Colour is an open-source Python package providing a comprehensive number of algorithms and datasets for colour science.
It is freely available under the New BSD License terms.
Colour is an affiliated project of NumFOCUS, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit in the United States.
1 Draft Release Notes¶
The draft release notes from the develop branch are available at this url.
2 Sponsors¶
We are grateful for the support of our sponsors. If you’d like to join them, please consider becoming a sponsor on OpenCollective.
3 Features¶
Most of the objects are available from the colour
>>> import colour
3.1 Automatic Colour Conversion Graph - colour.graph
Starting with version 0.3.14, Colour implements an automatic colour conversion graph enabling easier colour conversions.

>>> sd = colour.SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta']['dark skin']
>>> colour.convert(sd, 'Spectral Distribution', 'sRGB', verbose={'mode': 'Short'})
* *
* [ Conversion Path ] *
* *
* "sd_to_XYZ" --> "XYZ_to_sRGB" *
* *
array([ 0.45675795, 0.30986982, 0.24861924])
>>> illuminant = colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2']
>>> colour.convert(sd, 'Spectral Distribution', 'sRGB', sd_to_XYZ={'illuminant': illuminant})
array([ 0.47924575, 0.31676968, 0.17362725])
3.2 Chromatic Adaptation - colour.adaptation
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]
>>> D65 = colour.CCS_ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']['D65']
>>> A = colour.CCS_ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']['A']
>>> colour.chromatic_adaptation(
... XYZ, colour.xy_to_XYZ(D65), colour.xy_to_XYZ(A))
array([ 0.2533053 , 0.13765138, 0.01543307])
['CIE 1994', 'CMCCAT2000', 'Fairchild 1990', 'Von Kries', 'Zhai 2018']
3.3 Algebra - colour.algebra
3.3.1 Kernel Interpolation¶
>>> y = [5.9200, 9.3700, 10.8135, 4.5100, 69.5900, 27.8007, 86.0500]
>>> x = range(len(y))
>>> colour.KernelInterpolator(x, y)([0.25, 0.75, 5.50])
array([ 6.18062083, 8.08238488, 57.85783403])
3.3.2 Sprague (1880) Interpolation¶
>>> y = [5.9200, 9.3700, 10.8135, 4.5100, 69.5900, 27.8007, 86.0500]
>>> x = range(len(y))
>>> colour.SpragueInterpolator(x, y)([0.25, 0.75, 5.50])
array([ 6.72951612, 7.81406251, 43.77379185])
3.4 Colour Appearance Models - colour.appearance
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> XYZ_w = [95.05, 100.00, 108.88]
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> colour.XYZ_to_CIECAM02(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)
CAM_Specification_CIECAM02(J=34.434525727858997, C=67.365010921125943, h=22.279164147957065, s=62.81485585332716, Q=177.47124941102123, M=70.024939419291414, H=2.6896085344238898, HC=None)
>>> colour.XYZ_to_CAM16(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)
CAM_Specification_CAM16(J=33.880368498111686, C=69.444353357408033, h=19.510887327451748, s=64.03612114840314, Q=176.03752758512178, M=72.18638534116765, H=399.52975599115319, HC=None)
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Kim2009(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A)
CAM_Specification_Kim2009(J=19.879918542450902, C=55.839055250876946, h=22.013388165090046, s=112.97979354939129, Q=36.309026130161449, M=46.346415858227864, H=2.3543198369639931, HC=None)
>>> colour.XYZ_to_ZCAM(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b)
CAM_Specification_ZCAM(J=38.347186278956357, C=21.12138989208518, h=33.711578931095197, s=81.444585609489536, Q=76.986725284523772, M=42.403805833900506, H=0.45779200212219573, HC=None, V=43.623590687423544, K=43.20894953152817, W=34.829588380192149)
3.5 Colour Blindness - colour.blindness
>>> import numpy as np
>>> cmfs = colour.LMS_CMFS['Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals']
>>> colour.msds_cmfs_anomalous_trichromacy_Machado2009(cmfs, np.array([15, 0, 0]))[450]
array([ 0.08912884, 0.0870524 , 0.955393 ])
>>> primaries = colour.MSDS_DISPLAY_PRIMARIES['Apple Studio Display']
>>> d_LMS = (15, 0, 0)
>>> colour.matrix_anomalous_trichromacy_Machado2009(cmfs, primaries, d_LMS)
array([[-0.27774652, 2.65150084, -1.37375432],
[ 0.27189369, 0.20047862, 0.52762768],
[ 0.00644047, 0.25921579, 0.73434374]])
3.6 Colour Correction - colour characterisation
>>> import numpy as np
>>> RGB = [0.17224810, 0.09170660, 0.06416938]
>>> M_T = np.random.random((24, 3))
>>> M_R = M_T + (np.random.random((24, 3)) - 0.5) * 0.5
>>> colour.colour_correction(RGB, M_T, M_R)
array([ 0.1806237 , 0.07234791, 0.07848845])
['Cheung 2004', 'Finlayson 2015', 'Vandermonde']
3.7 ACES Input Transform - colour characterisation
>>> sensitivities = colour.MSDS_CAMERA_SENSITIVITIES['Nikon 5100 (NPL)']
>>> illuminant = colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D55']
>>> colour.matrix_idt(sensitivities, illuminant)
(array([[ 0.46579986, 0.13409221, 0.01935163],
[ 0.01786092, 0.77557268, -0.16775531],
[ 0.03458647, -0.16152923, 0.74270363]]), array([ 1.58214188, 1. , 1.28910346]))
3.8 Colorimetry - colour.colorimetry
3.8.1 Spectral Computations¶
>>> colour.sd_to_XYZ(colour.SDS_LIGHT_SOURCES['Neodimium Incandescent'])
array([ 36.94726204, 32.62076174, 13.0143849 ])
>>> sorted(colour.SPECTRAL_TO_XYZ_METHODS)
['ASTM E308', 'Integration', 'astm2015']
3.8.2 Multi-Spectral Computations¶
>>> msds = np.array([
... [[0.01367208, 0.09127947, 0.01524376, 0.02810712, 0.19176012, 0.04299992],
... [0.00959792, 0.25822842, 0.41388571, 0.22275120, 0.00407416, 0.37439537],
... [0.01791409, 0.29707789, 0.56295109, 0.23752193, 0.00236515, 0.58190280]],
... [[0.01492332, 0.10421912, 0.02240025, 0.03735409, 0.57663846, 0.32416266],
... [0.04180972, 0.26402685, 0.03572137, 0.00413520, 0.41808194, 0.24696727],
... [0.00628672, 0.11454948, 0.02198825, 0.39906919, 0.63640803, 0.01139849]],
... [[0.04325933, 0.26825359, 0.23732357, 0.05175860, 0.01181048, 0.08233768],
... [0.02484169, 0.12027161, 0.00541695, 0.00654612, 0.18603799, 0.36247808],
... [0.03102159, 0.16815442, 0.37186235, 0.08610666, 0.00413520, 0.78492409]],
... [[0.11682307, 0.78883040, 0.74468607, 0.83375293, 0.90571451, 0.70054168],
... [0.06321812, 0.41898224, 0.15190357, 0.24591440, 0.55301750, 0.00657664],
... [0.00305180, 0.11288624, 0.11357290, 0.12924391, 0.00195315, 0.21771573]],
... ])
>>> colour.msds_to_XYZ(msds, method='Integration',
... shape=colour.SpectralShape(400, 700, 60))
array([[[ 7.68544647, 4.09414317, 8.49324254],
[ 17.12567298, 27.77681821, 25.52573685],
[ 19.10280411, 34.45851476, 29.76319628]],
[[ 18.03375827, 8.62340812, 9.71702574],
[ 15.03110867, 6.54001068, 24.53208465],
[ 37.68269495, 26.4411103 , 10.66361816]],
[[ 8.09532373, 12.75333339, 25.79613956],
[ 7.09620297, 2.79257389, 11.15039854],
[ 8.933163 , 19.39985815, 17.14915636]],
[[ 80.00969553, 80.39810464, 76.08184429],
[ 33.27611427, 24.38947838, 39.34919287],
[ 8.89425686, 11.05185138, 10.86767594]]])
>>> sorted(colour.MSDS_TO_XYZ_METHODS)
['ASTM E308', 'Integration', 'astm2015']
3.8.3 Blackbody Spectral Radiance Computation¶
>>> colour.sd_blackbody(5000)
SpectralDistribution([[ 3.60000000e+02, 6.65427827e+12],
[ 3.61000000e+02, 6.70960528e+12],
[ 3.62000000e+02, 6.76482512e+12],
[ 7.78000000e+02, 1.06068004e+13],
[ 7.79000000e+02, 1.05903327e+13],
[ 7.80000000e+02, 1.05738520e+13]],
extrapolator_args={'right': None, 'method': 'Constant', 'left': None})
3.8.4 Dominant, Complementary Wavelength & Colour Purity Computation¶
>>> xy = [0.54369557, 0.32107944]
>>> xy_n = [0.31270000, 0.32900000]
>>> colour.dominant_wavelength(xy, xy_n)
array([ 0.68354746, 0.31628409]),
array([ 0.68354746, 0.31628409]))
3.8.5 Lightness Computation¶
>>> colour.lightness(12.19722535)
>>> sorted(colour.LIGHTNESS_METHODS)
['Abebe 2017',
'CIE 1976',
'Fairchild 2010',
'Fairchild 2011',
'Glasser 1958',
'Wyszecki 1963']
3.8.6 Luminance Computation¶
>>> colour.luminance(41.52787585)
>>> sorted(colour.LUMINANCE_METHODS)
['ASTM D1535',
'CIE 1976',
'Fairchild 2010',
'Fairchild 2011',
'Newhall 1943',
3.8.7 Whiteness Computation¶
>>> XYZ = [95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000]
>>> XYZ_0 = [94.80966767, 100.00000000, 107.30513595]
>>> colour.whiteness(XYZ, XYZ_0)
array([ 93.756 , -1.33000001])
>>> sorted(colour.WHITENESS_METHODS)
['ASTM E313',
'Berger 1959',
'CIE 2004',
'Ganz 1979',
'Stensby 1968',
'Taube 1960',
3.8.8 Yellowness Computation¶
>>> XYZ = [95.00000000, 100.00000000, 105.00000000]
>>> colour.yellowness(XYZ)
>>> sorted(colour.YELLOWNESS_METHODS)
['ASTM D1925', 'ASTM E313', 'ASTM E313 Alternative']
3.8.9 Luminous Flux, Efficiency & Efficacy Computation¶
>>> sd = colour.SDS_LIGHT_SOURCES['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> colour.luminous_flux(sd)
>>> sd = colour.SDS_LIGHT_SOURCES['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> colour.luminous_efficiency(sd)
>>> sd = colour.SDS_LIGHT_SOURCES['Neodimium Incandescent']
>>> colour.luminous_efficacy(sd)
3.9 Contrast Sensitivity Function - colour.contrast
>>> colour.contrast_sensitivity_function(u=4, X_0=60, E=65)
['Barten 1999']
3.10 Colour Difference - colour.difference
>>> Lab_1 = [100.00000000, 21.57210357, 272.22819350]
>>> Lab_2 = [100.00000000, 426.67945353, 72.39590835]
>>> colour.delta_E(Lab_1, Lab_2)
>>> sorted(colour.DELTA_E_METHODS)
'CIE 1976',
'CIE 1994',
'CIE 2000',
3.11 IO - colour.io
3.11.1 Images¶
>>> RGB = colour.read_image('Ishihara_Colour_Blindness_Test_Plate_3.png')
>>> RGB.shape
(276, 281, 3)
3.11.2 Look Up Table (LUT) Data¶
>>> LUT = colour.read_LUT('ACES_Proxy_10_to_ACES.cube')
>>> print(LUT)
LUT3x1D - ACES Proxy 10 to ACES
Dimensions : 2
Domain : [[0 0 0]
[1 1 1]]
Size : (32, 3)
>>> RGB = [0.17224810, 0.09170660, 0.06416938]
>>> LUT.apply(RGB)
array([ 0.00575674, 0.00181493, 0.00121419])
3.12 Colour Models - colour.models
3.12.1 CIE xyY Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_xyY([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.54369557, 0.32107944, 0.12197225])
3.12.2 CIE L*a*b* Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Lab([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 41.52787529, 52.63858304, 26.92317922])
3.12.3 CIE L*u*v* Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Luv([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 41.52787529, 96.83626054, 17.75210149])
3.12.4 CIE 1960 UCS Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_UCS([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.13769339, 0.12197225, 0.1053731 ])
3.12.5 CIE 1964 U*V*W* Colourspace¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_UVW(XYZ)
array([ 94.55035725, 11.55536523, 40.54757405])
3.12.6 Hunter L,a,b Colour Scale¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Hunter_Lab(XYZ)
array([ 34.92452577, 47.06189858, 14.38615107])
3.12.7 Hunter Rd,a,b Colour Scale¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Hunter_Rdab(XYZ)
array([ 12.197225 , 57.12537874, 17.46241341])
3.12.8 CAM02-LCD, CAM02-SCD, and CAM02-UCS Colourspaces - Luo, Cui and Li (2006)¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> XYZ_w = [95.05, 100.00, 108.88]
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> surround = colour.VIEWING_CONDITIONS_CIECAM02['Average']
>>> specification = colour.XYZ_to_CIECAM02(
XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, surround)
>>> JMh = (specification.J, specification.M, specification.h)
>>> colour.JMh_CIECAM02_to_CAM02UCS(JMh)
array([ 47.16899898, 38.72623785, 15.8663383 ])
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]
>>> XYZ_w = [95.05 / 100, 100.00 / 100, 108.88 / 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_CAM02UCS(XYZ, XYZ_w=XYZ_w, L_A=L_A, Y_b=Y_b)
array([ 47.16899898, 38.72623785, 15.8663383 ])
3.12.9 CAM16-LCD, CAM16-SCD, and CAM16-UCS Colourspaces - Li et al. (2017)¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> XYZ_w = [95.05, 100.00, 108.88]
>>> L_A = 318.31
>>> Y_b = 20.0
>>> surround = colour.VIEWING_CONDITIONS_CAM16['Average']
>>> specification = colour.XYZ_to_CAM16(
XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, surround)
>>> JMh = (specification.J, specification.M, specification.h)
>>> colour.JMh_CAM16_to_CAM16UCS(JMh)
array([ 46.55542238, 40.22460974, 14.25288392]
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]
>>> XYZ_w = [95.05 / 100, 100.00 / 100, 108.88 / 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_CAM16UCS(XYZ, XYZ_w=XYZ_w, L_A=L_A, Y_b=Y_b)
array([ 46.55542238, 40.22460974, 14.25288392])
3.12.10 ICaCb Colourspace¶
>>> XYZ_to_ICaCb(np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]))
array([ 0.06875297, 0.05753352, 0.02081548])
3.12.11 IgPgTg Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_IgPgTg([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.42421258, 0.18632491, 0.10689223])
3.12.12 IPT Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_IPT([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.38426191, 0.38487306, 0.18886838])
3.12.13 DIN99 Colourspace¶
>>> Lab = [41.52787529, 52.63858304, 26.92317922]
>>> colour.Lab_to_DIN99(Lab)
array([ 53.22821988, 28.41634656, 3.89839552])
3.12.14 hdr-CIELAB Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_hdr_CIELab([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 51.87002062, 60.4763385 , 32.14551912])
3.12.15 hdr-IPT Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_hdr_IPT([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 25.18261761, -22.62111297, 3.18511729])
3.12.16 Oklab Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Oklab([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.51634019, 0.154695 , 0.06289579])
3.12.17 OSA UCS Colourspace¶
>>> XYZ = [0.20654008 * 100, 0.12197225 * 100, 0.05136952 * 100]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_OSA_UCS(XYZ)
array([-3.0049979 , 2.99713697, -9.66784231])
3.12.18 ProLab Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_ProLab([0.51634019, 0.15469500, 0.06289579])
array([1.24610688, 2.39525236, 0.41902126])
3.12.19 Jzazbz Colourspace¶
>>> colour.XYZ_to_Jzazbz([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
array([ 0.00535048, 0.00924302, 0.00526007])
3.12.20 Y’CbCr Colour Encoding¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_YCbCr([1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
array([ 0.92156863, 0.50196078, 0.50196078])
3.12.21 YCoCg Colour Encoding¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_YCoCg([0.75, 0.75, 0.0])
array([ 0.5625, 0.375 , 0.1875])
3.12.22 ICtCp Colour Encoding¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_ICtCp([0.45620519, 0.03081071, 0.04091952])
array([ 0.07351364, 0.00475253, 0.09351596])
3.12.23 HSV Colourspace¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_HSV([0.45620519, 0.03081071, 0.04091952])
array([ 0.99603944, 0.93246304, 0.45620519])
3.12.24 IHLS Colourspace¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_IHLS([0.45620519, 0.03081071, 0.04091952])
array([ 6.26236117, 0.12197943, 0.42539448])
3.12.25 Prismatic Colourspace¶
>>> colour.RGB_to_Prismatic([0.25, 0.50, 0.75])
array([ 0.75 , 0.16666667, 0.33333333, 0.5 ])
3.12.26 RGB Colourspace and Transformations¶
>>> XYZ = [0.21638819, 0.12570000, 0.03847493]
>>> illuminant_XYZ = [0.34570, 0.35850]
>>> illuminant_RGB = [0.31270, 0.32900]
>>> chromatic_adaptation_transform = 'Bradford'
>>> matrix_XYZ_to_RGB = [
[3.24062548, -1.53720797, -0.49862860],
[-0.96893071, 1.87575606, 0.04151752],
[0.05571012, -0.20402105, 1.05699594]]
>>> colour.XYZ_to_RGB(
array([ 0.45595571, 0.03039702, 0.04087245])
3.12.27 RGB Colourspace Derivation¶
>>> p = [0.73470, 0.26530, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00010, -0.07700]
>>> w = [0.32168, 0.33767]
>>> colour.normalised_primary_matrix(p, w)
array([[ 9.52552396e-01, 0.00000000e+00, 9.36786317e-05],
[ 3.43966450e-01, 7.28166097e-01, -7.21325464e-02],
[ 0.00000000e+00, 0.00000000e+00, 1.00882518e+00]])
3.12.28 RGB Colourspaces¶
>>> sorted(colour.RGB_COLOURSPACES)
'ALEXA Wide Gamut',
'Adobe RGB (1998)',
'Adobe Wide Gamut RGB',
'Apple RGB',
'Best RGB',
'Beta RGB',
'Blackmagic Wide Gamut'
'Cinema Gamut',
'ColorMatch RGB',
'DaVinci Wide Gamut',
'DJI D-Gamut',
'Display P3',
'Don RGB 4',
'ECI RGB v2',
'Ekta Space PS 5',
'FilmLight E-Gamut',
'ITU-R BT.2020',
'ITU-R BT.470 - 525',
'ITU-R BT.470 - 625',
'ITU-R BT.709',
'Max RGB',
'NTSC (1953)',
'NTSC (1987)',
'ProPhoto RGB',
'Protune Native',
'Russell RGB',
'SMPTE 240M',
'Sharp RGB',
'Venice S-Gamut3',
'Venice S-Gamut3.Cine',
'Xtreme RGB',
3.12.29 OETFs¶
>>> sorted(colour.OETFS)
['ARIB STD-B67',
'Blackmagic Film Generation 5',
'DaVinci Intermediate',
'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG',
'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ',
'ITU-R BT.601',
'ITU-R BT.709',
'SMPTE 240M']
3.12.30 EOTFs¶
>>> sorted(colour.EOTFS)
'ITU-R BT.1886',
'ITU-R BT.2020',
'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG',
'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ',
'SMPTE 240M',
'ST 2084',
3.12.31 OOTFs¶
>>> sorted(colour.OOTFS)
['ITU-R BT.2100 HLG', 'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ']
3.12.32 Log Encoding / Decoding¶
>>> sorted(colour.LOG_ENCODINGS)
'ALEXA Log C',
'Canon Log',
'Canon Log 2',
'Canon Log 3',
'Filmic Pro 6',
3.12.33 CCTFs Encoding / Decoding¶
>>> sorted(colour.CCTF_ENCODINGS)
'ALEXA Log C',
'Canon Log',
'Canon Log 2',
'Canon Log 3',
'Filmic Pro 6',
'Gamma 2.2',
'Gamma 2.4',
'Gamma 2.6',
'ITU-R BT.1886',
'ITU-R BT.2020',
'ITU-R BT.2100 HLG',
'ITU-R BT.2100 PQ',
'ITU-R BT.601',
'ITU-R BT.709',
'ProPhoto RGB',
'SMPTE 240M',
'ST 2084',
3.13 Colour Notation Systems - colour.notation
3.13.1 Munsell Value¶
>>> colour.munsell_value(12.23634268)
>>> sorted(colour.MUNSELL_VALUE_METHODS)
['ASTM D1535',
'Ladd 1955',
'McCamy 1987',
'Moon 1943',
'Munsell 1933',
'Priest 1920',
'Saunderson 1944',
3.13.2 Munsell Colour¶
>>> colour.xyY_to_munsell_colour([0.38736945, 0.35751656, 0.59362000])
'4.2YR 8.1/5.3'
>>> colour.munsell_colour_to_xyY('4.2YR 8.1/5.3')
array([ 0.38736945, 0.35751656, 0.59362 ])
3.14 Optical Phenomena - colour.phenomena
>>> colour.rayleigh_scattering_sd()
SpectralDistribution([[ 3.60000000e+02, 5.99101337e-01],
[ 3.61000000e+02, 5.92170690e-01],
[ 3.62000000e+02, 5.85341006e-01],
[ 7.78000000e+02, 2.55208377e-02],
[ 7.79000000e+02, 2.53887969e-02],
[ 7.80000000e+02, 2.52576106e-02]],
extrapolator_args={'right': None, 'method': 'Constant', 'left': None})
3.15 Light Quality - colour.quality
3.15.1 Colour Fidelity Index¶
>>> colour.colour_fidelity_index(colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2'])
['ANSI/IES TM-30-18', 'CIE 2017']
3.15.2 Colour Rendering Index¶
>>> colour.colour_quality_scale(colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2'])
['NIST CQS 7.4', 'NIST CQS 9.0']
3.15.3 Colour Quality Scale¶
>>> colour.colour_rendering_index(colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2'])
3.15.4 Academy Spectral Similarity Index (SSI)¶
>>> colour.spectral_similarity_index(colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['C'], colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'])
3.16 Spectral Up-Sampling & Reflectance Recovery - colour.recovery
>>> colour.XYZ_to_sd([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952])
SpectralDistribution([[ 3.60000000e+02, 8.37868873e-02],
[ 3.65000000e+02, 8.39337988e-02],
[ 7.70000000e+02, 4.46793405e-01],
[ 7.75000000e+02, 4.46872853e-01],
[ 7.80000000e+02, 4.46914431e-01]],
extrapolator_kwargs={'method': 'Constant', 'left': None, 'right': None})
['Jakob 2019', 'Mallett 2019', 'Meng 2015', 'Otsu 2018', 'Smits 1999']
3.18 Colour Volume - colour.volume
>>> colour.RGB_colourspace_volume_MonteCarlo(colour.RGB_COLOURSPACE_RGB['sRGB'])
3.19 Geometry Primitives Generation - colour.geometry
>>> colour.primitive('Grid')
(array([ ([-0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 1., 0., 1.]),
([ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 1., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 0., 1.]),
([-0.5, -0.5, 0. ], [ 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 0., 1.]),
([ 0.5, -0.5, 0. ], [ 1., 0.], [ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 0., 0., 1.])],
dtype=[('position', '<f4', (3,)), ('uv', '<f4', (2,)), ('normal', '<f4', (3,)), ('colour', '<f4', (4,))]), array([[0, 2, 1],
[2, 3, 1]], dtype=uint32), array([[0, 2],
[2, 3],
[3, 1],
[1, 0]], dtype=uint32))
>>> sorted(colour.PRIMITIVE_METHODS)
['Cube', 'Grid']
>>> colour.primitive_vertices('Quad MPL')
array([[ 0., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 1., 1., 0.],
[ 0., 1., 0.]])
['Cube MPL', 'Grid MPL', 'Quad MPL', 'Sphere']
3.20 Plotting - colour.plotting
Most of the objects are available from the colour.plotting
>>> from colour.plotting import *
>>> colour_style()
3.20.1 Visible Spectrum¶
>>> plot_visible_spectrum('CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer')

3.20.2 Spectral Distribution¶
>>> plot_single_illuminant_sd('FL1')

3.20.3 Blackbody¶
>>> blackbody_sds = [
... colour.sd_blackbody(i, colour.SpectralShape(0, 10000, 10))
... for i in range(1000, 15000, 1000)
... ]
>>> plot_multi_sds(
... blackbody_sds,
... y_label='W / (sr m$^2$) / m',
... plot_kwargs={
... 'use_sd_colours': True,
... 'normalise_sd_colours': True,
... },
... legend_location='upper right',
... bounding_box=(0, 1250, 0, 2.5e6))

3.20.4 Colour Matching Functions¶
>>> plot_single_cmfs(
... 'Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals',
... y_label='Sensitivity',
... bounding_box=(390, 870, 0, 1.1))

3.20.5 Luminous Efficiency¶
>>> sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function = (
... colour.sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function(0.2))
>>> plot_multi_sds(
... (sd_mesopic_luminous_efficiency_function,
... colour.PHOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer'],
... colour.SCOTOPIC_LEFS['CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer']),
... y_label='Luminous Efficiency',
... legend_location='upper right',
... y_tighten=True,
... margins=(0, 0, 0, 0.1))

3.20.6 Colour Checker¶
>>> from colour.characterisation.dataset.colour_checkers.sds import (
>>> plot_multi_sds(
... [
... colour.SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['BabelColor Average'][value]
... for key, value in sorted(
... ],
... plot_kwargs={
... use_sd_colours=True,
... },
... title=('BabelColor Average - '
... 'Spectral Distributions'))

>>> plot_single_colour_checker(
... 'ColorChecker 2005', text_kwargs={'visible': False})

3.20.7 Chromaticities Prediction¶
>>> plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction(
... 2, 'Von Kries', 'Bianco 2010')

3.20.8 Chromaticities¶
>>> import numpy as np
>>> RGB = np.random.random((32, 32, 3))
>>> plot_RGB_chromaticities_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1931(
... RGB, 'ITU-R BT.709',
... colourspaces=['ACEScg', 'S-Gamut'], show_pointer_gamut=True)

3.20.9 Colour Rendering Index¶
>>> plot_single_sd_colour_rendering_index_bars(
... colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2'])

3.20.10 ANSI/IES TM-30-18 Colour Rendition Report¶
>>> plot_single_sd_colour_rendition_report(
... colour.SDS_ILLUMINANTS['FL2'])

3.20.11 Gamut Section¶
>>> plot_visible_spectrum_section(section_colours='RGB', section_opacity=0.15)

>>> plot_RGB_colourspace_section('sRGB', section_colours='RGB', section_opacity=0.15)

3.20.12 Colour Temperature¶
>>> plot_planckian_locus_in_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1960UCS(['A', 'B', 'C'])

4 User Guide¶
5 API Reference¶
6 See Also¶
6.1 Software¶
Colorio by Schlömer, N.
ColorPy by Kness, M.
Colorspacious by Smith, N. J., et al.
python-colormath by Taylor, G., et al.
go-colorful by Beyer, L., et al.
Colourful by Pažourek, T., et al.
Colors.jl by Holy, T., et al.
Matlab & Octave
COLORLAB by Malo, J., et al.
Psychtoolbox by Brainard, D., et al.
The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox by Centore, P.
7 Code of Conduct¶
The Code of Conduct, adapted from the Contributor Covenant 1.4, is available on the Code of Conduct page.