
Spectral Data Structure


SpectralShape([start, end, interval]) Defines the base object for spectral distribution shape.
SpectralDistribution([data, domain]) Defines the spectral distribution: the base object for spectral computations.
MultiSpectralDistribution([data, domain, labels]) Defines multi-spectral distribution: the base object for multi spectral computations.
ASTME30815_PRACTISE_SHAPE (360, 780, 1).

Spectral Data Generation


sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A([shape]) CIE Standard Illuminant A is intended to represent typical, domestic, tungsten-filament lighting.
sd_CIE_illuminant_D_series(xy[, M1_M2_rounding]) Returns the spectral distribution of given CIE Illuminant D Series using given xy chromaticity coordinates.
sd_blackbody(temperature[, shape, c1, c2, n]) Returns the spectral distribution of the planckian radiator for given temperature \(T[K]\).
sd_constant(k[, shape, dtype]) Returns a spectral distribution of given spectral shape filled with constant \(k\) values.
sd_ones([shape]) Returns a spectral distribution of given spectral shape filled with ones.
sd_zeros([shape]) Returns a spectral distribution of given spectral shape filled with zeros.
SD_GAUSSIAN_METHODS Supported gaussian spectral distribution computation methods.
sd_gaussian(mu_peak_wavelength, sigma_fwhm) Returns a gaussian spectral distribution of given spectral shape using given method.
SD_SINGLE_LED_METHODS Supported single LED spectral distribution computation methods.
sd_single_led(peak_wavelength, fwhm[, …]) Returns a single LED spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given peak wavelength and full width at half maximum according to given method.
SD_MULTI_LEDS_METHODS Supported multi LED spectral distribution computation methods.
sd_multi_leds(peak_wavelengths, fwhm[, …]) Returns a multi LED spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given peak wavelengths and full widths at half maximum according to given method.


blackbody_spectral_radiance(wavelength, …) Returns the spectral radiance of a blackbody at thermodynamic temperature \(T[K]\) in a medium having index of refraction \(n\).
daylight_locus_function(x_D) Returns the daylight locus as xy chromaticity coordinates.
planck_law(wavelength, temperature[, c1, c2, n]) Returns the spectral radiance of a blackbody at thermodynamic temperature \(T[K]\) in a medium having index of refraction \(n\).
sd_gaussian_normal(mu, sigma[, shape]) Returns a gaussian spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given mean wavelength \(\mu\) and standard deviation \(sigma\).
sd_gaussian_fwhm(peak_wavelength, fwhm[, shape]) Returns a gaussian spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given peak wavelength and full width at half maximum.
sd_single_led_Ohno2005(peak_wavelength, fwhm) Returns a single LED spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given peak wavelength and full width at half maximum according to Ohno (2005) method.
sd_multi_leds_Ohno2005(peak_wavelengths, fwhm) Returns a multi LED spectral distribution of given spectral shape at given peak wavelengths and full widths at half maximum according to Ohno (2005) method.

Conversion to Tristimulus Values


sd_to_XYZ(sd[, cmfs, illuminant, k, method]) Converts given spectral distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions, illuminant and method.
SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS Supported spectral distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values conversion methods.
multi_sds_to_XYZ(msd[, shape, cmfs, …]) Converts given multi-spectral distribution array \(msd\) with given spectral shape to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant.
MULTI_SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS Supported multi-spectral array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values conversion methods.
wavelength_to_XYZ(wavelength[, cmfs]) Converts given wavelength \(\lambda\) to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions.

ASTM E308-15


sd_to_XYZ_ASTME30815(sd[, cmfs, illuminant, …]) Converts given spectral distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant according to practise ASTM E308-15 method.

Ancillary Objects


sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(sd) Converts given spectral distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant using a table of tristimulus weighting factors according to practise ASTM E308-15 method.
adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(W, …) Adjusts given table of tristimulus weighting factors to account for a shorter wavelengths range of the test spectral shape compared to the reference spectral shape using practise ASTM E308-15 method: Weights at the wavelengths for which data are not available are added to the weights at the shortest and longest wavelength for which spectral data are available.
lagrange_coefficients_ASTME202211([…]) Computes the Lagrange Coefficients for given interval size using practise ASTM E2022-11 method.
tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME202211(…) Returns a table of tristimulus weighting factors for given colour matching functions and illuminant using practise ASTM E2022-11 method.



sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd[, cmfs, illuminant, k]) Converts given spectral distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant according to classical integration method.
multi_sds_to_XYZ_integration(msd, shape[, …]) Converts given multi-spectral distribution array \(msd\) with given spectral shape to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant.

Spectral Bandpass Dependence Correction


bandpass_correction(sd[, method]) Implements spectral bandpass dependence correction on given spectral distribution using given method.
BANDPASS_CORRECTION_METHODS Supported spectral bandpass dependence correction methods.

Stearns and Stearns (1988)


bandpass_correction_Stearns1988(sd) Implements spectral bandpass dependence correction on given spectral distribution using Stearns and Stearns (1988) method.

Colour Matching Functions


LMS_ConeFundamentals([data, domain, labels]) Implements support for the Stockman and Sharpe LMS cone fundamentals colour matching functions.
RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions([data, domain, …]) Implements support for the CIE RGB colour matching functions.
XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions([data, domain, …]) Implements support for the CIE Standard Observers XYZ colour matching functions.



CMFS Aggregated colour matching functions.
LMS_CMFS LMS colour matching functions.
RGB_CMFS CIE RGB colour matching functions.
STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS CIE Standard Observers XYZ colour matching functions.

Colour Matching Functions Transformations

Ancillary Objects


RGB_2_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_2_degree_cmfs(…) Converts Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.
RGB_10_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_10_degree_cmfs(…) Converts Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.
RGB_10_degree_cmfs_to_LMS_10_degree_cmfs(…) Converts Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals spectral sensitivity functions.
LMS_2_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_2_degree_cmfs(…) Converts Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals colour matching functions into the CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.
LMS_10_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_10_degree_cmfs(…) Converts Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals colour matching functions into the CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.

Illuminants and Light Sources



ILLUMINANTS Aggregated CIE illuminants chromaticity coordinates.
ILLUMINANTS_SDS CIE illuminants spectral distributions.
HUNTERLAB_ILLUMINANTS Aggregated Hunter L,a,b illuminant dataset.
LIGHT_SOURCES Aggregated light sources chromaticity coordinates.
LIGHT_SOURCES_SDS Aggregated light sources spectral distributions.

Dominant Wavelength and Purity


dominant_wavelength(xy, xy_n[, cmfs, reverse]) Returns the dominant wavelength \(\lambda_d\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\) and the related \(xy_wl\) first and \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.
complementary_wavelength(xy, xy_n[, cmfs]) Returns the complementary wavelength \(\lambda_c\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\) and the related \(xy_wl\) first and \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.
excitation_purity(xy, xy_n[, cmfs]) Returns the excitation purity \(P_e\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\).
colorimetric_purity(xy, xy_n[, cmfs]) Returns the colorimetric purity \(P_c\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\).

Luminous Efficiency Functions


luminous_efficacy(sd[, lef]) Returns the luminous efficacy in \(lm\cdot W^{-1}\) of given spectral distribution using given luminous efficiency function.
luminous_efficiency(sd[, lef]) Returns the luminous efficiency of given spectral distribution using given luminous efficiency function.
luminous_flux(sd[, lef, K_m]) Returns the luminous flux for given spectral distribution using given luminous efficiency function.
sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(Lp) Returns the mesopic luminous efficiency function \(V_m(\lambda)\) for given photopic luminance \(L_p\).



LEFS Aggregated luminous efficiency functions.
PHOTOPIC_LEFS Photopic luminous efficiency functions.
SCOTOPIC_LEFS Scotopic luminous efficiency functions.

Lightness Computation


lightness(Y[, method]) Returns the Lightness \(L\) of given luminance \(Y\) using given method.
LIGHTNESS_METHODS Supported Lightness computation methods.

Glasser, Mckinney, Reilly and Schnelle (1958)


lightness_Glasser1958(Y) Returns the Lightness \(L\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Glasser et al.(1958) method..

Wyszecki (1963)


lightness_Wyszecki1963(Y) Returns the Lightness \(W\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Wyszecki (1963) method.

CIE 1976


lightness_CIE1976(Y[, Y_n]) Returns the Lightness \(L^*\) of given luminance \(Y\) using given reference white luminance \(Y_n\) as per CIE 1976 recommendation.
intermediate_lightness_function_CIE1976(Y[, Y_n]) Returns the intermediate value \(f(Y/Yn)\) in the Lightness \(L^*\) computation for given luminance \(Y\) using given reference white luminance \(Y_n\) as per CIE 1976 recommendation.

Fairchild and Wyble (2010)


lightness_Fairchild2010(Y[, epsilon]) Computes Lightness \(L_{hdr}\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Fairchild and Wyble (2010) method according to Michealis-Menten kinetics.

Fairchild and Chen (2011)


lightness_Fairchild2011(Y[, epsilon, method]) Computes Lightness \(L_{hdr}\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Fairchild and Chen (2011) method according to Michealis-Menten kinetics.

Luminance Computation


luminance(LV[, method]) Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L^*\) or given Munsell value \(V\).
LUMINANCE_METHODS Supported luminance computation methods.

Newhall, Nickerson and Judd (1943)


luminance_Newhall1943(V) Returns the luminance \(R_Y\) of given Munsell value \(V\) using Newhall et al.(1943) method..

CIE 1976


luminance_CIE1976(L_star[, Y_n]) Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L^*\) with given reference white luminance \(Y_n\).
intermediate_luminance_function_CIE1976(f_Y_Y_n) Returns the luminance \(Y\) in the luminance \(Y\) computation for given intermediate value \(f(Y/Yn)\) using given reference white luminance \(Y_n\) as per CIE 1976 recommendation.

ASTM D1535-08e1


luminance_ASTMD153508(V) Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Munsell value \(V\) using ASTM D1535-08e1 method.

Fairchild and Wyble (2010)


luminance_Fairchild2010(L_hdr[, epsilon]) Computes luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L_{hdr}\) using Fairchild and Wyble (2010) method according to Michealis-Menten kinetics.

Fairchild and Chen (2011)


luminance_Fairchild2011(L_hdr[, epsilon, method]) Computes luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L_{hdr}\) using Fairchild and Chen (2011) method according to Michealis-Menten kinetics.

Whiteness Computation


whiteness(XYZ, XYZ_0[, method]) Returns the whiteness \(W\) using given method.
WHITENESS_METHODS Supported whiteness computation methods.

Berger (1959)


whiteness_Berger1959(XYZ, XYZ_0) Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using Berger (1959) method.

Taube (1960)


whiteness_Taube1960(XYZ, XYZ_0) Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using Taube (1960) method.

Stensby (1968)


whiteness_Stensby1968(Lab) Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE L*a*b* colourspace array using Stensby (1968) method.



whiteness_ASTME313(XYZ) Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using ASTM E313 method.

Ganz and Griesser (1979)


whiteness_Ganz1979(xy, Y) Returns the whiteness index \(W\) and tint \(T\) of given sample xy chromaticity coordinates using Ganz and Griesser (1979) method.

CIE 2004


whiteness_CIE2004(xy, Y, xy_n[, observer]) Returns the whiteness \(W\) or \(W_{10}\) and tint \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) of given sample xy chromaticity coordinates using CIE 2004 method.

Yellowness Computation


yellowness(XYZ[, method]) Returns the yellowness \(W\) using given method.
YELLOWNESS_METHODS Supported yellowness computation methods.

ASTM D1925


yellowness_ASTMD1925(XYZ) Returns the yellowness index \(YI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using ASTM D1925 method.



yellowness_ASTME313(XYZ) Returns the yellowness index \(YI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using ASTM E313 method.