Source code for colour.recovery.mallett2019

Mallett and Yuksel (2019) - Reflectance Recovery

Defines the objects for reflectance recovery, i.e. spectral upsampling, using
*Mallett and Yuksel (2019)* method:

-   :func:`colour.recovery.spectral_primary_decomposition_Mallett2019`
-   :func:`colour.recovery.RGB_to_sd_Mallett2019`

-   :cite:`Mallett2019` : Mallett, I., & Yuksel, C. (2019). Spectral Primary
    Decomposition for Rendering with sRGB Reflectance. Eurographics Symposium
    on Rendering - DL-Only and Industry Track, 7 pages. doi:10.2312/SR.20191216

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import block_diag
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, LinearConstraint, minimize

from colour.colorimetry import (
from colour.models import RGB_Colourspace
from colour.hints import ArrayLike, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple
from colour.recovery import MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019
from colour.utilities import to_domain_1

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "New BSD License -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs]def spectral_primary_decomposition_Mallett2019( colourspace: RGB_Colourspace, cmfs: Optional[MultiSpectralDistributions] = None, illuminant: Optional[SpectralDistribution] = None, metric: Callable = np.linalg.norm, metric_args: Tuple = tuple(), optimisation_kwargs: Optional[Dict] = None, ) -> MultiSpectralDistributions: """ Perform the spectral primary decomposition as described in *Mallett and Yuksel (2019)* for given *RGB* colourspace. Parameters ---------- colourspace *RGB* colourspace. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions, default to the *CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer*. illuminant Illuminant spectral distribution, default to *CIE Standard Illuminant D65*. metric Function to be minimised, i.e. the objective function. ``metric(basis, *metric_args) -> float`` where ``basis`` is three reflectances concatenated together, each with a shape matching ``shape``. metric_args Additional arguments passed to ``metric``. optimisation_kwargs Parameters for :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` definition. Returns ------- :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` Basis functions for given *RGB* colourspace. References ---------- :cite:`Mallett2019` Notes ----- - In-addition to the *BT.709* primaries used by the *sRGB* colourspace, :cite:`Mallett2019` tried *BT.2020*, *P3 D65*, *Adobe RGB 1998*, *NTSC (1987)*, *Pal/Secam*, *ProPhoto RGB*, and *Adobe Wide Gamut RGB* primaries, every one of which encompasses a larger (albeit not-always-enveloping) set of *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colours than BT.709. Of these, only *Pal/Secam* produces a feasible basis, which is relatively unsurprising since it is very similar to *BT.709*, whereas the others are significantly larger. Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, SpectralShape >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_PAL_SECAM >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> msds = spectral_primary_decomposition_Mallett2019( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_PAL_SECAM, cmfs, illuminant, optimisation_kwargs={ ... 'options': {'ftol': 1e-5} ... } ... ) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... print(msds) # doctest: +SKIP [[ 360. 0.3395134... 0.3400214... 0.3204650...] [ 370. 0.3355246... 0.3338028... 0.3306724...] [ 380. 0.3376707... 0.3185578... 0.3437715...] [ 390. 0.3178866... 0.3351754... 0.3469378...] [ 400. 0.3045154... 0.3248376... 0.3706469...] [ 410. 0.2935652... 0.2919463... 0.4144884...] [ 420. 0.1875740... 0.1853729... 0.6270530...] [ 430. 0.0167983... 0.054483 ... 0.9287186...] [ 440. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 450. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 460. 0. ... 0. ... 1. ...] [ 470. 0. ... 0.0458044... 0.9541955...] [ 480. 0. ... 0.2960917... 0.7039082...] [ 490. 0. ... 0.5042592... 0.4957407...] [ 500. 0. ... 0.6655795... 0.3344204...] [ 510. 0. ... 0.8607541... 0.1392458...] [ 520. 0. ... 0.9999998... 0.0000001...] [ 530. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 540. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 550. 0. ... 1. ... 0. ...] [ 560. 0. ... 0.9924229... 0. ...] [ 570. 0. ... 0.9970703... 0.0025673...] [ 580. 0.0396002... 0.9028231... 0.0575766...] [ 590. 0.7058973... 0.2941026... 0. ...] [ 600. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 610. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 620. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 630. 1. ... 0. ... 0. ...] [ 640. 0.9835925... 0.0100166... 0.0063908...] [ 650. 0.7878949... 0.1265097... 0.0855953...] [ 660. 0.5987994... 0.2051062... 0.1960942...] [ 670. 0.4724493... 0.2649623... 0.2625883...] [ 680. 0.3989806... 0.3007488... 0.3002704...] [ 690. 0.3666586... 0.3164003... 0.3169410...] [ 700. 0.3497806... 0.3242863... 0.3259329...] [ 710. 0.3563736... 0.3232441... 0.3203822...] [ 720. 0.3362624... 0.3326209... 0.3311165...] [ 730. 0.3245015... 0.3365982... 0.3389002...] [ 740. 0.3335520... 0.3320670... 0.3343808...] [ 750. 0.3441287... 0.3291168... 0.3267544...] [ 760. 0.3343705... 0.3330132... 0.3326162...] [ 770. 0.3274633... 0.3305704... 0.3419662...] [ 780. 0.3475263... 0.3262331... 0.3262404...]] """ cmfs, illuminant = handle_spectral_arguments(cmfs, illuminant) N = len(cmfs.shape) R_to_XYZ = np.transpose( illuminant.values[..., np.newaxis] * cmfs.values / (np.sum(cmfs.values[:, 1] * illuminant.values)) ) R_to_RGB =, R_to_XYZ) basis_to_RGB = block_diag(R_to_RGB, R_to_RGB, R_to_RGB) primaries = np.reshape(np.identity(3), 9) # Ensure that the reflectances correspond to the correct RGB colours. colour_match = LinearConstraint(basis_to_RGB, primaries, primaries) # Ensure that the reflectances are bounded by [0, 1]. energy_conservation = Bounds(np.zeros(3 * N), np.ones(3 * N)) # Ensure that the sum of the three bases is bounded by [0, 1]. sum_matrix = np.transpose(np.tile(np.identity(N), (3, 1))) sum_constraint = LinearConstraint(sum_matrix, np.zeros(N), np.ones(N)) optimisation_settings = { "method": "SLSQP", "constraints": [colour_match, sum_constraint], "bounds": energy_conservation, "options": { "ftol": 1e-10, }, } if optimisation_kwargs is not None: optimisation_settings.update(optimisation_kwargs) result = minimize( metric, args=metric_args, x0=np.zeros(3 * N), **optimisation_settings ) basis_functions = np.transpose(np.reshape(result.x, (3, N))) return MultiSpectralDistributions( basis_functions, cmfs.shape.range(), name=f"Basis Functions - {} - Mallett (2019)", labels=("red", "green", "blue"), )
[docs]def RGB_to_sd_Mallett2019( RGB: ArrayLike, basis_functions: MultiSpectralDistributions = MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019, ) -> SpectralDistribution: """ Recover the spectral distribution of given *RGB* colourspace array using *Mallett and Yuksel (2019)* method. Parameters ---------- RGB *RGB* colourspace array. basis_functions Basis functions for the method. The default is to use the built-in *sRGB* basis functions, i.e. :attr:`colour.recovery.MSDS_BASIS_FUNCTIONS_sRGB_MALLETT2019`. Returns ------- :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` Recovered reflectance. References ---------- :cite:`Mallett2019` Notes ----- - In-addition to the *BT.709* primaries used by the *sRGB* colourspace, :cite:`Mallett2019` tried *BT.2020*, *P3 D65*, *Adobe RGB 1998*, *NTSC (1987)*, *Pal/Secam*, *ProPhoto RGB*, and *Adobe Wide Gamut RGB* primaries, every one of which encompasses a larger (albeit not-always-enveloping) set of *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colours than BT.709. Of these, only *Pal/Secam* produces a feasible basis, which is relatively unsurprising since it is very similar to *BT.709*, whereas the others are significantly larger. Examples -------- >>> from colour import MSDS_CMFS, SDS_ILLUMINANTS, XYZ_to_sRGB >>> from colour.colorimetry import sd_to_XYZ_integration >>> from colour.recovery import SPECTRAL_SHAPE_sRGB_MALLETT2019 >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> RGB = XYZ_to_sRGB(XYZ, apply_cctf_encoding=False) >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_sRGB_MALLETT2019) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> sd = RGB_to_sd_Mallett2019(RGB) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... sd # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpectralDistribution([[ 380. , 0.1735531...], [ 385. , 0.1720357...], [ 390. , 0.1677721...], [ 395. , 0.1576605...], [ 400. , 0.1372829...], [ 405. , 0.1170849...], [ 410. , 0.0895694...], [ 415. , 0.0706232...], [ 420. , 0.0585765...], [ 425. , 0.0523959...], [ 430. , 0.0497598...], [ 435. , 0.0476057...], [ 440. , 0.0465079...], [ 445. , 0.0460337...], [ 450. , 0.0455839...], [ 455. , 0.0452872...], [ 460. , 0.0450981...], [ 465. , 0.0448895...], [ 470. , 0.0449257...], [ 475. , 0.0448987...], [ 480. , 0.0446834...], [ 485. , 0.0441372...], [ 490. , 0.0417137...], [ 495. , 0.0373832...], [ 500. , 0.0357657...], [ 505. , 0.0348263...], [ 510. , 0.0341953...], [ 515. , 0.0337683...], [ 520. , 0.0334979...], [ 525. , 0.0332991...], [ 530. , 0.0331909...], [ 535. , 0.0332181...], [ 540. , 0.0333387...], [ 545. , 0.0334970...], [ 550. , 0.0337381...], [ 555. , 0.0341847...], [ 560. , 0.0346447...], [ 565. , 0.0353993...], [ 570. , 0.0367367...], [ 575. , 0.0392007...], [ 580. , 0.0445902...], [ 585. , 0.0625633...], [ 590. , 0.2965381...], [ 595. , 0.4215576...], [ 600. , 0.4347139...], [ 605. , 0.4385134...], [ 610. , 0.4385184...], [ 615. , 0.4385249...], [ 620. , 0.4374694...], [ 625. , 0.4384672...], [ 630. , 0.4368251...], [ 635. , 0.4340867...], [ 640. , 0.4303219...], [ 645. , 0.4243257...], [ 650. , 0.4159482...], [ 655. , 0.4057443...], [ 660. , 0.3919874...], [ 665. , 0.3742784...], [ 670. , 0.3518421...], [ 675. , 0.3240127...], [ 680. , 0.2955145...], [ 685. , 0.2625658...], [ 690. , 0.2343423...], [ 695. , 0.2174830...], [ 700. , 0.2060461...], [ 705. , 0.1977437...], [ 710. , 0.1916846...], [ 715. , 0.1861020...], [ 720. , 0.1823908...], [ 725. , 0.1807923...], [ 730. , 0.1795571...], [ 735. , 0.1785623...], [ 740. , 0.1775758...], [ 745. , 0.1771614...], [ 750. , 0.1767431...], [ 755. , 0.1764319...], [ 760. , 0.1762597...], [ 765. , 0.1762209...], [ 770. , 0.1761803...], [ 775. , 0.1761195...], [ 780. , 0.1760763...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd, cmfs, illuminant) / 100 ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.2065436..., 0.1219996..., 0.0513764...]) """ RGB = to_domain_1(RGB) sd = SpectralDistribution(, np.transpose(basis_functions.values)), basis_functions.wavelengths, ) = f"{RGB} (RGB) - Mallett (2019)" return sd