Source code for colour.plotting.common

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Common Plotting

Defines the common plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour_cycle`
-   :func:`canvas`
-   :func:`camera`
-   :func:`decorate`
-   :func:`boundaries`
-   :func:`display`
-   :func:`label_rectangles`
-   :func:`equal_axes3d`
-   :func:`colour_parameters_plot`
-   :func:`single_colour_plot`
-   :func:`multi_colour_plot`
-   :func:`image_plot`

from __future__ import division

import itertools
import os
from collections import namedtuple

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot
import matplotlib.ticker
import numpy as np
import pylab

from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACES
from colour.utilities import Structure

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2016 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'


Resources directory.


DEFAULT_FIGURE_ASPECT_RATIO = (np.sqrt(5) - 1) / 2
Default figure aspect ratio (Golden Number).


Default figure width.


if 'Qt4Agg' in matplotlib.get_backend():

Default figure height.


Default figure size.


Default figure font size.


if 'Qt4Agg' in matplotlib.get_backend():

DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE = ('r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k')
Default colour cycle for plots.

**{'r', 'g', 'b', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'}**

DEFAULT_HATCH_PATTERNS = ('\\\\', 'o', 'x', '.', '*', '//')
Default hatch patterns for bar plots.

{'\\\\', 'o', 'x', '.', '*', '//'}

    'figure.figsize': DEFAULT_FIGURE_SIZE,
    'font.size': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,
    'axes.titlesize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 1.25,
    'axes.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 1.25,
    'legend.fontsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE * 0.9,
    'xtick.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,
    'ytick.labelsize': DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE,
    'axes.color_cycle': DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE}
Default plotting parameters.



    'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer').get('D65')
Default plotting illuminant: *CIE Illuminant D Series* *D65*.


Default plotting encoding colour component transfer function / opto-electronic
transfer function: *sRGB*.


[docs]class ColourParameter( namedtuple('ColourParameter', ('name', 'RGB', 'x', 'y0', 'y1'))): """ Defines a data structure for plotting a colour polygon in various spectral figures. Parameters ---------- name : unicode, optional Colour name. RGB : array_like, optional RGB Colour. x : numeric, optional X data. y0 : numeric, optional Y0 data. y1 : numeric, optional Y1 data. """ def __new__(cls, name=None, RGB=None, x=None, y0=None, y1=None): """ Returns a new instance of the :class:`ColourParameter` class. """ return super(ColourParameter, cls).__new__( cls, name, RGB, x, y0, y1)
[docs]def colour_cycle(**kwargs): """ Returns a colour cycle iterator using given colour map. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'colour_cycle_map', 'colour_cycle_count'}** Keywords arguments such as ``{'colour_cycle_map': unicode (Matplotlib colormap name), 'colour_cycle_count': int}`` Returns ------- cycle Colour cycle iterator. """ settings = Structure( **{'colour_cycle_map': 'hsv', 'colour_cycle_count': len(DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE)}) settings.update(kwargs) if settings.colour_cycle_map is None: cycle = DEFAULT_COLOUR_CYCLE else: cycle = getattr(, settings.colour_cycle_map)( np.linspace(0, 1, settings.colour_cycle_count)) return itertools.cycle(cycle)
[docs]def canvas(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure size. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'figure_size', }** Keywords arguments such as ``{'figure_size': array_like (width, height), }`` Returns ------- Figure Current figure. """ settings = Structure( **{'figure_size': DEFAULT_FIGURE_SIZE}) settings.update(kwargs) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() if figure is None: figure = matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize=settings.figure_size) else: figure.set_size_inches(settings.figure_size) return figure
[docs]def camera(**kwargs): """ Sets the camera settings. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'camera_aspect', 'elevation', 'azimuth'}** Keywords arguments such as ``{'camera_aspect': unicode (Matplotlib axes aspect), 'elevation' : numeric, 'azimuth' : numeric}`` Returns ------- Axes Current axes. """ settings = Structure( **{'camera_aspect': 'equal', 'elevation': None, 'azimuth': None}) settings.update(kwargs) axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() if settings.camera_aspect == 'equal': equal_axes3d(axes) axes.view_init(elev=settings.elevation, azim=settings.azimuth) return axes
[docs]def decorate(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure decorations. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'title', 'x_label', 'y_label', 'legend', 'legend_columns', 'legend_location', 'x_ticker', 'y_ticker', 'x_ticker_locator', 'y_ticker_locator', 'grid', 'grid_which', 'grid_axis', 'x_axis_line', 'y_axis_line', 'aspect', 'no_axes'}** Keywords arguments such as ``{'title': unicode (figure title), 'x_label': unicode (X axis label), 'y_label': unicode (Y axis label), 'legend': bool, 'legend_columns': int, 'legend_location': unicode (Matplotlib legend location), 'x_ticker': bool, 'y_ticker': bool, 'x_ticker_locator': Locator, 'y_ticker_locator': Locator, 'grid': bool, 'grid_which': unicode, 'grid_axis': unicode, 'x_axis_line': bool, 'y_axis_line': bool, 'aspect': unicode (Matplotlib axes aspect), 'no_axes': bool}`` Returns ------- Axes Current axes. """ settings = Structure( **{'title': None, 'x_label': None, 'y_label': None, 'legend': False, 'legend_columns': 1, 'legend_location': 'upper right', 'x_ticker': True, 'y_ticker': True, 'x_ticker_locator': matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2), 'y_ticker_locator': matplotlib.ticker.AutoMinorLocator(2), 'grid': False, 'grid_which': 'both', 'grid_axis': 'both', 'x_axis_line': False, 'y_axis_line': False, 'aspect': None, 'no_axes': False}) settings.update(kwargs) axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() if settings.title: pylab.title(settings.title) if settings.x_label: pylab.xlabel(settings.x_label) if settings.y_label: pylab.ylabel(settings.y_label) if settings.legend: pylab.legend(loc=settings.legend_location, ncol=settings.legend_columns) if settings.x_ticker: axes.xaxis.set_minor_locator( settings.x_ticker_locator) else: axes.set_xticks([]) if settings.y_ticker: axes.yaxis.set_minor_locator( settings.y_ticker_locator) else: axes.set_yticks([]) if settings.grid: pylab.grid(which=settings.grid_which, axis=settings.grid_axis) if settings.x_axis_line: pylab.axvline(color='black', linestyle='--') if settings.y_axis_line: pylab.axhline(color='black', linestyle='--') if settings.aspect: matplotlib.pyplot.axes().set_aspect(settings.aspect) if settings.no_axes: axes.set_axis_off() return axes
[docs]def boundaries(**kwargs): """ Sets the plot boundaries. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'bounding_box', 'x_tighten', 'y_tighten', 'limits', 'margins'}** Keywords arguments such as ``{'bounding_box': array_like (x min, x max, y min, y max), 'x_tighten': bool, 'y_tighten': bool, 'limits': array_like (x min, x max, y min, y max), 'limits': array_like (x min, x max, y min, y max)}`` Returns ------- Axes Current axes. """ settings = Structure( **{'bounding_box': None, 'x_tighten': False, 'y_tighten': False, 'limits': (0, 1, 0, 1), 'margins': (0, 0, 0, 0)}) settings.update(kwargs) axes = matplotlib.pyplot.gca() if settings.bounding_box is None: x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max = ( settings.limits) x_margin_min, x_margin_max, y_margin_min, y_margin_max = ( settings.margins) if settings.x_tighten: pylab.xlim(x_limit_min + x_margin_min, x_limit_max + x_margin_max) if settings.y_tighten: pylab.ylim(y_limit_min + y_margin_min, y_limit_max + y_margin_max) else: pylab.xlim(settings.bounding_box[0], settings.bounding_box[1]) pylab.ylim(settings.bounding_box[2], settings.bounding_box[3]) return axes
[docs]def display(**kwargs): """ Sets the figure display. Parameters ---------- \**kwargs : dict, optional **{'standalone', 'filename'}** Keywords arguments such as ``{'standalone': bool (figure is shown), 'filename': unicode (figure is saved as `filename`)}`` Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. """ settings = Structure( **{'standalone': True, 'filename': None}) settings.update(kwargs) figure = matplotlib.pyplot.gcf() if settings.standalone: if settings.filename is not None: pylab.savefig(**kwargs) else: pylab.close() return None else: return figure
[docs]def label_rectangles(rectangles, rotation='vertical', text_size=10, offset=None): """ Add labels above given rectangles. Parameters ---------- rectangles : object Rectangles to used to set the labels value and position. rotation : unicode, optional **{'horizontal', 'vertical'}**, Labels orientation. text_size : numeric, optional Labels text size. offset : array_like, optional Labels offset as percentages of the largest rectangle dimensions. Returns ------- bool Definition success. """ if offset is None: offset = (0.0, 0.025) x_m, y_m = 0, 0 for rectangle in rectangles: x_m = max(x_m, rectangle.get_width()) y_m = max(y_m, rectangle.get_height()) for rectangle in rectangles: x = rectangle.get_x() height = rectangle.get_height() width = rectangle.get_width() ha = 'center' va = 'bottom' pylab.text(x + width / 2 + offset[0] * width, height + offset[1] * y_m, '{0:.1f}'.format(height), ha=ha, va=va, rotation=rotation, fontsize=text_size, clip_on=True) return True
[docs]def equal_axes3d(axes): """ Sets equal aspect ratio to given 3d axes. Parameters ---------- axes : object Axis to set the equal aspect ratio. Returns ------- bool Definition success. """ axes.set_aspect('equal') extents = np.array([getattr(axes, 'get_{}lim'.format(axis))() for axis in 'xyz']) centers = np.mean(extents, axis=1) extent = np.max(np.abs(extents[..., 1] - extents[..., 0])) for center, axis in zip(centers, 'xyz'): getattr(axes, 'set_{}lim'.format(axis))(center - extent / 2, center + extent / 2) return True
[docs]def get_RGB_colourspace(colourspace): """ Returns the *RGB* colourspace with given name. Parameters ---------- colourspace : unicode *RGB* colourspace name. Returns ------- RGB_Colourspace *RGB* colourspace. Raises ------ KeyError If the given *RGB* colourspace is not found in the factory *RGB* colourspaces. """ colourspace, name = RGB_COLOURSPACES.get(colourspace), colourspace if colourspace is None: raise KeyError( ('"{0}" colourspace not found in factory RGB colourspaces: ' '"{1}".').format( name, ', '.join(sorted(RGB_COLOURSPACES.keys())))) return colourspace
[docs]def get_cmfs(cmfs): """ Returns the colour matching functions with given name. Parameters ---------- cmfs : unicode Colour matching functions name. Returns ------- RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions or XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Colour matching functions. Raises ------ KeyError If the given colour matching functions is not found in the factory colour matching functions. """ cmfs, name = CMFS.get(cmfs), cmfs if cmfs is None: raise KeyError( ('"{0}" not found in factory colour matching functions: ' '"{1}".').format(name, ', '.join(sorted(CMFS.keys())))) return cmfs
[docs]def get_illuminant(illuminant): """ Returns the illuminant with given name. Parameters ---------- illuminant : unicode Illuminant name. Returns ------- SpectralPowerDistribution Illuminant. Raises ------ KeyError If the given illuminant is not found in the factory illuminants. """ illuminant, name = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get(illuminant), illuminant if illuminant is None: raise KeyError( '"{0}" not found in factory illuminants: "{1}".'.format( name, ', '.join(sorted(ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.keys())))) return illuminant
[docs]def colour_parameters_plot(colour_parameters, y0_plot=True, y1_plot=True, **kwargs): """ Plots given colour colour parameters. Parameters ---------- colour_parameters : list ColourParameter sequence. y0_plot : bool, optional Plot y0 line. y1_plot : bool, optional Plot y1 line. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> cp1 = ColourParameter( ... x=390, RGB=[0.03009021, 0, 0.12300545]) >>> cp2 = ColourParameter( ... x=391, RGB=[0.03434063, 0, 0.13328537], y0=0, y1=0.25) >>> cp3 = ColourParameter( ... x=392, RGB=[0.03826312, 0, 0.14276247], y0=0, y1=0.35) >>> cp4 = ColourParameter( ... x=393, RGB=[0.04191844, 0, 0.15158707], y0=0, y1=0.05) >>> cp5 = ColourParameter( ... x=394, RGB=[0.04535085, 0, 0.15986838], y0=0, y1=-.25) >>> colour_parameters_plot( ... [cp1, cp2, cp3, cp3, cp4, cp5]) # doctest: +SKIP """ canvas(**kwargs) for i in range(len(colour_parameters) - 1): x0 = colour_parameters[i].x x01 = colour_parameters[i + 1].x y0 = (0 if colour_parameters[i].y0 is None else colour_parameters[i].y0) y1 = (1 if colour_parameters[i].y1 is None else colour_parameters[i].y1) y01 = (0 if colour_parameters[i].y0 is None else colour_parameters[i + 1].y0) y11 = (1 if colour_parameters[i].y1 is None else colour_parameters[i + 1].y1) x_polygon = (x0, x01, x01, x0) y_polygon = (y0, y01, y11, y1) pylab.fill(x_polygon, y_polygon, color=colour_parameters[i].RGB, edgecolor=colour_parameters[i].RGB) if all([x.y0 is not None for x in colour_parameters]) and y0_plot: pylab.plot([x.x for x in colour_parameters], [x.y0 for x in colour_parameters], color='black', linewidth=2) if all([x.y1 is not None for x in colour_parameters]) and y1_plot: pylab.plot([x.x for x in colour_parameters], [x.y1 for x in colour_parameters], color='black', linewidth=2) y_limit_min0 = min( [0 if x.y0 is None else x.y0 for x in colour_parameters]) # y_limit_max0 = max( # [1 if x.y0 is None else x.y0 for x in colour_parameters]) # y_limit_min1 = min( # [0 if x.y1 is None else x.y1 for x in colour_parameters]) y_limit_max1 = max( [1 if x.y1 is None else x.y1 for x in colour_parameters]) settings = { 'x_label': 'Parameter', 'y_label': 'Colour', 'limits': (min([0 if x.x is None else x.x for x in colour_parameters]), max([1 if x.x is None else x.x for x in colour_parameters]), y_limit_min0, y_limit_max1)} settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def single_colour_plot(colour_parameter, **kwargs): """ Plots given colour. Parameters ---------- colour_parameter : ColourParameter ColourParameter. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> RGB = (0.32315746, 0.32983556, 0.33640183) >>> single_colour_plot(ColourParameter(RGB)) # doctest: +SKIP """ return multi_colour_plot((colour_parameter,), **kwargs)
[docs]def multi_colour_plot(colour_parameters, width=1, height=1, spacing=0, across=3, text_display=True, text_size='large', text_offset=0.075, **kwargs): """ Plots given colours. Parameters ---------- colour_parameters : list ColourParameter sequence. width : numeric, optional Colour polygon width. height : numeric, optional Colour polygon height. spacing : numeric, optional Colour polygons spacing. across : int, optional Colour polygons count per row. text_display : bool, optional Display colour text. text_size : numeric, optional Colour text size. text_offset : numeric, optional Colour text offset. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> cp1 = ColourParameter(RGB=(0.45293517, 0.31732158, 0.26414773)) >>> cp2 = ColourParameter(RGB=(0.77875824, 0.57726450, 0.50453169)) >>> multi_colour_plot([cp1, cp2]) # doctest: +SKIP """ canvas(**kwargs) offsetX = offsetY = 0 x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max = 0, width, 0, height for i, colour_parameter in enumerate(colour_parameters): if i % across == 0 and i != 0: offsetX = 0 offsetY -= height + spacing x0 = offsetX x1 = offsetX + width y0 = offsetY y1 = offsetY + height x_polygon = (x0, x1, x1, x0) y_polygon = (y0, y0, y1, y1) pylab.fill(x_polygon, y_polygon, color=colour_parameters[i].RGB) if is not None and text_display: pylab.text(x0 + text_offset, y0 + text_offset,, clip_on=True, size=text_size) offsetX += width + spacing x_limit_max = min(len(colour_parameters), across) x_limit_max = x_limit_max * width + x_limit_max * spacing - spacing y_limit_min = offsetY settings = { 'x_tighten': True, 'y_tighten': True, 'x_ticker': False, 'y_ticker': False, 'limits': (x_limit_min, x_limit_max, y_limit_min, y_limit_max), 'aspect': 'equal'} settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def image_plot(image, label=None, label_size=15, label_colour=None, label_alpha=0.85, interpolation='nearest',, **kwargs): """ Plots given image. Parameters ---------- image : array_like Image to plot. label: unicode, optional Image label. label_size: int, optional Image label font size. label_colour: array_like or unicode, optional Image label colour. label_alpha: numeric, optional Image label alpha. interpolation: unicode, optional **{'nearest', None, 'none', 'bilinear', 'bicubic', 'spline16', 'spline36', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'hermite', 'kaiser', 'quadric', 'catrom', 'gaussian', 'bessel', 'mitchell', 'sinc', 'lanczos'}** Image display interpolation. colour_map: unicode, optional Colour map used to display single channel images. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> from colour import read_image >>> path = os.path.join( ... 'resources', ... ('CIE_1931_Chromaticity_Diagram' ... '_CIE_1931_2_Degree_Standard_Observer.png')) >>> image = read_image(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> image_plot(image) # doctest: +SKIP """ image = np.asarray(image) pylab.imshow(np.clip(image, 0, 1), interpolation=interpolation, cmap=colour_map) height = image.shape[0] pylab.text(0 + label_size, height - label_size, label, color=label_colour if label_colour is not None else (1, 1, 1), alpha=label_alpha, fontsize=label_size) settings = {'x_ticker': False, 'y_ticker': False, 'no_axes': True, 'bounding_box': (0, 1, 0, 1)} settings.update(kwargs) canvas(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)