Source code for colour.plotting.quality

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Colour Quality Plotting

Defines the colour quality plotting objects:

-   :func:`single_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot`
-   :func:`multi_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot`
-   :func:`single_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot`
-   :func:`multi_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot`

from __future__ import division

import numpy as np
import pylab
from itertools import cycle

from colour.models import XYZ_to_sRGB
from colour.quality import (
from colour.quality.cri import TCS_ColorimetryData
from colour.plotting import (
from colour.utilities import warning

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2016 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['colour_quality_bars_plot',

[docs]def colour_quality_bars_plot(specifications, labels=True, hatching=None, hatching_repeat=1, **kwargs): """ Plots the colour quality data of given illuminants or light sources colour quality specifications. Parameters ---------- specifications : array_like Array of illuminants or light sources colour quality specifications. labels : bool, optional Add labels above bars. hatching : bool or None, optional Use hatching for the bars. hatching_repeat : int, optional Hatching pattern repeat. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ( ... ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, ... LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS, ... SpectralShape) >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> light_source = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('Kinoton 75P') >>> light_source = light_source.clone().align(SpectralShape(360, 830, 1)) >>> cqs_i = colour_quality_scale(illuminant, additional_data=True) >>> cqs_l = colour_quality_scale(light_source, additional_data=True) >>> colour_quality_bars_plot([cqs_i, cqs_l]) # doctest: +SKIP """ settings = {'figure_size': (DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH, DEFAULT_FIGURE_WIDTH)} settings.update(kwargs) canvas(**settings) bar_width = 0.5 y_ticks_interval = 10 count_s, count_Q_as = len(specifications), 0 patterns = cycle(DEFAULT_HATCH_PATTERNS) if hatching is None: hatching = False if count_s == 1 else True for i, specification in enumerate(specifications): Q_a, Q_as, colorimetry_data = (specification.Q_a, specification.Q_as, specification.colorimetry_data) count_Q_as = len(Q_as) colours = ([[1] * 3] + [np.clip(XYZ_to_sRGB(x.XYZ), 0, 1) for x in colorimetry_data[0]]) x = (i + np.arange(0, (count_Q_as + 1) * (count_s + 1), (count_s + 1), dtype=np.float_)) * bar_width y = [s[1].Q_a for s in sorted(Q_as.items(), key=lambda s: s[0])] y = np.array([Q_a] + list(y)) if np.sign(np.min(y)) < 0: warning( ('"{0}" spectral distribution has negative "Q_a" value(s), ' 'using absolute value(s) ' 'for plotting purpose!'.format( y = np.abs(y) bars =, y, color=colours, width=bar_width, hatch=(next(patterns) * hatching_repeat if hatching else None), if labels: label_rectangles( bars, rotation='horizontal' if count_s == 1 else 'vertical', offset=(0 if count_s == 1 else 3 / 100 * count_s + 65 / 1000, 0.025), text_size=-5 / 7 * count_s + 12.5) pylab.axhline(y=100, color='black', linestyle='--') pylab.xticks((np.arange(0, (count_Q_as + 1) * (count_s + 1), (count_s + 1), dtype=np.float_) * bar_width + (count_s * bar_width / 2)), ['Qa'] + ['Q{0}'.format(index + 1) for index in range(0, count_Q_as + 1, 1)]) pylab.yticks(range(0, 100 + y_ticks_interval, y_ticks_interval)) settings.update({ 'title': 'Colour Quality', 'legend': hatching, 'x_tighten': True, 'y_tighten': True, 'limits': (-bar_width, ((count_Q_as + 1) * (count_s + 1)) / 2, 0, 120), 'aspect': 1 / (120 / (bar_width + len(Q_as) + bar_width * 2))}) settings.update(kwargs) boundaries(**settings) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def single_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(spd, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour rendering index* of given illuminant or light source spectral power distribution. Parameters ---------- spd : SpectralPowerDistribution Illuminant or light source spectral power distribution to plot the *colour rendering index*. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> single_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot( # doctest: +SKIP ... illuminant) """ return multi_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot([spd], **kwargs)
[docs]def multi_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot(spds, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour rendering index* of given illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions. Parameters ---------- spds : array_like Array of illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions to plot the *colour rendering index*. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ( ... ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, ... LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS) >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> light_source = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('Kinoton 75P') >>> multi_spd_colour_rendering_index_bars_plot( # doctest: +SKIP ... [illuminant, light_source]) """ settings = {} settings.update(kwargs) settings.update({'standalone': False}) specifications = [colour_rendering_index(spd, additional_data=True) for spd in spds] # *colour rendering index* colorimetry data tristimulus values are # computed in [0, 100] domain however `colour_quality_bars_plot` expects # [0, 1] domain. As we want to keep `colour_quality_bars_plot` definition # agnostic from the colour quality data, we update the test spd # colorimetry data tristimulus values domain. for specification in specifications: colorimetry_data = specification.colorimetry_data for i, c_d in enumerate(colorimetry_data[0]): colorimetry_data[0][i] = TCS_ColorimetryData(, c_d.XYZ / 100, c_d.uv, c_d.UVW) colour_quality_bars_plot(specifications, **settings) settings = {'title': 'Colour Rendering Index - {0}'.format(', '.join( [spd.title for spd in spds]))} settings.update(kwargs) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)
[docs]def single_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(spd, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour quality scale* of given illuminant or light source spectral power distribution. Parameters ---------- spd : SpectralPowerDistribution Illuminant or light source spectral power distribution to plot the *colour quality scale*. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> single_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot( # doctest: +SKIP ... illuminant) """ return multi_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot([spd], **kwargs)
[docs]def multi_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot(spds, **kwargs): """ Plots the *colour quality scale* of given illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions. Parameters ---------- spds : array_like Array of illuminants or light sources spectral power distributions to plot the *colour quality scale*. \**kwargs : dict, optional Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Figure Current figure or None. Examples -------- >>> from colour import ( ... ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, ... LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS) >>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('F2') >>> light_source = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS.get('Kinoton 75P') >>> multi_spd_colour_quality_scale_bars_plot( # doctest: +SKIP ... [illuminant, light_source]) """ settings = {} settings.update(kwargs) settings.update({'standalone': False}) specifications = [colour_quality_scale(spd, additional_data=True) for spd in spds] colour_quality_bars_plot(specifications, **settings) settings = {'title': 'Colour Quality Scale - {0}'.format(', '.join( [spd.title for spd in spds]))} settings.update(kwargs) decorate(**settings) return display(**settings)