
class colour.SpectralDistribution_IESTM2714(path=None, header=None, spectral_quantity=None, reflection_geometry=None, transmission_geometry=None, bandwidth_FWHM=None, bandwidth_corrected=None)[source]

Defines a IES TM-27-14 spectral distribution.

This class can read and write IES TM-27-14 spectral data XML files.

  • path (unicode, optional) – Spectral data XML file path.
  • header (IES_TM2714_Header, optional) – IES TM-27-14 spectral distribution header.
  • spectral_quantity (unicode, optional) – {‘flux’, ‘absorptance’, ‘transmittance’, ‘reflectance’, ‘intensity’, ‘irradiance’, ‘radiance’, ‘exitance’, ‘R-Factor’, ‘T-Factor’, ‘relative’, ‘other’}, Quantity of measurement for each element of the spectral data.
  • reflection_geometry (unicode, optional) – {‘di:8’, ‘de:8’, ‘8:di’, ‘8:de’, ‘d:d’, ‘d:0’, ‘45a:0’, ‘45c:0’, ‘0:45a’, ‘45x:0’, ‘0:45x’, ‘other’}, Spectral reflectance factors geometric conditions.
  • transmission_geometry (unicode, optional) – {‘0:0’, ‘di:0’, ‘de:0’, ‘0:di’, ‘0:de’, ‘d:d’, ‘other’}, Spectral transmittance factors geometric conditions.
  • bandwidth_FWHM (numeric, optional) – Spectroradiometer full-width half-maximum bandwidth in nanometers.
  • bandwidth_corrected (bool, optional) – Specifies if bandwidth correction has been applied to the measured data.


Reflection Geometry

  • di:8: Diffuse / eight-degree, specular component included.
  • de:8: Diffuse / eight-degree, specular component excluded.
  • 8:di: Eight-degree / diffuse, specular component included.
  • 8:de: Eight-degree / diffuse, specular component excluded.
  • d:d: Diffuse / diffuse.
  • d:0: Alternative diffuse.
  • 45a:0: Forty-five degree annular / normal.
  • 45c:0: Forty-five degree circumferential / normal.
  • 0:45a: Normal / forty-five degree annular.
  • 45x:0: Forty-five degree directional / normal.
  • 0:45x: Normal / forty-five degree directional.
  • other: User-specified in comments.

Transmission Geometry

  • 0:0: Normal / normal.
  • di:0: Diffuse / normal, regular component included.
  • de:0: Diffuse / normal, regular component excluded.
  • 0:di: Normal / diffuse, regular component included.
  • 0:de: Normal / diffuse, regular component excluded.
  • d:d: Diffuse / diffuse.
  • other: User-specified in comments.




>>> from os.path import dirname, join
>>> directory = join(dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources')
>>> sd = SpectralDistribution_IESTM2714(
...     join(directory, 'Fluorescent.spdx'))
>>> sd.header.manufacturer
>>> # Doctests ellipsis for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> sd[501.7]  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
__init__(path=None, header=None, spectral_quantity=None, reflection_geometry=None, transmission_geometry=None, bandwidth_FWHM=None, bandwidth_corrected=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([path, header, spectral_quantity, …]) Initialize self.
align(shape[, interpolator, …]) Aligns the spectral distribution in-place to given spectral shape: Interpolates first then extrapolates to fit the given range.
arithmetical_operation(a, operation[, in_place]) Performs given arithmetical operation with \(a\) operand, the operation can be either performed on a copy or in-place.
copy() Returns a copy of the sub-class instance.
domain_distance(a) Returns the euclidean distance between given array and independent domain \(x\) closest element.
extrapolate(shape[, extrapolator, …]) Extrapolates the spectral distribution in-place according to CIE 15:2004 and CIE 167:2005 recommendations or given extrapolation arguments.
fill_nan([method, default]) Fill NaNs in independent domain \(x\) variable and corresponding range \(y\) variable using given method.
interpolate(shape[, interpolator, …]) Interpolates the spectral distribution in-place according to CIE 167:2005 recommendation or given interpolation arguments.
is_uniform() Returns if independent domain \(x\) variable is uniform.
normalise([factor]) Normalises the spectral distribution using given normalization factor.
read() Reads and parses the spectral data XML file path.
signal_unpack_data([data, domain, dtype]) Unpack given data for continuous signal instantiation.
to_series() Converts the continuous signal to a Pandas Series class instance.
trim(shape) Trims the spectral distribution wavelengths to given spectral shape.
write() Write the spectral distribution spectral data to XML file path.


bandwidth_FWHM Getter and setter property for the full-width half-maximum bandwidth.
bandwidth_corrected Getter and setter property for whether bandwidth correction has been applied to the measured data.
domain Getter and setter property for the continuous signal independent domain \(x\) variable.
dtype Getter and setter property for the continuous signal dtype.
extrapolator Getter and setter property for the continuous signal extrapolator type.
extrapolator_args Getter and setter property for the continuous signal extrapolator instantiation time arguments.
function Getter and setter property for the continuous signal callable.
header Getter and setter property for the header.
interpolator Getter and setter property for the continuous signal interpolator type.
interpolator_args Getter and setter property for the continuous signal interpolator instantiation time arguments.
mapping Getter and setter property for the mapping structure.
name Getter and setter property for the abstract continuous function name.
path Getter and setter property for the path.
range Getter and setter property for the continuous signal corresponding range \(y\) variable.
reflection_geometry Getter and setter property for the reflection geometry.
shape Getter and setter property for the spectral distribution shape.
spectral_quantity Getter and setter property for the spectral quantity.
strict_name Getter and setter property for the spectral distribution strict name.
transmission_geometry Getter and setter property for the transmission geometry.
values Getter and setter property for the spectral distribution values.
wavelengths Getter and setter property for the spectral distribution wavelengths \(\lambda_n\).