
CSV Tabular Data Input / Output

Defines various input / output objects for CSV tabular data files:, delimiter=u', ', fields=None, default=0)[source]

Reads the spectral data from given CSV file in the following form:

390, 4.15003E-04, 3.68349E-04, 9.54729E-03 395, 1.05192E-03, 9.58658E-04, 2.38250E-02 400, 2.40836E-03, 2.26991E-03, 5.66498E-02 ... 830, 9.74306E-07, 9.53411E-08, 0.00000

and returns it as an OrderedDict of dict as follows:

OrderedDict([ (‘field’, {‘wavelength’: ‘value’, ..., ‘wavelength’: ‘value’}), ..., (‘field’, {‘wavelength’: ‘value’, ..., ‘wavelength’: ‘value’})])

  • path (unicode) – Absolute CSV file path.
  • delimiter (unicode, optional) – CSV file content delimiter.
  • fields (array_like, optional) – CSV file spectral data fields names. If no value is provided the first line of the file will be used as spectral data fields names.
  • default (numeric, optional) – Default value for fields row with missing value.

CSV file content.

Return type:



RuntimeError – If the CSV spectral data file doesn’t define the appropriate fields.


  • A CSV spectral data file should define at least define two fields: one for the wavelengths and one for the associated values of one spectral power distribution.
  • If no value is provided for the fields names, the first line of the file will be used as spectral data fields names.


>>> import os
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> csv_file = os.path.join(
...     os.path.dirname(__file__),
...     'tests',
...     'resources',
...     'colorchecker_n_ohta.csv')
>>> spds_data = read_spectral_data_from_csv_file(csv_file)
>>> pprint(list(spds_data.keys()))
 '24'], delimiter=u', ', fields=None, default=0)[source]

Reads the spectral data from given CSV file and return its content as an OrderedDict of colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralPowerDistribution classes.

  • path (unicode) – Absolute CSV file path.
  • delimiter (unicode, optional) – CSV file content delimiter.
  • fields (array_like, optional) – CSV file spectral data fields names. If no value is provided the first line of the file will be used for as spectral data fields names.
  • default (numeric) – Default value for fields row with missing value.

colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralPowerDistribution classes of given CSV file.

Return type:



>>> import os
>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> csv_file = os.path.join(
...     os.path.dirname(__file__),
...     'tests',
...     'resources',
...     'colorchecker_n_ohta.csv')
>>> spds = read_spds_from_csv_file(csv_file)
>>> pprint(tuple(spds.items()))  
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>),
  <...SpectralPowerDistribution object at 0x...>)), path, delimiter=u', ', fields=None)[source]

Writes the given spectral power distributions to given CSV file.

  • spds (dict) – Spectral power distributions to write.
  • path (unicode) – Absolute CSV file path.
  • delimiter (unicode, optional) – CSV file content delimiter.
  • fields (array_like, optional) – CSV file spectral data fields names. If no value is provided the order of fields will be the one defined by the sorted spectral power distributions dict.

Definition success.

Return type:



RuntimeError – If the given spectral power distributions have different shapes.