Source code for colour.quality.cfi2017

CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index

Defines the *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) computation objects:

- :class:`colour.quality.ColourRendering_Specification_CIE2017`
- :func:`colour.quality.colour_fidelity_index_CIE2017`

-   :cite:`CIETC1-902017` : CIE TC 1-90. (2017). CIE 2017 colour fidelity index
    for accurate scientific use. CIE Central Bureau. ISBN:978-3-902842-61-9

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import os
from dataclasses import dataclass

from colour.algebra import Extrapolator, euclidean_distance, linstep_function
from colour.appearance import (
from colour.colorimetry import (
from colour.hints import (
from colour.models import XYZ_to_UCS, UCS_to_uv, JMh_CIECAM02_to_CAM02UCS
from colour.temperature import uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013, CCT_to_xy_CIE_D
from colour.utilities import (

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "New BSD License -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

SPECTRAL_SHAPE_CIE2017: SpectralShape = SpectralShape(380, 780, 1)
Spectral shape for *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI)

ROOT_RESOURCES_CIE2017: str = os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(__file__), "datasets"
"""*CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* resources directory."""

_CACHE_TCS_CIE2017: Dict = CACHE_REGISTRY.register_cache(

class DataColorimetry_TCS_CIE2017:
    """Define the class storing *test colour samples* colorimetry data."""

    name: str
    XYZ: NDArray
    CAM: CAM_Specification_CIECAM02
    JMh: NDArray
    Jpapbp: NDArray

[docs]@dataclass class ColourRendering_Specification_CIE2017: """ Define the *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) colour quality specification. Parameters ---------- name Name of the test spectral distribution. sd_reference Spectral distribution of the reference illuminant. R_f *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) :math:`R_f`. R_s Individual *colour fidelity indexes* data for each sample. CCT Correlated colour temperature :math:`T_{cp}`. D_uv Distance from the Planckian locus :math:`\\Delta_{uv}`. colorimetry_data Colorimetry data for the test and reference computations. delta_E_s Colour shifts of samples. """ name: str sd_reference: SpectralDistribution R_f: Floating R_s: NDArray CCT: Floating D_uv: Floating colorimetry_data: Tuple[ Tuple[DataColorimetry_TCS_CIE2017, ...], Tuple[DataColorimetry_TCS_CIE2017, ...], ] delta_E_s: NDArray
[docs]def colour_fidelity_index_CIE2017( sd_test: SpectralDistribution, additional_data: Boolean = False ) -> Union[Floating, ColourRendering_Specification_CIE2017]: """ Return the *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) :math:`R_f` of given spectral distribution. Parameters ---------- sd_test Test spectral distribution. additional_data Whether to output additional data. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.floating` or \ :class:`colour.quality.ColourRendering_Specification_CIE2017` *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) :math:`R_f`. References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-902017` Examples -------- >>> from colour.colorimetry import SDS_ILLUMINANTS >>> sd = SDS_ILLUMINANTS["FL2"] >>> colour_fidelity_index_CIE2017(sd) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 70.1208254... """ if sd_test.shape.start > 380 or sd_test.shape.end < 780: usage_warning( "Test spectral distribution shape does not span the " "recommended 380-780nm range, missing values will be " "filled with zeros!" ) # NOTE: "CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index" standard recommends filling # missing values with zeros. sd_test = cast(SpectralDistribution, sd_test.copy()) sd_test.extrapolator = Extrapolator sd_test.extrapolator_kwargs = { "method": "constant", "left": 0, "right": 0, } if sd_test.shape.interval > 5: raise ValueError( "Test spectral distribution interval is greater than" "5nm which is the maximum recommended value " 'for computing the "CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index"!' ) shape = SpectralShape( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_CIE2017.start, SPECTRAL_SHAPE_CIE2017.end, sd_test.shape.interval, ) CCT, D_uv = tsplit(CCT_reference_illuminant(sd_test)) sd_reference = sd_reference_illuminant(CCT, shape) # NOTE: All computations except CCT calculation use the # "CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer". # pylint: disable=E1102 cmfs_10 = reshape_msds( MSDS_CMFS["CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer"], shape ) # pylint: disable=E1102 sds_tcs = reshape_msds(load_TCS_CIE2017(shape), shape) test_tcs_colorimetry_data = tcs_colorimetry_data(sd_test, sds_tcs, cmfs_10) reference_tcs_colorimetry_data = tcs_colorimetry_data( sd_reference, sds_tcs, cmfs_10 ) delta_E_s = np.empty(len(sds_tcs.labels)) for i, _delta_E in enumerate(delta_E_s): delta_E_s[i] = euclidean_distance( test_tcs_colorimetry_data[i].Jpapbp, reference_tcs_colorimetry_data[i].Jpapbp, ) R_s = as_float_array(delta_E_to_R_f(delta_E_s)) R_f = as_float_scalar(delta_E_to_R_f(np.average(delta_E_s))) if additional_data: return ColourRendering_Specification_CIE2017(, sd_reference, R_f, R_s, CCT, D_uv, (test_tcs_colorimetry_data, reference_tcs_colorimetry_data), delta_E_s, ) else: return R_f
def load_TCS_CIE2017(shape: SpectralShape) -> MultiSpectralDistributions: """ Load the *CIE 2017 Test Colour Samples* dataset appropriate for the given spectral shape. The datasets are cached and won't be loaded again on subsequent calls to this definition. Parameters ---------- shape Spectral shape of the tested illuminant. Returns ------- :class:`colour.MultiSpectralDistributions` *CIE 2017 Test Colour Samples* dataset. Examples -------- >>> sds_tcs = load_TCS_CIE2017(SpectralShape(380, 780, 5)) >>> len(sds_tcs.labels) 99 """ global _CACHE_TCS_CIE2017 interval = shape.interval attest( interval in (1, 5), "Spectral shape interval must be either 1nm or 5nm!", ) filename = f"tcs_cfi2017_{as_int_scalar(interval)}_nm.csv.gz" if filename in _CACHE_TCS_CIE2017: return _CACHE_TCS_CIE2017[filename] data = np.genfromtxt( str(os.path.join(ROOT_RESOURCES_CIE2017, filename)), delimiter="," ) labels = [f"TCS{i} (CIE 2017)" for i in range(99)] tcs = MultiSpectralDistributions(data[:, 1:], data[:, 0], labels) _CACHE_TCS_CIE2017[filename] = tcs return tcs def CCT_reference_illuminant(sd: SpectralDistribution) -> NDArray: """ Compute the reference illuminant correlated colour temperature :math:`T_{cp}` and :math:`\\Delta_{uv}` for given test spectral distribution using *Ohno (2013)* method. Parameters ---------- sd Test spectral distribution. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.ndarray` Correlated colour temperature :math:`T_{cp}`, :math:`\\Delta_{uv}`. Examples -------- >>> from colour import SDS_ILLUMINANTS >>> sd = SDS_ILLUMINANTS["FL2"] >>> CCT_reference_illuminant(sd) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 4.2244697...e+03, 1.7871111...e-03]) """ XYZ = sd_to_XYZ(sd) return uv_to_CCT_Ohno2013(UCS_to_uv(XYZ_to_UCS(XYZ))) def sd_reference_illuminant( CCT: Floating, shape: SpectralShape ) -> SpectralDistribution: """ Compute the reference illuminant for a given correlated colour temperature :math:`T_{cp}` for use in *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) computation. Parameters ---------- CCT Correlated colour temperature :math:`T_{cp}`. shape Desired shape of the returned spectral distribution. Returns ------- :class:`colour.SpectralDistribution` Reference illuminant for *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) computation. Examples -------- >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... sd_reference_illuminant( # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ... 4224.469705295263300, SpectralShape(380, 780, 20) ... ) ... SpectralDistribution([[ 380. , 0.0034089...], [ 400. , 0.0044208...], [ 420. , 0.0053260...], [ 440. , 0.0062857...], [ 460. , 0.0072767...], [ 480. , 0.0080207...], [ 500. , 0.0086590...], [ 520. , 0.0092242...], [ 540. , 0.0097686...], [ 560. , 0.0101444...], [ 580. , 0.0104475...], [ 600. , 0.0107642...], [ 620. , 0.0110439...], [ 640. , 0.0112535...], [ 660. , 0.0113922...], [ 680. , 0.0115185...], [ 700. , 0.0113155...], [ 720. , 0.0108192...], [ 740. , 0.0111582...], [ 760. , 0.0101299...], [ 780. , 0.0105638...]], SpragueInterpolator, {}, Extrapolator, {'method': 'Constant', 'left': None, 'right': None}) """ if CCT <= 5000: sd_planckian = sd_blackbody(CCT, shape) if CCT >= 4000: xy = CCT_to_xy_CIE_D(CCT) sd_daylight = sd_CIE_illuminant_D_series(xy).align(shape) if CCT < 4000: sd_reference = sd_planckian elif 4000 <= CCT <= 5000: # Planckian and daylight illuminant must be normalised so that the # mixture isn't biased. sd_planckian /= sd_to_XYZ(sd_planckian)[1] # type: ignore[misc] sd_daylight /= sd_to_XYZ(sd_daylight)[1] # type: ignore[misc] # Mixture: 4200K should be 80% Planckian, 20% CIE Illuminant D Series. m = (CCT - 4000) / 1000 values = linstep_function(m, sd_planckian.values, sd_daylight.values) name = ( f"{as_int_scalar(CCT)}K " f"Blackbody & CIE Illuminant D Series Mixture - " f"{as_float_scalar(100 * m):.1f}%" ) sd_reference = SpectralDistribution( values, shape.wavelengths, name=name ) elif CCT > 5000: sd_reference = sd_daylight return sd_reference def tcs_colorimetry_data( sd_irradiance: SpectralDistribution, sds_tcs: MultiSpectralDistributions, cmfs: MultiSpectralDistributions, ) -> Tuple[DataColorimetry_TCS_CIE2017, ...]: """ Return the *test colour samples* colorimetry data under given test light source or reference illuminant spectral distribution for the *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) computations. Parameters ---------- sd_irradiance Test light source or reference illuminant spectral distribution, i.e. the irradiance emitter. sds_tcs *Test colour samples* spectral reflectance distributions. cmfs Standard observer colour matching functions. Returns ------- :class:`tuple` *Test colour samples* colorimetry data under the given test light source or reference illuminant spectral distribution. Examples -------- >>> delta_E_to_R_f(4.4410383190) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS 70.1208254... """ XYZ_w = sd_to_XYZ(sd_ones(), cmfs, sd_irradiance) Y_b = 20 L_A = 100 surround = VIEWING_CONDITIONS_CIECAM02["Average"] tcs_data = [] for sd_tcs in sds_tcs.to_sds(): XYZ = sd_to_XYZ(sd_tcs, cmfs, sd_irradiance) specification = XYZ_to_CIECAM02(XYZ, XYZ_w, L_A, Y_b, surround, True) JMh = tstack( [ cast(FloatingOrNDArray, specification.J), cast(FloatingOrNDArray, specification.M), cast(FloatingOrNDArray, specification.h), ] ) Jpapbp = JMh_CIECAM02_to_CAM02UCS(JMh) tcs_data.append( DataColorimetry_TCS_CIE2017(, XYZ, specification, JMh, Jpapbp ) ) return tuple(tcs_data) def delta_E_to_R_f(delta_E: FloatingOrArrayLike) -> FloatingOrNDArray: """ Convert from colour-appearance difference to *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) :math:`R_f` value. Parameters ---------- delta_E Euclidean distance between two colours in *CAM02-UCS* colourspace. Returns ------- :class:`numpy.floating` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` Corresponding *CIE 2017 Colour Fidelity Index* (CFI) :math:`R_f` value. """ delta_E = as_float_array(delta_E) c_f = 6.73 return as_float(10 * np.log1p(np.exp((100 - c_f * delta_E) / 10)))