Source code for colour.algebra.extrapolation


Defines the classes for extrapolating variables:

-   :class:`colour.Extrapolator`: 1-D function extrapolation.

-   :cite:`Sastanina` : sastanin. (n.d.). How to make scipy.interpolate give an
    extrapolated result beyond the input range? Retrieved August 8, 2014, from
-   :cite:`Westland2012i` : Westland, S., Ripamonti, C., & Cheung, V. (2012).
    Extrapolation Methods. In Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB (2nd
    ed., p. 38). ISBN:978-0-470-66569-5

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import NullInterpolator
from colour.constants import DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE
from colour.hints import (
from colour.utilities import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "New BSD License -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs]class Extrapolator: """ Extrapolate the 1-D function of given interpolator. The :class:`colour.Extrapolator` class acts as a wrapper around a given *Colour* or *scipy* interpolator class instance with compatible signature. Two extrapolation methods are available: - *Linear*: Linearly extrapolates given points using the slope defined by the interpolator boundaries (xi[0], xi[1]) if x < xi[0] and (xi[-1], xi[-2]) if x > xi[-1]. - *Constant*: Extrapolates given points by assigning the interpolator boundaries values xi[0] if x < xi[0] and xi[-1] if x > xi[-1]. Specifying the *left* and *right* arguments takes precedence on the chosen extrapolation method and will assign the respective *left* and *right* values to the given points. Parameters ---------- interpolator Interpolator object. method Extrapolation method. left Value to return for x < xi[0]. right Value to return for x > xi[-1]. dtype Data type used for internal conversions. Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.Extrapolator.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.Extrapolator.__class__` Notes ----- - The interpolator must define ``x`` and ``y`` properties. References ---------- :cite:`Sastanina`, :cite:`Westland2012i` Examples -------- Extrapolating a single numeric variable: >>> from colour.algebra import LinearInterpolator >>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y) >>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator) >>> extrapolator(1) -1.0 Extrapolating an `ArrayLike` variable: >>> extrapolator(np.array([6, 7 , 8])) array([ 4., 5., 6.]) Using the *Constant* extrapolation method: >>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y) >>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator, method='Constant') >>> extrapolator(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 8, 9])) array([ 1., 1., 3., 3.]) Using defined *left* boundary and *Constant* extrapolation method: >>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5]) >>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3]) >>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y) >>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator, method='Constant', left=0) >>> extrapolator(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 8, 9])) array([ 0., 0., 3., 3.]) """
[docs] def __init__( self, interpolator: Optional[TypeInterpolator] = None, method: Union[Literal["Linear", "Constant"], str] = "Linear", left: Optional[Number] = None, right: Optional[Number] = None, dtype: Optional[Type[DTypeNumber]] = None, ): dtype = cast(Type[DTypeNumber], optional(dtype, DEFAULT_FLOAT_DTYPE)) self._interpolator: TypeInterpolator = NullInterpolator( np.array([-np.inf, np.inf]), np.array([-np.inf, np.inf]) ) self.interpolator = optional(interpolator, self._interpolator) self._method: Union[Literal["Linear", "Constant"], str] = "Linear" self.method = cast( Union[Literal["Linear", "Constant"], str], optional(method, self._method), ) self._right: Optional[Number] = None self.right = right self._left: Optional[Number] = None self.left = left self._dtype: Type[DTypeNumber] = dtype
@property def interpolator(self) -> TypeInterpolator: """ Getter and setter property for the *Colour* or *scipy* interpolator class instance. Parameters ---------- value Value to set the *Colour* or *scipy* interpolator class instance with. Returns ------- TypeInterpolator *Colour* or *scipy* interpolator class instance. """ return self._interpolator @interpolator.setter def interpolator(self, value: TypeInterpolator): """Setter for the **self.interpolator** property.""" attest( hasattr(value, "x"), f'"{value}" interpolator has no "x" attribute!', ) attest( hasattr(value, "y"), f'"{value}" interpolator has no "y" attribute!', ) self._interpolator = value @property def method(self) -> Union[Literal["Linear", "Constant"], str]: """ Getter and setter property for the extrapolation method. Parameters ---------- value Value to set the extrapolation method. with. Returns ------- :class:`str` Extrapolation method. """ return self._method @method.setter def method(self, value: Union[Literal["Linear", "Constant"], str]): """Setter for the **self.method** property.""" attest( is_string(value), f'"method" property: "{value}" type is not "str"!', ) value = validate_method(value, ["Linear", "Constant"]) self._method = value @property def left(self) -> Optional[Number]: """ Getter and setter property for left value to return for x < xi[0]. Parameters ---------- value Left value to return for x < xi[0]. Returns ------- :py:data:`None` or Number Left value to return for x < xi[0]. """ return self._left @left.setter def left(self, value: Optional[Number]): """Setter for the **self.left** property.""" if value is not None: attest( is_numeric(value), f'"left" property: "{value}" is not a "number"!', ) self._left = value @property def right(self) -> Optional[Number]: """ Getter and setter property for right value to return for x > xi[-1]. Parameters ---------- value Right value to return for x > xi[-1]. Returns ------- :py:data:`None` or Number Right value to return for x > xi[-1]. """ return self._right @right.setter def right(self, value: Optional[Number]): """Setter for the **self.right** property.""" if value is not None: attest( is_numeric(value), f'"right" property: "{value}" is not a "number"!', ) self._right = value
[docs] def __call__(self, x: FloatingOrArrayLike) -> FloatingOrNDArray: """ Evaluate the Extrapolator at given point(s). Parameters ---------- x Point(s) to evaluate the Extrapolator at. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.floating` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Extrapolated points value(s). """ x = np.atleast_1d(x).astype(self._dtype) xe = as_float(self._evaluate(x)) return xe
def _evaluate(self, x: NDArray) -> NDArray: """ Perform the extrapolating evaluation at given points. Parameters ---------- x Points to evaluate the Extrapolator at. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Extrapolated points values. """ xi = self._interpolator.x yi = self._interpolator.y y = np.empty_like(x) if self._method == "linear": y[x < xi[0]] = yi[0] + (x[x < xi[0]] - xi[0]) * (yi[1] - yi[0]) / ( xi[1] - xi[0] ) y[x > xi[-1]] = yi[-1] + (x[x > xi[-1]] - xi[-1]) * ( yi[-1] - yi[-2] ) / (xi[-1] - xi[-2]) elif self._method == "constant": y[x < xi[0]] = yi[0] y[x > xi[-1]] = yi[-1] if self._left is not None: y[x < xi[0]] = self._left if self._right is not None: y[x > xi[-1]] = self._right in_range = np.logical_and(x >= xi[0], x <= xi[-1]) y[in_range] = self._interpolator(x[in_range]) return y