Source code for colour.colorimetry.tristimulus_values

Tristimulus Values

Defines the objects for tristimulus values computation from spectral data:

-   :attr:`colour.SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.handle_spectral_arguments`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_integration`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.\
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308`
-   :attr:`colour.SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS`
-   :func:`colour.sd_to_XYZ`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_integration`
-   :func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308`
-   :attr:`colour.MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS`
-   :func:`colour.msds_to_XYZ`
-   :func:`colour.wavelength_to_XYZ`

The default implementation is based on practise *ASTM E308-15* method.

-   :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a` : ASTM International. (2011). ASTM E2022-11
    - Standard Practice for Calculation of Weighting Factors for Tristimulus
    Integration (pp. 1-10). doi:10.1520/E2022-11
-   :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b` : ASTM International. (2015). ASTM E308-15 -
    Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE
    System (pp. 1-47). doi:10.1520/E0308-15
-   :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` : Wyszecki, Gùˆnther, & Stiles, W. S. (2000).
    Integration Replaced by Summation. In Color Science: Concepts and Methods,
    Quantitative Data and Formulae (pp. 158-163). Wiley. ISBN:978-0-471-39918-6

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import lagrange_coefficients
from colour.colorimetry import (
from colour.hints import (
from colour.utilities import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "New BSD License -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308.__doc__ = """
Shape for *ASTM E308-15* practise: (360, 780, 1).




_CACHE_SD_TO_XYZ: Dict = CACHE_REGISTRY.register_cache(

[docs]def handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, cmfs_default: str = "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", illuminant_default: str = "D65", shape_default: SpectralShape = SPECTRAL_SHAPE_DEFAULT, issue_runtime_warnings: bool = True, ) -> Tuple[MultiSpectralDistributions, SpectralDistribution]: """ Handle the spectral arguments of various *Colour* definitions performing spectral computations. - If ``cmfs`` is not given, one is chosen according to ``cmfs_default``. The returned colour matching functions adopt the spectral shape given by ``shape_default``. - If ``illuminant`` is not given, one is chosen according to ``illuminant_default``. The returned illuminant adopts the spectral shape of the returned colour matching functions. - If ``illuminant`` is given, the returned illuminant spectral shape is aligned to that of the returned colour matching functions. Parameters ---------- cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Standard Illuminant D65*. cmfs_default The default colour matching functions to use if ``cmfs`` is not given. illuminant_default The default illuminant to use if ``illuminant`` is not given. shape_default The default spectral shape to align the final colour matching functions and illuminant. issue_runtime_warnings Whether to issue the runtime warnings. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` Colour matching functions and illuminant. Examples -------- >>> cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments() >>>, cmfs.shape,, illuminant.shape ('CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0), \ 'D65', SpectralShape(360.0, 780.0, 1.0)) >>> cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( ... shape_default=SpectralShape(400, 700, 20)) >>>, cmfs.shape,, illuminant.shape ('CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', \ SpectralShape(400.0, 700.0, 20.0), 'D65', SpectralShape(400.0, 700.0, 20.0)) """ from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS cmfs = optional(cmfs, reshape_msds(MSDS_CMFS[cmfs_default], shape_default)) illuminant = optional( illuminant, reshape_sd(SDS_ILLUMINANTS[illuminant_default], cmfs.shape) ) if illuminant.shape != cmfs.shape: issue_runtime_warnings and runtime_warning( f'Aligning "{}" illuminant shape to "{}" ' f"colour matching functions shape." ) illuminant = reshape_sd(illuminant, cmfs.shape) return cmfs, illuminant
[docs]def lagrange_coefficients_ASTME2022( interval: Integer = 10, interval_type: Union[Literal["Boundary", "Inner"], str] = "Inner", ) -> NDArray: """ Compute the *Lagrange Coefficients* for given interval size using practise *ASTM E2022-11* method. Parameters ---------- interval Interval size in nm. interval_type If the interval is an *inner* interval *Lagrange Coefficients* are computed for degree 4. Degree 3 is used for a *boundary* interval. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *Lagrange Coefficients*. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a` Examples -------- >>> lagrange_coefficients_ASTME2022(10, 'inner') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[-0.028..., 0.940..., 0.104..., -0.016...], [-0.048..., 0.864..., 0.216..., -0.032...], [-0.059..., 0.773..., 0.331..., -0.045...], [-0.064..., 0.672..., 0.448..., -0.056...], [-0.062..., 0.562..., 0.562..., -0.062...], [-0.056..., 0.448..., 0.672..., -0.064...], [-0.045..., 0.331..., 0.773..., -0.059...], [-0.032..., 0.216..., 0.864..., -0.048...], [-0.016..., 0.104..., 0.940..., -0.028...]]) >>> lagrange_coefficients_ASTME2022(10, 'boundary') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 0.85..., 0.19..., -0.04...], [ 0.72..., 0.36..., -0.08...], [ 0.59..., 0.51..., -0.10...], [ 0.48..., 0.64..., -0.12...], [ 0.37..., 0.75..., -0.12...], [ 0.28..., 0.84..., -0.12...], [ 0.19..., 0.91..., -0.10...], [ 0.12..., 0.96..., -0.08...], [ 0.05..., 0.99..., -0.04...]]) """ global _CACHE_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATING_COEFFICIENTS interval_type = validate_method( interval_type, ["Boundary", "Inner"], '"{0}" interval type is invalid, it must be one of {1}!', ) hash_key = tuple(hash(arg) for arg in (interval, interval_type)) if hash_key in _CACHE_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATING_COEFFICIENTS: return np.copy(_CACHE_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATING_COEFFICIENTS[hash_key]) r_n = np.linspace(1 / interval, 1 - (1 / interval), interval - 1) d = 3 if interval_type == "inner": r_n += 1 d = 4 lica = as_float_array([lagrange_coefficients(r, d) for r in r_n]) _CACHE_LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATING_COEFFICIENTS[hash_key] = np.copy(lica) return lica
[docs]def tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022( cmfs: MultiSpectralDistributions, illuminant: SpectralDistribution, shape: SpectralShape, k: Optional[Number] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Return a table of tristimulus weighting factors for given colour matching functions and illuminant using practise *ASTM E2022-11* method. The computed table of tristimulus weighting factors should be used with spectral data that has been corrected for spectral bandpass dependence. Parameters ---------- cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution. shape Shape used to build the table, only the interval is needed. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Tristimulus weighting factors table. Raises ------ ValueError If the colour matching functions or illuminant intervals are not equal to 1 nm. Notes ----- - Input colour matching functions and illuminant intervals are expected to be equal to 1 nm. If the illuminant data is not available at 1 nm interval, it needs to be interpolated using *CIE* recommendations: The method developed by *Sprague (1880)* should be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and a *Cubic Spline* method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a` Examples -------- >>> from colour import (MSDS_CMFS, SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape, ... sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A) >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> A = sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A(cmfs.shape) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022( ... cmfs, A, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20)) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ -0.0002981..., -0.0000317..., -0.0013301...], [ -0.0087155..., -0.0008915..., -0.0407436...], [ 0.0599679..., 0.0050203..., 0.2565018...], [ 0.7734225..., 0.0779839..., 3.6965732...], [ 1.9000905..., 0.3037005..., 9.7554195...], [ 1.9707727..., 0.8552809..., 11.4867325...], [ 0.7183623..., 2.1457000..., 6.7845806...], [ 0.0426667..., 4.8985328..., 2.3208000...], [ 1.5223302..., 9.6471138..., 0.7430671...], [ 5.6770329..., 14.4609708..., 0.1958194...], [ 12.4451744..., 17.4742541..., 0.0051827...], [ 20.5535772..., 17.5838219..., -0.0026512...], [ 25.3315384..., 14.8957035..., 0. ...], [ 21.5711570..., 10.0796619..., 0. ...], [ 12.1785817..., 5.0680655..., 0. ...], [ 4.6675746..., 1.8303239..., 0. ...], [ 1.3236117..., 0.5129694..., 0. ...], [ 0.3175325..., 0.1230084..., 0. ...], [ 0.0746341..., 0.0290243..., 0. ...], [ 0.0182990..., 0.0071606..., 0. ...], [ 0.0047942..., 0.0018888..., 0. ...], [ 0.0013293..., 0.0005277..., 0. ...], [ 0.0004254..., 0.0001704..., 0. ...], [ 0.0000962..., 0.0000389..., 0. ...]]) """ if cmfs.shape.interval != 1: raise ValueError(f'"{cmfs}" shape "interval" must be 1!') if illuminant.shape.interval != 1: raise ValueError(f'"{illuminant}" shape "interval" must be 1!') global _CACHE_TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS hash_key = tuple( hash(arg) for arg in (cmfs, illuminant, shape, k, get_domain_range_scale()) ) if hash_key in _CACHE_TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS: return np.copy(_CACHE_TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS[hash_key]) Y = cmfs.values S = illuminant.values interval_i = int(shape.interval) W = S[::interval_i, np.newaxis] * Y[::interval_i, :] # First and last measurement intervals *Lagrange Coefficients*. c_c = lagrange_coefficients_ASTME2022(interval_i, "boundary") # Intermediate measurement intervals *Lagrange Coefficients*. c_b = lagrange_coefficients_ASTME2022(interval_i, "inner") # Total wavelengths count. w_c = len(Y) # Measurement interval interpolated values count. r_c = c_b.shape[0] # Last interval first interpolated wavelength. w_lif = w_c - (w_c - 1) % interval_i - 1 - r_c # Intervals count. i_c = W.shape[0] i_cm = i_c - 1 # "k" is used as index in the nested loop. k_n = k for i in range(3): # First interval. for j in range(r_c): for k in range(3): W[k, i] = W[k, i] + c_c[j, k] * S[j + 1] * Y[j + 1, i] # Last interval. for j in range(r_c): for k in range(i_cm, i_cm - 3, -1): W[k, i] = ( W[k, i] + c_c[r_c - j - 1, i_cm - k] * S[j + w_lif] * Y[j + w_lif, i] ) # Intermediate intervals. for j in range(i_c - 3): for k in range(r_c): w_i = (r_c + 1) * (j + 1) + 1 + k W[j, i] = W[j, i] + c_b[k, 0] * S[w_i] * Y[w_i, i] W[j + 1, i] = W[j + 1, i] + c_b[k, 1] * S[w_i] * Y[w_i, i] W[j + 2, i] = W[j + 2, i] + c_b[k, 2] * S[w_i] * Y[w_i, i] W[j + 3, i] = W[j + 3, i] + c_b[k, 3] * S[w_i] * Y[w_i, i] # Extrapolation of potential incomplete interval. for j in range(as_int_scalar(w_c - ((w_c - 1) % interval_i)), w_c, 1): W[i_cm, i] = W[i_cm, i] + S[j] * Y[j, i] W *= cast(Number, optional(k_n, 100 / np.sum(W, axis=0)[1])) _CACHE_TRISTIMULUS_WEIGHTING_FACTORS[hash_key] = np.copy(W) return W
[docs]def adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308( W: ArrayLike, shape_r: SpectralShape, shape_t: SpectralShape ) -> NDArray: """ Adjust given table of tristimulus weighting factors to account for a shorter wavelengths range of the test spectral shape compared to the reference spectral shape using practise *ASTM E308-15* method: Weights at the wavelengths for which data are not available are added to the weights at the shortest and longest wavelength for which spectral data are available. Parameters ---------- W Tristimulus weighting factors table. shape_r Reference spectral shape. shape_t Test spectral shape. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Adjusted tristimulus weighting factors. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b` Examples -------- >>> from colour import (MSDS_CMFS, SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape, ... sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A) >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> A = sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A(cmfs.shape) >>> W = tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022( ... cmfs, A, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20)) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308( ... W, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20), SpectralShape(400, 700, 20)) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 0.0509543..., 0.0040971..., 0.2144280...], [ 0.7734225..., 0.0779839..., 3.6965732...], [ 1.9000905..., 0.3037005..., 9.7554195...], [ 1.9707727..., 0.8552809..., 11.4867325...], [ 0.7183623..., 2.1457000..., 6.7845806...], [ 0.0426667..., 4.8985328..., 2.3208000...], [ 1.5223302..., 9.6471138..., 0.7430671...], [ 5.6770329..., 14.4609708..., 0.1958194...], [ 12.4451744..., 17.4742541..., 0.0051827...], [ 20.5535772..., 17.5838219..., -0.0026512...], [ 25.3315384..., 14.8957035..., 0. ...], [ 21.5711570..., 10.0796619..., 0. ...], [ 12.1785817..., 5.0680655..., 0. ...], [ 4.6675746..., 1.8303239..., 0. ...], [ 1.3236117..., 0.5129694..., 0. ...], [ 0.4171109..., 0.1618194..., 0. ...]]) """ W = as_float_array(W).copy() start_index = int((shape_t.start - shape_r.start) / shape_r.interval) for i in range(start_index): W[start_index] += W[i] end_index = int((shape_r.end - shape_t.end) / shape_r.interval) for i in range(end_index): W[-end_index - 1] += W[-i - 1] return W[start_index : -end_index or None, ...]
[docs]def sd_to_XYZ_integration( sd: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, shape: Optional[SpectralShape] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given spectral distribution to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant according to classical integration method. The spectral distribution can be either a :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` class instance or an `ArrayLike` in which case the ``shape`` must be passed. Parameters ---------- sd Spectral distribution, if an `ArrayLike` the wavelengths are expected to be in the last axis, e.g. for a spectral array with 77 bins, ``sd`` shape could be (77, ) or (1, 77). cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. shape Spectral shape of the spectral distribution, ``cmfs`` and ``illuminant`` will be aligned to it if ``sd`` is an `ArrayLike`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ - The code path using the `ArrayLike` spectral distribution produces results different to the code path using a :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` class instance: the former favours execution speed by aligning the colour matching functions and illuminant to the given spectral shape while the latter favours precision by aligning the spectral distribution to the colour matching functions. References ---------- :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralDistribution >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 20) >>> data = np.array([ ... 0.0641, 0.0645, 0.0562, 0.0537, 0.0559, 0.0651, 0.0705, 0.0772, ... 0.0870, 0.1128, 0.1360, 0.1511, 0.1688, 0.1996, 0.2397, 0.2852 ... ]) >>> sd = SpectralDistribution(data, shape) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd, cmfs, illuminant) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8404805..., 9.6838697..., 6.2115722...]) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(data, cmfs, illuminant, shape=shape) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8993917..., 9.6986145..., 6.2540301...]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 11.7786939..., 9.9583972..., 5.7371816...]) """ # NOTE: The "illuminant" argument is reshaped by the # `handle_spectral_arguments` definition, but, in this case, it is not # desirable as we want to reshape it according to the final "shape" which # is only available after the subsequent if/else block thus we are careful # not unpacking over it. if illuminant is None: cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, illuminant_default="E" ) else: cmfs, _illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, illuminant_default="E" ) if isinstance(sd, (SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions)): shape = cmfs.shape if sd.shape != shape: runtime_warning( f'Aligning "{}" spectral data shape to "{shape}".' ) sd = ( reshape_sd(sd, shape) if isinstance(sd, SpectralDistribution) else reshape_msds(sd, shape) ) R = np.transpose(sd.values) shape_R = R.shape wl_c_r = R.shape[-1] else: attest( shape is not None, "A spectral shape must be explicitly passed with a spectral data " "array!", ) shape = cast(SpectralShape, shape) R = as_float_array(sd) shape_R = R.shape wl_c_r = R.shape[-1] wl_c = len(shape.range()) attest( wl_c_r == wl_c, f"Spectral data array with {wl_c_r} wavelengths is not compatible " f"with spectral shape with {wl_c} wavelengths!", ) if cmfs.shape != shape: runtime_warning(f'Aligning "{}" cmfs shape to "{shape}".') # pylint: disable=E1102 cmfs = reshape_msds(cmfs, shape) if illuminant.shape != shape: runtime_warning( f'Aligning "{}" illuminant shape to "{shape}".' ) illuminant = reshape_sd(illuminant, shape) XYZ_b = cmfs.values S = illuminant.values R = np.reshape(R, (-1, wl_c_r)) d_w = cmfs.shape.interval k = cast(Number, optional(k, 100 / (np.sum(XYZ_b[..., 1] * S) * d_w))) XYZ = k * * S, XYZ_b) * d_w return from_range_100(np.reshape(XYZ, list(shape_R[:-1]) + [3]))
[docs]def sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308( sd: SpectralDistribution, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given spectral distribution to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant using a table of tristimulus weighting factors according to practise *ASTM E308-15* method. Parameters ---------- sd Spectral distribution. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralDistribution >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 20) >>> data = np.array([ ... 0.0641, 0.0645, 0.0562, 0.0537, 0.0559, 0.0651, 0.0705, 0.0772, ... 0.0870, 0.1128, 0.1360, 0.1511, 0.1688, 0.1996, 0.2397, 0.2852 ... ]) >>> sd = SpectralDistribution(data, shape) >>> sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308( ... sd, cmfs, illuminant) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8405832..., 9.6844909..., 6.2155622...]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308(sd) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 11.7786111..., 9.9589055..., 5.7403205...]) """ cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", "E", SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308, ) if cmfs.shape.interval != 1: runtime_warning(f'Interpolating "{}" cmfs to 1nm interval.') # pylint: disable=E1102 cmfs = reshape_msds( cmfs, SpectralShape(cmfs.shape.start, cmfs.shape.end, 1), "Interpolate", ) if illuminant.shape != cmfs.shape: runtime_warning( f'Aligning "{}" illuminant shape to "{}" ' f"colour matching functions shape." ) illuminant = reshape_sd(illuminant, cmfs.shape) if sd.shape.boundaries != cmfs.shape.boundaries: runtime_warning( f'Trimming "{}" spectral distribution shape to ' f'"{}" colour matching functions shape.' ) sd = reshape_sd(sd, cmfs.shape, "Trim") W = tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022( cmfs, illuminant, SpectralShape(cmfs.shape.start, cmfs.shape.end, sd.shape.interval), k, ) start_w = cmfs.shape.start end_w = cmfs.shape.start + sd.shape.interval * (W.shape[0] - 1) W = adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308( W, SpectralShape(start_w, end_w, sd.shape.interval), sd.shape ) R = sd.values XYZ = np.sum(W * R[..., np.newaxis], axis=0) return from_range_100(XYZ)
[docs]def sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308( sd: SpectralDistribution, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, use_practice_range: Boolean = True, mi_5nm_omission_method: Boolean = True, mi_20nm_interpolation_method: Boolean = True, k: Optional[Number] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given spectral distribution to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant according to practise *ASTM E308-15* method. Parameters ---------- sd Spectral distribution. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. use_practice_range Practise *ASTM E308-15* working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if *True* this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately. mi_5nm_omission_method 5 nm measurement intervals spectral distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. mi_20nm_interpolation_method 20 nm measurement intervals spectral distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralDistribution >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 20) >>> data = np.array([ ... 0.0641, 0.0645, 0.0562, 0.0537, 0.0559, 0.0651, 0.0705, 0.0772, ... 0.0870, 0.1128, 0.1360, 0.1511, 0.1688, 0.1996, 0.2397, 0.2852 ... ]) >>> sd = SpectralDistribution(data, shape) >>> sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308(sd, cmfs, illuminant) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8401953..., 9.6841740..., 6.2158913...]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308(sd) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 11.7781589..., 9.9585580..., 5.7408602...]) """ cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", "E", SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308, ) if sd.shape.interval not in (1, 5, 10, 20): raise ValueError( "Tristimulus values conversion from spectral data according to " 'practise "ASTM E308-15" should be performed on spectral data ' "with measurement interval of 1, 5, 10 or 20nm!" ) if use_practice_range: # pylint: disable=E1102 cmfs = reshape_msds(cmfs, SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308, "Trim") method = sd_to_XYZ_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308 if sd.shape.interval == 1: method = sd_to_XYZ_integration elif sd.shape.interval == 5 and mi_5nm_omission_method: if cmfs.shape.interval != 5: # pylint: disable=E1102 cmfs = reshape_msds( cmfs, SpectralShape(cmfs.shape.start, cmfs.shape.end, 5), "Interpolate", ) method = sd_to_XYZ_integration elif sd.shape.interval == 20 and mi_20nm_interpolation_method: sd = cast(SpectralDistribution, sd.copy()) if sd.shape.boundaries != cmfs.shape.boundaries: runtime_warning( f'Trimming "{}" spectral distribution shape to ' f'"{}" colour matching functions shape.' ) sd.trim(cmfs.shape) # Extrapolation of additional 20nm padding intervals. sd.align(SpectralShape(sd.shape.start - 20, sd.shape.end + 20, 10)) for i in range(2): sd[sd.wavelengths[i]] = ( 3 * sd.values[i + 2] - 3 * sd.values[i + 4] + sd.values[i + 6] ) i_e = len(sd.domain) - 1 - i sd[sd.wavelengths[i_e]] = ( sd.values[i_e - 6] - 3 * sd.values[i_e - 4] + 3 * sd.values[i_e - 2] ) # Interpolating every odd numbered values. # TODO: Investigate code vectorisation. for i in range(3, len(sd.domain) - 3, 2): sd[sd.wavelengths[i]] = ( -0.0625 * sd.values[i - 3] + 0.5625 * sd.values[i - 1] + 0.5625 * sd.values[i + 1] - 0.0625 * sd.values[i + 3] ) # Discarding the additional 20nm padding intervals. sd.trim(SpectralShape(sd.shape.start + 20, sd.shape.end - 20, 10)) XYZ = method(sd, cmfs, illuminant, k=k) return XYZ
SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping( {"ASTM E308": sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308, "Integration": sd_to_XYZ_integration} ) SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported spectral distribution to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values conversion methods. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a`, :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b`, :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Aliases: - 'astm2015': 'ASTM E308' """ SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS["astm2015"] = SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS["ASTM E308"]
[docs]def sd_to_XYZ( sd: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, method: Union[Literal["ASTM E308", "Integration"], str] = "ASTM E308", **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given spectral distribution to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions, illuminant and method. If ``method`` is *Integration*, the spectral distribution can be either a :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` class instance or an `ArrayLike` in which case the ``shape`` must be passed. Parameters ---------- sd Spectral distribution, if an `ArrayLike` and ``method`` is *Integration* the wavelengths are expected to be in the last axis, e.g. for a spectral array with 77 bins, ``sd`` shape could be (77, ) or (1, 77). cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. method Computation method. Other Parameters ---------------- mi_5nm_omission_method {:func:`colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, 5 nm measurement intervals spectral distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. mi_20nm_interpolation_method {:func:`colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, 20 nm measurement intervals spectral distribution conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. shape Spectral shape of the spectral distribution, ``cmfs`` and ``illuminant`` will be aligned to it if ``sd`` is an `ArrayLike`. use_practice_range {:func:`colour.colorimetry.sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, Practise *ASTM E308-15* working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if *True* this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ - The code path using the `ArrayLike` spectral distribution produces results different to the code path using a :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` class instance: the former favours execution speed by aligning the colour matching functions and illuminant to the given spectral shape while the latter favours precision by aligning the spectral distribution to the colour matching functions. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a`, :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b`, :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from colour import ( ... MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape) >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 20) >>> data = np.array([ ... 0.0641, 0.0645, 0.0562, 0.0537, 0.0559, 0.0651, 0.0705, 0.0772, ... 0.0870, 0.1128, 0.1360, 0.1511, 0.1688, 0.1996, 0.2397, 0.2852 ... ]) >>> sd = SpectralDistribution(data, shape) >>> sd_to_XYZ(sd, cmfs, illuminant) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8401953..., 9.6841740..., 6.2158913...]) >>> sd_to_XYZ(sd, cmfs, illuminant, use_practice_range=False) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8402774..., 9.6841967..., 6.2158838...]) >>> sd_to_XYZ(sd, cmfs, illuminant, method='Integration') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8404805..., 9.6838697..., 6.2115722...]) >>> sd_to_XYZ(data, cmfs, illuminant, method='Integration', shape=shape) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 10.8993917..., 9.6986145..., 6.2540301...]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> sd_to_XYZ(sd) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 11.7781589..., 9.9585580..., 5.7408602...]) """ cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, illuminant_default="E" ) method = validate_method(method, SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS) global _CACHE_SD_TO_XYZ hash_key = tuple( hash(arg) for arg in [ sd if isinstance( sd, (SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions) ) else sd.tobytes(), # type: ignore[union-attr] cmfs, illuminant, k, method, tuple(kwargs.items()), get_domain_range_scale(), ] ) if hash_key in _CACHE_SD_TO_XYZ: return np.copy(_CACHE_SD_TO_XYZ[hash_key]) function = SD_TO_XYZ_METHODS[method] XYZ = function( sd, cmfs, illuminant, k=k, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs) ) _CACHE_SD_TO_XYZ[hash_key] = np.copy(XYZ) return XYZ
[docs]def msds_to_XYZ_integration( msds: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, shape: Optional[SpectralShape] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given multi-spectral distributions to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant. The multi-spectral distributions can be either a :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` class instance or an `ArrayLike` in which case the ``shape`` must be passed. Parameters ---------- msds Multi-spectral distributions, if an `ArrayLike` the wavelengths are expected to be in the last axis, e.g. for a 512x384 multi-spectral image with 77 bins, ``msds`` shape should be (384, 512, 77). cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. shape Spectral shape of the multi-spectral distributions, ``cmfs`` and ``illuminant`` will be aligned to it if ``msds`` is an `ArrayLike`. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values, for a 512x384 multi-spectral image with 77 bins, the output shape will be (384, 512, 3). Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ - The code path using the `ArrayLike` multi-spectral distributions produces results different to the code path using a :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` class instance: the former favours execution speed by aligning the colour matching functions and illuminant to the given spectral shape while the latter favours precision by aligning the multi-spectral distributions to the colour matching functions. References ---------- :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 60) >>> data = np.array([ ... [0.0137, 0.0159, 0.0096, 0.0111, 0.0179, 0.1057, 0.0433, ... 0.0258, 0.0248, 0.0186, 0.0310, 0.0473], ... [0.0913, 0.3145, 0.2582, 0.0709, 0.2971, 0.4620, 0.2683, ... 0.0831, 0.1203, 0.1292, 0.1682, 0.3221], ... [0.0152, 0.0842, 0.4139, 0.0220, 0.5630, 0.1918, 0.2373, ... 0.0430, 0.0054, 0.0079, 0.3719, 0.2268], ... [0.0281, 0.0907, 0.2228, 0.1249, 0.2375, 0.5625, 0.0518, ... 0.3230, 0.0065, 0.4006, 0.0861, 0.3161], ... [0.1918, 0.7103, 0.0041, 0.1817, 0.0024, 0.4209, 0.0118, ... 0.2302, 0.1860, 0.9404, 0.0041, 0.1124], ... [0.0430, 0.0437, 0.3744, 0.0020, 0.5819, 0.0027, 0.0823, ... 0.0081, 0.3625, 0.3213, 0.7849, 0.0024], ... ]) >>> msds = MultiSpectralDistributions(data, shape) >>> msds_to_XYZ_integration(msds, cmfs, illuminant) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 7.5029704..., 3.9487844..., 8.4034669...], [ 26.9259681..., 15.0724609..., 28.7057807...], [ 16.7032188..., 28.2172346..., 25.6455984...], [ 11.5767013..., 8.6400993..., 6.5768406...], [ 18.7314793..., 35.0750364..., 30.1457266...], [ 45.1656756..., 39.6136917..., 43.6783499...], [ 8.1755696..., 13.0934177..., 25.9420944...], [ 22.4676286..., 19.3099080..., 7.9637549...], [ 6.5781241..., 2.5255349..., 11.0930768...], [ 43.9147364..., 27.9803924..., 11.7292655...], [ 8.5365923..., 19.7030166..., 17.7050933...], [ 23.9088250..., 26.2129529..., 30.6763148...]]) >>> data = np.reshape(data, (2, 6, 6)) >>> msds_to_XYZ_integration(data, cmfs, illuminant, shape=shape) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 1.3104332..., 1.1377026..., 1.8267926...], [ 2.1875548..., 2.2510619..., 3.0721540...], [ 16.8714661..., 17.7063715..., 35.8709902...], [ 12.1648722..., 12.7222194..., 10.4880888...], [ 16.0419431..., 23.0985768..., 11.1479902...], [ 9.2391014..., 3.8301575..., 5.4703803...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 13.8734231..., 17.3942194..., 11.0364103...], [ 27.7096381..., 20.8626722..., 35.5581690...], [ 22.7886687..., 11.4769218..., 78.3300659...], [ 51.1284864..., 52.2463568..., 26.1483754...], [ 14.4749229..., 20.5011495..., 6.6228107...], [ 33.6001365..., 36.3242617..., 2.8254217...]]]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> msds_to_XYZ_integration(msds) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 8.2415862..., 4.2543993..., 7.6100842...], [ 29.6144619..., 16.1158465..., 25.9015472...], [ 16.6799560..., 27.2350547..., 22.9413337...], [ 12.5597688..., 9.0667136..., 5.9670327...], [ 18.5804689..., 33.6618109..., 26.9249733...], [ 47.7113308..., 40.4573249..., 39.6439145...], [ 7.830207 ..., 12.3689624..., 23.3742655...], [ 24.1695370..., 20.0629815..., 7.2718670...], [ 7.2333751..., 2.7982097..., 10.0688374...], [ 48.7358074..., 30.2417164..., 10.6753233...], [ 8.3231013..., 18.6791507..., 15.8228184...], [ 24.6452277..., 26.0809382..., 27.7106399...]]) """ return sd_to_XYZ_integration(msds, cmfs, illuminant, k, shape)
[docs]def msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308( msds: MultiSpectralDistributions, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, use_practice_range: Boolean = True, mi_5nm_omission_method: Boolean = True, mi_20nm_interpolation_method: Boolean = True, k: Optional[Number] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given multi-spectral distributions to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant according to practise *ASTM E308-15* method. Parameters ---------- msds Multi-spectral distributions. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. use_practice_range Practise *ASTM E308-15* working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if *True* this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately. mi_5nm_omission_method 5 nm measurement intervals multi-spectral distributions conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. mi_20nm_interpolation_method 20 nm measurement intervals multi-spectral distributions conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ - The code path using the `ArrayLike` multi-spectral distributions produces results different to the code path using a :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` class instance: the former favours execution speed by aligning the colour matching functions and illuminant to the given spectral shape while the latter favours precision by aligning the multi-spectral distributions to the colour matching functions. References ---------- :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 60) >>> data = np.array([ ... [0.0137, 0.0159, 0.0096, 0.0111, 0.0179, 0.1057, 0.0433, ... 0.0258, 0.0248, 0.0186, 0.0310, 0.0473], ... [0.0913, 0.3145, 0.2582, 0.0709, 0.2971, 0.4620, 0.2683, ... 0.0831, 0.1203, 0.1292, 0.1682, 0.3221], ... [0.0152, 0.0842, 0.4139, 0.0220, 0.5630, 0.1918, 0.2373, ... 0.0430, 0.0054, 0.0079, 0.3719, 0.2268], ... [0.0281, 0.0907, 0.2228, 0.1249, 0.2375, 0.5625, 0.0518, ... 0.3230, 0.0065, 0.4006, 0.0861, 0.3161], ... [0.1918, 0.7103, 0.0041, 0.1817, 0.0024, 0.4209, 0.0118, ... 0.2302, 0.1860, 0.9404, 0.0041, 0.1124], ... [0.0430, 0.0437, 0.3744, 0.0020, 0.5819, 0.0027, 0.0823, ... 0.0081, 0.3625, 0.3213, 0.7849, 0.0024], ... ]) >>> msds = MultiSpectralDistributions(data, shape) >>> msds = msds.align(SpectralShape(400, 700, 20)) >>> msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308(msds, cmfs, illuminant) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 7.5052758..., 3.9557516..., 8.38929 ...], [ 26.9408494..., 15.0987746..., 28.6631260...], [ 16.7047370..., 28.2089815..., 25.6556751...], [ 11.5711808..., 8.6445071..., 6.5587827...], [ 18.7428858..., 35.0626352..., 30.1778517...], [ 45.1224886..., 39.6238997..., 43.5813345...], [ 8.1786985..., 13.0950215..., 25.9326459...], [ 22.4462888..., 19.3115133..., 7.9304333...], [ 6.5764361..., 2.5305945..., 11.07253 ...], [ 43.9113380..., 28.0003541..., 11.6852531...], [ 8.5496209..., 19.6913570..., 17.7400079...], [ 23.8866733..., 26.2147704..., 30.6297684...]]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308(msds) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 8.2439318..., 4.2617641..., 7.5977409...], [ 29.6290771..., 16.1443076..., 25.8640484...], [ 16.6819067..., 27.2271403..., 22.9490590...], [ 12.5543694..., 9.0705685..., 5.9516323...], [ 18.5921357..., 33.6508573..., 26.9511144...], [ 47.6698072..., 40.4630866..., 39.5612904...], [ 7.8336896..., 12.3711768..., 23.3654245...], [ 24.1486630..., 20.0621956..., 7.2438655...], [ 7.2323703..., 2.8033217..., 10.0510790...], [ 48.7322793..., 30.2614779..., 10.6377135...], [ 8.3365770..., 18.6690888..., 15.8517212...], [ 24.6240657..., 26.0805317..., 27.6706915...]]) """ cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments( cmfs, illuminant, "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", "E", SPECTRAL_SHAPE_ASTME308, ) if isinstance(msds, MultiSpectralDistributions): return as_float_array( [ sd_to_XYZ_ASTME308( sd, cmfs, illuminant, use_practice_range, mi_5nm_omission_method, mi_20nm_interpolation_method, k, ) for sd in msds.to_sds() ] ) else: raise ValueError( '"ASTM E308-15" method does not support "ArrayLike" ' "multi-spectral distributions!" )
MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping( {"ASTM E308": msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308, "Integration": msds_to_XYZ_integration} ) MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported multi-spectral array to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values conversion methods. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a`, :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b`, :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Aliases: - 'astm2015': 'ASTM E308' """ MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS["astm2015"] = MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS["ASTM E308"]
[docs]def msds_to_XYZ( msds: Union[ArrayLike, SpectralDistribution, MultiSpectralDistributions], cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, k: Optional[Number] = None, method: Union[Literal["ASTM E308", "Integration"], str] = "ASTM E308", **kwargs: Any, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given multi-spectral distributions to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions and illuminant. For the *Integration* method, the multi-spectral distributions can be either a :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` class instance or an `ArrayLike` in which case the ``shape`` must be passed. Parameters ---------- msds Multi-spectral distributions, if an `ArrayLike` the wavelengths are expected to be in the last axis, e.g. for a 512x384 multi-spectral image with 77 bins, ``msds`` shape should be (384, 512, 77). cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Illuminant E*. k Normalisation constant :math:`k`. For reflecting or transmitting object colours, :math:`k` is chosen so that :math:`Y = 100` for objects for which the spectral reflectance factor :math:`R(\\lambda)` of the object colour or the spectral transmittance factor :math:`\\tau(\\lambda)` of the object is equal to unity for all wavelengths. For self-luminous objects and illuminants, the constants :math:`k` is usually chosen on the grounds of convenience. If, however, in the CIE 1931 standard colorimetric system, the :math:`Y` value is required to be numerically equal to the absolute value of a photometric quantity, the constant, :math:`k`, must be put equal to the numerical value of :math:`K_m`, the maximum spectral luminous efficacy (which is equal to 683 :math:`lm\\cdot W^{-1}`) and :math:`\\Phi_\\lambda(\\lambda)` must be the spectral concentration of the radiometric quantity corresponding to the photometric quantity required. method Computation method. Other Parameters ---------------- mi_5nm_omission_method {:func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, 5 nm measurement intervals multi-spectral distributions conversion to tristimulus values will use a 5 nm version of the colour matching functions instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. mi_20nm_interpolation_method {:func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, 20 nm measurement intervals multi-spectral distributions conversion to tristimulus values will use a dedicated interpolation method instead of a table of tristimulus weighting factors. shape {:func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_integration`}, Spectral shape of the multi-spectral distributions array :math:`msds`, ``cmfs`` and ``illuminant`` will be aligned to it. use_practice_range {:func:`colour.colorimetry.msds_to_XYZ_ASTME308`}, Practise *ASTM E308-15* working wavelengths range is [360, 780], if *True* this argument will trim the colour matching functions appropriately. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values, for a 512x384 multi-spectral image with 77 wavelengths, the output shape will be (384, 512, 3). Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 100] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ - The code path using the `ArrayLike` multi-spectral distributions produces results different to the code path using a :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` class instance: the former favours execution speed by aligning the colour matching functions and illuminant to the given spectral shape while the latter favours precision by aligning the multi-spectral distributions to the colour matching functions. References ---------- :cite:`ASTMInternational2011a`, :cite:`ASTMInternational2015b`, :cite:`Wyszecki2000bf` Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralDistribution >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'] >>> shape = SpectralShape(400, 700, 60) >>> data = np.array([ ... [0.0137, 0.0159, 0.0096, 0.0111, 0.0179, 0.1057, 0.0433, ... 0.0258, 0.0248, 0.0186, 0.0310, 0.0473], ... [0.0913, 0.3145, 0.2582, 0.0709, 0.2971, 0.4620, 0.2683, ... 0.0831, 0.1203, 0.1292, 0.1682, 0.3221], ... [0.0152, 0.0842, 0.4139, 0.0220, 0.5630, 0.1918, 0.2373, ... 0.0430, 0.0054, 0.0079, 0.3719, 0.2268], ... [0.0281, 0.0907, 0.2228, 0.1249, 0.2375, 0.5625, 0.0518, ... 0.3230, 0.0065, 0.4006, 0.0861, 0.3161], ... [0.1918, 0.7103, 0.0041, 0.1817, 0.0024, 0.4209, 0.0118, ... 0.2302, 0.1860, 0.9404, 0.0041, 0.1124], ... [0.0430, 0.0437, 0.3744, 0.0020, 0.5819, 0.0027, 0.0823, ... 0.0081, 0.3625, 0.3213, 0.7849, 0.0024], ... ]) >>> msds = MultiSpectralDistributions(data, shape) >>> msds_to_XYZ(msds, cmfs, illuminant, method='Integration') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 7.5029704..., 3.9487844..., 8.4034669...], [ 26.9259681..., 15.0724609..., 28.7057807...], [ 16.7032188..., 28.2172346..., 25.6455984...], [ 11.5767013..., 8.6400993..., 6.5768406...], [ 18.7314793..., 35.0750364..., 30.1457266...], [ 45.1656756..., 39.6136917..., 43.6783499...], [ 8.1755696..., 13.0934177..., 25.9420944...], [ 22.4676286..., 19.3099080..., 7.9637549...], [ 6.5781241..., 2.5255349..., 11.0930768...], [ 43.9147364..., 27.9803924..., 11.7292655...], [ 8.5365923..., 19.7030166..., 17.7050933...], [ 23.9088250..., 26.2129529..., 30.6763148...]]) >>> data = np.reshape(data, (2, 6, 6)) >>> msds_to_XYZ(data, cmfs, illuminant, method='Integration', shape=shape) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 1.3104332..., 1.1377026..., 1.8267926...], [ 2.1875548..., 2.2510619..., 3.0721540...], [ 16.8714661..., 17.7063715..., 35.8709902...], [ 12.1648722..., 12.7222194..., 10.4880888...], [ 16.0419431..., 23.0985768..., 11.1479902...], [ 9.2391014..., 3.8301575..., 5.4703803...]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 13.8734231..., 17.3942194..., 11.0364103...], [ 27.7096381..., 20.8626722..., 35.5581690...], [ 22.7886687..., 11.4769218..., 78.3300659...], [ 51.1284864..., 52.2463568..., 26.1483754...], [ 14.4749229..., 20.5011495..., 6.6228107...], [ 33.6001365..., 36.3242617..., 2.8254217...]]]) # The default CMFS are the "CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer", and the # default illuminant is "CIE Illuminant E": >>> msds_to_XYZ(msds, method='Integration') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[ 8.2415862..., 4.2543993..., 7.6100842...], [ 29.6144619..., 16.1158465..., 25.9015472...], [ 16.6799560..., 27.2350547..., 22.9413337...], [ 12.5597688..., 9.0667136..., 5.9670327...], [ 18.5804689..., 33.6618109..., 26.9249733...], [ 47.7113308..., 40.4573249..., 39.6439145...], [ 7.830207 ..., 12.3689624..., 23.3742655...], [ 24.1695370..., 20.0629815..., 7.2718670...], [ 7.2333751..., 2.7982097..., 10.0688374...], [ 48.7358074..., 30.2417164..., 10.6753233...], [ 8.3231013..., 18.6791507..., 15.8228184...], [ 24.6452277..., 26.0809382..., 27.7106399...]]) """ method = validate_method(method, MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS) function = MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS[method] return function( msds, cmfs, illuminant, k, **filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs) )
[docs]def wavelength_to_XYZ( wavelength: FloatingOrNDArray, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, ) -> NDArray: """ Convert given wavelength :math:`\\lambda` to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using given colour matching functions. If the wavelength :math:`\\lambda` is not available in the colour matching function, its value will be calculated according to *CIE 15:2004* recommendation: the method developed by *Sprague (1880)* will be used for interpolating functions having a uniformly spaced independent variable and the *Cubic Spline* method for non-uniformly spaced independent variable. Parameters ---------- wavelength Wavelength :math:`\\lambda` in nm. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Raises ------ ValueError If wavelength :math:`\\lambda` is not contained in the colour matching functions domain. Notes ----- +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +===========+=======================+===============+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +-----------+-----------------------+---------------+ Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] >>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480, cmfs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.09564 , 0.13902 , 0.8129501...]) >>> wavelength_to_XYZ(480.5, cmfs) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.0914287..., 0.1418350..., 0.7915726...]) """ cmfs, _illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments(cmfs) shape = cmfs.shape if np.min(wavelength) < shape.start or np.max(wavelength) > shape.end: raise ValueError( f'"{wavelength}nm" wavelength is not in ' f'"[{shape.start}, {shape.end}]" domain!' ) XYZ = np.reshape( cmfs[np.ravel(wavelength)], as_float_array(wavelength).shape + (3,) ) return XYZ