Source code for colour.utilities.verbose

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Defines verbose related objects.

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import traceback
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from contextlib import contextmanager
from itertools import chain
from textwrap import TextWrapper
from warnings import filterwarnings, formatwarning, warn

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2019 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'ColourWarning', 'ColourUsageWarning', 'ColourRuntimeWarning',
    'message_box', 'show_warning', 'warning', 'runtime_warning',
    'usage_warning', 'filter_warnings', 'suppress_warnings',
    'numpy_print_options', 'ANCILLARY_COLOUR_SCIENCE_PACKAGES',
    'ANCILLARY_EXTRAS_PACKAGES', 'describe_environment'

[docs]class ColourWarning(Warning): """ This is the base class of *Colour* warnings. It is a subclass of :class:`Warning` class. """
[docs]class ColourUsageWarning(ColourWarning): """ This is the base class of *Colour* usage warnings. It is a subclass of :class:`colour.utilities.ColourWarning` class. """
[docs]class ColourRuntimeWarning(ColourWarning): """ This is the base class of *Colour* runtime warnings. It is a subclass of :class:`colour.utilities.ColourWarning` class. """
[docs]def message_box(message, width=79, padding=3, print_callable=print): """ Prints a message inside a box. Parameters ---------- message : unicode Message to print. width : int, optional Message box width. padding : unicode, optional Padding on each sides of the message. print_callable : callable, optional Callable used to print the message box. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> message = ('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, ' ... 'sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna ' ... 'aliqua.') >>> message_box(message, width=75) =========================================================================== * * * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do * * eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. * * * =========================================================================== True >>> message_box(message, width=60) ============================================================ * * * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing * * elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et * * dolore magna aliqua. * * * ============================================================ True >>> message_box(message, width=75, padding=16) =========================================================================== * * * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur * * adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor * * incididunt ut labore et dolore magna * * aliqua. * * * =========================================================================== True """ ideal_width = width - padding * 2 - 2 def inner(text): """ Formats and pads inner text for the message box. """ return '*{0}{1}{2}{0}*'.format( ' ' * padding, text, (' ' * (width - len(text) - padding * 2 - 2))) print_callable('=' * width) print_callable(inner('')) wrapper = TextWrapper( width=ideal_width, break_long_words=False, replace_whitespace=False) lines = [wrapper.wrap(line) for line in message.split("\n")] lines = [' ' if len(line) == 0 else line for line in lines] for line in chain(*lines): print_callable(inner(line.expandtabs())) print_callable(inner('')) print_callable('=' * width) return True
def show_warning(message, category, path, line, file_=None, code=None, frame_range=(1, None)): """ Alternative :func:`warnings.showwarning` definition that allows traceback printing. This definition is expected to be used by setting the *COLOUR_SCIENCE__COLOUR__SHOW_WARNINGS_WITH_TRACEBACK* environment variable prior to importing *colour*. Parameters ---------- message : unicode Warning message. category : Warning :class:`Warning` sub-class. path : unicode File path to read the line at ``lineno`` from if ``line`` is None. line : int Line number to read the line at in ``filename`` if ``line`` is None. file_ : file, optional :class:`file` object to write the warning to, defaults to :attr:`sys.stderr` attribute. code : unicode, optional Source code to be included in the warning message. frame_range : array_like, optional Traceback frame range, i.e first frame and numbers of frame above it. Notes ----- - Setting the *COLOUR_SCIENCE__COLOUR__SHOW_WARNINGS_WITH_TRACEBACK* environment variable will result in the :func:`warnings.showwarning` definition to be replaced with the :func:`colour.utilities.show_warning` definition and thus providing complete traceback from the point where the warning occurred. """ if file_ is None: file_ = sys.stderr if file_ is None: return try: # Generating a traceback to print useful warning origin. frame_in, frame_out = frame_range try: raise ZeroDivisionError except ZeroDivisionError: frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back while frame_in: frame = frame.f_back frame_in -= 1 traceback.print_stack(frame, frame_out, file_) file_.write(formatwarning(message, category, path, line, code)) except (IOError, UnicodeError): pass if os.environ.get( # pragma: no cover 'COLOUR_SCIENCE__COLOUR__SHOW_WARNINGS_WITH_TRACEBACK'): warnings.showwarning = show_warning
[docs]def warning(*args, **kwargs): """ Issues a warning. Other Parameters ---------------- \\*args : list, optional Arguments. \\**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> warning('This is a warning!') # doctest: +SKIP """ kwargs['category'] = kwargs.get('category', ColourWarning) warn(*args, **kwargs) return True
def runtime_warning(*args, **kwargs): """ Issues a runtime warning. Other Parameters ---------------- \\*args : list, optional Arguments. \\**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> usage_warning('This is a runtime warning!') # doctest: +SKIP """ kwargs['category'] = ColourRuntimeWarning warning(*args, **kwargs) return True def usage_warning(*args, **kwargs): """ Issues an usage warning. Other Parameters ---------------- \\*args : list, optional Arguments. \\**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- >>> usage_warning('This is an usage warning!') # doctest: +SKIP """ kwargs['category'] = ColourUsageWarning warning(*args, **kwargs) return True
[docs]def filter_warnings(state=True, colour_warnings=True, colour_runtime_warnings=False, colour_usage_warnings=False, python_warnings=False): """ Filters *Colour* and also optionally overall Python warnings. Parameters ---------- state : bool, optional Warnings filter state. colour_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* warnings, this also filters *Colour* usage and runtime warnings. colour_runtime_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* runtime warnings. colour_usage_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* usage warnings. python_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Python* warnings. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Examples -------- # Filtering *Colour* warnings: >>> filter_warnings() True # Filtering *Colour* runtime warnings: >>> filter_warnings(colour_warnings=False, colour_runtime_warnings=True) True # Filtering *Colour* usage warnings: >>> filter_warnings(colour_warnings=False, colour_usage_warnings=True) True # Filtering *Colour* and also Python warnings: >>> filter_warnings(python_warnings=True) True """ action = 'ignore' if state else 'default' if colour_warnings: filterwarnings(action, category=ColourWarning) if colour_runtime_warnings: filterwarnings(action, category=ColourRuntimeWarning) if colour_usage_warnings: filterwarnings(action, category=ColourUsageWarning) if python_warnings: filterwarnings(action, category=Warning) return True
# Defaulting to filter *Colour* runtime warnings. filter_warnings(colour_warnings=False, colour_runtime_warnings=True)
[docs]@contextmanager def suppress_warnings(colour_warnings=True, colour_runtime_warnings=False, colour_usage_warnings=False, python_warnings=False): """ A context manager filtering *Colour* and also optionally overall Python warnings. Parameters ---------- colour_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* warnings, this also filters *Colour* usage and runtime warnings. colour_runtime_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* runtime warnings. colour_usage_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Colour* usage warnings. python_warnings : bool, optional Whether to filter *Python* warnings. """ filters = warnings.filters show_warnings = warnings.showwarning filter_warnings( colour_warnings=colour_warnings, colour_runtime_warnings=colour_runtime_warnings, colour_usage_warnings=colour_usage_warnings, python_warnings=python_warnings) try: yield finally: warnings.filters = filters warnings.showwarning = show_warnings
[docs]@contextmanager def numpy_print_options(*args, **kwargs): """ A context manager implementing context changes to *Numpy* print behaviour. Other Parameters ---------------- \\*args : list, optional Arguments. \\**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Examples ------- >>> np.array([np.pi]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 3.1415926...]) >>> with numpy_print_options(formatter={'float': '{:0.1f}'.format}): ... np.array([np.pi]) array([3.1]) """ options = np.get_printoptions() np.set_printoptions(*args, **kwargs) try: yield finally: np.set_printoptions(**options)
ANCILLARY_COLOUR_SCIENCE_PACKAGES = OrderedDict() """ Ancillary ** packages to describe. ANCILLARY_COLOUR_SCIENCE_PACKAGES : OrderedDict """ ANCILLARY_RUNTIME_PACKAGES = OrderedDict() """ Ancillary runtime packages to describe. ANCILLARY_RUNTIME_PACKAGES : OrderedDict """ ANCILLARY_DEVELOPMENT_PACKAGES = OrderedDict() """ Ancillary development packages to describe. ANCILLARY_DEVELOPMENT_PACKAGES : OrderedDict """ ANCILLARY_EXTRAS_PACKAGES = OrderedDict() """ Ancillary extras packages to describe. ANCILLARY_EXTRAS_PACKAGES : OrderedDict """
[docs]def describe_environment(runtime_packages=True, development_packages=False, extras_packages=False, print_environment=True, **kwargs): """ Describes *Colour* running environment, i.e. interpreter, runtime and development packages. Parameters ---------- runtime_packages : bool, optional Whether to return the runtime packages versions. development_packages : bool, optional Whether to return the development packages versions. extras_packages : bool, optional Whether to return the extras packages versions. print_environment : bool, optional Whether to print the environment. Other Parameters ---------------- padding : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.utilities.message_box`}, Padding on each sides of the message. print_callable : callable, optional {:func:`colour.utilities.message_box`}, Callable used to print the message box. width : int, optional {:func:`colour.utilities.message_box`}, Message box width. Returns ------- defaultdict Environment. Examples -------- >>> environment = describe_environment(width=75) # doctest: +SKIP =========================================================================== * * * Interpreter : * * python : 3.7.4 (default, Sep 7 2019, 18:27:02) * * [Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] * * * * : * * colour : v0.3.13-293-gecf1dc8a * * * * Runtime : * * imageio : 2.6.1 * * numpy : 1.17.2 * * scipy : 1.3.1 * * six : 1.12.0 * * pandas : 0.24.2 * * matplotlib : 3.0.3 * * networkx : 2.3 * * pygraphviz : 1.5 * * * =========================================================================== >>> environment = describe_environment(True, True, True, width=75) ... # doctest: +SKIP =========================================================================== * * * Interpreter : * * python : 3.7.4 (default, Sep 7 2019, 18:27:02) * * [Clang 10.0.1 (clang-1001.0.46.4)] * * * * : * * colour : v0.3.13-293-gecf1dc8a * * * * Runtime : * * imageio : 2.6.1 * * numpy : 1.17.2 * * scipy : 1.3.1 * * six : 1.12.0 * * pandas : 0.24.2 * * matplotlib : 3.0.3 * * networkx : 2.3 * * pygraphviz : 1.5 * * * * Development : * * biblib-simple : 0.1.1 * * coverage : 4.5.4 * * coveralls : 1.8.2 * * flake8 : 3.7.8 * * invoke : 1.3.0 * * jupyter : 1.0.0 * * mock : 3.0.5 * * nose : 1.3.7 * * pre-commit : 1.18.3 * * pytest : 5.2.1 * * restructuredtext-lint : 1.3.0 * * sphinx : 2.2.0 * * sphinx_rtd_theme : 0.4.3 * * sphinxcontrib-bibtex : 1.0.0 * * toml : 0.10.0 * * twine : 1.15.0 * * yapf : 0.23.0 * * * * Extras : * * ipywidgets : 7.5.1 * * notebook : 6.0.1 * * * =========================================================================== """ environment = defaultdict(OrderedDict) environment['Interpreter']['python'] = sys.version import subprocess # nosec import colour # TODO: Implement support for "pyproject.toml" file whenever "TOML" is # supported in the standard library. # NOTE: A few clauses are not reached and a few packages are not available # during continuous integration and are thus ignored for coverage. try: # pragma: no cover version = subprocess.check_output( # nosec ['git', 'describe'], cwd=colour.__path__[0], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).strip() version = version.decode('utf-8') except Exception: # pragma: no cover version = colour.__version__ environment['']['colour'] = version environment[''].update(ANCILLARY_COLOUR_SCIENCE_PACKAGES) if runtime_packages: for package in [ 'imageio', 'matplotlib', 'networkx', 'numpy', 'pandas', 'pygraphviz', 'scipy', 'six' ]: try: namespace = __import__(package) environment['Runtime'][package] = namespace.__version__ except ImportError: continue # OpenImageIO try: # pragma: no cover namespace = __import__('OpenImageIO') environment['Runtime']['OpenImageIO'] = namespace.VERSION_STRING except ImportError: # pragma: no cover pass environment['Runtime'].update(ANCILLARY_RUNTIME_PACKAGES) def _get_package_version(package, mapping): """ Returns given package version. """ namespace = __import__(package) if package in mapping: import pkg_resources distributions = [ distribution for distribution in pkg_resources.working_set ] for distribution in distributions: if distribution.project_name == mapping[package]: return distribution.version return namespace.__version__ if development_packages: mapping = { 'biblib.bib': 'biblib-simple', 'pre_commit': 'pre-commit', 'restructuredtext_lint': 'restructuredtext-lint', 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex': 'sphinxcontrib-bibtex' } for package in [ 'biblib.bib', 'coverage', 'coveralls', 'flake8', 'invoke', 'jupyter', 'mock', 'nose', 'pre_commit', 'pytest', 'restructuredtext_lint', 'sphinx', 'sphinx_rtd_theme', 'sphinxcontrib.bibtex', 'toml', 'twine', 'yapf' ]: try: version = _get_package_version(package, mapping) package = mapping.get(package, package) environment['Development'][package] = version except Exception: continue environment['Development'].update(ANCILLARY_DEVELOPMENT_PACKAGES) if extras_packages: mapping = {} for package in ['ipywidgets', 'notebook']: try: version = _get_package_version(package, mapping) package = mapping.get(package, package) environment['Extras'][package] = version except Exception: continue environment['Extras'].update(ANCILLARY_EXTRAS_PACKAGES) if print_environment: message = str() for category in ('Interpreter', '', 'Runtime', 'Development', 'Extras'): elements = environment.get(category) if not elements: continue message += '{0} :\n'.format(category) for key, value in elements.items(): lines = value.split('\n') message += ' {0} : {1}\n'.format(key, lines.pop(0)) indentation = len(' {0} : '.format(key)) for line in lines: message += '{0}{1}\n'.format(' ' * indentation, line) message += '\n' message_box(message.strip(), **kwargs) return environment