Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-   :cite:`AdobeSystems2013b` : Adobe Systems. (2013). Cube LUT Specification.
    Retrieved from\
-   :cite:`Chamberlain2015`: Chamberlain, P. (2015). LUT documentation
    (to create from another program). Retrieved August 23, 2018, from
-   :cite:`RisingSunResearch` : Rising Sun Research. (n.d.). cineSpace LUT
    Library. Retrieved November 30, 2018, from

from __future__ import absolute_import

import os

from colour.utilities import CaseInsensitiveMapping, filter_kwargs
from .lut import (AbstractLUTSequenceOperator, LUT1D, LUT3x1D, LUT3D,
                  LUTSequence, LUT_to_LUT)
from .iridas_cube import read_LUT_IridasCube, write_LUT_IridasCube
from .resolve_cube import read_LUT_ResolveCube, write_LUT_ResolveCube
from .sony_spi1d import read_LUT_SonySPI1D, write_LUT_SonySPI1D
from .sony_spi3d import read_LUT_SonySPI3D, write_LUT_SonySPI3D
from .cinespace_csp import read_LUT_Cinespace, write_LUT_Cinespace

__all__ = [
    'AbstractLUTSequenceOperator', 'LUT1D', 'LUT3x1D', 'LUT3D', 'LUTSequence',
__all__ += ['read_LUT_IridasCube', 'write_LUT_IridasCube']
__all__ += ['read_LUT_ResolveCube', 'write_LUT_ResolveCube']
__all__ += ['read_LUT_SonySPI1D', 'write_LUT_SonySPI1D']
__all__ += ['read_LUT_SonySPI3D', 'write_LUT_SonySPI3D']
__all__ += ['read_LUT_Cinespace', 'write_LUT_Cinespace']

    '.cube': 'Iridas Cube',
    '.spi1d': 'Sony SPI1D',
    '.spi3d': 'Sony SPI3D',
    '.csp': 'Cinespace'
Extension to *LUT* format.

    **{'.cube', '.spi1d'}**

LUT_READ_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({
    'Cinespace': read_LUT_Cinespace,
    'Iridas Cube': read_LUT_IridasCube,
    'Resolve Cube': read_LUT_ResolveCube,
    'Sony SPI1D': read_LUT_SonySPI1D,
    'Sony SPI3D': read_LUT_SonySPI3D,
LUT_READ_METHODS.__doc__ = """
Supported *LUT* reading methods.

:cite:`AdobeSystems2013b`, :cite:`Chamberlain2015`

LUT_READ_METHODS : CaseInsensitiveMapping
    **{'Cinespace', 'Iridas Cube', 'Resolve Cube', 'Sony SPI1D',
    'Sony SPI3D'}**

[docs]def read_LUT(path, method=None, **kwargs): """ Reads given *LUT* file using given method. Parameters ---------- path : unicode *LUT* path. method : unicode, optional **{None, 'Cinespace', 'Iridas Cube', 'Resolve Cube', 'Sony SPI1D', 'Sony SPI3D'}**, Reading method, if *None*, the method will be auto-detected according to extension. Returns ------- LUT1D or LUT3x1D or LUT3D :class:`LUT1D`, :class:`LUT3x1D` or :class:`LUT3D` class instance. References ---------- :cite:`AdobeSystems2013b`, :cite:`Chamberlain2015`, :cite:`RisingSunResearch` Examples -------- Reading a 3x1D *Iridas* *.cube* *LUT*: >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources', 'iridas_cube', ... 'ACES_Proxy_10_to_ACES.cube') >>> print(read_LUT(path)) LUT3x1D - ACES Proxy 10 to ACES ------------------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 2 Domain : [[ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 1. 1.]] Size : (32, 3) Reading a 1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources', 'sony_spi1d', ... 'eotf_sRGB_1D.spi1d') >>> print(read_LUT(path)) LUT1D - eotf sRGB 1D -------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 1 Domain : [-0.1 1.5] Size : (16,) Comment 01 : Generated by "Colour 0.3.11". Comment 02 : "colour.models.eotf_sRGB". Reading a 3D *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT*: >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources', 'sony_spi3d', ... 'Colour_Correct.spi3d') >>> print(read_LUT(path)) LUT3D - Colour Correct ---------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 3 Domain : [[ 0. 0. 0.] [ 1. 1. 1.]] Size : (4, 4, 4, 3) Comment 01 : Adapted from a LUT generated by Foundry::LUT. """ if method is None: method = EXTENSION_TO_LUT_FORMAT_MAPPING[os.path.splitext(path)[-1]] function = LUT_READ_METHODS[method] try: return function(path, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs)) except ValueError as error: # Case where a "Resolve Cube" with "LUT3x1D" shaper was read as an # "Iridas Cube" "LUT". if method == 'Iridas Cube': function = LUT_READ_METHODS['Resolve Cube'] return function(path, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs)) else: raise error
LUT_WRITE_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'Iridas Cube': write_LUT_IridasCube, 'Resolve Cube': write_LUT_ResolveCube, 'Sony SPI1D': write_LUT_SonySPI1D, 'Sony SPI3D': write_LUT_SonySPI3D, 'Cinespace': write_LUT_Cinespace, }) LUT_WRITE_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported *LUT* reading methods. References ---------- :cite:`AdobeSystems2013b`, :cite:`Chamberlain2015` LUT_WRITE_METHODS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'Cinespace', 'Iridas Cube', 'Resolve Cube', 'Sony SPI1D', 'Sony SPI3D'}** """
[docs]def write_LUT(LUT, path, decimals=7, method=None, **kwargs): """ Writes given *LUT* to given file using given method. Parameters ---------- LUT : LUT1D or LUT3x1D or LUT3D :class:`LUT1D`, :class:`LUT3x1D` or :class:`LUT3D` class instance to write at given path. path : unicode *LUT* path. decimals : int, optional Formatting decimals. method : unicode, optional **{None, 'Cinespace', 'Iridas Cube', 'Resolve Cube', 'Sony SPI1D', 'Sony SPI3D'}**, Writing method, if *None*, the method will be auto-detected according to extension. Returns ------- bool Definition success. References ---------- :cite:`AdobeSystems2013b`, :cite:`Chamberlain2015`, :cite:`RisingSunResearch` Examples -------- Writing a 3x1D *Iridas* *.cube* *LUT*: >>> import numpy as np >>> from colour.algebra import spow >>> domain = np.array([[-0.1, -0.2, -0.4], [1.5, 3.0, 6.0]]) >>> LUT = LUT3x1D( ... spow(LUT3x1D.linear_table(16, domain), 1 / 2.2), ... 'My LUT', ... domain, ... comments=['A first comment.', 'A second comment.']) >>> write_LUT(LUT, 'My_LUT.cube') # doctest: +SKIP Writing a 1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> domain = np.array([-0.1, 1.5]) >>> LUT = LUT1D( ... spow(LUT1D.linear_table(16, domain), 1 / 2.2), ... 'My LUT', ... domain, ... comments=['A first comment.', 'A second comment.']) >>> write_LUT(LUT, 'My_LUT.spi1d') # doctest: +SKIP Writing a 3D *Sony* *.spi3d* *LUT*: >>> LUT = LUT3D( ... LUT3D.linear_table(16) ** (1 / 2.2), ... 'My LUT', ... np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1]]), ... comments=['A first comment.', 'A second comment.']) >>> write_LUT(LUT, 'My_LUT.cube') # doctest: +SKIP """ if method is None: method = EXTENSION_TO_LUT_FORMAT_MAPPING[os.path.splitext(path)[-1]] if method == 'Iridas Cube' and isinstance(LUT, LUTSequence): method = 'Resolve Cube' function = LUT_WRITE_METHODS[method] return function(LUT, path, decimals, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))
__all__ += ['LUT_READ_METHODS', 'read_LUT', 'LUT_WRITE_METHODS', 'write_LUT']