab': limits = np.array([[-450, 450], [-450, 450]]) elif reference_colourspace == 'CIE Luv': limits = np.array([[-650, 650], [-650, 650]]) elif reference_colourspace == 'CIE UVW': limits = np.array([[-850, 850], [-850, 850]]) elif reference_colourspace in ('Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab'): limits = np.array([[-250, 250], [-250, 250]]) else: limits = np.array([[-1.5, 1.5], [-1.5, 1.5]]) quads_g, RGB_gf, RGB_ge = nadir_grid(limits, grid_segments, labels, axes, **settings) quads = np.vstack((quads_g, quads)) RGB_f = np.vstack((RGB_gf, RGB_f)) RGB_e = np.vstack((RGB_ge, RGB_e)) collection = Poly3DCollection(quads) collection.set_facecolors(RGB_f) collection.set_edgecolors(RGB_e) axes.add_collection3d(collection) settings.update({'camera_aspect': 'equal', 'no_axes': True}) settings.update(kwargs) return render(**settings)
[docs]def RGB_scatter_plot(RGB, colourspace, reference_colourspace='CIE xyY', colourspaces=None, segments=8, display_grid=True, grid_segments=10, spectral_locus=False, spectral_locus_colour=None, points_size=12, cmfs='CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', **kwargs): """ Plots given *RGB* colourspace array in a scatter plot. Parameters ---------- RGB : array_like *RGB* colourspace array. colourspace : RGB_Colourspace *RGB* colourspace of the *RGB* array. reference_colourspace : unicode, optional **{'CIE XYZ', 'CIE xyY', 'CIE Lab', 'CIE Luv', 'CIE UCS', 'CIE UVW', 'IPT', 'Hunter Lab', 'Hunter Rdab'}**, Reference colourspace for colour conversion. colourspaces : array_like, optional *RGB* colourspaces to plot the gamuts. segments : int, optional Edge segments count for each *RGB* colourspace cubes. display_grid : bool, optional Display a grid at the bottom of the *RGB* colourspace cubes. grid_segments : bool, optional Edge segments count for the grid. spectral_locus : bool, optional Is spectral locus line plotted. spectral_locus_colour : array_like, optional Spectral locus line colour. points_size : numeric, optional Scatter points size. cmfs : unicode, optional Standard observer colour matching functions used for spectral locus. Other Parameters ---------------- \**kwargs : dict, optional {:func:`colour.plotting.RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot`}, Please refer to the documentation of the previously listed definition. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> c = 'ITU-R BT.709' >>> RGB_scatter_plot(c) # doctest: +SKIP """ colourspace = get_RGB_colourspace(colourspace) if colourspaces is None: colourspaces = (, ) count_c = len(colourspaces) settings = Structure(**{ 'face_colours': [None] * count_c, 'edge_colours': [(0.25, 0.25, 0.25)] * count_c, 'face_alpha': [0.0] * count_c, 'edge_alpha': [0.1] * count_c, 'standalone': False }) settings.update(kwargs) RGB_colourspaces_gamuts_plot( colourspaces=colourspaces, reference_colourspace=reference_colourspace, segments=segments, display_grid=display_grid, grid_segments=grid_segments, spectral_locus=spectral_locus, spectral_locus_colour=spectral_locus_colour, cmfs=cmfs, **settings) XYZ = RGB_to_XYZ(RGB, colourspace.whitepoint, colourspace.whitepoint, colourspace.RGB_to_XYZ_matrix) points = common_colourspace_model_axis_reorder( XYZ_to_colourspace_model(XYZ, colourspace.whitepoint, reference_colourspace), reference_colourspace) axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() axes.scatter( points[..., 0], points[..., 1], points[..., 2], color=np.reshape(RGB, (-1, 3)), s=points_size) settings.update({'standalone': True}) settings.update(kwargs) return render(**settings)