Input and Output

Image Data


read_image(path[, bit_depth]) Reads given image using OpenImageIO.
write_image(image, path[, bit_depth]) Writes given image using OpenImageIO.

CSV Tabular Data


read_spds_from_csv_file(path[, delimiter, …]) Reads the spectral data from given CSV file and return its content as an OrderedDict of colour.SpectralPowerDistribution classes.
read_spectral_data_from_csv_file(path[, …]) Reads the spectral data from given CSV file in the following form:
write_spds_to_csv_file(spds, path[, …]) Writes the given spectral power distributions to given CSV file.

IES TM-27-14 Data


IES_TM2714_Spd([path, header, …]) Defines a IES TM-27-14 spectral power distribution.

X-Rite Data


read_spds_from_xrite_file(path) Reads the spectral data from given X-Rite file and returns it as an OrderedDict of colour.SpectralPowerDistribution classes.