Source code for colour.utilities.common

Common Utilities

Defines the common utilities objects that don't fall in any specific category.

-   :cite:`DjangoSoftwareFoundation2022` : Django Software Foundation. (2022).
    slugify. Retrieved June 1, 2022, from\
-   :cite:`Kienzle2011a` : Kienzle, P., Patel, N., & Krycka, J. (2011).
    refl1d.numpyerrors - Refl1D v0.6.19 documentation. Retrieved January 30,
    2015, from\

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import functools
import numpy as np
import re
import subprocess  # nosec
import unicodedata
import types
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from copy import copy
from pprint import pformat

from colour.constants import INTEGER_THRESHOLD
from colour.hints import (
from colour.utilities import CanonicalMapping, Lookup

__author__ = "Colour Developers"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2013 Colour Developers"
__license__ = "New BSD License -"
__maintainer__ = "Colour Developers"
__email__ = ""
__status__ = "Production"

__all__ = [

[docs]class CacheRegistry: """ A registry for mapping-based caches. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.utilities.CacheRegistry.registry` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.__str__` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.register_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.unregister_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.clear_cache` - :meth:`~colour.SpectralShape.clear_all_caches` Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_cache("Cache A") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.unregister_cache("Cache B") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)'} >>> print(cache_b) {} """
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self._registry: Dict = {}
@property def registry(self) -> Dict: """ Getter property for the cache registry. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Cache registry. """ return self._registry
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: """ Return a formatted string representation of the cache registry. Returns ------- :class:`str` Formatted string representation. """ return pformat( { name: f"{len(self._registry[name])} item(s)" for name in sorted(self._registry) } )
[docs] def register_cache(self, name: str) -> Dict: """ Register a new cache with given name in the registry. Parameters ---------- name Cache name for the registry. Returns ------- :class:`dict` Registered cache. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} """ self._registry[name] = {} return self._registry[name]
[docs] def unregister_cache(self, name: str): """ Unregister cache with given name in the registry. Parameters ---------- name Cache name in the registry. Notes ----- - The cache is cleared before being unregistered. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.unregister_cache("Cache B") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)'} >>> print(cache_b) {} """ self.clear_cache(name) del self._registry[name]
[docs] def clear_cache(self, name: str): """ Clear the cache with given name. Parameters ---------- name Cache name in the registry. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_cache("Cache A") >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)'} """ self._registry[name].clear()
[docs] def clear_all_caches(self): """ Clear all the caches in the registry. Examples -------- >>> cache_registry = CacheRegistry() >>> cache_a = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache A") >>> cache_a["Foo"] = "Bar" >>> cache_b = cache_registry.register_cache("Cache B") >>> cache_b["John"] = "Doe" >>> cache_b["Luke"] = "Skywalker" >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '1 item(s)', 'Cache B': '2 item(s)'} >>> cache_registry.clear_all_caches() >>> print(cache_registry) {'Cache A': '0 item(s)', 'Cache B': '0 item(s)'} """ for key in self._registry: self.clear_cache(key)
CACHE_REGISTRY: CacheRegistry = CacheRegistry() """ *Colour* cache registry referencing all the caches used for repetitive or long processes. CACHE_REGISTRY """
[docs]def handle_numpy_errors(**kwargs: Any) -> Callable: """ Decorate a function to handle *Numpy* errors. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Keywords arguments. Returns ------- Callable References ---------- :cite:`Kienzle2011a` Examples -------- >>> import numpy >>> @handle_numpy_errors(all="ignore") ... def f(): ... 1 / numpy.zeros(3) ... >>> f() """ context = np.errstate(**kwargs) def wrapper(function: Callable) -> Callable: """Wrap given function wrapper.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with context: return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
ignore_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="ignore") raise_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="raise") print_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="print") warn_numpy_errors = handle_numpy_errors(all="warn")
[docs]def ignore_python_warnings(function: Callable) -> Callable: """ Decorate a function to ignore *Python* warnings. Parameters ---------- function Function to decorate. Returns ------- Callable Examples -------- >>> @ignore_python_warnings ... def f(): ... warnings.warn("This is an ignored warning!") ... >>> f() """ @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]def attest(condition: Union[Boolean, DTypeBoolean], message: str = ""): """ Provide the `assert` statement functionality without being disabled by optimised Python execution. Parameters ---------- condition Condition to attest/assert. message Message to display when the assertion fails. """ if not condition: raise AssertionError(message)
[docs]def batch(sequence: Sequence, k: Union[Integer, Literal[3]] = 3) -> Generator: """ Return a batch generator from given sequence. Parameters ---------- sequence Sequence to create batches from. k Batch size. Yields ------ Generator Batch generator. Examples -------- >>> batch(tuple(range(10)), 3) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <generator object batch at 0x...> """ for i in range(0, len(sequence), k): yield sequence[i : i + k]
_MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED: Boolean = True """*Colour* multiprocessing state."""
[docs]class disable_multiprocessing: """ Define a context manager and decorator to temporarily disabling *Colour* multiprocessing state. """ def __enter__(self) -> disable_multiprocessing: """ Disable *Colour* multiprocessing state upon entering the context manager. """ global _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED = False return self def __exit__(self, *args: Any): """ Enable *Colour* multiprocessing state upon exiting the context manager. """ global _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED = True def __call__(self, function: Callable) -> Callable: """Call the wrapped definition.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" with self: return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper
def _initializer(kwargs: Any): """ Initialize a multiprocessing pool. It is used to ensure that processes on *Windows* inherit correctly from the current domain-range scale. Parameters ---------- kwargs Initialisation arguments. """ # NOTE: No coverage information is available as this code is executed in # sub-processes. import colour.utilities.array # pragma: no cover colour.utilities.array._DOMAIN_RANGE_SCALE = kwargs.get( "scale", "reference" ) # pragma: no cover import colour.algebra.common # pragma: no cover colour.algebra.common._SDIV_MODE = kwargs.get( "sdiv_mode", "Ignore Zero Conversion" ) # pragma: no cover colour.algebra.common._SPOW_ENABLED = kwargs.get( "spow_enabled", True ) # pragma: no cover
[docs]@contextmanager def multiprocessing_pool(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Generator: """ Define a context manager providing a multiprocessing pool. Other Parameters ---------------- args Arguments. kwargs Keywords arguments. Yields ------ Generator Multiprocessing pool. Examples -------- >>> from functools import partial >>> def _add(a, b): ... return a + b ... >>> with multiprocessing_pool() as pool: ..., b=2), range(10)) ... # doctest: +SKIP ... [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] """ from colour.algebra import get_sdiv_mode, is_spow_enabled from colour.utilities import get_domain_range_scale class _DummyPool: """ A dummy multiprocessing pool that does not perform multiprocessing. Other Parameters ---------------- args Arguments. kwargs Keywords arguments. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass def map(self, func, iterable, chunksize=None): """Apply given function to each element of given iterable.""" return [func(a) for a in iterable] def terminate(self): """Terminate the process.""" pass kwargs["initializer"] = _initializer kwargs["initargs"] = ( { "scale": get_domain_range_scale(), "sdiv_mode": get_sdiv_mode(), "spow_enabled": is_spow_enabled(), }, ) pool_factory: Callable if _MULTIPROCESSING_ENABLED: import multiprocessing pool_factory = multiprocessing.Pool else: pool_factory = _DummyPool pool = pool_factory(*args, **kwargs) try: yield pool finally: pool.terminate()
[docs]def is_ctlrender_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *ctlrender* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *ctlrender* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *ctlrender* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *ctlrender* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover stdout = ["ctlrender", "-help"], capture_output=True ).stdout.decode( "utf-8" ) # nosec if "transforms an image using one or more CTL scripts" not in stdout: raise FileNotFoundError() return True except FileNotFoundError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise FileNotFoundError( '"ctlrender" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
[docs]def is_graphviz_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *Graphviz* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *Graphviz* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *Graphviz* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *Graphviz* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import pygraphviz # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"Graphviz" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
[docs]def is_matplotlib_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *Matplotlib* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *Matplotlib* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *Matplotlib* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *Matplotlib* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import matplotlib # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"Matplotlib" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
[docs]def is_networkx_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *NetworkX* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *NetworkX* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *NetworkX* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *NetworkX* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import networkx # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"NetworkX" related API features, e.g. the automatic colour ' f'conversion graph, are not available: "{error}".\nPlease refer ' "to the installation guide for more information: " "" ) return False
[docs]def is_opencolorio_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *OpenColorIO* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *OpenColorIO* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *OpenColorIO* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *OpenColorIO* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import PyOpenColorIO # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"OpenColorIO" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
[docs]def is_openimageio_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *OpenImageIO* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *OpenImageIO* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *OpenImageIO* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *OpenImageIO* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import OpenImageIO # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"OpenImageIO" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
[docs]def is_pandas_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *Pandas* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *Pandas* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *Pandas* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *Pandas* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import pandas # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( f'"Pandas" related API features are not available: "{error}".\n' "See the installation guide for more information: " "" ) return False
[docs]def is_tqdm_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *tqdm* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *tqdm* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *tqdm* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *tqdm* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import tqdm # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( f'"tqdm" related API features are not available: "{error}".\n' "See the installation guide for more information: " "" ) return False
[docs]def is_trimesh_installed(raise_exception: Boolean = False) -> Boolean: """ Return whether *Trimesh* is installed and available. Parameters ---------- raise_exception Whether to raise an exception if *Trimesh* is unavailable. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether *Trimesh* is installed. Raises ------ :class:`ImportError` If *Trimesh* is not installed. """ try: # pragma: no cover # pylint: disable=W0611 import trimesh # noqa return True except ImportError as error: # pragma: no cover if raise_exception: raise ImportError( '"Trimesh" related API features are not available: ' f'"{error}".\nSee the installation guide for more information: ' "" ) return False
_REQUIREMENTS_TO_CALLABLE: CanonicalMapping = CanonicalMapping( { "ctlrender": is_ctlrender_installed, "Graphviz": is_graphviz_installed, "Matplotlib": is_matplotlib_installed, "NetworkX": is_networkx_installed, "OpenColorIO": is_opencolorio_installed, "OpenImageIO": is_openimageio_installed, "Pandas": is_pandas_installed, "tqdm": is_tqdm_installed, "trimesh": is_trimesh_installed, } ) """ Mapping of requirements to their respective callables. """
[docs]def required( *requirements: Literal[ "ctlrender", "Graphviz", "Matplotlib", "NetworkX", "OpenColorIO", "OpenImageIO", "Pandas", "tqdm", "trimesh", ] ) -> Callable: """ Decorate a function to check whether various ancillary package requirements are satisfied. Other Parameters ---------------- requirements Requirements to check whether they are satisfied. Returns ------- Callable """ def wrapper(function: Callable) -> Callable: """Wrap given function wrapper.""" @functools.wraps(function) def wrapped(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Wrap given function.""" for requirement in requirements: _REQUIREMENTS_TO_CALLABLE[requirement](raise_exception=True) return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrapped return wrapper
[docs]def is_iterable(a: Any) -> Boolean: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is iterable. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to check the iterability. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is iterable. Examples -------- >>> is_iterable([1, 2, 3]) True >>> is_iterable(1) False """ return is_string(a) or (True if getattr(a, "__iter__", False) else False)
[docs]def is_string(a: Any) -> Boolean: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is a :class:`str`-like variable. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is a :class:`str`-like variable. Examples -------- >>> is_string("I'm a string!") True >>> is_string(["I'm a string!"]) False """ return True if isinstance(a, str) else False
[docs]def is_numeric(a: Any) -> Boolean: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is a :class:`Number`-like variable. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is a :class:`Number`-like variable. Examples -------- >>> is_numeric(1) True >>> is_numeric((1,)) False """ return isinstance( a, ( int, float, complex, np.integer, np.floating, ), )
[docs]def is_integer(a: Any) -> Boolean: """ Return whether given variable :math:`a` is an :class:`numpy.integer`-like variable under given threshold. Parameters ---------- a Variable :math:`a` to test. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether variable :math:`a` is an :class:`numpy.integer`-like variable. Notes ----- - The determination threshold is defined by the :attr:`colour.algebra.common.INTEGER_THRESHOLD` attribute. Examples -------- >>> is_integer(1) True >>> is_integer(1.01) False """ return abs(a - np.around(a)) <= INTEGER_THRESHOLD
[docs]def is_sibling(element: Any, mapping: Mapping) -> Boolean: """ Return whether given element type is present in given mapping types. Parameters ---------- element Element to check whether its type is present in the mapping types. mapping Mapping types. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether given element type is present in given mapping types. """ return isinstance( element, tuple({type(element) for element in mapping.values()}) )
[docs]def filter_kwargs(function: Callable, **kwargs: Any) -> Dict: """ Filter keyword arguments incompatible with the given function signature. Parameters ---------- function Callable to filter the incompatible keyword arguments. Other Parameters ---------------- kwargs Keywords arguments. Returns ------- dict Filtered keyword arguments. Examples -------- >>> def fn_a(a): ... return a ... >>> def fn_b(a, b=0): ... return a, b ... >>> def fn_c(a, b=0, c=0): ... return a, b, c ... >>> fn_a(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_a, b=2, c=3)) 1 >>> fn_b(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_b, b=2, c=3)) (1, 2) >>> fn_c(1, **filter_kwargs(fn_c, b=2, c=3)) (1, 2, 3) """ kwargs = copy(kwargs) try: args = list(inspect.signature(function).parameters.keys()) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover return {} for key in set(kwargs.keys()) - set(args): kwargs.pop(key) return kwargs
[docs]def filter_mapping(mapping: Mapping, names: Union[str, Sequence[str]]) -> Dict: """ Filter given mapping with given names. Parameters ---------- mapping Mapping to filter. names Name for given mapping elements or a list of names. Returns ------- dict Filtered mapping elements. Notes ----- - If the mapping passed is a :class:`colour.utilities.CanonicalMapping` class instance, then the lower, slugified and canonical keys are also used for matching. - To honour the filterers ordering, the return value is a :class:`dict` class instance. Examples -------- >>> class Element: ... pass ... >>> mapping = { ... "Element A": Element(), ... "Element B": Element(), ... "Element C": Element(), ... "Not Element C": Element(), ... } >>> filter_mapping(mapping, "Element A") # doctest: +ELLIPSIS {'Element A': <colour.utilities.common.Element object at 0x...>} """ def filter_mapping_with_name(mapping: Mapping, name: str) -> Dict: """ Filter given mapping with given name. Parameters ---------- mapping Mapping to filter. name Name for given mapping elements. Returns ------- dict Filtered mapping elements. """ keys = list(mapping.keys()) if isinstance(mapping, CanonicalMapping): keys += list(mapping.lower_keys()) keys += list(mapping.slugified_keys()) keys += list(mapping.canonical_keys()) elements = [mapping[key] for key in keys if name == key] lookup = Lookup(mapping) return { lookup.first_key_from_value(element): element for element in elements } names = [str(names)] if is_string(names) else names filtered_mapping = {} for filterer in names: filtered_mapping.update(filter_mapping_with_name(mapping, filterer)) return filtered_mapping
[docs]def first_item(a: Iterable) -> Any: """ Return the first item of given iterable. Parameters ---------- a Iterable to get the first item from. Returns ------- :class:`object` Raises ------ :class:`StopIteration` If the iterable is empty. Examples -------- >>> a = range(10) >>> first_item(a) 0 """ return next(iter(a))
[docs]def copy_definition( definition: Callable, name: Optional[str] = None ) -> Callable: """ Copy a definition using the same code, globals, defaults, closure, and name. Parameters ---------- definition Definition to be copied. name Optional definition copy name. Returns ------- Callable Definition copy. """ copy = types.FunctionType( definition.__code__, definition.__globals__, str(name or definition.__name__), definition.__defaults__, definition.__closure__, ) copy.__dict__.update(definition.__dict__) return copy
[docs]def validate_method( method: str, valid_methods: Union[Sequence, Mapping], message: str = '"{0}" method is invalid, it must be one of {1}!', ) -> str: """ Validate whether given method exists in the given valid methods and returns the method lower cased. Parameters ---------- method Method to validate. valid_methods Valid methods. message Message for the exception. Returns ------- :class:`str` Method lower cased. Raises ------ :class:`ValueError` If the method does not exist. Examples -------- >>> validate_method("Valid", ["Valid", "Yes", "Ok"]) 'valid' """ valid_methods = [str(valid_method) for valid_method in valid_methods] method_lower = method.lower() if method_lower not in [ valid_method.lower() for valid_method in valid_methods ]: raise ValueError(message.format(method, valid_methods)) return method_lower
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs]def optional(value: Optional[T], default: T) -> T: """ Handle optional argument value by providing a default value. Parameters ---------- value Optional argument value. default Default argument value if ``value`` is *None*. Returns ------- T Argument value. Examples -------- >>> optional("Foo", "Bar") 'Foo' >>> optional(None, "Bar") 'Bar' """ if value is None: return default else: return value
[docs]def slugify(object_: Any, allow_unicode: Boolean = False) -> str: """ Generate a *SEO* friendly and human-readable slug from given object. Convert to ASCII if ``allow_unicode`` is *False*. Convert spaces or repeated dashes to single dashes. Remove characters that aren't alphanumerics, underscores, or hyphens. Convert to lowercase. Also strip leading and trailing whitespace, dashes, and underscores. Parameters ---------- object_ Object to convert to a slug. allow_unicode Whether to allow unicode characters in the generated slug. Returns ------- :class:`str` Generated slug. References ---------- :cite:`DjangoSoftwareFoundation2022` Examples -------- >>> slugify( ... " Jack & Jill like numbers 1,2,3 and 4 and silly characters ?%.$!/" ... ) 'jack-jill-like-numbers-123-and-4-and-silly-characters' """ value = str(object_) if allow_unicode: value = unicodedata.normalize("NFKC", value) else: value = ( unicodedata.normalize("NFKD", value) .encode("ascii", "ignore") .decode("ascii") ) value = re.sub(r"[^\w\s-]", "", value.lower()) return re.sub(r"[-\s]+", "-", value).strip("-_")