colour.colorimetry Package

Module Contents

class colour.colorimetry.SpectralMapping(data=None, wavelength_decimals=10, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: colour.utilities.data_structures.ArbitraryPrecisionMapping

Defines the base mapping for spectral data.

It enables usage of floating point wavelengths as keys by rounding them at a specific decimals count.

  • data (dict or SpectralMapping, optional) – Spectral data in a dict or SpectralMapping as follows: {wavelength \(\lambda_{i}\): value, wavelength \(\lambda_{i+1}\): value, ..., wavelength \(\lambda_{i+n}\): value}
  • wavelength_decimals (int, optional) – Decimals count the keys will be rounded at.
Other Parameters:

**kwargs (dict, optional) – Key / Value pairs to store into the mapping at initialisation.



>>> data1 = {380.1999999998: 0.000039, 380.2000000000: 0.000039}
>>> mapping = SpectralMapping(data1, wavelength_decimals=10)
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> tuple(mapping.keys())  
(380.1999999..., 380.2)
>>> mapping = SpectralMapping(data1, wavelength_decimals=7)
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> tuple(mapping.keys())  

Property for self.key_decimals attribute.

Return type:unicode
class colour.colorimetry.SpectralShape(start=None, end=None, interval=None)[source]

Bases: object

Defines the base object for spectral power distribution shape.

  • start (numeric, optional) – Wavelength \(\lambda_{i}\) range start in nm.
  • end (numeric, optional) – Wavelength \(\lambda_{i}\) range end in nm.
  • interval (numeric, optional) – Wavelength \(\lambda_{i}\) range interval.


>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> SpectralShape(360, 830, 1)  
SpectralShape(360, 830, 1)

Property for self._start and self._end private attributes.

Returns:self._start, self._end.
Return type:tuple

Property for self._end private attribute.

Return type:numeric

Property for self._interval private attribute.

Return type:numeric

Returns an iterable range for the spectral power distribution shape.

Returns:Iterable range for the spectral power distribution shape
Return type:ndarray
Raises:RuntimeError – If one of spectral shape start, end or interval attributes is not defined.


>>> SpectralShape(0, 10, 0.1).range()
array([  0. ,   0.1,   0.2,   0.3,   0.4,   0.5,   0.6,   0.7,   0.8,
         0.9,   1. ,   1.1,   1.2,   1.3,   1.4,   1.5,   1.6,   1.7,
         1.8,   1.9,   2. ,   2.1,   2.2,   2.3,   2.4,   2.5,   2.6,
         2.7,   2.8,   2.9,   3. ,   3.1,   3.2,   3.3,   3.4,   3.5,
         3.6,   3.7,   3.8,   3.9,   4. ,   4.1,   4.2,   4.3,   4.4,
         4.5,   4.6,   4.7,   4.8,   4.9,   5. ,   5.1,   5.2,   5.3,
         5.4,   5.5,   5.6,   5.7,   5.8,   5.9,   6. ,   6.1,   6.2,
         6.3,   6.4,   6.5,   6.6,   6.7,   6.8,   6.9,   7. ,   7.1,
         7.2,   7.3,   7.4,   7.5,   7.6,   7.7,   7.8,   7.9,   8. ,
         8.1,   8.2,   8.3,   8.4,   8.5,   8.6,   8.7,   8.8,   8.9,
         9. ,   9.1,   9.2,   9.3,   9.4,   9.5,   9.6,   9.7,   9.8,
         9.9,  10. ])

Property for self._start private attribute.

Return type:numeric
class colour.colorimetry.SpectralPowerDistribution(name, data, title=None)[source]

Bases: object

Defines the base object for spectral data computations.

  • name (unicode) – Spectral power distribution name.
  • data (dict or SpectralMapping) – Spectral power distribution data in a dict or SpectralMapping as follows: {wavelength \(\lambda_{i}\): value, wavelength \(\lambda_{i+1}\): value, ..., wavelength \(\lambda_{i+n}\): value}
  • title (unicode, optional) – Spectral power distribution title for figures.


  • Underlying spectral data is stored within a colour.SpectralMapping class mapping which implies that wavelengths keys will be rounded.


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> spd.wavelengths  
array([510, 520, 530, 540])
>>> spd.values
array([ 49.67,  69.59,  81.73,  88.19])
>>> spd.shape  
SpectralShape(510, 540, 10)
align(shape, interpolation_method=None, extrapolation_method=u'Constant', extrapolation_left=None, extrapolation_right=None)[source]

Aligns the spectral power distribution to given spectral shape: Interpolates first then extrapolates to fit the given range.

  • shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for alignment.
  • interpolation_method (unicode, optional) – {None, ‘Cubic Spline’, ‘Linear’, ‘Pchip’, ‘Sprague’}, Enforce given interpolation method.
  • extrapolation_method (unicode, optional) – {‘Constant’, ‘Linear’}, Extrapolation method.
  • extrapolation_left (numeric, optional) – Value to return for low extrapolation range.
  • extrapolation_right (numeric, optional) – Value to return for high extrapolation range.

Aligned spectral power distribution.

Return type:



>>> data = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 86.26,
...     560: 77.18}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.align(SpectralShape(505, 565, 1)))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (505.0, 565.0, 1.0))
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> spd.wavelengths  
array([505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517,
       518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530,
       531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543,
       544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556,
       557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565])
>>> spd.values  
array([ 49.67     ...,  49.67     ...,  49.67     ...,  49.67     ...,
        49.67     ...,  49.67     ...,  51.8341162...,  53.9856467...,
        56.1229464...,  58.2366197...,  60.3121800...,  62.3327095...,
        64.2815187...,  66.1448055...,  67.9143153...,  69.59     ...,
        71.1759958...,  72.6627938...,  74.0465756...,  75.3329710...,
        76.5339542...,  77.6647421...,  78.7406907...,  79.7741932...,
        80.7715767...,  81.73     ...,  82.6407518...,  83.507872 ...,
        84.3326333...,  85.109696 ...,  85.8292968...,  86.47944  ...,
        87.0480863...,  87.525344 ...,  87.9056578...,  88.19     ...,
        88.3858347...,  88.4975634...,  88.5258906...,  88.4696570...,
        88.3266460...,  88.0943906...,  87.7709802...,  87.3558672...,
        86.8506741...,  86.26     ...,  85.5911699...,  84.8503430...,
        84.0434801...,  83.1771110...,  82.2583874...,  81.2951360...,
        80.2959122...,  79.2700525...,  78.2277286...,  77.18     ...,
        77.18     ...,  77.18     ...,  77.18     ...,  77.18     ...])

Clones the spectral power distribution.

Most of the SpectralPowerDistribution class operations are conducted in-place. The SpectralPowerDistribution.clone() method provides a convenient way to copy the spectral power distribution to a new object.

Returns:Cloned spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd)  
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510..., 540..., 10...))
>>> spd_clone = spd.clone()
>>> print(spd_clone)  
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample (...)', (510..., 540..., 10...))

Property for self._data private attribute.

Return type:SpectralMapping
extrapolate(shape, method=u'Constant', left=None, right=None)[source]

Extrapolates the spectral power distribution following CIE 15:2004 recommendation.

  • shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for extrapolation.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘Constant’, ‘Linear’},, Extrapolation method.
  • left (numeric, optional) – Value to return for low extrapolation range.
  • right (numeric, optional) – Value to return for high extrapolation range.

Extrapolated spectral power distribution.

Return type:



[2]CIE TC 1-48. (2004). Extrapolation. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (p. 24). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6
[3]CIE TC 1-38. (2005). EXTRAPOLATION. In CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations (pp. 19–20). ISBN:978-3-901-90641-1


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> spd.extrapolate(  
...     SpectralShape(400, 700)).shape
SpectralShape(400..., 700..., 10...)
>>> spd[400]  
>>> spd[700]  
get(wavelength, default=nan)[source]

Returns the value for given wavelength \(\lambda\).

  • wavelength (numeric or ndarray) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) to retrieve the value.
  • default (nan or numeric, optional) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) default value.

Wavelength \(\lambda\) value.

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> # Doctests ellipsis for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> spd.get(510)  
>>> spd.get(511)
>>> spd.get(np.array([510, 520]))
array([ 49.67,  69.59])
interpolate(shape=SpectralShape(None, None, None), method=None)[source]

Interpolates the spectral power distribution following CIE 167:2005 recommendations: the method developed by Sprague (1880) should be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and a Cubic Spline method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable.

  • shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used for interpolation.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {None, ‘Cubic Spline’, ‘Linear’, ‘Pchip’, ‘Sprague’}, Enforce given interpolation method.

Interpolated spectral power distribution.

Return type:


  • RuntimeError – If Sprague (1880) interpolation method is forced with a non-uniformly spaced independent variable.
  • ValueError – If the interpolation method is not defined.



  • If scipy is not unavailable the Cubic Spline method will fallback to legacy Linear interpolation.
  • Cubic Spline interpolator requires at least 3 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Linear interpolator requires at least 2 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Pchip interpolator requires at least 2 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Sprague (1880) interpolator requires at least 6 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.


[4]CIE TC 1-38. (2005). 9. INTERPOLATION. In CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations (pp. 14–19). ISBN:978-3-901-90641-1


Uniform data is using Sprague (1880) interpolation by default:

>>> data = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 86.26,
...     560: 77.18}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.interpolate(SpectralShape(interval=1)))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> spd[515]  

Non uniform data is using Cubic Spline interpolation by default:

>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> spd[511] = 31.41
>>> print(spd.interpolate(SpectralShape(interval=1)))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> spd[515]  

Enforcing Linear interpolation:

>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.interpolate(
...     SpectralShape(interval=1), method='Linear'))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> spd[515]  

Enforcing Pchip interpolation:

>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.interpolate(
...     SpectralShape(interval=1), method='Pchip'))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> spd[515]  

Returns if the spectral power distribution has uniformly spaced data.

Returns:Is uniform.
Return type:bool


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> spd.is_uniform()

Breaking the interval by introducing a new wavelength \(\lambda\) value:

>>> spd[511] = 3.1415
>>> spd.is_uniform()

Property for self.items attribute. This is a convenient attribute used to iterate over the spectral power distribution.

Returns:Spectral power distribution data.
Return type:ndarray

Property for self._name private attribute.

Return type:unicode

Normalises the spectral power distribution with given normalization factor.

Parameters:factor (numeric, optional) – Normalization factor
Returns:Normalised spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.normalise())  
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (510..., 540..., 10...))
>>> spd.values  
array([ 0.5632157...,  0.7890917...,  0.9267490...,  1.        ])

Property for self.shape attribute.

Returns the shape of the spectral power distribution in the form of a SpectralShape class instance.

Returns:Spectral power distribution shape.
Return type:SpectralShape


  • A non uniform spectral power distribution may will have multiple different interval, in that case SpectralPowerDistribution.shape returns the minimum interval size.


SpectralPowerDistribution.shape is read only.


Uniform spectral power distribution:

>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> SpectralPowerDistribution(  
...     'Sample', data).shape
SpectralShape(510..., 540..., 10...)

Non uniform spectral power distribution:

>>> data = {512.3: 49.67, 524.5: 69.59, 532.4: 81.73, 545.7: 88.19}
>>> # Doctests ellipsis for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> SpectralPowerDistribution(  
...     'Sample', data).shape
SpectralShape(512.3, 545.7, 7...)

Property for self._title private attribute.

Return type:unicode

Trims the spectral power distribution wavelengths to given spectral shape.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for trimming.
Returns:Trimed spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


>>> data = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 86.26,
...     560: 77.18}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.trim_wavelengths(  
...     SpectralShape(520, 550, 10)))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (520.0, 550.0, 10.0))
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> spd.wavelengths  
array([ 520.,  530.,  540.,  550.])

Property for self.values attribute.

Returns:Spectral power distribution wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) values.
Return type:ndarray


SpectralPowerDistribution.values is read only.


Property for self.wavelengths attribute.

Returns:Spectral power distribution wavelengths \(\lambda_n\).
Return type:ndarray
zeros(shape=SpectralShape(None, None, None))[source]

Zeros fills the spectral power distribution: Missing values will be replaced with zeros to fit the defined range.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used for zeros fill.
Returns:Zeros filled spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution
Raises:RuntimeError – If the spectral power distribution cannot be zeros filled.


>>> data = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 86.26,
...     560: 77.18}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> print(spd.zeros(SpectralShape(505, 565, 1)))
SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', (505.0, 565.0, 1.0))
>>> spd.values
array([  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,  49.67,   0.  ,   0.  ,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,  69.59,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,
         0.  ,  81.73,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,  88.19,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,  86.26,   0.  ,   0.  ,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,  77.18,
         0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ])
class colour.colorimetry.TriSpectralPowerDistribution(name, data, mapping, title=None, labels=None)[source]

Bases: object

Defines the base object for colour matching functions.

A compound of three SpectralPowerDistribution is used to store the underlying axis data.

  • name (unicode) – Tri-spectral power distribution name.
  • data (dict) – Tri-spectral power distribution data.
  • mapping (dict) – Tri-spectral power distribution attributes mapping.
  • title (unicode, optional) – Tri-spectral power distribution title for figures.
  • labels (dict, optional) – Tri-spectral power distribution axis labels mapping for figures.


>>> x_bar = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> y_bar = {510: 90.56, 520: 87.34, 530: 45.76, 540: 23.45}
>>> z_bar = {510: 12.43, 520: 23.15, 530: 67.98, 540: 90.28}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> tri_spd.wavelengths  
array([510, 520, 530, 540])
>>> tri_spd.values
array([[ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43],
       [ 69.59,  87.34,  23.15],
       [ 81.73,  45.76,  67.98],
       [ 88.19,  23.45,  90.28]])
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> tri_spd.shape  
SpectralShape(510, 540, 10)
align(shape, interpolation_method=None, extrapolation_method=u'Constant', extrapolation_left=None, extrapolation_right=None)[source]

Aligns the tri-spectral power distribution to given shape: Interpolates first then extrapolates to fit the given range.

  • shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for alignment.
  • interpolation_method (unicode, optional) – {None, ‘Cubic Spline’, ‘Linear’, ‘Pchip’, ‘Sprague’}, Enforce given interpolation method.
  • extrapolation_method (unicode, optional) – {‘Constant’, ‘Linear’}, Extrapolation method.
  • extrapolation_left (numeric, optional) – Value to return for low extrapolation range.
  • extrapolation_right (numeric, optional) – Value to return for high extrapolation range.

Aligned tri-spectral power distribution.

Return type:



>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.align(SpectralShape(505, 565, 1)))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (505.0, 565.0, 1.0))
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> tri_spd.wavelengths  
array([505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517,
       518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530,
       531, 532, 533, 534, 535, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543,
       544, 545, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556,
       557, 558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565])
>>> tri_spd.values  
array([[ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 49.67     ...,  90.56     ...,  12.43     ...],
       [ 51.8325938...,  91.2994928...,  12.5377184...],
       [ 53.9841952...,  91.9502387...,  12.7233193...],
       [ 56.1205452...,  92.5395463...,  12.9651679...],
       [ 58.2315395...,  93.0150037...,  13.3123777...],
       [ 60.3033208...,  93.2716331...,  13.8605136...],
       [ 62.3203719...,  93.1790455...,  14.7272944...],
       [ 64.2676077...,  92.6085951...,  16.0282961...],
       [ 66.1324679...,  91.4605335...,  17.8526544...],
       [ 67.9070097...,  89.6911649...,  20.2387677...],
       [ 69.59     ...,  87.34     ...,  23.15     ...],
       [ 71.1837378...,  84.4868033...,  26.5150469...],
       [ 72.6800056...,  81.0666018...,  30.3964852...],
       [ 74.0753483...,  77.0766254...,  34.7958422...],
       [ 75.3740343...,  72.6153870...,  39.6178858...],
       [ 76.5856008...,  67.8490714...,  44.7026805...],
       [ 77.7223995...,  62.9779261...,  49.8576432...],
       [ 78.7971418...,  58.2026503...,  54.8895997...],
       [ 79.8204447...,  53.6907852...,  59.6368406...],
       [ 80.798376 ...,  49.5431036...,  64.0011777...],
       [ 81.73     ...,  45.76     ...,  67.98     ...],
       [ 82.6093606...,  42.2678534...,  71.6460893...],
       [ 83.439232 ...,  39.10608  ...,  74.976976 ...],
       [ 84.2220071...,  36.3063728...,  77.9450589...],
       [ 84.956896 ...,  33.85464  ...,  80.552    ...],
       [ 85.6410156...,  31.7051171...,  82.8203515...],
       [ 86.27048  ...,  29.79448  ...,  84.785184 ...],
       [ 86.8414901...,  28.0559565...,  86.4857131...],
       [ 87.351424 ...,  26.43344  ...,  87.956928 ...],
       [ 87.7999266...,  24.8956009...,  89.2212178...],
       [ 88.19     ...,  23.45     ...,  90.28     ...],
       [ 88.5265036...,  22.1424091...,  91.1039133...],
       [ 88.8090803...,  20.9945234...,  91.6538035...],
       [ 89.0393279...,  20.0021787...,  91.9333499...],
       [ 89.2222817...,  19.1473370...,  91.9858818...],
       [ 89.3652954...,  18.4028179...,  91.8811002...],
       [ 89.4769231...,  17.7370306...,  91.7018000...],
       [ 89.5657996...,  17.1187058...,  91.5305910...],
       [ 89.6395227...,  16.5216272...,  91.4366204...],
       [ 89.7035339...,  15.9293635...,  91.4622944...],
       [ 89.76     ...,  15.34     ...,  91.61     ...],
       [ 89.8094041...,  14.7659177...,  91.8528616...],
       [ 89.8578890...,  14.2129190...,  92.2091737...],
       [ 89.9096307...,  13.6795969...,  92.6929664...],
       [ 89.9652970...,  13.1613510...,  93.2988377...],
       [ 90.0232498...,  12.6519811...,  94.0078786...],
       [ 90.0807467...,  12.1452800...,  94.7935995...],
       [ 90.1351435...,  11.6366269...,  95.6278555...],
       [ 90.1850956...,  11.1245805...,  96.4867724...],
       [ 90.2317606...,  10.6124724...,  97.3566724...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...],
       [ 90.28     ...,  10.11     ...,  98.24     ...]])

Clones the tri-spectral power distribution.

Most of the TriSpectralPowerDistribution class operations are conducted in-place. The TriSpectralPowerDistribution.clone() method provides a convenient way to copy the tri-spectral power distribution to a new object.

Returns:Cloned tri-spectral power distribution.
Return type:TriSpectralPowerDistribution


>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd)  
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510..., 560..., 10...))
>>> tri_spd_clone = tri_spd.clone()
>>> print(tri_spd_clone)  
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer (...)', (510..., 560..., 10...))

Property for self._data private attribute.

Return type:dict
extrapolate(shape, method=u'Constant', left=None, right=None)[source]

Extrapolates the tri-spectral power distribution following CIE 15:2004 recommendation. [2]_ [3]_

  • shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for extrapolation.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘Constant’, ‘Linear’}, Extrapolation method.
  • left (numeric, optional) – Value to return for low extrapolation range.
  • right (numeric, optional) – Value to return for high extrapolation range.

Extrapolated tri-spectral power distribution.

Return type:



>>> x_bar = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> y_bar = {510: 90.56, 520: 87.34, 530: 45.76, 540: 23.45}
>>> z_bar = {510: 12.43, 520: 23.15, 530: 67.98, 540: 90.28}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> tri_spd.extrapolate(  
...     SpectralShape(400, 700)).shape
SpectralShape(400..., 700..., 10...)
>>> tri_spd[400]
array([ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43])
>>> tri_spd[700]
array([ 88.19,  23.45,  90.28])
get(wavelength, default=nan)[source]

Returns the values for given wavelength \(\lambda\).

  • wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) to retrieve the values.
  • default (nan, numeric or array_like, optional) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) default values.

Wavelength \(\lambda\) values.

Return type:

numeric or array_like


>>> x_bar = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> y_bar = {510: 90.56, 520: 87.34, 530: 45.76, 540: 23.45}
>>> z_bar = {510: 12.43, 520: 23.15, 530: 67.98, 540: 90.28}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> tri_spd.get(510)
array([ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43])
>>> tri_spd.get(np.array([510, 520]))
array([[ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43],
       [ 69.59,  87.34,  23.15]])
>>> tri_spd.get(511)
array([ nan,  nan,  nan])
>>> tri_spd.get(np.array([510, 520]))
array([[ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43],
       [ 69.59,  87.34,  23.15]])
interpolate(shape=SpectralShape(None, None, None), method=None)[source]

Interpolates the tri-spectral power distribution following CIE 167:2005 recommendations: the method developed by Sprague (1880) should be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and a Cubic Spline method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable. [4]_

  • shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used for interpolation.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {None, ‘Cubic Spline’, ‘Linear’, ‘Pchip’, ‘Sprague’}, Enforce given interpolation method.

Interpolated tri-spectral power distribution.

Return type:




See SpectralPowerDistribution.interpolate() method warning section.


Uniform data is using Sprague (1880) interpolation by default:

>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.interpolate(SpectralShape(interval=1)))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> tri_spd[515]  
array([ 60.3033208...,  93.2716331...,  13.8605136...])

Non uniform data is using Cubic Spline interpolation by default:

>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> tri_spd[511] = np.array([31.41, 95.27, 15.06])
>>> print(tri_spd.interpolate(SpectralShape(interval=1)))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> tri_spd[515]  
array([  21.4710405...,  100.6430015...,   18.8165196...])

Enforcing Linear interpolation:

>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.interpolate(  
...     SpectralShape(interval=1), method='Linear'))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> tri_spd[515]  
array([ 59.63...,  88.95...,  17.79...])

Enforcing Pchip interpolation:

>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.interpolate(  
...     SpectralShape(interval=1), method='Pchip'))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510.0, 560.0, 1.0))
>>> tri_spd[515]  
array([ 60.7204982...,  89.6971406...,  15.6271845...])

Returns if the tri-spectral power distribution has uniformly spaced data.

Returns:Is uniform.
Return type:bool


>>> x_bar = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> y_bar = {510: 90.56, 520: 87.34, 530: 45.76, 540: 23.45}
>>> z_bar = {510: 12.43, 520: 23.15, 530: 67.98, 540: 90.28}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> tri_spd.is_uniform()

Breaking the interval by introducing new wavelength \(\lambda\) values:

>>> tri_spd[511] = np.array([49.6700, 49.6700, 49.6700])
>>> tri_spd.is_uniform()

Property for self.items attribute. This is a convenient attribute used to iterate over the tri-spectral power distribution.

Returns:Tri-spectral power distribution data.
Return type:ndarray

Property for self._labels private attribute.

Return type:dict

Property for self._mapping private attribute.

Return type:dict

Property for self._name private attribute.

Return type:unicode

Normalises the tri-spectral power distribution with given normalization factor.

Parameters:factor (numeric, optional) – Normalization factor
Returns:Normalised tri- spectral power distribution.
Return type:TriSpectralPowerDistribution


  • The implementation uses the maximum value for all axis.


>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.normalise())  
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (510..., 560..., 10...))
>>> tri_spd.values  
array([[ 0.5055985...,  0.9218241...,  0.1265268...],
       [ 0.7083672...,  0.8890472...,  0.2356473...],
       [ 0.8319421...,  0.4657980...,  0.6919788...],
       [ 0.8976995...,  0.2387011...,  0.9189739...],
       [ 0.9136807...,  0.1561482...,  0.9325122...],
       [ 0.9189739...,  0.1029112...,  1.       ...]])

Property for self.shape attribute.

Returns the shape of the tri-spectral power distribution in the form of a SpectralShape class instance.

Returns:Tri-spectral power distribution shape.
Return type:SpectralShape


TriSpectralPowerDistribution.shape is read only.


>>> x_bar = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> y_bar = {510: 90.56, 520: 87.34, 530: 45.76, 540: 23.45}
>>> z_bar = {510: 12.43, 520: 23.15, 530: 67.98, 540: 90.28}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> tri_spd.shape  
SpectralShape(510..., 540..., 10...)

Property for self._title private attribute.

Return type:unicode

Trims the tri-spectral power distribution wavelengths to given shape.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape) – Spectral shape used for trimming.
Returns:Trimmed tri-spectral power distribution.
Return type:TriSpectralPowerDistribution


>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> print(tri_spd.trim_wavelengths(  
...     SpectralShape(520, 550, 10)))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (520.0, 550.0, 10.0))
>>> tri_spd.wavelengths  
array([ 520.,  530.,  540.,  550.])

Property for self.values attribute.

Returns:Tri-spectral power distribution wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) values.
Return type:ndarray


TriSpectralPowerDistribution.values is read only.


Property for self.wavelengths attribute.

Returns:Tri-spectral power distribution wavelengths \(\lambda_n\).
Return type:ndarray

Property for self.x attribute.

Returns:Spectral power distribution for x axis.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


TriSpectralPowerDistribution.x is read only.


Property for self.y attribute.

Returns:Spectral power distribution for y axis.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


TriSpectralPowerDistribution.y is read only.


Property for self.z attribute.

Returns:Spectral power distribution for z axis.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


TriSpectralPowerDistribution.z is read only.

zeros(shape=SpectralShape(None, None, None))[source]

Zeros fills the tri-spectral power distribution: Missing values will be replaced with zeros to fit the defined range.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used for zeros fill.
Returns:Zeros filled tri-spectral power distribution.
Return type:TriSpectralPowerDistribution


>>> x_bar = {
...     510: 49.67,
...     520: 69.59,
...     530: 81.73,
...     540: 88.19,
...     550: 89.76,
...     560: 90.28}
>>> y_bar = {
...     510: 90.56,
...     520: 87.34,
...     530: 45.76,
...     540: 23.45,
...     550: 15.34,
...     560: 10.11}
>>> z_bar = {
...     510: 12.43,
...     520: 23.15,
...     530: 67.98,
...     540: 90.28,
...     550: 91.61,
...     560: 98.24}
>>> data = {'x_bar': x_bar, 'y_bar': y_bar, 'z_bar': z_bar}
>>> mapping = {'x': 'x_bar', 'y': 'y_bar', 'z': 'z_bar'}
>>> tri_spd = TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', data, mapping)
>>> print(tri_spd.zeros(SpectralShape(505, 565, 1)))
TriSpectralPowerDistribution('Observer', (505.0, 565.0, 1.0))
>>> tri_spd.values
array([[  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 49.67,  90.56,  12.43],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 69.59,  87.34,  23.15],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 81.73,  45.76,  67.98],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 88.19,  23.45,  90.28],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 89.76,  15.34,  91.61],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [ 90.28,  10.11,  98.24],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ],
       [  0.  ,   0.  ,   0.  ]])
colour.colorimetry.constant_spd(k, shape=SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0))[source]

Returns a spectral power distribution of given spectral shape filled with constant \(k\) values.

  • k (numeric) – Constant \(k\) to fill the spectral power distribution with.
  • shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used to create the spectral power distribution.

Constant \(k\) to filled spectral power distribution.

Return type:



  • By default, the spectral power distribution will use the shape given by DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_SHAPE attribute.


>>> spd = constant_spd(100)
>>> spd.shape
SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0)
>>> spd[400]
colour.colorimetry.zeros_spd(shape=SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0))[source]

Returns a spectral power distribution of given spectral shape filled with zeros.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used to create the spectral power distribution.
Returns:Zeros filled spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution

See also



  • By default, the spectral power distribution will use the shape given by DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_SHAPE attribute.


>>> spd = zeros_spd()
>>> spd.shape
SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0)
>>> spd[400]
colour.colorimetry.ones_spd(shape=SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0))[source]

Returns a spectral power distribution of given spectral shape filled with ones.

Parameters:shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used to create the spectral power distribution.
Returns:Ones filled spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution

See also



  • By default, the spectral power distribution will use the shape given by DEFAULT_SPECTRAL_SHAPE attribute.


>>> spd = ones_spd()
>>> spd.shape
SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0)
>>> spd[400]
colour.colorimetry.blackbody_spd(temperature, shape=SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0), c1=3.741771e-16, c2=0.014388, n=1)[source]

Returns the spectral power distribution of the planckian radiator for given temperature \(T[K]\).

  • temperature (numeric) – Temperature \(T[K]\) in kelvin degrees.
  • shape (SpectralShape, optional) – Spectral shape used to create the spectral power distribution of the planckian radiator.
  • c1 (numeric, optional) – The official value of \(c1\) is provided by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and is \(c1=3,741771x10.16\ W/m_2\) (Mohr and Taylor, 2000).
  • c2 (numeric, optional) – Since \(T\) is measured on the International Temperature Scale, the value of \(c2\) used in colorimetry should follow that adopted in the current International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) (Preston-Thomas, 1990; Mielenz et aI., 1991), namely \(c2=1,4388x10.2\ m/K\).
  • n (numeric, optional) – Medium index of refraction. For dry air at 15°C and 101 325 Pa, containing 0,03 percent by volume of carbon dioxide, it is approximately 1,00028 throughout the visible region although CIE 15:2004 recommends using \(n=1\).

Blackbody spectral power distribution.

Return type:



>>> from colour import STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS
>>> cmfs = STANDARD_OBSERVERS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> print(blackbody_spd(5000, cmfs.shape))
SpectralPowerDistribution('5000K Blackbody', (360.0, 830.0, 1.0))
colour.colorimetry.blackbody_spectral_radiance(wavelength, temperature, c1=3.741771e-16, c2=0.014388, n=1)

Returns the spectral radiance of a blackbody at thermodynamic temperature \(T[K]\) in a medium having index of refraction \(n\).

  • wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength in meters.
  • temperature (numeric or array_like) – Temperature \(T[K]\) in kelvin degrees.
  • c1 (numeric or array_like, optional) – The official value of \(c1\) is provided by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and is \(c1=3,741771x10.16\ W/m_2\) (Mohr and Taylor, 2000).
  • c2 (numeric or array_like, optional) – Since \(T\) is measured on the International Temperature Scale, the value of \(c2\) used in colorimetry should follow that adopted in the current International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) (Preston-Thomas, 1990; Mielenz et aI., 1991), namely \(c2=1,4388x10.2\ m/K\).
  • n (numeric or array_like, optional) – Medium index of refraction. For dry air at 15°C and 101 325 Pa, containing 0,03 percent by volume of carbon dioxide, it is approximately 1,00028 throughout the visible region although CIE 15:2004 recommends using \(n=1\).

Radiance in watts per steradian per square metre.

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


  • The following form implementation is expressed in term of wavelength.
  • The SI unit of radiance is watts per steradian per square metre.


[1]CIE TC 1-48. (2004). APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK’S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (pp. 77–82). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6


>>> # Doctests ellipsis for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> planck_law(500 * 1e-9, 5500)  
colour.colorimetry.planck_law(wavelength, temperature, c1=3.741771e-16, c2=0.014388, n=1)[source]

Returns the spectral radiance of a blackbody at thermodynamic temperature \(T[K]\) in a medium having index of refraction \(n\).

  • wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength in meters.
  • temperature (numeric or array_like) – Temperature \(T[K]\) in kelvin degrees.
  • c1 (numeric or array_like, optional) – The official value of \(c1\) is provided by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) and is \(c1=3,741771x10.16\ W/m_2\) (Mohr and Taylor, 2000).
  • c2 (numeric or array_like, optional) – Since \(T\) is measured on the International Temperature Scale, the value of \(c2\) used in colorimetry should follow that adopted in the current International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) (Preston-Thomas, 1990; Mielenz et aI., 1991), namely \(c2=1,4388x10.2\ m/K\).
  • n (numeric or array_like, optional) – Medium index of refraction. For dry air at 15°C and 101 325 Pa, containing 0,03 percent by volume of carbon dioxide, it is approximately 1,00028 throughout the visible region although CIE 15:2004 recommends using \(n=1\).

Radiance in watts per steradian per square metre.

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


  • The following form implementation is expressed in term of wavelength.
  • The SI unit of radiance is watts per steradian per square metre.


[1]CIE TC 1-48. (2004). APPENDIX E. INFORMATION ON THE USE OF PLANCK’S EQUATION FOR STANDARD AIR. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (pp. 77–82). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6


>>> # Doctests ellipsis for Python 2.x compatibility.
>>> planck_law(500 * 1e-9, 5500)  
class colour.colorimetry.LMS_ConeFundamentals(name, data, title=None)[source]

Bases: colour.colorimetry.spectrum.TriSpectralPowerDistribution

Implements support for the Stockman and Sharpe LMS cone fundamentals colour matching functions.

  • name (unicode) – LMS colour matching functions name.
  • data (dict) – LMS colour matching functions.
  • title (unicode, optional) – LMS colour matching functions title for figures.

Property for self.x attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


LMS_ConeFundamentals.l_bar is read only.


Property for self.y attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


LMS_ConeFundamentals.m_bar is read only.


Property for self.z attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


LMS_ConeFundamentals.s_bar is read only.

class colour.colorimetry.RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions(name, data, title=None)[source]

Bases: colour.colorimetry.spectrum.TriSpectralPowerDistribution

Implements support for the CIE RGB colour matching functions.

  • name (unicode) – CIE RGB colour matching functions name.
  • data (dict) – CIE RGB colour matching functions.
  • title (unicode, optional) – CIE RGB colour matching functions title for figures.

Property for self.z attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions.b_bar is read only.


Property for self.y attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions.g_bar is read only.


Property for self.x attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


RGB_ColourMatchingFunctions.r_bar is read only.

class colour.colorimetry.XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions(name, data, title=None)[source]

Bases: colour.colorimetry.spectrum.TriSpectralPowerDistribution

Implements support for the CIE Standard Observers XYZ colour matching functions.

  • name (unicode) – CIE Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions name.
  • data (dict) – CIE Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions.
  • title (unicode, optional) – CIE Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions title for figures.

Property for self.x attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions.x_bar is read only.


Property for self.y attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions.y_bar is read only.


Property for self.z attribute.

Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions.z_bar is read only.

colour.colorimetry.bandpass_correction(spd, method=u'Stearns 1988')[source]

Implements spectral bandpass dependence correction on given spectral power distribution using given method.

  • spd (SpectralPowerDistribution) – Spectral power distribution.
  • method (unicode, optional) – (‘Stearns 1988’, ) Correction method.

Spectral bandpass dependence corrected spectral power distribution.

Return type:



Implements spectral bandpass dependence correction on given spectral power distribution using Stearns and Stearns (1988) method.

Parameters:spd (SpectralPowerDistribution) – Spectral power distribution.
Returns:Spectral bandpass dependence corrected spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


[1]Westland, S., Ripamonti, C., & Cheung, V. (2012). Correction for Spectral Bandpass. In Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB (2nd ed., p. 38). ISBN:978-0-470-66569-5
[2]Stearns, E. I., & Stearns, R. E. (1988). An example of a method for correcting radiance data for Bandpass error. Color Research & Application, 13(4), 257–259. doi:10.1002/col.5080130410


>>> from colour import SpectralPowerDistribution
>>> data = {510: 49.67, 520: 69.59, 530: 81.73, 540: 88.19}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Spd', data)
>>> corrected_spd = bandpass_correction_Stearns1988(spd)
>>> corrected_spd.values  
array([ 48.01664   ,  70.3729688...,  82.0919506...,  88.72618   ])

Returns the relative spectral power distribution of given CIE Standard Illuminant D Series using given xy chromaticity coordinates.


[1]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE Method of Calculating D-Illuminants. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 145–146). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186
[2]Lindbloom, B. (2007). Spectral Power Distribution of a CIE D-Illuminant. Retrieved April 05, 2014, from
Parameters:xy (array_like) – xy chromaticity coordinates.
Returns:CIE Standard Illuminant D Series relative spectral power distribution.
Return type:SpectralPowerDistribution


>>> xy = np.array([0.34570, 0.35850])
>>> print(D_illuminant_relative_spd(xy))
SpectralPowerDistribution('CIE Standard Illuminant D Series', (300.0, 830.0, 10.0))

CIE Standard Illuminant A is intended to represent typical, domestic, tungsten-filament lighting. Its relative spectral power distribution is that of a Planckian radiator at a temperature of approximately 2856 K. CIE Standard Illuminant A should be used in all applications of colorimetry involving the use of incandescent lighting, unless there are specific reasons for using a different illuminant.

Parameters:wl (array_like) – Wavelength to evaluate the function at.
Returns:CIE Standard Illuminant A value at given wavelength.
Return type:ndarray


[1]CIE TC 1-48. (2004). 3.1 Recommendations concerning standard physical data of illuminants. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (pp. 12–13). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6


>>> wl = np.array([560, 580, 581.5])
>>> CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function(wl)  
array([ 100.        ,  114.4363383...,  115.5285063...])
colour.colorimetry.mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(Lp, source=u'Blue Heavy', method=u'MOVE', photopic_lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer', {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.770578e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.492513e-07, 822.0: 7.917212e-07, 823.0: 7.380904e-07, 824.0: 6.881098e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.980895e-07, 827.0: 5.575746e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.846123e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}), scotopic_lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer', {380.0: 0.000589, 381.0: 0.000665, 382.0: 0.000752, 383.0: 0.000854, 384.0: 0.000972, 385.0: 0.001108, 386.0: 0.001268, 387.0: 0.001453, 388.0: 0.001668, 389.0: 0.001918, 390.0: 0.002209, 391.0: 0.002547, 392.0: 0.002939, 393.0: 0.003394, 394.0: 0.003921, 395.0: 0.00453, 396.0: 0.00524, 397.0: 0.00605, 398.0: 0.00698, 399.0: 0.00806, 400.0: 0.00929, 401.0: 0.0107, 402.0: 0.01231, 403.0: 0.01413, 404.0: 0.01619, 405.0: 0.01852, 406.0: 0.02113, 407.0: 0.02405, 408.0: 0.0273, 409.0: 0.03089, 410.0: 0.03484, 411.0: 0.03916, 412.0: 0.0439, 413.0: 0.049, 414.0: 0.0545, 415.0: 0.0604, 416.0: 0.0668, 417.0: 0.0736, 418.0: 0.0808, 419.0: 0.0885, 420.0: 0.0966, 421.0: 0.1052, 422.0: 0.1141, 423.0: 0.1235, 424.0: 0.1334, 425.0: 0.1436, 426.0: 0.1541, 427.0: 0.1651, 428.0: 0.1764, 429.0: 0.1879, 430.0: 0.1998, 431.0: 0.2119, 432.0: 0.2243, 433.0: 0.2369, 434.0: 0.2496, 435.0: 0.2625, 436.0: 0.2755, 437.0: 0.2886, 438.0: 0.3017, 439.0: 0.3149, 440.0: 0.3281, 441.0: 0.3412, 442.0: 0.3543, 443.0: 0.3673, 444.0: 0.3803, 445.0: 0.3931, 446.0: 0.406, 447.0: 0.418, 448.0: 0.431, 449.0: 0.443, 450.0: 0.455, 451.0: 0.467, 452.0: 0.479, 453.0: 0.49, 454.0: 0.502, 455.0: 0.513, 456.0: 0.524, 457.0: 0.535, 458.0: 0.546, 459.0: 0.557, 460.0: 0.567, 461.0: 0.578, 462.0: 0.588, 463.0: 0.599, 464.0: 0.61, 465.0: 0.62, 466.0: 0.631, 467.0: 0.642, 468.0: 0.653, 469.0: 0.664, 470.0: 0.676, 471.0: 0.687, 472.0: 0.699, 473.0: 0.71, 474.0: 0.722, 475.0: 0.734, 476.0: 0.745, 477.0: 0.757, 478.0: 0.769, 479.0: 0.781, 480.0: 0.793, 481.0: 0.805, 482.0: 0.817, 483.0: 0.828, 484.0: 0.84, 485.0: 0.851, 486.0: 0.862, 487.0: 0.873, 488.0: 0.884, 489.0: 0.894, 490.0: 0.904, 491.0: 0.914, 492.0: 0.923, 493.0: 0.932, 494.0: 0.941, 495.0: 0.949, 496.0: 0.957, 497.0: 0.964, 498.0: 0.97, 499.0: 0.976, 500.0: 0.982, 501.0: 0.986, 502.0: 0.99, 503.0: 0.994, 504.0: 0.997, 505.0: 0.998, 506.0: 1.0, 507.0: 1.0, 508.0: 1.0, 509.0: 0.998, 510.0: 0.997, 511.0: 0.994, 512.0: 0.99, 513.0: 0.986, 514.0: 0.981, 515.0: 0.975, 516.0: 0.968, 517.0: 0.961, 518.0: 0.953, 519.0: 0.944, 520.0: 0.935, 521.0: 0.925, 522.0: 0.915, 523.0: 0.904, 524.0: 0.892, 525.0: 0.88, 526.0: 0.867, 527.0: 0.854, 528.0: 0.84, 529.0: 0.826, 530.0: 0.811, 531.0: 0.796, 532.0: 0.781, 533.0: 0.765, 534.0: 0.749, 535.0: 0.733, 536.0: 0.717, 537.0: 0.7, 538.0: 0.683, 539.0: 0.667, 540.0: 0.65, 541.0: 0.633, 542.0: 0.616, 543.0: 0.599, 544.0: 0.581, 545.0: 0.564, 546.0: 0.548, 547.0: 0.531, 548.0: 0.514, 549.0: 0.497, 550.0: 0.481, 551.0: 0.465, 552.0: 0.448, 553.0: 0.433, 554.0: 0.417, 555.0: 0.402, 556.0: 0.3864, 557.0: 0.3715, 558.0: 0.3569, 559.0: 0.3427, 560.0: 0.3288, 561.0: 0.3151, 562.0: 0.3018, 563.0: 0.2888, 564.0: 0.2762, 565.0: 0.2639, 566.0: 0.2519, 567.0: 0.2403, 568.0: 0.2291, 569.0: 0.2182, 570.0: 0.2076, 571.0: 0.1974, 572.0: 0.1876, 573.0: 0.1782, 574.0: 0.169, 575.0: 0.1602, 576.0: 0.1517, 577.0: 0.1436, 578.0: 0.1358, 579.0: 0.1284, 580.0: 0.1212, 581.0: 0.1143, 582.0: 0.1078, 583.0: 0.1015, 584.0: 0.0956, 585.0: 0.0899, 586.0: 0.0845, 587.0: 0.0793, 588.0: 0.0745, 589.0: 0.0699, 590.0: 0.0655, 591.0: 0.0613, 592.0: 0.0574, 593.0: 0.0537, 594.0: 0.0502, 595.0: 0.0469, 596.0: 0.0438, 597.0: 0.0409, 598.0: 0.03816, 599.0: 0.03558, 600.0: 0.03315, 601.0: 0.03087, 602.0: 0.02874, 603.0: 0.02674, 604.0: 0.02487, 605.0: 0.02312, 606.0: 0.02147, 607.0: 0.01994, 608.0: 0.01851, 609.0: 0.01718, 610.0: 0.01593, 611.0: 0.01477, 612.0: 0.01369, 613.0: 0.01269, 614.0: 0.01175, 615.0: 0.01088, 616.0: 0.01007, 617.0: 0.00932, 618.0: 0.00862, 619.0: 0.00797, 620.0: 0.00737, 621.0: 0.00682, 622.0: 0.0063, 623.0: 0.00582, 624.0: 0.00538, 625.0: 0.00497, 626.0: 0.00459, 627.0: 0.00424, 628.0: 0.003913, 629.0: 0.003613, 630.0: 0.003335, 631.0: 0.003079, 632.0: 0.002842, 633.0: 0.002623, 634.0: 0.002421, 635.0: 0.002235, 636.0: 0.002062, 637.0: 0.001903, 638.0: 0.001757, 639.0: 0.001621, 640.0: 0.001497, 641.0: 0.001382, 642.0: 0.001276, 643.0: 0.001178, 644.0: 0.001088, 645.0: 0.001005, 646.0: 0.000928, 647.0: 0.000857, 648.0: 0.000792, 649.0: 0.000732, 650.0: 0.000677, 651.0: 0.000626, 652.0: 0.000579, 653.0: 0.000536, 654.0: 0.000496, 655.0: 0.000459, 656.0: 0.000425, 657.0: 0.0003935, 658.0: 0.0003645, 659.0: 0.0003377, 660.0: 0.0003129, 661.0: 0.0002901, 662.0: 0.0002689, 663.0: 0.0002493, 664.0: 0.0002313, 665.0: 0.0002146, 666.0: 0.0001991, 667.0: 0.0001848, 668.0: 0.0001716, 669.0: 0.0001593, 670.0: 0.000148, 671.0: 0.0001375, 672.0: 0.0001277, 673.0: 0.0001187, 674.0: 0.0001104, 675.0: 0.0001026, 676.0: 9.54e-05, 677.0: 8.88e-05, 678.0: 8.26e-05, 679.0: 7.69e-05, 680.0: 7.15e-05, 681.0: 6.66e-05, 682.0: 6.2e-05, 683.0: 5.78e-05, 684.0: 5.38e-05, 685.0: 5.01e-05, 686.0: 4.67e-05, 687.0: 4.36e-05, 688.0: 4.06e-05, 689.0: 3.789e-05, 690.0: 3.533e-05, 691.0: 3.295e-05, 692.0: 3.075e-05, 693.0: 2.87e-05, 694.0: 2.679e-05, 695.0: 2.501e-05, 696.0: 2.336e-05, 697.0: 2.182e-05, 698.0: 2.038e-05, 699.0: 1.905e-05, 700.0: 1.78e-05, 701.0: 1.664e-05, 702.0: 1.556e-05, 703.0: 1.454e-05, 704.0: 1.36e-05, 705.0: 1.273e-05, 706.0: 1.191e-05, 707.0: 1.114e-05, 708.0: 1.043e-05, 709.0: 9.76e-06, 710.0: 9.14e-06, 711.0: 8.56e-06, 712.0: 8.02e-06, 713.0: 7.51e-06, 714.0: 7.04e-06, 715.0: 6.6e-06, 716.0: 6.18e-06, 717.0: 5.8e-06, 718.0: 5.44e-06, 719.0: 5.1e-06, 720.0: 4.78e-06, 721.0: 4.49e-06, 722.0: 4.21e-06, 723.0: 3.951e-06, 724.0: 3.709e-06, 725.0: 3.482e-06, 726.0: 3.27e-06, 727.0: 3.07e-06, 728.0: 2.884e-06, 729.0: 2.71e-06, 730.0: 2.546e-06, 731.0: 2.393e-06, 732.0: 2.25e-06, 733.0: 2.115e-06, 734.0: 1.989e-06, 735.0: 1.87e-06, 736.0: 1.759e-06, 737.0: 1.655e-06, 738.0: 1.557e-06, 739.0: 1.466e-06, 740.0: 1.379e-06, 741.0: 1.299e-06, 742.0: 1.223e-06, 743.0: 1.151e-06, 744.0: 1.084e-06, 745.0: 1.022e-06, 746.0: 9.62e-07, 747.0: 9.07e-07, 748.0: 8.55e-07, 749.0: 8.06e-07, 750.0: 7.6e-07, 751.0: 7.16e-07, 752.0: 6.75e-07, 753.0: 6.37e-07, 754.0: 6.01e-07, 755.0: 5.67e-07, 756.0: 5.35e-07, 757.0: 5.05e-07, 758.0: 4.77e-07, 759.0: 4.5e-07, 760.0: 4.25e-07, 761.0: 4.01e-07, 762.0: 3.79e-07, 763.0: 3.58e-07, 764.0: 3.382e-07, 765.0: 3.196e-07, 766.0: 3.021e-07, 767.0: 2.855e-07, 768.0: 2.699e-07, 769.0: 2.552e-07, 770.0: 2.413e-07, 771.0: 2.282e-07, 772.0: 2.159e-07, 773.0: 2.042e-07, 774.0: 1.932e-07, 775.0: 1.829e-07, 776.0: 1.731e-07, 777.0: 1.638e-07, 778.0: 1.551e-07, 779.0: 1.468e-07, 780.0: 1.39e-07}))[source]

Returns the mesopic luminous efficiency function \(V_m(\lambda)\) for given photopic luminance \(L_p\).

  • Lp (numeric) – Photopic luminance \(L_p\).
  • source (unicode, optional) – {‘Blue Heavy’, ‘Red Heavy’}, Light source colour temperature.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘MOVE’, ‘LRC’}, Method to calculate the weighting factor.
  • photopic_lef (SpectralPowerDistribution, optional) – \(V(\lambda)\) photopic luminous efficiency function.
  • scotopic_lef (SpectralPowerDistribution, optional) – \(V^\prime(\lambda)\) scotopic luminous efficiency function.

Mesopic luminous efficiency function \(V_m(\lambda)\).

Return type:



>>> print(mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(0.2))
SpectralPowerDistribution('0.2 Lp Mesopic Luminous Efficiency Function', (380.0, 780.0, 1.0))
colour.colorimetry.mesopic_weighting_function(wavelength, Lp, source=u'Blue Heavy', method=u'MOVE', photopic_lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer', {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.770578e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.492513e-07, 822.0: 7.917212e-07, 823.0: 7.380904e-07, 824.0: 6.881098e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.980895e-07, 827.0: 5.575746e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.846123e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}), scotopic_lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer', {380.0: 0.000589, 381.0: 0.000665, 382.0: 0.000752, 383.0: 0.000854, 384.0: 0.000972, 385.0: 0.001108, 386.0: 0.001268, 387.0: 0.001453, 388.0: 0.001668, 389.0: 0.001918, 390.0: 0.002209, 391.0: 0.002547, 392.0: 0.002939, 393.0: 0.003394, 394.0: 0.003921, 395.0: 0.00453, 396.0: 0.00524, 397.0: 0.00605, 398.0: 0.00698, 399.0: 0.00806, 400.0: 0.00929, 401.0: 0.0107, 402.0: 0.01231, 403.0: 0.01413, 404.0: 0.01619, 405.0: 0.01852, 406.0: 0.02113, 407.0: 0.02405, 408.0: 0.0273, 409.0: 0.03089, 410.0: 0.03484, 411.0: 0.03916, 412.0: 0.0439, 413.0: 0.049, 414.0: 0.0545, 415.0: 0.0604, 416.0: 0.0668, 417.0: 0.0736, 418.0: 0.0808, 419.0: 0.0885, 420.0: 0.0966, 421.0: 0.1052, 422.0: 0.1141, 423.0: 0.1235, 424.0: 0.1334, 425.0: 0.1436, 426.0: 0.1541, 427.0: 0.1651, 428.0: 0.1764, 429.0: 0.1879, 430.0: 0.1998, 431.0: 0.2119, 432.0: 0.2243, 433.0: 0.2369, 434.0: 0.2496, 435.0: 0.2625, 436.0: 0.2755, 437.0: 0.2886, 438.0: 0.3017, 439.0: 0.3149, 440.0: 0.3281, 441.0: 0.3412, 442.0: 0.3543, 443.0: 0.3673, 444.0: 0.3803, 445.0: 0.3931, 446.0: 0.406, 447.0: 0.418, 448.0: 0.431, 449.0: 0.443, 450.0: 0.455, 451.0: 0.467, 452.0: 0.479, 453.0: 0.49, 454.0: 0.502, 455.0: 0.513, 456.0: 0.524, 457.0: 0.535, 458.0: 0.546, 459.0: 0.557, 460.0: 0.567, 461.0: 0.578, 462.0: 0.588, 463.0: 0.599, 464.0: 0.61, 465.0: 0.62, 466.0: 0.631, 467.0: 0.642, 468.0: 0.653, 469.0: 0.664, 470.0: 0.676, 471.0: 0.687, 472.0: 0.699, 473.0: 0.71, 474.0: 0.722, 475.0: 0.734, 476.0: 0.745, 477.0: 0.757, 478.0: 0.769, 479.0: 0.781, 480.0: 0.793, 481.0: 0.805, 482.0: 0.817, 483.0: 0.828, 484.0: 0.84, 485.0: 0.851, 486.0: 0.862, 487.0: 0.873, 488.0: 0.884, 489.0: 0.894, 490.0: 0.904, 491.0: 0.914, 492.0: 0.923, 493.0: 0.932, 494.0: 0.941, 495.0: 0.949, 496.0: 0.957, 497.0: 0.964, 498.0: 0.97, 499.0: 0.976, 500.0: 0.982, 501.0: 0.986, 502.0: 0.99, 503.0: 0.994, 504.0: 0.997, 505.0: 0.998, 506.0: 1.0, 507.0: 1.0, 508.0: 1.0, 509.0: 0.998, 510.0: 0.997, 511.0: 0.994, 512.0: 0.99, 513.0: 0.986, 514.0: 0.981, 515.0: 0.975, 516.0: 0.968, 517.0: 0.961, 518.0: 0.953, 519.0: 0.944, 520.0: 0.935, 521.0: 0.925, 522.0: 0.915, 523.0: 0.904, 524.0: 0.892, 525.0: 0.88, 526.0: 0.867, 527.0: 0.854, 528.0: 0.84, 529.0: 0.826, 530.0: 0.811, 531.0: 0.796, 532.0: 0.781, 533.0: 0.765, 534.0: 0.749, 535.0: 0.733, 536.0: 0.717, 537.0: 0.7, 538.0: 0.683, 539.0: 0.667, 540.0: 0.65, 541.0: 0.633, 542.0: 0.616, 543.0: 0.599, 544.0: 0.581, 545.0: 0.564, 546.0: 0.548, 547.0: 0.531, 548.0: 0.514, 549.0: 0.497, 550.0: 0.481, 551.0: 0.465, 552.0: 0.448, 553.0: 0.433, 554.0: 0.417, 555.0: 0.402, 556.0: 0.3864, 557.0: 0.3715, 558.0: 0.3569, 559.0: 0.3427, 560.0: 0.3288, 561.0: 0.3151, 562.0: 0.3018, 563.0: 0.2888, 564.0: 0.2762, 565.0: 0.2639, 566.0: 0.2519, 567.0: 0.2403, 568.0: 0.2291, 569.0: 0.2182, 570.0: 0.2076, 571.0: 0.1974, 572.0: 0.1876, 573.0: 0.1782, 574.0: 0.169, 575.0: 0.1602, 576.0: 0.1517, 577.0: 0.1436, 578.0: 0.1358, 579.0: 0.1284, 580.0: 0.1212, 581.0: 0.1143, 582.0: 0.1078, 583.0: 0.1015, 584.0: 0.0956, 585.0: 0.0899, 586.0: 0.0845, 587.0: 0.0793, 588.0: 0.0745, 589.0: 0.0699, 590.0: 0.0655, 591.0: 0.0613, 592.0: 0.0574, 593.0: 0.0537, 594.0: 0.0502, 595.0: 0.0469, 596.0: 0.0438, 597.0: 0.0409, 598.0: 0.03816, 599.0: 0.03558, 600.0: 0.03315, 601.0: 0.03087, 602.0: 0.02874, 603.0: 0.02674, 604.0: 0.02487, 605.0: 0.02312, 606.0: 0.02147, 607.0: 0.01994, 608.0: 0.01851, 609.0: 0.01718, 610.0: 0.01593, 611.0: 0.01477, 612.0: 0.01369, 613.0: 0.01269, 614.0: 0.01175, 615.0: 0.01088, 616.0: 0.01007, 617.0: 0.00932, 618.0: 0.00862, 619.0: 0.00797, 620.0: 0.00737, 621.0: 0.00682, 622.0: 0.0063, 623.0: 0.00582, 624.0: 0.00538, 625.0: 0.00497, 626.0: 0.00459, 627.0: 0.00424, 628.0: 0.003913, 629.0: 0.003613, 630.0: 0.003335, 631.0: 0.003079, 632.0: 0.002842, 633.0: 0.002623, 634.0: 0.002421, 635.0: 0.002235, 636.0: 0.002062, 637.0: 0.001903, 638.0: 0.001757, 639.0: 0.001621, 640.0: 0.001497, 641.0: 0.001382, 642.0: 0.001276, 643.0: 0.001178, 644.0: 0.001088, 645.0: 0.001005, 646.0: 0.000928, 647.0: 0.000857, 648.0: 0.000792, 649.0: 0.000732, 650.0: 0.000677, 651.0: 0.000626, 652.0: 0.000579, 653.0: 0.000536, 654.0: 0.000496, 655.0: 0.000459, 656.0: 0.000425, 657.0: 0.0003935, 658.0: 0.0003645, 659.0: 0.0003377, 660.0: 0.0003129, 661.0: 0.0002901, 662.0: 0.0002689, 663.0: 0.0002493, 664.0: 0.0002313, 665.0: 0.0002146, 666.0: 0.0001991, 667.0: 0.0001848, 668.0: 0.0001716, 669.0: 0.0001593, 670.0: 0.000148, 671.0: 0.0001375, 672.0: 0.0001277, 673.0: 0.0001187, 674.0: 0.0001104, 675.0: 0.0001026, 676.0: 9.54e-05, 677.0: 8.88e-05, 678.0: 8.26e-05, 679.0: 7.69e-05, 680.0: 7.15e-05, 681.0: 6.66e-05, 682.0: 6.2e-05, 683.0: 5.78e-05, 684.0: 5.38e-05, 685.0: 5.01e-05, 686.0: 4.67e-05, 687.0: 4.36e-05, 688.0: 4.06e-05, 689.0: 3.789e-05, 690.0: 3.533e-05, 691.0: 3.295e-05, 692.0: 3.075e-05, 693.0: 2.87e-05, 694.0: 2.679e-05, 695.0: 2.501e-05, 696.0: 2.336e-05, 697.0: 2.182e-05, 698.0: 2.038e-05, 699.0: 1.905e-05, 700.0: 1.78e-05, 701.0: 1.664e-05, 702.0: 1.556e-05, 703.0: 1.454e-05, 704.0: 1.36e-05, 705.0: 1.273e-05, 706.0: 1.191e-05, 707.0: 1.114e-05, 708.0: 1.043e-05, 709.0: 9.76e-06, 710.0: 9.14e-06, 711.0: 8.56e-06, 712.0: 8.02e-06, 713.0: 7.51e-06, 714.0: 7.04e-06, 715.0: 6.6e-06, 716.0: 6.18e-06, 717.0: 5.8e-06, 718.0: 5.44e-06, 719.0: 5.1e-06, 720.0: 4.78e-06, 721.0: 4.49e-06, 722.0: 4.21e-06, 723.0: 3.951e-06, 724.0: 3.709e-06, 725.0: 3.482e-06, 726.0: 3.27e-06, 727.0: 3.07e-06, 728.0: 2.884e-06, 729.0: 2.71e-06, 730.0: 2.546e-06, 731.0: 2.393e-06, 732.0: 2.25e-06, 733.0: 2.115e-06, 734.0: 1.989e-06, 735.0: 1.87e-06, 736.0: 1.759e-06, 737.0: 1.655e-06, 738.0: 1.557e-06, 739.0: 1.466e-06, 740.0: 1.379e-06, 741.0: 1.299e-06, 742.0: 1.223e-06, 743.0: 1.151e-06, 744.0: 1.084e-06, 745.0: 1.022e-06, 746.0: 9.62e-07, 747.0: 9.07e-07, 748.0: 8.55e-07, 749.0: 8.06e-07, 750.0: 7.6e-07, 751.0: 7.16e-07, 752.0: 6.75e-07, 753.0: 6.37e-07, 754.0: 6.01e-07, 755.0: 5.67e-07, 756.0: 5.35e-07, 757.0: 5.05e-07, 758.0: 4.77e-07, 759.0: 4.5e-07, 760.0: 4.25e-07, 761.0: 4.01e-07, 762.0: 3.79e-07, 763.0: 3.58e-07, 764.0: 3.382e-07, 765.0: 3.196e-07, 766.0: 3.021e-07, 767.0: 2.855e-07, 768.0: 2.699e-07, 769.0: 2.552e-07, 770.0: 2.413e-07, 771.0: 2.282e-07, 772.0: 2.159e-07, 773.0: 2.042e-07, 774.0: 1.932e-07, 775.0: 1.829e-07, 776.0: 1.731e-07, 777.0: 1.638e-07, 778.0: 1.551e-07, 779.0: 1.468e-07, 780.0: 1.39e-07}))[source]

Calculates the mesopic weighting function factor at given wavelength \(\lambda\) using the photopic luminance \(L_p\).

  • wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) to calculate the mesopic weighting function factor.
  • Lp (numeric) – Photopic luminance \(L_p\).
  • source (unicode, optional) – {‘Blue Heavy’, ‘Red Heavy’}, Light source colour temperature.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘MOVE’, ‘LRC’}, Method to calculate the weighting factor.
  • photopic_lef (SpectralPowerDistribution, optional) – \(V(\lambda)\) photopic luminous efficiency function.
  • scotopic_lef (SpectralPowerDistribution, optional) – \(V^\prime(\lambda)\) scotopic luminous efficiency function.

Mesopic weighting function factor.

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


>>> mesopic_weighting_function(500, 0.2)  
colour.colorimetry.lightness(Y, method=u'CIE 1976', **kwargs)[source]

Returns the Lightness \(L^*\) using given method.

  • Y (numeric or array_like) – luminance \(Y\).
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘CIE 1976’, ‘Glasser 1958’, ‘Wyszecki 1963’}, Computation method.
Other Parameters:

Y_n (numeric or array_like, optional) – {lightness_CIE1976()}, White reference luminance \(Y_n\).


Lightness \(L^*\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


  • Input luminance \(Y\) and optional \(Y_n\) are in domain [0, 100].
  • Output Lightness \(L^*\) is in range [0, 100].


>>> lightness(10.08)  
>>> lightness(10.08, Y_n=100)  
>>> lightness(10.08, Y_n=95)  
>>> lightness(10.08, method='Glasser 1958')  
>>> lightness(10.08, method='Wyszecki 1963')  

Returns the Lightness \(L\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Glasser et al. (1958) method.

Parameters:Y (numeric or array_like) – luminance \(Y\).
Returns:Lightness \(L\).
Return type:numeric or array_like


  • Input luminance \(Y\) is in domain [0, 100].
  • Output Lightness \(L\) is in range [0, 100].


[2]Glasser, L. G., McKinney, A. H., Reilly, C. D., & Schnelle, P. D. (1958). Cube-Root Color Coordinate System. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 48(10), 736–740. doi:10.1364/JOSA.48.000736


>>> lightness_Glasser1958(10.08)  

Returns the Lightness \(W\) of given luminance \(Y\) using Wyszecki (1963) method.

Parameters:Y (numeric or array_like) – luminance \(Y\).
Returns:Lightness \(W\).
Return type:numeric or array_like


  • Input luminance \(Y\) is in domain [0, 100].
  • Output Lightness \(W\) is in range [0, 100].


[3]Wyszecki, G. (1963). Proposal for a New Color-Difference Formula. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 53(11), 1318–1319. doi:10.1364/JOSA.53.001318


>>> lightness_Wyszecki1963(10.08)  
colour.colorimetry.lightness_CIE1976(Y, Y_n=100)[source]

Returns the Lightness \(L^*\) of given luminance \(Y\) using given reference white luminance \(Y_n\) as per CIE 1976 recommendation.

  • Y (numeric or array_like) – luminance \(Y\).
  • Y_n (numeric or array_like, optional) – White reference luminance \(Y_n\).

Lightness \(L^*\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


  • Input luminance \(Y\) and \(Y_n\) are in domain [0, 100].
  • Output Lightness \(L^*\) is in range [0, 100].


[4]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (p. 167). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186
[5]Lindbloom, B. (2003). A Continuity Study of the CIE L* Function. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from


>>> lightness_CIE1976(10.08)  
colour.colorimetry.luminance(LV, method=u'CIE 1976', **kwargs)[source]

Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L^*\) or given Munsell value \(V\).

  • LV (numeric or array_like) – Lightness \(L^*\) or Munsell value \(V\).
  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘CIE 1976’, ‘Newhall 1943’, ‘ASTM D1535-08’}, Computation method.
Other Parameters:

Y_n (numeric or array_like, optional) – {luminance_CIE1976()}, White reference luminance \(Y_n\).


luminance \(Y\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


  • Input LV is in domain [0, 100] or [0, 10] and optional luminance \(Y_n\) is in domain [0, 100].
  • Output luminance \(Y\) is in range [0, 100].


>>> luminance(37.98562910)  
>>> luminance(37.98562910, Y_n=100)  
>>> luminance(37.98562910, Y_n=95)  
>>> luminance(3.74629715, method='Newhall 1943')  
>>> luminance(3.74629715, method='ASTM D1535-08')  

Returns the luminance \(R_Y\) of given Munsell value \(V\) using Newhall et al. (1943) method.

Parameters:V (numeric or array_like) – Munsell value \(V\).
Returns:luminance \(R_Y\).
Return type:numeric or array_like


  • Input Munsell value \(V\) is in domain [0, 10].
  • Output luminance \(R_Y\) is in range [0, 100].


[1]Newhall, S. M., Nickerson, D., & Judd, D. B. (1943). Final report of the OSA subcommittee on the spacing of the munsell colors. JOSA, 33(7), 385. doi:10.1364/JOSA.33.000385


>>> luminance_Newhall1943(3.74629715382)  

Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Munsell value \(V\) using ASTM D1535-08e1 method.

Parameters:V (numeric or array_like) – Munsell value \(V\).
Returns:luminance \(Y\).
Return type:numeric or array_like


  • Input Munsell value \(V\) is in domain [0, 10].
  • Output luminance \(Y\) is in range [0, 100].


[4]ASTM International. (n.d.). ASTM D1535-08e1 Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System. doi:10.1520/D1535-08E01


>>> luminance_ASTMD153508(3.74629715382)  
colour.colorimetry.luminance_CIE1976(Lstar, Y_n=100)[source]

Returns the luminance \(Y\) of given Lightness \(L^*\) with given reference white luminance \(Y_n\).

  • Lstar (numeric or array_like) – Lightness \(L^*\)
  • Y_n (numeric or array_like) – White reference luminance \(Y_n\).

luminance \(Y\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


  • Input Lightness \(L^*\) and reference white luminance \(Y_n\) are in domain [0, 100].
  • Output luminance \(Y\) is in range [0, 100].


[2]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE 1976 (L*u*v*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (p. 167). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186
[3]Lindbloom, B. (2003). A Continuity Study of the CIE L* Function. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from


>>> luminance_CIE1976(37.98562910)  
>>> luminance_CIE1976(37.98562910, 95)  
colour.colorimetry.dominant_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 737.0: 0.0, 738.0: 0.0, 739.0: 0.0, 740.0: 0.0, 741.0: 0.0, 742.0: 0.0, 743.0: 0.0, 744.0: 0.0, 745.0: 0.0, 746.0: 0.0, 747.0: 0.0, 748.0: 0.0, 749.0: 0.0, 750.0: 0.0, 751.0: 0.0, 752.0: 0.0, 753.0: 0.0, 754.0: 0.0, 755.0: 0.0, 756.0: 0.0, 757.0: 0.0, 758.0: 0.0, 759.0: 0.0, 760.0: 0.0, 761.0: 0.0, 762.0: 0.0, 763.0: 0.0, 764.0: 0.0, 765.0: 0.0, 766.0: 0.0, 767.0: 0.0, 768.0: 0.0, 769.0: 0.0, 770.0: 0.0, 771.0: 0.0, 772.0: 0.0, 773.0: 0.0, 774.0: 0.0, 775.0: 0.0, 776.0: 0.0, 777.0: 0.0, 778.0: 0.0, 779.0: 0.0, 780.0: 0.0, 781.0: 0.0, 782.0: 0.0, 783.0: 0.0, 784.0: 0.0, 785.0: 0.0, 786.0: 0.0, 787.0: 0.0, 788.0: 0.0, 789.0: 0.0, 790.0: 0.0, 791.0: 0.0, 792.0: 0.0, 793.0: 0.0, 794.0: 0.0, 795.0: 0.0, 796.0: 0.0, 797.0: 0.0, 798.0: 0.0, 799.0: 0.0, 800.0: 0.0, 801.0: 0.0, 802.0: 0.0, 803.0: 0.0, 804.0: 0.0, 805.0: 0.0, 806.0: 0.0, 807.0: 0.0, 808.0: 0.0, 809.0: 0.0, 810.0: 0.0, 811.0: 0.0, 812.0: 0.0, 813.0: 0.0, 814.0: 0.0, 815.0: 0.0, 816.0: 0.0, 817.0: 0.0, 818.0: 0.0, 819.0: 0.0, 820.0: 0.0, 821.0: 0.0, 822.0: 0.0, 823.0: 0.0, 824.0: 0.0, 825.0: 0.0, 826.0: 0.0, 827.0: 0.0, 828.0: 0.0, 829.0: 0.0, 830.0: 0.0}}, 'CIE 1931 2$^\circ$ Standard Observer'), reverse=False)[source]

Returns the dominant wavelength \(\lambda_d\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\) and the related \(xy_wl\) first and \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.

In the eventuality where the \(xy_wl\) first intersection coordinates are on the line of purples, the complementary wavelength will be computed in lieu.

The complementary wavelength is indicated by a negative sign and the \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates which are set by default to the same value than \(xy_wl\) first intersection coordinates will be set to the complementary dominant wavelength intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.

  • xy (array_like) – Colour stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • xy_n (array_like) – Achromatic stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional) – Standard observer colour matching functions.
  • reverse (bool, optional) – Reverse the computation direction to retrieve the complementary wavelength.

Dominant wavelength, first intersection point xy chromaticity coordinates, second intersection point xy chromaticity coordinates.

Return type:



Dominant wavelength computation:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> xy = np.array([0.26415, 0.37770])
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> pprint(dominant_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs))  
 array([ 0.0036969...,  0.6389577...]),
 array([ 0.0036969...,  0.6389577...]))

Complementary dominant wavelength is returned if the first intersection is located on the line of purples:

>>> xy = np.array([0.35000, 0.25000])
>>> pprint(dominant_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs))  
 array([ 0.4133314...,  0.1158663...]),
 array([ 0.0743553...,  0.8338050...]))
colour.colorimetry.complementary_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 737.0: 0.0, 738.0: 0.0, 739.0: 0.0, 740.0: 0.0, 741.0: 0.0, 742.0: 0.0, 743.0: 0.0, 744.0: 0.0, 745.0: 0.0, 746.0: 0.0, 747.0: 0.0, 748.0: 0.0, 749.0: 0.0, 750.0: 0.0, 751.0: 0.0, 752.0: 0.0, 753.0: 0.0, 754.0: 0.0, 755.0: 0.0, 756.0: 0.0, 757.0: 0.0, 758.0: 0.0, 759.0: 0.0, 760.0: 0.0, 761.0: 0.0, 762.0: 0.0, 763.0: 0.0, 764.0: 0.0, 765.0: 0.0, 766.0: 0.0, 767.0: 0.0, 768.0: 0.0, 769.0: 0.0, 770.0: 0.0, 771.0: 0.0, 772.0: 0.0, 773.0: 0.0, 774.0: 0.0, 775.0: 0.0, 776.0: 0.0, 777.0: 0.0, 778.0: 0.0, 779.0: 0.0, 780.0: 0.0, 781.0: 0.0, 782.0: 0.0, 783.0: 0.0, 784.0: 0.0, 785.0: 0.0, 786.0: 0.0, 787.0: 0.0, 788.0: 0.0, 789.0: 0.0, 790.0: 0.0, 791.0: 0.0, 792.0: 0.0, 793.0: 0.0, 794.0: 0.0, 795.0: 0.0, 796.0: 0.0, 797.0: 0.0, 798.0: 0.0, 799.0: 0.0, 800.0: 0.0, 801.0: 0.0, 802.0: 0.0, 803.0: 0.0, 804.0: 0.0, 805.0: 0.0, 806.0: 0.0, 807.0: 0.0, 808.0: 0.0, 809.0: 0.0, 810.0: 0.0, 811.0: 0.0, 812.0: 0.0, 813.0: 0.0, 814.0: 0.0, 815.0: 0.0, 816.0: 0.0, 817.0: 0.0, 818.0: 0.0, 819.0: 0.0, 820.0: 0.0, 821.0: 0.0, 822.0: 0.0, 823.0: 0.0, 824.0: 0.0, 825.0: 0.0, 826.0: 0.0, 827.0: 0.0, 828.0: 0.0, 829.0: 0.0, 830.0: 0.0}}, 'CIE 1931 2$^\circ$ Standard Observer'))[source]

Returns the complementary wavelength \(\lambda_c\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\) and the related \(xy_wl\) first and \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.

In the eventuality where the \(xy_wl\) first intersection coordinates are on the line of purples, the dominant wavelength will be computed in lieu.

The dominant wavelength is indicated by a negative sign and the \(xy_{cw}\) second intersection coordinates which are set by default to the same value than \(xy_wl\) first intersection coordinates will be set to the dominant wavelength intersection coordinates with the spectral locus.

  • xy (array_like) – Colour stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • xy_n (array_like) – Achromatic stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional) – Standard observer colour matching functions.

Complementary wavelength, first intersection point xy chromaticity coordinates, second intersection point xy chromaticity coordinates.

Return type:



Complementary wavelength computation:

>>> from pprint import pprint
>>> xy = np.array([0.35000, 0.25000])
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> pprint(complementary_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs))  
 array([ 0.0743553...,  0.8338050...]),
 array([ 0.0743553...,  0.8338050...]))

Dominant wavelength is returned if the first intersection is located on the line of purples:

>>> xy = np.array([0.26415, 0.37770])
>>> pprint(complementary_wavelength(xy, xy_n, cmfs))  
 array([ 0.4897494...,  0.1514035...]),
 array([ 0.0036969...,  0.6389577...]))
colour.colorimetry.excitation_purity(xy, xy_n, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 737.0: 0.0, 738.0: 0.0, 739.0: 0.0, 740.0: 0.0, 741.0: 0.0, 742.0: 0.0, 743.0: 0.0, 744.0: 0.0, 745.0: 0.0, 746.0: 0.0, 747.0: 0.0, 748.0: 0.0, 749.0: 0.0, 750.0: 0.0, 751.0: 0.0, 752.0: 0.0, 753.0: 0.0, 754.0: 0.0, 755.0: 0.0, 756.0: 0.0, 757.0: 0.0, 758.0: 0.0, 759.0: 0.0, 760.0: 0.0, 761.0: 0.0, 762.0: 0.0, 763.0: 0.0, 764.0: 0.0, 765.0: 0.0, 766.0: 0.0, 767.0: 0.0, 768.0: 0.0, 769.0: 0.0, 770.0: 0.0, 771.0: 0.0, 772.0: 0.0, 773.0: 0.0, 774.0: 0.0, 775.0: 0.0, 776.0: 0.0, 777.0: 0.0, 778.0: 0.0, 779.0: 0.0, 780.0: 0.0, 781.0: 0.0, 782.0: 0.0, 783.0: 0.0, 784.0: 0.0, 785.0: 0.0, 786.0: 0.0, 787.0: 0.0, 788.0: 0.0, 789.0: 0.0, 790.0: 0.0, 791.0: 0.0, 792.0: 0.0, 793.0: 0.0, 794.0: 0.0, 795.0: 0.0, 796.0: 0.0, 797.0: 0.0, 798.0: 0.0, 799.0: 0.0, 800.0: 0.0, 801.0: 0.0, 802.0: 0.0, 803.0: 0.0, 804.0: 0.0, 805.0: 0.0, 806.0: 0.0, 807.0: 0.0, 808.0: 0.0, 809.0: 0.0, 810.0: 0.0, 811.0: 0.0, 812.0: 0.0, 813.0: 0.0, 814.0: 0.0, 815.0: 0.0, 816.0: 0.0, 817.0: 0.0, 818.0: 0.0, 819.0: 0.0, 820.0: 0.0, 821.0: 0.0, 822.0: 0.0, 823.0: 0.0, 824.0: 0.0, 825.0: 0.0, 826.0: 0.0, 827.0: 0.0, 828.0: 0.0, 829.0: 0.0, 830.0: 0.0}}, 'CIE 1931 2$^\circ$ Standard Observer'))[source]

Returns the excitation purity \(P_e\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\).

  • xy (array_like) – Colour stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • xy_n (array_like) – Achromatic stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional) – Standard observer colour matching functions.

Excitation purity \(P_e\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


>>> xy = np.array([0.28350, 0.68700])
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> excitation_purity(xy, xy_n, cmfs)  
colour.colorimetry.colorimetric_purity(xy, xy_n, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 737.0: 0.0, 738.0: 0.0, 739.0: 0.0, 740.0: 0.0, 741.0: 0.0, 742.0: 0.0, 743.0: 0.0, 744.0: 0.0, 745.0: 0.0, 746.0: 0.0, 747.0: 0.0, 748.0: 0.0, 749.0: 0.0, 750.0: 0.0, 751.0: 0.0, 752.0: 0.0, 753.0: 0.0, 754.0: 0.0, 755.0: 0.0, 756.0: 0.0, 757.0: 0.0, 758.0: 0.0, 759.0: 0.0, 760.0: 0.0, 761.0: 0.0, 762.0: 0.0, 763.0: 0.0, 764.0: 0.0, 765.0: 0.0, 766.0: 0.0, 767.0: 0.0, 768.0: 0.0, 769.0: 0.0, 770.0: 0.0, 771.0: 0.0, 772.0: 0.0, 773.0: 0.0, 774.0: 0.0, 775.0: 0.0, 776.0: 0.0, 777.0: 0.0, 778.0: 0.0, 779.0: 0.0, 780.0: 0.0, 781.0: 0.0, 782.0: 0.0, 783.0: 0.0, 784.0: 0.0, 785.0: 0.0, 786.0: 0.0, 787.0: 0.0, 788.0: 0.0, 789.0: 0.0, 790.0: 0.0, 791.0: 0.0, 792.0: 0.0, 793.0: 0.0, 794.0: 0.0, 795.0: 0.0, 796.0: 0.0, 797.0: 0.0, 798.0: 0.0, 799.0: 0.0, 800.0: 0.0, 801.0: 0.0, 802.0: 0.0, 803.0: 0.0, 804.0: 0.0, 805.0: 0.0, 806.0: 0.0, 807.0: 0.0, 808.0: 0.0, 809.0: 0.0, 810.0: 0.0, 811.0: 0.0, 812.0: 0.0, 813.0: 0.0, 814.0: 0.0, 815.0: 0.0, 816.0: 0.0, 817.0: 0.0, 818.0: 0.0, 819.0: 0.0, 820.0: 0.0, 821.0: 0.0, 822.0: 0.0, 823.0: 0.0, 824.0: 0.0, 825.0: 0.0, 826.0: 0.0, 827.0: 0.0, 828.0: 0.0, 829.0: 0.0, 830.0: 0.0}}, 'CIE 1931 2$^\circ$ Standard Observer'))[source]

Returns the colorimetric purity \(P_c\) for given colour stimulus \(xy\).

  • xy (array_like) – Colour stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • xy_n (array_like) – Achromatic stimulus xy chromaticity coordinates.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional) – Standard observer colour matching functions.

Colorimetric purity \(P_c\).

Return type:

numeric or array_like


>>> xy = np.array([0.28350, 0.68700])
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.31270, 0.32900])
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> colorimetric_purity(xy, xy_n, cmfs)  
colour.colorimetry.luminous_flux(spd, lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer', {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.770578e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.492513e-07, 822.0: 7.917212e-07, 823.0: 7.380904e-07, 824.0: 6.881098e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.980895e-07, 827.0: 5.575746e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.846123e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}), K_m=683)[source]

Returns the luminous flux for given spectral power distribution using given luminous efficiency function.


Luminous flux.

Return type:



>>> from colour import LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS
>>> spd = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> luminous_flux(spd)  
colour.colorimetry.luminous_efficiency(spd, lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer', {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.770578e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.492513e-07, 822.0: 7.917212e-07, 823.0: 7.380904e-07, 824.0: 6.881098e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.980895e-07, 827.0: 5.575746e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.846123e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}))[source]

Returns the luminous efficiency of given spectral power distribution using given luminous efficiency function.


Luminous efficiency.

Return type:



>>> from colour import LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS
>>> spd = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> luminous_efficiency(spd)  
colour.colorimetry.luminous_efficacy(spd, lef=SpectralPowerDistribution( 'CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer', {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.770578e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.492513e-07, 822.0: 7.917212e-07, 823.0: 7.380904e-07, 824.0: 6.881098e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.980895e-07, 827.0: 5.575746e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.846123e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}))[source]

Returns the luminous efficacy in \(lm\cdot W^{-1}\) of given spectral power distribution using given luminous efficiency function.


Luminous efficacy in \(lm\cdot W^{-1}\).

Return type:



>>> from colour import LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS
>>> spd = LIGHT_SOURCES_RELATIVE_SPDS['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> luminous_efficacy(spd)  

Converts Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals spectral sensitivity functions.

Parameters:wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
Returns:Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals spectral tristimulus values.
Return type:ndarray


  • Data for the Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals already exists, this definition is intended for educational purpose.


[3]CIE TC 1-36. (2006). CIE 170-1:2006 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiological Axes - Part 1 (pp. 1–56). ISBN:978-3-901-90646-6


>>> RGB_10_degree_cmfs_to_LMS_10_degree_cmfs(700)  
array([ 0.0052860...,  0.0003252...,  0.        ])

Converts Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.

Parameters:wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
Returns:CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer spectral tristimulus values.
Return type:ndarray


  • Data for the CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer already exists, this definition is intended for educational purpose.


[1]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). Table 1(3.3.3). In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 138–139). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186


>>> RGB_2_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_2_degree_cmfs(700)  
array([ 0.0113577...,  0.004102  ,  0.        ])

Converts Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs colour matching functions into the CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.

Parameters:wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
Returns:CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer spectral tristimulus values.
Return type:ndarray


  • Data for the CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer already exists, this definition is intended for educational purpose.


[2]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). The CIE 1964 Standard Observer. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (p. 141). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186


>>> RGB_10_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_10_degree_cmfs(700)  
array([  9.6432150...e-03,   3.7526317...e-03,  -4.1078830...e-06])

Converts Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals colour matching functions into the CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.

Parameters:wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
Returns:CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer spectral tristimulus values.
Return type:ndarray


  • Data for the CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer already exists, this definition is intended for educational purpose.


[4]CVRL. (n.d.). CIE (2012) 2-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” colour matching functions. Retrieved June 25, 2014, from


>>> LMS_2_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_2_degree_cmfs(700)  
array([ 0.0109677...,  0.0041959...,  0.        ])

Converts Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals colour matching functions into the CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer colour matching functions.

Parameters:wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
Returns:CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer spectral tristimulus values.
Return type:ndarray


  • Data for the CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer already exists, this definition is intended for educational purpose.


[5]CVRL. (n.d.). CIE (2012) 10-deg XYZ “physiologically-relevant” colour matching functions. Retrieved June 25, 2014, from


>>> LMS_10_degree_cmfs_to_XYZ_10_degree_cmfs(700)  
array([ 0.0098162...,  0.0037761...,  0.        ])
colour.colorimetry.spectral_to_XYZ(spd, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 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507.0: 1.0, 508.0: 1.0, 509.0: 1.0, 510.0: 1.0, 511.0: 1.0, 512.0: 1.0, 513.0: 1.0, 514.0: 1.0, 515.0: 1.0, 516.0: 1.0, 517.0: 1.0, 518.0: 1.0, 519.0: 1.0, 520.0: 1.0, 521.0: 1.0, 522.0: 1.0, 523.0: 1.0, 524.0: 1.0, 525.0: 1.0, 526.0: 1.0, 527.0: 1.0, 528.0: 1.0, 529.0: 1.0, 530.0: 1.0, 531.0: 1.0, 532.0: 1.0, 533.0: 1.0, 534.0: 1.0, 535.0: 1.0, 536.0: 1.0, 537.0: 1.0, 538.0: 1.0, 539.0: 1.0, 540.0: 1.0, 541.0: 1.0, 542.0: 1.0, 543.0: 1.0, 544.0: 1.0, 545.0: 1.0, 546.0: 1.0, 547.0: 1.0, 548.0: 1.0, 549.0: 1.0, 550.0: 1.0, 551.0: 1.0, 552.0: 1.0, 553.0: 1.0, 554.0: 1.0, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 1.0, 557.0: 1.0, 558.0: 1.0, 559.0: 1.0, 560.0: 1.0, 561.0: 1.0, 562.0: 1.0, 563.0: 1.0, 564.0: 1.0, 565.0: 1.0, 566.0: 1.0, 567.0: 1.0, 568.0: 1.0, 569.0: 1.0, 570.0: 1.0, 571.0: 1.0, 572.0: 1.0, 573.0: 1.0, 574.0: 1.0, 575.0: 1.0, 576.0: 1.0, 577.0: 1.0, 578.0: 1.0, 579.0: 1.0, 580.0: 1.0, 581.0: 1.0, 582.0: 1.0, 583.0: 1.0, 584.0: 1.0, 585.0: 1.0, 586.0: 1.0, 587.0: 1.0, 588.0: 1.0, 589.0: 1.0, 590.0: 1.0, 591.0: 1.0, 592.0: 1.0, 593.0: 1.0, 594.0: 1.0, 595.0: 1.0, 596.0: 1.0, 597.0: 1.0, 598.0: 1.0, 599.0: 1.0, 600.0: 1.0, 601.0: 1.0, 602.0: 1.0, 603.0: 1.0, 604.0: 1.0, 605.0: 1.0, 606.0: 1.0, 607.0: 1.0, 608.0: 1.0, 609.0: 1.0, 610.0: 1.0, 611.0: 1.0, 612.0: 1.0, 613.0: 1.0, 614.0: 1.0, 615.0: 1.0, 616.0: 1.0, 617.0: 1.0, 618.0: 1.0, 619.0: 1.0, 620.0: 1.0, 621.0: 1.0, 622.0: 1.0, 623.0: 1.0, 624.0: 1.0, 625.0: 1.0, 626.0: 1.0, 627.0: 1.0, 628.0: 1.0, 629.0: 1.0, 630.0: 1.0, 631.0: 1.0, 632.0: 1.0, 633.0: 1.0, 634.0: 1.0, 635.0: 1.0, 636.0: 1.0, 637.0: 1.0, 638.0: 1.0, 639.0: 1.0, 640.0: 1.0, 641.0: 1.0, 642.0: 1.0, 643.0: 1.0, 644.0: 1.0, 645.0: 1.0, 646.0: 1.0, 647.0: 1.0, 648.0: 1.0, 649.0: 1.0, 650.0: 1.0, 651.0: 1.0, 652.0: 1.0, 653.0: 1.0, 654.0: 1.0, 655.0: 1.0, 656.0: 1.0, 657.0: 1.0, 658.0: 1.0, 659.0: 1.0, 660.0: 1.0, 661.0: 1.0, 662.0: 1.0, 663.0: 1.0, 664.0: 1.0, 665.0: 1.0, 666.0: 1.0, 667.0: 1.0, 668.0: 1.0, 669.0: 1.0, 670.0: 1.0, 671.0: 1.0, 672.0: 1.0, 673.0: 1.0, 674.0: 1.0, 675.0: 1.0, 676.0: 1.0, 677.0: 1.0, 678.0: 1.0, 679.0: 1.0, 680.0: 1.0, 681.0: 1.0, 682.0: 1.0, 683.0: 1.0, 684.0: 1.0, 685.0: 1.0, 686.0: 1.0, 687.0: 1.0, 688.0: 1.0, 689.0: 1.0, 690.0: 1.0, 691.0: 1.0, 692.0: 1.0, 693.0: 1.0, 694.0: 1.0, 695.0: 1.0, 696.0: 1.0, 697.0: 1.0, 698.0: 1.0, 699.0: 1.0, 700.0: 1.0, 701.0: 1.0, 702.0: 1.0, 703.0: 1.0, 704.0: 1.0, 705.0: 1.0, 706.0: 1.0, 707.0: 1.0, 708.0: 1.0, 709.0: 1.0, 710.0: 1.0, 711.0: 1.0, 712.0: 1.0, 713.0: 1.0, 714.0: 1.0, 715.0: 1.0, 716.0: 1.0, 717.0: 1.0, 718.0: 1.0, 719.0: 1.0, 720.0: 1.0, 721.0: 1.0, 722.0: 1.0, 723.0: 1.0, 724.0: 1.0, 725.0: 1.0, 726.0: 1.0, 727.0: 1.0, 728.0: 1.0, 729.0: 1.0, 730.0: 1.0, 731.0: 1.0, 732.0: 1.0, 733.0: 1.0, 734.0: 1.0, 735.0: 1.0, 736.0: 1.0, 737.0: 1.0, 738.0: 1.0, 739.0: 1.0, 740.0: 1.0, 741.0: 1.0, 742.0: 1.0, 743.0: 1.0, 744.0: 1.0, 745.0: 1.0, 746.0: 1.0, 747.0: 1.0, 748.0: 1.0, 749.0: 1.0, 750.0: 1.0, 751.0: 1.0, 752.0: 1.0, 753.0: 1.0, 754.0: 1.0, 755.0: 1.0, 756.0: 1.0, 757.0: 1.0, 758.0: 1.0, 759.0: 1.0, 760.0: 1.0, 761.0: 1.0, 762.0: 1.0, 763.0: 1.0, 764.0: 1.0, 765.0: 1.0, 766.0: 1.0, 767.0: 1.0, 768.0: 1.0, 769.0: 1.0, 770.0: 1.0, 771.0: 1.0, 772.0: 1.0, 773.0: 1.0, 774.0: 1.0, 775.0: 1.0, 776.0: 1.0, 777.0: 1.0, 778.0: 1.0, 779.0: 1.0, 780.0: 1.0}), method=u'ASTM E308-15', **kwargs)[source]

Converts given spectral power distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions, illuminant and method.

Other Parameters:
  • use_practice_range (bool, optional) – {spectral_to_XYZ_ASTME30815()}, Practise ASTM E308-15 working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if True this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately.
  • mi_5nm_omission_method (bool, optional) – {spectral_to_XYZ_ASTME30815()}, 5 nm measurement intervals spectral power distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors.
  • mi_20nm_interpolation_method (bool, optional) – {spectral_to_XYZ_ASTME30815()}, 20 nm measurement intervals spectral power distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors.

CIE XYZ tristimulus values.

Return type:

ndarray, (3,)


The output range of that definition is non standard!


  • Output CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in range [0, 100].


>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS, ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, SpectralPowerDistribution)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> data = {
...     400: 0.0641,
...     420: 0.0645,
...     440: 0.0562,
...     460: 0.0537,
...     480: 0.0559,
...     500: 0.0651,
...     520: 0.0705,
...     540: 0.0772,
...     560: 0.0870,
...     580: 0.1128,
...     600: 0.1360,
...     620: 0.1511,
...     640: 0.1688,
...     660: 0.1996,
...     680: 0.2397,
...     700: 0.2852}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS['D50']
>>> spectral_to_XYZ(  
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant)
array([ 11.5290265...,   9.9502091...,   4.7098882...])
>>> spectral_to_XYZ(  
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant, use_practice_range=False)
array([ 11.5291275...,   9.9502369...,   4.7098811...])
>>> spectral_to_XYZ(  
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant, method='Integration')
array([ 11.5296285...,   9.9499467...,   4.7066079...])
colour.colorimetry.lagrange_coefficients_ASTME202211(interval=10, interval_type=u'inner')[source]

Computes the Lagrange Coefficients for given interval size using practise ASTM E2022-11 method [1]_.

  • interval (int) – Interval size in nm.
  • interval_type (unicode, optional) – {‘inner’, ‘boundary’}, If the interval is an inner interval Lagrange Coefficients are computed for degree 4. Degree 3 is used for a boundary interval.

Lagrange Coefficients.

Return type:



>>> lagrange_coefficients_ASTME202211(  
...     10, 'inner')
array([[-0.028...,  0.940...,  0.104..., -0.016...],
       [-0.048...,  0.864...,  0.216..., -0.032...],
       [-0.059...,  0.773...,  0.331..., -0.045...],
       [-0.064...,  0.672...,  0.448..., -0.056...],
       [-0.062...,  0.562...,  0.562..., -0.062...],
       [-0.056...,  0.448...,  0.672..., -0.064...],
       [-0.045...,  0.331...,  0.773..., -0.059...],
       [-0.032...,  0.216...,  0.864..., -0.048...],
       [-0.016...,  0.104...,  0.940..., -0.028...]])
>>> lagrange_coefficients_ASTME202211(  
...     10, 'boundary')
array([[ 0.85...,  0.19..., -0.04...],
       [ 0.72...,  0.36..., -0.08...],
       [ 0.59...,  0.51..., -0.10...],
       [ 0.48...,  0.64..., -0.12...],
       [ 0.37...,  0.75..., -0.12...],
       [ 0.28...,  0.84..., -0.12...],
       [ 0.19...,  0.91..., -0.10...],
       [ 0.12...,  0.96..., -0.08...],
       [ 0.05...,  0.99..., -0.04...]])
colour.colorimetry.tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME202211(cmfs, illuminant, shape)[source]

Returns a table of tristimulus weighting factors for given colour matching functions and illuminant using practise ASTM E2022-11 method [1]_.

The computed table of tristimulus weighting factors should be used with spectral data that has been corrected for spectral bandpass dependence.


Tristimulus weighting factors table.

Return type:



ValueError – If the colour matching functions or illuminant intervals are not equal to 1 nm.


  • The tables of tristimulus weighting factors are cached in _TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS_CACHE attribute. Their identifier key is defined by the colour matching functions and illuminant names along the current shape such as: CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer, A, (360.0, 830.0, 10.0) Considering the above, one should be mindful that using similar colour matching functions and illuminant names but with different spectral data will lead to unexpected behaviour.


  • Input colour matching functions and illuminant intervals are expected to be equal to 1 nm. If the illuminant data is not available at 1 nm interval, it needs to be interpolated using CIE recommendations: The method developed by Sprague (1880) should be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and a Cubic Spline method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable.


>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS,
...     CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function,
...     SpectralPowerDistribution,
...     SpectralShape)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> wl = cmfs.shape.range()
>>> A = SpectralPowerDistribution(
...     'A (360, 830, 1)',
...     dict(zip(wl, CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function(wl))))
>>> tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME202211(  
...     cmfs, A, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20))
array([[ -2.9816934...e-04,  -3.1709762...e-05,  -1.3301218...e-03],
       [ -8.7154955...e-03,  -8.9154168...e-04,  -4.0743684...e-02],
       [  5.9967988...e-02,   5.0203497...e-03,   2.5650183...e-01],
       [  7.7342255...e-01,   7.7983983...e-02,   3.6965732...e+00],
       [  1.9000905...e+00,   3.0370051...e-01,   9.7554195...e+00],
       [  1.9707727...e+00,   8.5528092...e-01,   1.1486732...e+01],
       [  7.1836236...e-01,   2.1457000...e+00,   6.7845806...e+00],
       [  4.2666758...e-02,   4.8985328...e+00,   2.3208000...e+00],
       [  1.5223302...e+00,   9.6471138...e+00,   7.4306714...e-01],
       [  5.6770329...e+00,   1.4460970...e+01,   1.9581949...e-01],
       [  1.2445174...e+01,   1.7474254...e+01,   5.1826979...e-03],
       [  2.0553577...e+01,   1.7583821...e+01,  -2.6512696...e-03],
       [  2.5331538...e+01,   1.4895703...e+01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  2.1571157...e+01,   1.0079661...e+01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.2178581...e+01,   5.0680655...e+00,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  4.6675746...e+00,   1.8303239...e+00,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.3236117...e+00,   5.1296946...e-01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  3.1753258...e-01,   1.2300847...e-01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  7.4634128...e-02,   2.9024389...e-02,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.8299016...e-02,   7.1606335...e-03,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  4.7942065...e-03,   1.8888730...e-03,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.3293045...e-03,   5.2774591...e-04,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  4.2546928...e-04,   1.7041978...e-04,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  9.6251115...e-05,   3.8955295...e-05,   0.0000000...e+00]])
colour.colorimetry.adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(W, shape_r, shape_t)[source]

Adjusts given table of tristimulus weighting factors to account for a shorter wavelengths range of the test spectral shape compared to the reference spectral shape using practise ASTM E308-15 method [2]_: Weights at the wavelengths for which data are not available are added to the weights at the shortest and longest wavelength for which spectral data are available.

  • W (array_like) – Tristimulus weighting factors table.
  • shape_r (SpectralShape) – Reference spectral shape.
  • shape_t (SpectralShape) – Test spectral shape.

Adjusted tristimulus weighting factors.

Return type:



>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS,
...     CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function,
...     SpectralPowerDistribution,
...     SpectralShape)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> wl = cmfs.shape.range()
>>> A = SpectralPowerDistribution(
...     'A (360, 830, 1)',
...     dict(zip(wl, CIE_standard_illuminant_A_function(wl))))
>>> W = tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME202211(
...     cmfs, A, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20))
>>> adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(  
...     W, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20), SpectralShape(400, 700, 20))
array([[  5.0954324...e-02,   4.0970982...e-03,   2.1442802...e-01],
       [  7.7342255...e-01,   7.7983983...e-02,   3.6965732...e+00],
       [  1.9000905...e+00,   3.0370051...e-01,   9.7554195...e+00],
       [  1.9707727...e+00,   8.5528092...e-01,   1.1486732...e+01],
       [  7.1836236...e-01,   2.1457000...e+00,   6.7845806...e+00],
       [  4.2666758...e-02,   4.8985328...e+00,   2.3208000...e+00],
       [  1.5223302...e+00,   9.6471138...e+00,   7.4306714...e-01],
       [  5.6770329...e+00,   1.4460970...e+01,   1.9581949...e-01],
       [  1.2445174...e+01,   1.7474254...e+01,   5.1826979...e-03],
       [  2.0553577...e+01,   1.7583821...e+01,  -2.6512696...e-03],
       [  2.5331538...e+01,   1.4895703...e+01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  2.1571157...e+01,   1.0079661...e+01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.2178581...e+01,   5.0680655...e+00,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  4.6675746...e+00,   1.8303239...e+00,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  1.3236117...e+00,   5.1296946...e-01,   0.0000000...e+00],
       [  4.1711096...e-01,   1.6181949...e-01,   0.0000000...e+00]])
colour.colorimetry.spectral_to_XYZ_integration(spd, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 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506.0: 1.0, 507.0: 1.0, 508.0: 1.0, 509.0: 1.0, 510.0: 1.0, 511.0: 1.0, 512.0: 1.0, 513.0: 1.0, 514.0: 1.0, 515.0: 1.0, 516.0: 1.0, 517.0: 1.0, 518.0: 1.0, 519.0: 1.0, 520.0: 1.0, 521.0: 1.0, 522.0: 1.0, 523.0: 1.0, 524.0: 1.0, 525.0: 1.0, 526.0: 1.0, 527.0: 1.0, 528.0: 1.0, 529.0: 1.0, 530.0: 1.0, 531.0: 1.0, 532.0: 1.0, 533.0: 1.0, 534.0: 1.0, 535.0: 1.0, 536.0: 1.0, 537.0: 1.0, 538.0: 1.0, 539.0: 1.0, 540.0: 1.0, 541.0: 1.0, 542.0: 1.0, 543.0: 1.0, 544.0: 1.0, 545.0: 1.0, 546.0: 1.0, 547.0: 1.0, 548.0: 1.0, 549.0: 1.0, 550.0: 1.0, 551.0: 1.0, 552.0: 1.0, 553.0: 1.0, 554.0: 1.0, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 1.0, 557.0: 1.0, 558.0: 1.0, 559.0: 1.0, 560.0: 1.0, 561.0: 1.0, 562.0: 1.0, 563.0: 1.0, 564.0: 1.0, 565.0: 1.0, 566.0: 1.0, 567.0: 1.0, 568.0: 1.0, 569.0: 1.0, 570.0: 1.0, 571.0: 1.0, 572.0: 1.0, 573.0: 1.0, 574.0: 1.0, 575.0: 1.0, 576.0: 1.0, 577.0: 1.0, 578.0: 1.0, 579.0: 1.0, 580.0: 1.0, 581.0: 1.0, 582.0: 1.0, 583.0: 1.0, 584.0: 1.0, 585.0: 1.0, 586.0: 1.0, 587.0: 1.0, 588.0: 1.0, 589.0: 1.0, 590.0: 1.0, 591.0: 1.0, 592.0: 1.0, 593.0: 1.0, 594.0: 1.0, 595.0: 1.0, 596.0: 1.0, 597.0: 1.0, 598.0: 1.0, 599.0: 1.0, 600.0: 1.0, 601.0: 1.0, 602.0: 1.0, 603.0: 1.0, 604.0: 1.0, 605.0: 1.0, 606.0: 1.0, 607.0: 1.0, 608.0: 1.0, 609.0: 1.0, 610.0: 1.0, 611.0: 1.0, 612.0: 1.0, 613.0: 1.0, 614.0: 1.0, 615.0: 1.0, 616.0: 1.0, 617.0: 1.0, 618.0: 1.0, 619.0: 1.0, 620.0: 1.0, 621.0: 1.0, 622.0: 1.0, 623.0: 1.0, 624.0: 1.0, 625.0: 1.0, 626.0: 1.0, 627.0: 1.0, 628.0: 1.0, 629.0: 1.0, 630.0: 1.0, 631.0: 1.0, 632.0: 1.0, 633.0: 1.0, 634.0: 1.0, 635.0: 1.0, 636.0: 1.0, 637.0: 1.0, 638.0: 1.0, 639.0: 1.0, 640.0: 1.0, 641.0: 1.0, 642.0: 1.0, 643.0: 1.0, 644.0: 1.0, 645.0: 1.0, 646.0: 1.0, 647.0: 1.0, 648.0: 1.0, 649.0: 1.0, 650.0: 1.0, 651.0: 1.0, 652.0: 1.0, 653.0: 1.0, 654.0: 1.0, 655.0: 1.0, 656.0: 1.0, 657.0: 1.0, 658.0: 1.0, 659.0: 1.0, 660.0: 1.0, 661.0: 1.0, 662.0: 1.0, 663.0: 1.0, 664.0: 1.0, 665.0: 1.0, 666.0: 1.0, 667.0: 1.0, 668.0: 1.0, 669.0: 1.0, 670.0: 1.0, 671.0: 1.0, 672.0: 1.0, 673.0: 1.0, 674.0: 1.0, 675.0: 1.0, 676.0: 1.0, 677.0: 1.0, 678.0: 1.0, 679.0: 1.0, 680.0: 1.0, 681.0: 1.0, 682.0: 1.0, 683.0: 1.0, 684.0: 1.0, 685.0: 1.0, 686.0: 1.0, 687.0: 1.0, 688.0: 1.0, 689.0: 1.0, 690.0: 1.0, 691.0: 1.0, 692.0: 1.0, 693.0: 1.0, 694.0: 1.0, 695.0: 1.0, 696.0: 1.0, 697.0: 1.0, 698.0: 1.0, 699.0: 1.0, 700.0: 1.0, 701.0: 1.0, 702.0: 1.0, 703.0: 1.0, 704.0: 1.0, 705.0: 1.0, 706.0: 1.0, 707.0: 1.0, 708.0: 1.0, 709.0: 1.0, 710.0: 1.0, 711.0: 1.0, 712.0: 1.0, 713.0: 1.0, 714.0: 1.0, 715.0: 1.0, 716.0: 1.0, 717.0: 1.0, 718.0: 1.0, 719.0: 1.0, 720.0: 1.0, 721.0: 1.0, 722.0: 1.0, 723.0: 1.0, 724.0: 1.0, 725.0: 1.0, 726.0: 1.0, 727.0: 1.0, 728.0: 1.0, 729.0: 1.0, 730.0: 1.0, 731.0: 1.0, 732.0: 1.0, 733.0: 1.0, 734.0: 1.0, 735.0: 1.0, 736.0: 1.0, 737.0: 1.0, 738.0: 1.0, 739.0: 1.0, 740.0: 1.0, 741.0: 1.0, 742.0: 1.0, 743.0: 1.0, 744.0: 1.0, 745.0: 1.0, 746.0: 1.0, 747.0: 1.0, 748.0: 1.0, 749.0: 1.0, 750.0: 1.0, 751.0: 1.0, 752.0: 1.0, 753.0: 1.0, 754.0: 1.0, 755.0: 1.0, 756.0: 1.0, 757.0: 1.0, 758.0: 1.0, 759.0: 1.0, 760.0: 1.0, 761.0: 1.0, 762.0: 1.0, 763.0: 1.0, 764.0: 1.0, 765.0: 1.0, 766.0: 1.0, 767.0: 1.0, 768.0: 1.0, 769.0: 1.0, 770.0: 1.0, 771.0: 1.0, 772.0: 1.0, 773.0: 1.0, 774.0: 1.0, 775.0: 1.0, 776.0: 1.0, 777.0: 1.0, 778.0: 1.0, 779.0: 1.0, 780.0: 1.0, 781.0: 1.0, 782.0: 1.0, 783.0: 1.0, 784.0: 1.0, 785.0: 1.0, 786.0: 1.0, 787.0: 1.0, 788.0: 1.0, 789.0: 1.0, 790.0: 1.0, 791.0: 1.0, 792.0: 1.0, 793.0: 1.0, 794.0: 1.0, 795.0: 1.0, 796.0: 1.0, 797.0: 1.0, 798.0: 1.0, 799.0: 1.0, 800.0: 1.0, 801.0: 1.0, 802.0: 1.0, 803.0: 1.0, 804.0: 1.0, 805.0: 1.0, 806.0: 1.0, 807.0: 1.0, 808.0: 1.0, 809.0: 1.0, 810.0: 1.0, 811.0: 1.0, 812.0: 1.0, 813.0: 1.0, 814.0: 1.0, 815.0: 1.0, 816.0: 1.0, 817.0: 1.0, 818.0: 1.0, 819.0: 1.0, 820.0: 1.0, 821.0: 1.0, 822.0: 1.0, 823.0: 1.0, 824.0: 1.0, 825.0: 1.0, 826.0: 1.0, 827.0: 1.0, 828.0: 1.0, 829.0: 1.0, 830.0: 1.0}))[source]

Converts given spectral power distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant accordingly to classical integration method.


CIE XYZ tristimulus values.

Return type:

ndarray, (3,)


The output range of that definition is non standard!


  • Output CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in range [0, 100].


[3]Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). Integration Replace by Summation. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 158–163). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186


>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS, ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, SpectralPowerDistribution)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> data = {
...     400: 0.0641,
...     420: 0.0645,
...     440: 0.0562,
...     460: 0.0537,
...     480: 0.0559,
...     500: 0.0651,
...     520: 0.0705,
...     540: 0.0772,
...     560: 0.0870,
...     580: 0.1128,
...     600: 0.1360,
...     620: 0.1511,
...     640: 0.1688,
...     660: 0.1996,
...     680: 0.2397,
...     700: 0.2852}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS['D50']
>>> spectral_to_XYZ_integration(  
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant)
array([ 11.5296285...,   9.9499467...,   4.7066079...])
colour.colorimetry.spectral_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(spd, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 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587.0: 1.0, 588.0: 1.0, 589.0: 1.0, 590.0: 1.0, 591.0: 1.0, 592.0: 1.0, 593.0: 1.0, 594.0: 1.0, 595.0: 1.0, 596.0: 1.0, 597.0: 1.0, 598.0: 1.0, 599.0: 1.0, 600.0: 1.0, 601.0: 1.0, 602.0: 1.0, 603.0: 1.0, 604.0: 1.0, 605.0: 1.0, 606.0: 1.0, 607.0: 1.0, 608.0: 1.0, 609.0: 1.0, 610.0: 1.0, 611.0: 1.0, 612.0: 1.0, 613.0: 1.0, 614.0: 1.0, 615.0: 1.0, 616.0: 1.0, 617.0: 1.0, 618.0: 1.0, 619.0: 1.0, 620.0: 1.0, 621.0: 1.0, 622.0: 1.0, 623.0: 1.0, 624.0: 1.0, 625.0: 1.0, 626.0: 1.0, 627.0: 1.0, 628.0: 1.0, 629.0: 1.0, 630.0: 1.0, 631.0: 1.0, 632.0: 1.0, 633.0: 1.0, 634.0: 1.0, 635.0: 1.0, 636.0: 1.0, 637.0: 1.0, 638.0: 1.0, 639.0: 1.0, 640.0: 1.0, 641.0: 1.0, 642.0: 1.0, 643.0: 1.0, 644.0: 1.0, 645.0: 1.0, 646.0: 1.0, 647.0: 1.0, 648.0: 1.0, 649.0: 1.0, 650.0: 1.0, 651.0: 1.0, 652.0: 1.0, 653.0: 1.0, 654.0: 1.0, 655.0: 1.0, 656.0: 1.0, 657.0: 1.0, 658.0: 1.0, 659.0: 1.0, 660.0: 1.0, 661.0: 1.0, 662.0: 1.0, 663.0: 1.0, 664.0: 1.0, 665.0: 1.0, 666.0: 1.0, 667.0: 1.0, 668.0: 1.0, 669.0: 1.0, 670.0: 1.0, 671.0: 1.0, 672.0: 1.0, 673.0: 1.0, 674.0: 1.0, 675.0: 1.0, 676.0: 1.0, 677.0: 1.0, 678.0: 1.0, 679.0: 1.0, 680.0: 1.0, 681.0: 1.0, 682.0: 1.0, 683.0: 1.0, 684.0: 1.0, 685.0: 1.0, 686.0: 1.0, 687.0: 1.0, 688.0: 1.0, 689.0: 1.0, 690.0: 1.0, 691.0: 1.0, 692.0: 1.0, 693.0: 1.0, 694.0: 1.0, 695.0: 1.0, 696.0: 1.0, 697.0: 1.0, 698.0: 1.0, 699.0: 1.0, 700.0: 1.0, 701.0: 1.0, 702.0: 1.0, 703.0: 1.0, 704.0: 1.0, 705.0: 1.0, 706.0: 1.0, 707.0: 1.0, 708.0: 1.0, 709.0: 1.0, 710.0: 1.0, 711.0: 1.0, 712.0: 1.0, 713.0: 1.0, 714.0: 1.0, 715.0: 1.0, 716.0: 1.0, 717.0: 1.0, 718.0: 1.0, 719.0: 1.0, 720.0: 1.0, 721.0: 1.0, 722.0: 1.0, 723.0: 1.0, 724.0: 1.0, 725.0: 1.0, 726.0: 1.0, 727.0: 1.0, 728.0: 1.0, 729.0: 1.0, 730.0: 1.0, 731.0: 1.0, 732.0: 1.0, 733.0: 1.0, 734.0: 1.0, 735.0: 1.0, 736.0: 1.0, 737.0: 1.0, 738.0: 1.0, 739.0: 1.0, 740.0: 1.0, 741.0: 1.0, 742.0: 1.0, 743.0: 1.0, 744.0: 1.0, 745.0: 1.0, 746.0: 1.0, 747.0: 1.0, 748.0: 1.0, 749.0: 1.0, 750.0: 1.0, 751.0: 1.0, 752.0: 1.0, 753.0: 1.0, 754.0: 1.0, 755.0: 1.0, 756.0: 1.0, 757.0: 1.0, 758.0: 1.0, 759.0: 1.0, 760.0: 1.0, 761.0: 1.0, 762.0: 1.0, 763.0: 1.0, 764.0: 1.0, 765.0: 1.0, 766.0: 1.0, 767.0: 1.0, 768.0: 1.0, 769.0: 1.0, 770.0: 1.0, 771.0: 1.0, 772.0: 1.0, 773.0: 1.0, 774.0: 1.0, 775.0: 1.0, 776.0: 1.0, 777.0: 1.0, 778.0: 1.0, 779.0: 1.0, 780.0: 1.0}))[source]

Converts given spectral power distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant using a table of tristimulus weighting factors accordingly to practise ASTM E308-15 method [2]_.


CIE XYZ tristimulus values.

Return type:

ndarray, (3,)


The output range of that definition is non standard!


  • Output CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in range [0, 100].


>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS, ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, SpectralPowerDistribution)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> data = {
...     400: 0.0641,
...     420: 0.0645,
...     440: 0.0562,
...     460: 0.0537,
...     480: 0.0559,
...     500: 0.0651,
...     520: 0.0705,
...     540: 0.0772,
...     560: 0.0870,
...     580: 0.1128,
...     600: 0.1360,
...     620: 0.1511,
...     640: 0.1688,
...     660: 0.1996,
...     680: 0.2397,
...     700: 0.2852}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS['D50']
>>> spectral_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME30815(
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant)  
array([ 11.5296311...,   9.9505845...,   4.7098037...])
colour.colorimetry.spectral_to_XYZ_ASTME30815(spd, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 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506.0: 1.0, 507.0: 1.0, 508.0: 1.0, 509.0: 1.0, 510.0: 1.0, 511.0: 1.0, 512.0: 1.0, 513.0: 1.0, 514.0: 1.0, 515.0: 1.0, 516.0: 1.0, 517.0: 1.0, 518.0: 1.0, 519.0: 1.0, 520.0: 1.0, 521.0: 1.0, 522.0: 1.0, 523.0: 1.0, 524.0: 1.0, 525.0: 1.0, 526.0: 1.0, 527.0: 1.0, 528.0: 1.0, 529.0: 1.0, 530.0: 1.0, 531.0: 1.0, 532.0: 1.0, 533.0: 1.0, 534.0: 1.0, 535.0: 1.0, 536.0: 1.0, 537.0: 1.0, 538.0: 1.0, 539.0: 1.0, 540.0: 1.0, 541.0: 1.0, 542.0: 1.0, 543.0: 1.0, 544.0: 1.0, 545.0: 1.0, 546.0: 1.0, 547.0: 1.0, 548.0: 1.0, 549.0: 1.0, 550.0: 1.0, 551.0: 1.0, 552.0: 1.0, 553.0: 1.0, 554.0: 1.0, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 1.0, 557.0: 1.0, 558.0: 1.0, 559.0: 1.0, 560.0: 1.0, 561.0: 1.0, 562.0: 1.0, 563.0: 1.0, 564.0: 1.0, 565.0: 1.0, 566.0: 1.0, 567.0: 1.0, 568.0: 1.0, 569.0: 1.0, 570.0: 1.0, 571.0: 1.0, 572.0: 1.0, 573.0: 1.0, 574.0: 1.0, 575.0: 1.0, 576.0: 1.0, 577.0: 1.0, 578.0: 1.0, 579.0: 1.0, 580.0: 1.0, 581.0: 1.0, 582.0: 1.0, 583.0: 1.0, 584.0: 1.0, 585.0: 1.0, 586.0: 1.0, 587.0: 1.0, 588.0: 1.0, 589.0: 1.0, 590.0: 1.0, 591.0: 1.0, 592.0: 1.0, 593.0: 1.0, 594.0: 1.0, 595.0: 1.0, 596.0: 1.0, 597.0: 1.0, 598.0: 1.0, 599.0: 1.0, 600.0: 1.0, 601.0: 1.0, 602.0: 1.0, 603.0: 1.0, 604.0: 1.0, 605.0: 1.0, 606.0: 1.0, 607.0: 1.0, 608.0: 1.0, 609.0: 1.0, 610.0: 1.0, 611.0: 1.0, 612.0: 1.0, 613.0: 1.0, 614.0: 1.0, 615.0: 1.0, 616.0: 1.0, 617.0: 1.0, 618.0: 1.0, 619.0: 1.0, 620.0: 1.0, 621.0: 1.0, 622.0: 1.0, 623.0: 1.0, 624.0: 1.0, 625.0: 1.0, 626.0: 1.0, 627.0: 1.0, 628.0: 1.0, 629.0: 1.0, 630.0: 1.0, 631.0: 1.0, 632.0: 1.0, 633.0: 1.0, 634.0: 1.0, 635.0: 1.0, 636.0: 1.0, 637.0: 1.0, 638.0: 1.0, 639.0: 1.0, 640.0: 1.0, 641.0: 1.0, 642.0: 1.0, 643.0: 1.0, 644.0: 1.0, 645.0: 1.0, 646.0: 1.0, 647.0: 1.0, 648.0: 1.0, 649.0: 1.0, 650.0: 1.0, 651.0: 1.0, 652.0: 1.0, 653.0: 1.0, 654.0: 1.0, 655.0: 1.0, 656.0: 1.0, 657.0: 1.0, 658.0: 1.0, 659.0: 1.0, 660.0: 1.0, 661.0: 1.0, 662.0: 1.0, 663.0: 1.0, 664.0: 1.0, 665.0: 1.0, 666.0: 1.0, 667.0: 1.0, 668.0: 1.0, 669.0: 1.0, 670.0: 1.0, 671.0: 1.0, 672.0: 1.0, 673.0: 1.0, 674.0: 1.0, 675.0: 1.0, 676.0: 1.0, 677.0: 1.0, 678.0: 1.0, 679.0: 1.0, 680.0: 1.0, 681.0: 1.0, 682.0: 1.0, 683.0: 1.0, 684.0: 1.0, 685.0: 1.0, 686.0: 1.0, 687.0: 1.0, 688.0: 1.0, 689.0: 1.0, 690.0: 1.0, 691.0: 1.0, 692.0: 1.0, 693.0: 1.0, 694.0: 1.0, 695.0: 1.0, 696.0: 1.0, 697.0: 1.0, 698.0: 1.0, 699.0: 1.0, 700.0: 1.0, 701.0: 1.0, 702.0: 1.0, 703.0: 1.0, 704.0: 1.0, 705.0: 1.0, 706.0: 1.0, 707.0: 1.0, 708.0: 1.0, 709.0: 1.0, 710.0: 1.0, 711.0: 1.0, 712.0: 1.0, 713.0: 1.0, 714.0: 1.0, 715.0: 1.0, 716.0: 1.0, 717.0: 1.0, 718.0: 1.0, 719.0: 1.0, 720.0: 1.0, 721.0: 1.0, 722.0: 1.0, 723.0: 1.0, 724.0: 1.0, 725.0: 1.0, 726.0: 1.0, 727.0: 1.0, 728.0: 1.0, 729.0: 1.0, 730.0: 1.0, 731.0: 1.0, 732.0: 1.0, 733.0: 1.0, 734.0: 1.0, 735.0: 1.0, 736.0: 1.0, 737.0: 1.0, 738.0: 1.0, 739.0: 1.0, 740.0: 1.0, 741.0: 1.0, 742.0: 1.0, 743.0: 1.0, 744.0: 1.0, 745.0: 1.0, 746.0: 1.0, 747.0: 1.0, 748.0: 1.0, 749.0: 1.0, 750.0: 1.0, 751.0: 1.0, 752.0: 1.0, 753.0: 1.0, 754.0: 1.0, 755.0: 1.0, 756.0: 1.0, 757.0: 1.0, 758.0: 1.0, 759.0: 1.0, 760.0: 1.0, 761.0: 1.0, 762.0: 1.0, 763.0: 1.0, 764.0: 1.0, 765.0: 1.0, 766.0: 1.0, 767.0: 1.0, 768.0: 1.0, 769.0: 1.0, 770.0: 1.0, 771.0: 1.0, 772.0: 1.0, 773.0: 1.0, 774.0: 1.0, 775.0: 1.0, 776.0: 1.0, 777.0: 1.0, 778.0: 1.0, 779.0: 1.0, 780.0: 1.0}), use_practice_range=True, mi_5nm_omission_method=True, mi_20nm_interpolation_method=True)[source]

Converts given spectral power distribution to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant accordingly to practise ASTM E308-15 method [2]_.

  • spd (SpectralPowerDistribution) – Spectral power distribution.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions) – Standard observer colour matching functions.
  • illuminant (SpectralPowerDistribution, optional) – Illuminant spectral power distribution.
  • use_practice_range (bool, optional) – Practise ASTM E308-15 working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if True this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately.
  • mi_5nm_omission_method (bool, optional) – 5 nm measurement intervals spectral power distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors.
  • mi_20nm_interpolation_method (bool, optional) – 20 nm measurement intervals spectral power distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors.

CIE XYZ tristimulus values.

Return type:

ndarray, (3,)


  • The tables of tristimulus weighting factors are cached in _TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS_CACHE attribute. Their identifier key is defined by the colour matching functions and illuminant names along the current shape such as: CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer, A, (360.0, 830.0, 10.0) Considering the above, one should be mindful that using similar colour matching functions and illuminant names but with different spectral data will lead to unexpected behaviour.
  • The output range of that definition is non standard!


  • Output CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in range [0, 100].


>>> from colour import (
...     CMFS, ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS, SpectralPowerDistribution)
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> data = {
...     400: 0.0641,
...     420: 0.0645,
...     440: 0.0562,
...     460: 0.0537,
...     480: 0.0559,
...     500: 0.0651,
...     520: 0.0705,
...     540: 0.0772,
...     560: 0.0870,
...     580: 0.1128,
...     600: 0.1360,
...     620: 0.1511,
...     640: 0.1688,
...     660: 0.1996,
...     680: 0.2397,
...     700: 0.2852}
>>> spd = SpectralPowerDistribution('Sample', data)
>>> illuminant = ILLUMINANTS_RELATIVE_SPDS['D50']
>>> spectral_to_XYZ_ASTME30815(
...     spd, cmfs, illuminant)  
array([ 11.5290265...,   9.9502091...,   4.7098882...])
colour.colorimetry.wavelength_to_XYZ(wavelength, cmfs=XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions( 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', {u'x_bar': {360.0: 0.0001299, 361.0: 0.000145847, 362.0: 0.0001638021, 363.0: 0.0001840037, 364.0: 0.0002066902, 365.0: 0.0002321, 366.0: 0.000260728, 367.0: 0.000293075, 368.0: 0.000329388, 369.0: 0.000369914, 370.0: 0.0004149, 371.0: 0.0004641587, 372.0: 0.000518986, 373.0: 0.000581854, 374.0: 0.0006552347, 375.0: 0.0007416, 376.0: 0.0008450296, 377.0: 0.0009645268, 378.0: 0.001094949, 379.0: 0.001231154, 380.0: 0.001368, 381.0: 0.00150205, 382.0: 0.001642328, 383.0: 0.001802382, 384.0: 0.001995757, 385.0: 0.002236, 386.0: 0.002535385, 387.0: 0.002892603, 388.0: 0.003300829, 389.0: 0.003753236, 390.0: 0.004243, 391.0: 0.004762389, 392.0: 0.005330048, 393.0: 0.005978712, 394.0: 0.006741117, 395.0: 0.00765, 396.0: 0.008751373, 397.0: 0.01002888, 398.0: 0.0114217, 399.0: 0.01286901, 400.0: 0.01431, 401.0: 0.01570443, 402.0: 0.01714744, 403.0: 0.01878122, 404.0: 0.02074801, 405.0: 0.02319, 406.0: 0.02620736, 407.0: 0.02978248, 408.0: 0.03388092, 409.0: 0.03846824, 410.0: 0.04351, 411.0: 0.0489956, 412.0: 0.0550226, 413.0: 0.0617188, 414.0: 0.069212, 415.0: 0.07763, 416.0: 0.08695811, 417.0: 0.09717672, 418.0: 0.1084063, 419.0: 0.1207672, 420.0: 0.13438, 421.0: 0.1493582, 422.0: 0.1653957, 423.0: 0.1819831, 424.0: 0.198611, 425.0: 0.21477, 426.0: 0.2301868, 427.0: 0.2448797, 428.0: 0.2587773, 429.0: 0.2718079, 430.0: 0.2839, 431.0: 0.2949438, 432.0: 0.3048965, 433.0: 0.3137873, 434.0: 0.3216454, 435.0: 0.3285, 436.0: 0.3343513, 437.0: 0.3392101, 438.0: 0.3431213, 439.0: 0.3461296, 440.0: 0.34828, 441.0: 0.3495999, 442.0: 0.3501474, 443.0: 0.350013, 444.0: 0.349287, 445.0: 0.34806, 446.0: 0.3463733, 447.0: 0.3442624, 448.0: 0.3418088, 449.0: 0.3390941, 450.0: 0.3362, 451.0: 0.3331977, 452.0: 0.3300411, 453.0: 0.3266357, 454.0: 0.3228868, 455.0: 0.3187, 456.0: 0.3140251, 457.0: 0.308884, 458.0: 0.3032904, 459.0: 0.2972579, 460.0: 0.2908, 461.0: 0.2839701, 462.0: 0.2767214, 463.0: 0.2689178, 464.0: 0.2604227, 465.0: 0.2511, 466.0: 0.2408475, 467.0: 0.2298512, 468.0: 0.2184072, 469.0: 0.2068115, 470.0: 0.19536, 471.0: 0.1842136, 472.0: 0.1733273, 473.0: 0.1626881, 474.0: 0.1522833, 475.0: 0.1421, 476.0: 0.1321786, 477.0: 0.1225696, 478.0: 0.1132752, 479.0: 0.1042979, 480.0: 0.09564, 481.0: 0.08729955, 482.0: 0.07930804, 483.0: 0.07171776, 484.0: 0.06458099, 485.0: 0.05795001, 486.0: 0.05186211, 487.0: 0.04628152, 488.0: 0.04115088, 489.0: 0.03641283, 490.0: 0.03201, 491.0: 0.0279172, 492.0: 0.0241444, 493.0: 0.020687, 494.0: 0.0175404, 495.0: 0.0147, 496.0: 0.01216179, 497.0: 0.00991996, 498.0: 0.00796724, 499.0: 0.006296346, 500.0: 0.0049, 501.0: 0.003777173, 502.0: 0.00294532, 503.0: 0.00242488, 504.0: 0.002236293, 505.0: 0.0024, 506.0: 0.00292552, 507.0: 0.00383656, 508.0: 0.00517484, 509.0: 0.00698208, 510.0: 0.0093, 511.0: 0.01214949, 512.0: 0.01553588, 513.0: 0.01947752, 514.0: 0.02399277, 515.0: 0.0291, 516.0: 0.03481485, 517.0: 0.04112016, 518.0: 0.04798504, 519.0: 0.05537861, 520.0: 0.06327, 521.0: 0.07163501, 522.0: 0.08046224, 523.0: 0.08973996, 524.0: 0.09945645, 525.0: 0.1096, 526.0: 0.1201674, 527.0: 0.1311145, 528.0: 0.1423679, 529.0: 0.1538542, 530.0: 0.1655, 531.0: 0.1772571, 532.0: 0.18914, 533.0: 0.2011694, 534.0: 0.2133658, 535.0: 0.2257499, 536.0: 0.2383209, 537.0: 0.2510668, 538.0: 0.2639922, 539.0: 0.2771017, 540.0: 0.2904, 541.0: 0.3038912, 542.0: 0.3175726, 543.0: 0.3314384, 544.0: 0.3454828, 545.0: 0.3597, 546.0: 0.3740839, 547.0: 0.3886396, 548.0: 0.4033784, 549.0: 0.4183115, 550.0: 0.4334499, 551.0: 0.4487953, 552.0: 0.464336, 553.0: 0.480064, 554.0: 0.4959713, 555.0: 0.5120501, 556.0: 0.5282959, 557.0: 0.5446916, 558.0: 0.5612094, 559.0: 0.5778215, 560.0: 0.5945, 561.0: 0.6112209, 562.0: 0.6279758, 563.0: 0.6447602, 564.0: 0.6615697, 565.0: 0.6784, 566.0: 0.6952392, 567.0: 0.7120586, 568.0: 0.7288284, 569.0: 0.7455188, 570.0: 0.7621, 571.0: 0.7785432, 572.0: 0.7948256, 573.0: 0.8109264, 574.0: 0.8268248, 575.0: 0.8425, 576.0: 0.8579325, 577.0: 0.8730816, 578.0: 0.8878944, 579.0: 0.9023181, 580.0: 0.9163, 581.0: 0.9297995, 582.0: 0.9427984, 583.0: 0.9552776, 584.0: 0.9672179, 585.0: 0.9786, 586.0: 0.9893856, 587.0: 0.9995488, 588.0: 1.0090892, 589.0: 1.0180064, 590.0: 1.0263, 591.0: 1.0339827, 592.0: 1.040986, 593.0: 1.047188, 594.0: 1.0524667, 595.0: 1.0567, 596.0: 1.0597944, 597.0: 1.0617992, 598.0: 1.0628068, 599.0: 1.0629096, 600.0: 1.0622, 601.0: 1.0607352, 602.0: 1.0584436, 603.0: 1.0552244, 604.0: 1.0509768, 605.0: 1.0456, 606.0: 1.0390369, 607.0: 1.0313608, 608.0: 1.0226662, 609.0: 1.0130477, 610.0: 1.0026, 611.0: 0.9913675, 612.0: 0.9793314, 613.0: 0.9664916, 614.0: 0.9528479, 615.0: 0.9384, 616.0: 0.923194, 617.0: 0.907244, 618.0: 0.890502, 619.0: 0.87292, 620.0: 0.8544499, 621.0: 0.835084, 622.0: 0.814946, 623.0: 0.794186, 624.0: 0.772954, 625.0: 0.7514, 626.0: 0.7295836, 627.0: 0.7075888, 628.0: 0.6856022, 629.0: 0.6638104, 630.0: 0.6424, 631.0: 0.6215149, 632.0: 0.6011138, 633.0: 0.5811052, 634.0: 0.5613977, 635.0: 0.5419, 636.0: 0.5225995, 637.0: 0.5035464, 638.0: 0.4847436, 639.0: 0.4661939, 640.0: 0.4479, 641.0: 0.4298613, 642.0: 0.412098, 643.0: 0.394644, 644.0: 0.3775333, 645.0: 0.3608, 646.0: 0.3444563, 647.0: 0.3285168, 648.0: 0.3130192, 649.0: 0.2980011, 650.0: 0.2835, 651.0: 0.2695448, 652.0: 0.2561184, 653.0: 0.2431896, 654.0: 0.2307272, 655.0: 0.2187, 656.0: 0.2070971, 657.0: 0.1959232, 658.0: 0.1851708, 659.0: 0.1748323, 660.0: 0.1649, 661.0: 0.1553667, 662.0: 0.14623, 663.0: 0.13749, 664.0: 0.1291467, 665.0: 0.1212, 666.0: 0.1136397, 667.0: 0.106465, 668.0: 0.09969044, 669.0: 0.09333061, 670.0: 0.0874, 671.0: 0.08190096, 672.0: 0.07680428, 673.0: 0.07207712, 674.0: 0.06768664, 675.0: 0.0636, 676.0: 0.05980685, 677.0: 0.05628216, 678.0: 0.05297104, 679.0: 0.04981861, 680.0: 0.04677, 681.0: 0.04378405, 682.0: 0.04087536, 683.0: 0.03807264, 684.0: 0.03540461, 685.0: 0.0329, 686.0: 0.03056419, 687.0: 0.02838056, 688.0: 0.02634484, 689.0: 0.02445275, 690.0: 0.0227, 691.0: 0.02108429, 692.0: 0.01959988, 693.0: 0.01823732, 694.0: 0.01698717, 695.0: 0.01584, 696.0: 0.01479064, 697.0: 0.01383132, 698.0: 0.01294868, 699.0: 0.0121292, 700.0: 0.01135916, 701.0: 0.01062935, 702.0: 0.009938846, 703.0: 0.009288422, 704.0: 0.008678854, 705.0: 0.008110916, 706.0: 0.007582388, 707.0: 0.007088746, 708.0: 0.006627313, 709.0: 0.006195408, 710.0: 0.005790346, 711.0: 0.005409826, 712.0: 0.005052583, 713.0: 0.004717512, 714.0: 0.004403507, 715.0: 0.004109457, 716.0: 0.003833913, 717.0: 0.003575748, 718.0: 0.003334342, 719.0: 0.003109075, 720.0: 0.002899327, 721.0: 0.002704348, 722.0: 0.00252302, 723.0: 0.002354168, 724.0: 0.002196616, 725.0: 0.00204919, 726.0: 0.00191096, 727.0: 0.001781438, 728.0: 0.00166011, 729.0: 0.001546459, 730.0: 0.001439971, 731.0: 0.001340042, 732.0: 0.001246275, 733.0: 0.001158471, 734.0: 0.00107643, 735.0: 0.0009999493, 736.0: 0.0009287358, 737.0: 0.0008624332, 738.0: 0.0008007503, 739.0: 0.000743396, 740.0: 0.0006900786, 741.0: 0.0006405156, 742.0: 0.0005945021, 743.0: 0.0005518646, 744.0: 0.000512429, 745.0: 0.0004760213, 746.0: 0.0004424536, 747.0: 0.0004115117, 748.0: 0.0003829814, 749.0: 0.0003566491, 750.0: 0.0003323011, 751.0: 0.0003097586, 752.0: 0.0002888871, 753.0: 0.0002695394, 754.0: 0.0002515682, 755.0: 0.0002348261, 756.0: 0.000219171, 757.0: 0.0002045258, 758.0: 0.0001908405, 759.0: 0.0001780654, 760.0: 0.0001661505, 761.0: 0.0001550236, 762.0: 0.0001446219, 763.0: 0.0001349098, 764.0: 0.000125852, 765.0: 0.000117413, 766.0: 0.0001095515, 767.0: 0.0001022245, 768.0: 9.539445e-05, 769.0: 8.90239e-05, 770.0: 8.307527e-05, 771.0: 7.751269e-05, 772.0: 7.231304e-05, 773.0: 6.745778e-05, 774.0: 6.292844e-05, 775.0: 5.870652e-05, 776.0: 5.477028e-05, 777.0: 5.109918e-05, 778.0: 4.767654e-05, 779.0: 4.448567e-05, 780.0: 4.150994e-05, 781.0: 3.873324e-05, 782.0: 3.614203e-05, 783.0: 3.372352e-05, 784.0: 3.146487e-05, 785.0: 2.935326e-05, 786.0: 2.737573e-05, 787.0: 2.552433e-05, 788.0: 2.379376e-05, 789.0: 2.21787e-05, 790.0: 2.067383e-05, 791.0: 1.927226e-05, 792.0: 1.79664e-05, 793.0: 1.674991e-05, 794.0: 1.561648e-05, 795.0: 1.455977e-05, 796.0: 1.357387e-05, 797.0: 1.265436e-05, 798.0: 1.179723e-05, 799.0: 1.099844e-05, 800.0: 1.025398e-05, 801.0: 9.559646e-06, 802.0: 8.912044e-06, 803.0: 8.308358e-06, 804.0: 7.745769e-06, 805.0: 7.221456e-06, 806.0: 6.732475e-06, 807.0: 6.276423e-06, 808.0: 5.851304e-06, 809.0: 5.455118e-06, 810.0: 5.085868e-06, 811.0: 4.741466e-06, 812.0: 4.420236e-06, 813.0: 4.120783e-06, 814.0: 3.841716e-06, 815.0: 3.581652e-06, 816.0: 3.339127e-06, 817.0: 3.112949e-06, 818.0: 2.902121e-06, 819.0: 2.705645e-06, 820.0: 2.522525e-06, 821.0: 2.351726e-06, 822.0: 2.192415e-06, 823.0: 2.043902e-06, 824.0: 1.905497e-06, 825.0: 1.776509e-06, 826.0: 1.656215e-06, 827.0: 1.544022e-06, 828.0: 1.43944e-06, 829.0: 1.341977e-06, 830.0: 1.251141e-06}, u'y_bar': {360.0: 3.917e-06, 361.0: 4.393581e-06, 362.0: 4.929604e-06, 363.0: 5.532136e-06, 364.0: 6.208245e-06, 365.0: 6.965e-06, 366.0: 7.813219e-06, 367.0: 8.767336e-06, 368.0: 9.839844e-06, 369.0: 1.104323e-05, 370.0: 1.239e-05, 371.0: 1.388641e-05, 372.0: 1.555728e-05, 373.0: 1.744296e-05, 374.0: 1.958375e-05, 375.0: 2.202e-05, 376.0: 2.483965e-05, 377.0: 2.804126e-05, 378.0: 3.153104e-05, 379.0: 3.521521e-05, 380.0: 3.9e-05, 381.0: 4.28264e-05, 382.0: 4.69146e-05, 383.0: 5.15896e-05, 384.0: 5.71764e-05, 385.0: 6.4e-05, 386.0: 7.234421e-05, 387.0: 8.221224e-05, 388.0: 9.350816e-05, 389.0: 0.0001061361, 390.0: 0.00012, 391.0: 0.000134984, 392.0: 0.000151492, 393.0: 0.000170208, 394.0: 0.000191816, 395.0: 0.000217, 396.0: 0.0002469067, 397.0: 0.00028124, 398.0: 0.00031852, 399.0: 0.0003572667, 400.0: 0.000396, 401.0: 0.0004337147, 402.0: 0.000473024, 403.0: 0.000517876, 404.0: 0.0005722187, 405.0: 0.00064, 406.0: 0.00072456, 407.0: 0.0008255, 408.0: 0.00094116, 409.0: 0.00106988, 410.0: 0.00121, 411.0: 0.001362091, 412.0: 0.001530752, 413.0: 0.001720368, 414.0: 0.001935323, 415.0: 0.00218, 416.0: 0.0024548, 417.0: 0.002764, 418.0: 0.0031178, 419.0: 0.0035264, 420.0: 0.004, 421.0: 0.00454624, 422.0: 0.00515932, 423.0: 0.00582928, 424.0: 0.00654616, 425.0: 0.0073, 426.0: 0.008086507, 427.0: 0.00890872, 428.0: 0.00976768, 429.0: 0.01066443, 430.0: 0.0116, 431.0: 0.01257317, 432.0: 0.01358272, 433.0: 0.01462968, 434.0: 0.01571509, 435.0: 0.01684, 436.0: 0.01800736, 437.0: 0.01921448, 438.0: 0.02045392, 439.0: 0.02171824, 440.0: 0.023, 441.0: 0.02429461, 442.0: 0.02561024, 443.0: 0.02695857, 444.0: 0.02835125, 445.0: 0.0298, 446.0: 0.03131083, 447.0: 0.03288368, 448.0: 0.03452112, 449.0: 0.03622571, 450.0: 0.038, 451.0: 0.03984667, 452.0: 0.041768, 453.0: 0.043766, 454.0: 0.04584267, 455.0: 0.048, 456.0: 0.05024368, 457.0: 0.05257304, 458.0: 0.05498056, 459.0: 0.05745872, 460.0: 0.06, 461.0: 0.06260197, 462.0: 0.06527752, 463.0: 0.06804208, 464.0: 0.07091109, 465.0: 0.0739, 466.0: 0.077016, 467.0: 0.0802664, 468.0: 0.0836668, 469.0: 0.0872328, 470.0: 0.09098, 471.0: 0.09491755, 472.0: 0.09904584, 473.0: 0.1033674, 474.0: 0.1078846, 475.0: 0.1126, 476.0: 0.117532, 477.0: 0.1226744, 478.0: 0.1279928, 479.0: 0.1334528, 480.0: 0.13902, 481.0: 0.1446764, 482.0: 0.1504693, 483.0: 0.1564619, 484.0: 0.1627177, 485.0: 0.1693, 486.0: 0.1762431, 487.0: 0.1835581, 488.0: 0.1912735, 489.0: 0.199418, 490.0: 0.20802, 491.0: 0.2171199, 492.0: 0.2267345, 493.0: 0.2368571, 494.0: 0.2474812, 495.0: 0.2586, 496.0: 0.2701849, 497.0: 0.2822939, 498.0: 0.2950505, 499.0: 0.308578, 500.0: 0.323, 501.0: 0.3384021, 502.0: 0.3546858, 503.0: 0.3716986, 504.0: 0.3892875, 505.0: 0.4073, 506.0: 0.4256299, 507.0: 0.4443096, 508.0: 0.4633944, 509.0: 0.4829395, 510.0: 0.503, 511.0: 0.5235693, 512.0: 0.544512, 513.0: 0.56569, 514.0: 0.5869653, 515.0: 0.6082, 516.0: 0.6293456, 517.0: 0.6503068, 518.0: 0.6708752, 519.0: 0.6908424, 520.0: 0.71, 521.0: 0.7281852, 522.0: 0.7454636, 523.0: 0.7619694, 524.0: 0.7778368, 525.0: 0.7932, 526.0: 0.8081104, 527.0: 0.8224962, 528.0: 0.8363068, 529.0: 0.8494916, 530.0: 0.862, 531.0: 0.8738108, 532.0: 0.8849624, 533.0: 0.8954936, 534.0: 0.9054432, 535.0: 0.9148501, 536.0: 0.9237348, 537.0: 0.9320924, 538.0: 0.9399226, 539.0: 0.9472252, 540.0: 0.954, 541.0: 0.9602561, 542.0: 0.9660074, 543.0: 0.9712606, 544.0: 0.9760225, 545.0: 0.9803, 546.0: 0.9840924, 547.0: 0.9874182, 548.0: 0.9903128, 549.0: 0.9928116, 550.0: 0.9949501, 551.0: 0.9967108, 552.0: 0.9980983, 553.0: 0.999112, 554.0: 0.9997482, 555.0: 1.0, 556.0: 0.9998567, 557.0: 0.9993046, 558.0: 0.9983255, 559.0: 0.9968987, 560.0: 0.995, 561.0: 0.9926005, 562.0: 0.9897426, 563.0: 0.9864444, 564.0: 0.9827241, 565.0: 0.9786, 566.0: 0.9740837, 567.0: 0.9691712, 568.0: 0.9638568, 569.0: 0.9581349, 570.0: 0.952, 571.0: 0.9454504, 572.0: 0.9384992, 573.0: 0.9311628, 574.0: 0.9234576, 575.0: 0.9154, 576.0: 0.9070064, 577.0: 0.8982772, 578.0: 0.8892048, 579.0: 0.8797816, 580.0: 0.87, 581.0: 0.8598613, 582.0: 0.849392, 583.0: 0.838622, 584.0: 0.8275813, 585.0: 0.8163, 586.0: 0.8047947, 587.0: 0.793082, 588.0: 0.781192, 589.0: 0.7691547, 590.0: 0.757, 591.0: 0.7447541, 592.0: 0.7324224, 593.0: 0.7200036, 594.0: 0.7074965, 595.0: 0.6949, 596.0: 0.6822192, 597.0: 0.6694716, 598.0: 0.6566744, 599.0: 0.6438448, 600.0: 0.631, 601.0: 0.6181555, 602.0: 0.6053144, 603.0: 0.5924756, 604.0: 0.5796379, 605.0: 0.5668, 606.0: 0.5539611, 607.0: 0.5411372, 608.0: 0.5283528, 609.0: 0.5156323, 610.0: 0.503, 611.0: 0.4904688, 612.0: 0.4780304, 613.0: 0.4656776, 614.0: 0.4534032, 615.0: 0.4412, 616.0: 0.42908, 617.0: 0.417036, 618.0: 0.405032, 619.0: 0.393032, 620.0: 0.381, 621.0: 0.3689184, 622.0: 0.3568272, 623.0: 0.3447768, 624.0: 0.3328176, 625.0: 0.321, 626.0: 0.3093381, 627.0: 0.2978504, 628.0: 0.2865936, 629.0: 0.2756245, 630.0: 0.265, 631.0: 0.2547632, 632.0: 0.2448896, 633.0: 0.2353344, 634.0: 0.2260528, 635.0: 0.217, 636.0: 0.2081616, 637.0: 0.1995488, 638.0: 0.1911552, 639.0: 0.1829744, 640.0: 0.175, 641.0: 0.1672235, 642.0: 0.1596464, 643.0: 0.1522776, 644.0: 0.1451259, 645.0: 0.1382, 646.0: 0.1315003, 647.0: 0.1250248, 648.0: 0.1187792, 649.0: 0.1127691, 650.0: 0.107, 651.0: 0.1014762, 652.0: 0.09618864, 653.0: 0.09112296, 654.0: 0.08626485, 655.0: 0.0816, 656.0: 0.07712064, 657.0: 0.07282552, 658.0: 0.06871008, 659.0: 0.06476976, 660.0: 0.061, 661.0: 0.05739621, 662.0: 0.05395504, 663.0: 0.05067376, 664.0: 0.04754965, 665.0: 0.04458, 666.0: 0.04175872, 667.0: 0.03908496, 668.0: 0.03656384, 669.0: 0.03420048, 670.0: 0.032, 671.0: 0.02996261, 672.0: 0.02807664, 673.0: 0.02632936, 674.0: 0.02470805, 675.0: 0.0232, 676.0: 0.02180077, 677.0: 0.02050112, 678.0: 0.01928108, 679.0: 0.01812069, 680.0: 0.017, 681.0: 0.01590379, 682.0: 0.01483718, 683.0: 0.01381068, 684.0: 0.01283478, 685.0: 0.01192, 686.0: 0.01106831, 687.0: 0.01027339, 688.0: 0.009533311, 689.0: 0.008846157, 690.0: 0.00821, 691.0: 0.007623781, 692.0: 0.007085424, 693.0: 0.006591476, 694.0: 0.006138485, 695.0: 0.005723, 696.0: 0.005343059, 697.0: 0.004995796, 698.0: 0.004676404, 699.0: 0.004380075, 700.0: 0.004102, 701.0: 0.003838453, 702.0: 0.003589099, 703.0: 0.003354219, 704.0: 0.003134093, 705.0: 0.002929, 706.0: 0.002738139, 707.0: 0.002559876, 708.0: 0.002393244, 709.0: 0.002237275, 710.0: 0.002091, 711.0: 0.001953587, 712.0: 0.00182458, 713.0: 0.00170358, 714.0: 0.001590187, 715.0: 0.001484, 716.0: 0.001384496, 717.0: 0.001291268, 718.0: 0.001204092, 719.0: 0.001122744, 720.0: 0.001047, 721.0: 0.0009765896, 722.0: 0.0009111088, 723.0: 0.0008501332, 724.0: 0.0007932384, 725.0: 0.00074, 726.0: 0.0006900827, 727.0: 0.00064331, 728.0: 0.000599496, 729.0: 0.0005584547, 730.0: 0.00052, 731.0: 0.0004839136, 732.0: 0.0004500528, 733.0: 0.0004183452, 734.0: 0.0003887184, 735.0: 0.0003611, 736.0: 0.0003353835, 737.0: 0.0003114404, 738.0: 0.0002891656, 739.0: 0.0002684539, 740.0: 0.0002492, 741.0: 0.0002313019, 742.0: 0.0002146856, 743.0: 0.0001992884, 744.0: 0.0001850475, 745.0: 0.0001719, 746.0: 0.0001597781, 747.0: 0.0001486044, 748.0: 0.0001383016, 749.0: 0.0001287925, 750.0: 0.00012, 751.0: 0.0001118595, 752.0: 0.0001043224, 753.0: 9.73356e-05, 754.0: 9.084587e-05, 755.0: 8.48e-05, 756.0: 7.914667e-05, 757.0: 7.3858e-05, 758.0: 6.8916e-05, 759.0: 6.430267e-05, 760.0: 6e-05, 761.0: 5.598187e-05, 762.0: 5.22256e-05, 763.0: 4.87184e-05, 764.0: 4.544747e-05, 765.0: 4.24e-05, 766.0: 3.956104e-05, 767.0: 3.691512e-05, 768.0: 3.444868e-05, 769.0: 3.214816e-05, 770.0: 3e-05, 771.0: 2.799125e-05, 772.0: 2.611356e-05, 773.0: 2.436024e-05, 774.0: 2.272461e-05, 775.0: 2.12e-05, 776.0: 1.977855e-05, 777.0: 1.845285e-05, 778.0: 1.721687e-05, 779.0: 1.606459e-05, 780.0: 1.499e-05, 781.0: 1.398728e-05, 782.0: 1.305155e-05, 783.0: 1.217818e-05, 784.0: 1.136254e-05, 785.0: 1.06e-05, 786.0: 9.885877e-06, 787.0: 9.217304e-06, 788.0: 8.592362e-06, 789.0: 8.009133e-06, 790.0: 7.4657e-06, 791.0: 6.959567e-06, 792.0: 6.487995e-06, 793.0: 6.048699e-06, 794.0: 5.639396e-06, 795.0: 5.2578e-06, 796.0: 4.901771e-06, 797.0: 4.56972e-06, 798.0: 4.260194e-06, 799.0: 3.971739e-06, 800.0: 3.7029e-06, 801.0: 3.452163e-06, 802.0: 3.218302e-06, 803.0: 3.0003e-06, 804.0: 2.797139e-06, 805.0: 2.6078e-06, 806.0: 2.43122e-06, 807.0: 2.266531e-06, 808.0: 2.113013e-06, 809.0: 1.969943e-06, 810.0: 1.8366e-06, 811.0: 1.71223e-06, 812.0: 1.596228e-06, 813.0: 1.48809e-06, 814.0: 1.387314e-06, 815.0: 1.2934e-06, 816.0: 1.20582e-06, 817.0: 1.124143e-06, 818.0: 1.048009e-06, 819.0: 9.77058e-07, 820.0: 9.1093e-07, 821.0: 8.49251e-07, 822.0: 7.91721e-07, 823.0: 7.3809e-07, 824.0: 6.8811e-07, 825.0: 6.4153e-07, 826.0: 5.9809e-07, 827.0: 5.57575e-07, 828.0: 5.19808e-07, 829.0: 4.84612e-07, 830.0: 4.5181e-07}, u'z_bar': {360.0: 0.0006061, 361.0: 0.0006808792, 362.0: 0.0007651456, 363.0: 0.0008600124, 364.0: 0.0009665928, 365.0: 0.001086, 366.0: 0.001220586, 367.0: 0.001372729, 368.0: 0.001543579, 369.0: 0.001734286, 370.0: 0.001946, 371.0: 0.002177777, 372.0: 0.002435809, 373.0: 0.002731953, 374.0: 0.003078064, 375.0: 0.003486, 376.0: 0.003975227, 377.0: 0.00454088, 378.0: 0.00515832, 379.0: 0.005802907, 380.0: 0.006450001, 381.0: 0.007083216, 382.0: 0.007745488, 383.0: 0.008501152, 384.0: 0.009414544, 385.0: 0.01054999, 386.0: 0.0119658, 387.0: 0.01365587, 388.0: 0.01558805, 389.0: 0.01773015, 390.0: 0.02005001, 391.0: 0.02251136, 392.0: 0.02520288, 393.0: 0.02827972, 394.0: 0.03189704, 395.0: 0.03621, 396.0: 0.04143771, 397.0: 0.04750372, 398.0: 0.05411988, 399.0: 0.06099803, 400.0: 0.06785001, 401.0: 0.07448632, 402.0: 0.08136156, 403.0: 0.08915364, 404.0: 0.09854048, 405.0: 0.1102, 406.0: 0.1246133, 407.0: 0.1417017, 408.0: 0.1613035, 409.0: 0.1832568, 410.0: 0.2074, 411.0: 0.2336921, 412.0: 0.2626114, 413.0: 0.2947746, 414.0: 0.3307985, 415.0: 0.3713, 416.0: 0.4162091, 417.0: 0.4654642, 418.0: 0.5196948, 419.0: 0.5795303, 420.0: 0.6456, 421.0: 0.7184838, 422.0: 0.7967133, 423.0: 0.8778459, 424.0: 0.959439, 425.0: 1.0390501, 426.0: 1.1153673, 427.0: 1.1884971, 428.0: 1.2581233, 429.0: 1.3239296, 430.0: 1.3856, 431.0: 1.4426352, 432.0: 1.4948035, 433.0: 1.5421903, 434.0: 1.5848807, 435.0: 1.62296, 436.0: 1.6564048, 437.0: 1.6852959, 438.0: 1.7098745, 439.0: 1.7303821, 440.0: 1.74706, 441.0: 1.7600446, 442.0: 1.7696233, 443.0: 1.7762637, 444.0: 1.7804334, 445.0: 1.7826, 446.0: 1.7829682, 447.0: 1.7816998, 448.0: 1.7791982, 449.0: 1.7758671, 450.0: 1.77211, 451.0: 1.7682589, 452.0: 1.764039, 453.0: 1.7589438, 454.0: 1.7524663, 455.0: 1.7441, 456.0: 1.7335595, 457.0: 1.7208581, 458.0: 1.7059369, 459.0: 1.6887372, 460.0: 1.6692, 461.0: 1.6475287, 462.0: 1.6234127, 463.0: 1.5960223, 464.0: 1.564528, 465.0: 1.5281, 466.0: 1.4861114, 467.0: 1.4395215, 468.0: 1.3898799, 469.0: 1.3387362, 470.0: 1.28764, 471.0: 1.2374223, 472.0: 1.1878243, 473.0: 1.1387611, 474.0: 1.090148, 475.0: 1.0419, 476.0: 0.9941976, 477.0: 0.9473473, 478.0: 0.9014531, 479.0: 0.8566193, 480.0: 0.8129501, 481.0: 0.7705173, 482.0: 0.7294448, 483.0: 0.6899136, 484.0: 0.6521049, 485.0: 0.6162, 486.0: 0.5823286, 487.0: 0.5504162, 488.0: 0.5203376, 489.0: 0.4919673, 490.0: 0.46518, 491.0: 0.4399246, 492.0: 0.4161836, 493.0: 0.3938822, 494.0: 0.3729459, 495.0: 0.3533, 496.0: 0.3348578, 497.0: 0.3175521, 498.0: 0.3013375, 499.0: 0.2861686, 500.0: 0.272, 501.0: 0.2588171, 502.0: 0.2464838, 503.0: 0.2347718, 504.0: 0.2234533, 505.0: 0.2123, 506.0: 0.2011692, 507.0: 0.1901196, 508.0: 0.1792254, 509.0: 0.1685608, 510.0: 0.1582, 511.0: 0.1481383, 512.0: 0.1383758, 513.0: 0.1289942, 514.0: 0.1200751, 515.0: 0.1117, 516.0: 0.1039048, 517.0: 0.09666748, 518.0: 0.08998272, 519.0: 0.08384531, 520.0: 0.07824999, 521.0: 0.07320899, 522.0: 0.06867816, 523.0: 0.06456784, 524.0: 0.06078835, 525.0: 0.05725001, 526.0: 0.05390435, 527.0: 0.05074664, 528.0: 0.04775276, 529.0: 0.04489859, 530.0: 0.04216, 531.0: 0.03950728, 532.0: 0.03693564, 533.0: 0.03445836, 534.0: 0.03208872, 535.0: 0.02984, 536.0: 0.02771181, 537.0: 0.02569444, 538.0: 0.02378716, 539.0: 0.02198925, 540.0: 0.0203, 541.0: 0.01871805, 542.0: 0.01724036, 543.0: 0.01586364, 544.0: 0.01458461, 545.0: 0.0134, 546.0: 0.01230723, 547.0: 0.01130188, 548.0: 0.01037792, 549.0: 0.009529306, 550.0: 0.008749999, 551.0: 0.0080352, 552.0: 0.0073816, 553.0: 0.0067854, 554.0: 0.0062428, 555.0: 0.005749999, 556.0: 0.0053036, 557.0: 0.0048998, 558.0: 0.0045342, 559.0: 0.0042024, 560.0: 0.0039, 561.0: 0.0036232, 562.0: 0.0033706, 563.0: 0.0031414, 564.0: 0.0029348, 565.0: 0.002749999, 566.0: 0.0025852, 567.0: 0.0024386, 568.0: 0.0023094, 569.0: 0.0021968, 570.0: 0.0021, 571.0: 0.002017733, 572.0: 0.0019482, 573.0: 0.0018898, 574.0: 0.001840933, 575.0: 0.0018, 576.0: 0.001766267, 577.0: 0.0017378, 578.0: 0.0017112, 579.0: 0.001683067, 580.0: 0.001650001, 581.0: 0.001610133, 582.0: 0.0015644, 583.0: 0.0015136, 584.0: 0.001458533, 585.0: 0.0014, 586.0: 0.001336667, 587.0: 0.00127, 588.0: 0.001205, 589.0: 0.001146667, 590.0: 0.0011, 591.0: 0.0010688, 592.0: 0.0010494, 593.0: 0.0010356, 594.0: 0.0010212, 595.0: 0.001, 596.0: 0.00096864, 597.0: 0.00092992, 598.0: 0.00088688, 599.0: 0.00084256, 600.0: 0.0008, 601.0: 0.00076096, 602.0: 0.00072368, 603.0: 0.00068592, 604.0: 0.00064544, 605.0: 0.0006, 606.0: 0.0005478667, 607.0: 0.0004916, 608.0: 0.0004354, 609.0: 0.0003834667, 610.0: 0.00034, 611.0: 0.0003072533, 612.0: 0.00028316, 613.0: 0.00026544, 614.0: 0.0002518133, 615.0: 0.00024, 616.0: 0.0002295467, 617.0: 0.00022064, 618.0: 0.00021196, 619.0: 0.0002021867, 620.0: 0.00019, 621.0: 0.0001742133, 622.0: 0.00015564, 623.0: 0.00013596, 624.0: 0.0001168533, 625.0: 0.0001, 626.0: 8.613333e-05, 627.0: 7.46e-05, 628.0: 6.5e-05, 629.0: 5.693333e-05, 630.0: 4.999999e-05, 631.0: 4.416e-05, 632.0: 3.948e-05, 633.0: 3.572e-05, 634.0: 3.264e-05, 635.0: 3e-05, 636.0: 2.765333e-05, 637.0: 2.556e-05, 638.0: 2.364e-05, 639.0: 2.181333e-05, 640.0: 2e-05, 641.0: 1.813333e-05, 642.0: 1.62e-05, 643.0: 1.42e-05, 644.0: 1.213333e-05, 645.0: 1e-05, 646.0: 7.733333e-06, 647.0: 5.4e-06, 648.0: 3.2e-06, 649.0: 1.333333e-06, 650.0: 0.0, 651.0: 0.0, 652.0: 0.0, 653.0: 0.0, 654.0: 0.0, 655.0: 0.0, 656.0: 0.0, 657.0: 0.0, 658.0: 0.0, 659.0: 0.0, 660.0: 0.0, 661.0: 0.0, 662.0: 0.0, 663.0: 0.0, 664.0: 0.0, 665.0: 0.0, 666.0: 0.0, 667.0: 0.0, 668.0: 0.0, 669.0: 0.0, 670.0: 0.0, 671.0: 0.0, 672.0: 0.0, 673.0: 0.0, 674.0: 0.0, 675.0: 0.0, 676.0: 0.0, 677.0: 0.0, 678.0: 0.0, 679.0: 0.0, 680.0: 0.0, 681.0: 0.0, 682.0: 0.0, 683.0: 0.0, 684.0: 0.0, 685.0: 0.0, 686.0: 0.0, 687.0: 0.0, 688.0: 0.0, 689.0: 0.0, 690.0: 0.0, 691.0: 0.0, 692.0: 0.0, 693.0: 0.0, 694.0: 0.0, 695.0: 0.0, 696.0: 0.0, 697.0: 0.0, 698.0: 0.0, 699.0: 0.0, 700.0: 0.0, 701.0: 0.0, 702.0: 0.0, 703.0: 0.0, 704.0: 0.0, 705.0: 0.0, 706.0: 0.0, 707.0: 0.0, 708.0: 0.0, 709.0: 0.0, 710.0: 0.0, 711.0: 0.0, 712.0: 0.0, 713.0: 0.0, 714.0: 0.0, 715.0: 0.0, 716.0: 0.0, 717.0: 0.0, 718.0: 0.0, 719.0: 0.0, 720.0: 0.0, 721.0: 0.0, 722.0: 0.0, 723.0: 0.0, 724.0: 0.0, 725.0: 0.0, 726.0: 0.0, 727.0: 0.0, 728.0: 0.0, 729.0: 0.0, 730.0: 0.0, 731.0: 0.0, 732.0: 0.0, 733.0: 0.0, 734.0: 0.0, 735.0: 0.0, 736.0: 0.0, 737.0: 0.0, 738.0: 0.0, 739.0: 0.0, 740.0: 0.0, 741.0: 0.0, 742.0: 0.0, 743.0: 0.0, 744.0: 0.0, 745.0: 0.0, 746.0: 0.0, 747.0: 0.0, 748.0: 0.0, 749.0: 0.0, 750.0: 0.0, 751.0: 0.0, 752.0: 0.0, 753.0: 0.0, 754.0: 0.0, 755.0: 0.0, 756.0: 0.0, 757.0: 0.0, 758.0: 0.0, 759.0: 0.0, 760.0: 0.0, 761.0: 0.0, 762.0: 0.0, 763.0: 0.0, 764.0: 0.0, 765.0: 0.0, 766.0: 0.0, 767.0: 0.0, 768.0: 0.0, 769.0: 0.0, 770.0: 0.0, 771.0: 0.0, 772.0: 0.0, 773.0: 0.0, 774.0: 0.0, 775.0: 0.0, 776.0: 0.0, 777.0: 0.0, 778.0: 0.0, 779.0: 0.0, 780.0: 0.0, 781.0: 0.0, 782.0: 0.0, 783.0: 0.0, 784.0: 0.0, 785.0: 0.0, 786.0: 0.0, 787.0: 0.0, 788.0: 0.0, 789.0: 0.0, 790.0: 0.0, 791.0: 0.0, 792.0: 0.0, 793.0: 0.0, 794.0: 0.0, 795.0: 0.0, 796.0: 0.0, 797.0: 0.0, 798.0: 0.0, 799.0: 0.0, 800.0: 0.0, 801.0: 0.0, 802.0: 0.0, 803.0: 0.0, 804.0: 0.0, 805.0: 0.0, 806.0: 0.0, 807.0: 0.0, 808.0: 0.0, 809.0: 0.0, 810.0: 0.0, 811.0: 0.0, 812.0: 0.0, 813.0: 0.0, 814.0: 0.0, 815.0: 0.0, 816.0: 0.0, 817.0: 0.0, 818.0: 0.0, 819.0: 0.0, 820.0: 0.0, 821.0: 0.0, 822.0: 0.0, 823.0: 0.0, 824.0: 0.0, 825.0: 0.0, 826.0: 0.0, 827.0: 0.0, 828.0: 0.0, 829.0: 0.0, 830.0: 0.0}}, 'CIE 1931 2$^\circ$ Standard Observer'), method=None)[source]

Converts given wavelength \(\lambda\) to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given colour matching functions.

If the wavelength \(\lambda\) is not available in the colour matching function, its value will be calculated using CIE recommendations: The method developed by Sprague (1880) should be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and a Cubic Spline method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable.

  • wavelength (numeric or array_like) – Wavelength \(\lambda\) in nm.
  • cmfs (XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional) – Standard observer colour matching functions.
  • method (unicode, optional) – {None, ‘Cubic Spline’, ‘Linear’, ‘Pchip’, ‘Sprague’}, Enforce given interpolation method.

CIE XYZ tristimulus values.

Return type:


  • RuntimeError – If Sprague (1880) interpolation method is forced with a non-uniformly spaced independent variable.
  • ValueError – If the interpolation method is not defined or if wavelength \(\lambda\) is not contained in the colour matching functions domain.


  • Output CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in range [0, 1].
  • If scipy is not unavailable the Cubic Spline method will fallback to legacy Linear interpolation.
  • Sprague (1880) interpolator cannot be used for interpolating functions having a non-uniformly spaced independent variable.


  • If scipy is not unavailable the Cubic Spline method will fallback to legacy Linear interpolation.
  • Cubic Spline interpolator requires at least 3 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Linear interpolator requires at least 2 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Pchip interpolator requires at least 2 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.
  • Sprague (1880) interpolator requires at least 6 wavelengths \(\lambda_n\) for interpolation.


Uniform data is using Sprague (1880) interpolation by default:

>>> from colour import CMFS
>>> cmfs = CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480, cmfs)  
array([ 0.09564  ,  0.13902  ,  0.812950...])
>>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480.5, cmfs)  
array([ 0.0914287...,  0.1418350...,  0.7915726...])

Enforcing Cubic Spline interpolation:

>>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480.5, cmfs, 'Cubic Spline')  
array([ 0.0914288...,  0.1418351...,  0.7915729...])

Enforcing Linear interpolation:

>>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480.5, cmfs, 'Linear')  
array([ 0.0914697...,  0.1418482...,  0.7917337...])

Enforcing Pchip interpolation:

>>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480.5, cmfs, 'Pchip')  
array([ 0.0914280...,  0.1418341...,  0.7915711...])
colour.colorimetry.whiteness(method=u'CIE 2004', **kwargs)[source]

Returns the whiteness \(W\) using given method.


method (unicode, optional) – {‘CIE 2004’, ‘Berger 1959’, ‘Taube 1960’, ‘Stensby 1968’, ‘ASTM 313’, ‘Ganz 1979’, ‘CIE 2004’}, Computation method.

Other Parameters:

whiteness \(W\).

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


>>> xy = np.array([0.3167, 0.3334])
>>> Y = 100
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.3139, 0.3311])
>>> whiteness(xy=xy, Y=Y, xy_n=xy_n)  
array([ 93.85...,  -1.305...])
>>> XYZ = np.array([95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000])
>>> XYZ_0 = np.array([94.80966767, 100.00000000, 107.30513595])
>>> method = 'Taube 1960'
>>> whiteness(XYZ=XYZ, XYZ_0=XYZ_0, method=method)  
colour.colorimetry.whiteness_Berger1959(XYZ, XYZ_0)[source]

Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using Berger (1959) method. [2]_

  • XYZ (array_like) – CIE XYZ tristimulus values of sample.
  • XYZ_0 (array_like) – CIE XYZ tristimulus values of reference white.

Whiteness \(WI\).

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


  • Input CIE XYZ and CIE XYZ_0 tristimulus values are in domain [0, 100].
  • Whiteness \(WI\) values larger than 33.33 indicate a bluish white and values smaller than 33.33 indicate a yellowish white.


The input domain of that definition is non standard!


>>> XYZ = np.array([95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000])
>>> XYZ_0 = np.array([94.80966767, 100.00000000, 107.30513595])
>>> whiteness_Berger1959(XYZ, XYZ_0)  
colour.colorimetry.whiteness_Taube1960(XYZ, XYZ_0)[source]

Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using Taube (1960) method. [2]_

  • XYZ (array_like) – CIE XYZ tristimulus values of sample.
  • XYZ_0 (array_like) – CIE XYZ tristimulus values of reference white.

Whiteness \(WI\).

Return type:

numeric or ndarray


  • Input CIE XYZ and CIE XYZ_0 tristimulus values are in domain [0, 100].
  • Whiteness \(WI\) values larger than 100 indicate a bluish white and values smaller than 100 indicate a yellowish white.


>>> XYZ = np.array([95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000])
>>> XYZ_0 = np.array([94.80966767, 100.00000000, 107.30513595])
>>> whiteness_Taube1960(XYZ, XYZ_0)  

Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE Lab colourspace array using Stensby (1968) method. [2]_

Parameters:Lab (array_like) – CIE Lab colourspace array of sample.
Returns:Whiteness \(WI\).
Return type:numeric or ndarray


  • Input CIE Lab colourspace array is in domain [0, 100].
  • Whiteness \(WI\) values larger than 100 indicate a bluish white and values smaller than 100 indicate a yellowish white.


>>> Lab = np.array([100.00000000, -2.46875131, -16.72486654])
>>> whiteness_Stensby1968(Lab)  

Returns the whiteness index \(WI\) of given sample CIE XYZ tristimulus values using ASTM 313 method. [2]_

Parameters:XYZ (array_like) – CIE XYZ tristimulus values of sample.
Returns:Whiteness \(WI\).
Return type:numeric or ndarray


  • Input CIE XYZ tristimulus values are in domain [0, 100].


The input domain of that definition is non standard!


>>> XYZ = np.array([95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000])
>>> whiteness_ASTM313(XYZ)  
colour.colorimetry.whiteness_Ganz1979(xy, Y)[source]

Returns the whiteness index \(W\) and tint \(T\) of given sample xy chromaticity coordinates using Ganz and Griesser (1979) method. [2]_

  • xy (array_like) – Chromaticity coordinates xy of sample.
  • Y (numeric or array_like) – Tristimulus \(Y\) value of sample.

Whiteness \(W\) and tint \(T\).

Return type:



  • Input tristimulus \(Y\) value is in domain [0, 100].
  • The formula coefficients are valid for CIE Standard Illuminant D Series D65 and CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer.
  • Positive output tint \(T\) values indicate a greener tint while negative values indicate a redder tint.
  • Whiteness differences of less than 5 Ganz units appear to be indistinguishable to the human eye.
  • Tint differences of less than 0.5 Ganz units appear to be indistinguishable to the human eye.


The input domain of that definition is non standard!


>>> xy = np.array([0.3167, 0.3334])
>>> whiteness_Ganz1979(xy, 100)  
array([ 85.6003766...,   0.6789003...])
colour.colorimetry.whiteness_CIE2004(xy, Y, xy_n, observer=u'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer')[source]

Returns the whiteness \(W\) or \(W_{10}\) and tint \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) of given sample xy chromaticity coordinates using CIE 2004 method.

  • xy (array_like) – Chromaticity coordinates xy of sample.
  • Y (numeric or array_like) – Tristimulus \(Y\) value of sample.
  • xy_n (array_like) – Chromaticity coordinates xy_n of perfect diffuser.
  • observer (unicode, optional) – {‘CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer’, ‘CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer’}, CIE Standard Observer used for computations, tint \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) value is dependent on viewing field angular subtense.

Whiteness \(W\) or \(W_{10}\) and tint \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) of given sample.

Return type:



  • Input tristimulus \(Y\) value is in domain [0, 100].
  • This method may be used only for samples whose values of \(W\) or \(W_{10}\) lie within the following limits: greater than 40 and less than 5Y - 280, or 5Y10 - 280.
  • This method may be used only for samples whose values of \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) lie within the following limits: greater than -4 and less than +2.
  • Output whiteness \(W\) or \(W_{10}\) values larger than 100 indicate a bluish white while values smaller than 100 indicate a yellowish white. [2]_
  • Positive output tint \(T\) or \(T_{10}\) values indicate a greener tint while negative values indicate a redder tint.


The input domain of that definition is non standard!


[4]CIE TC 1-48. (2004). The evaluation of whiteness. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (p. 24). ISBN:978-3-901-90633-6


>>> xy = np.array([0.3167, 0.3334])
>>> xy_n = np.array([0.3139, 0.3311])
>>> whiteness_CIE2004(xy, 100, xy_n)  
array([ 93.85...,  -1.305...])