

Sets the plot boundaries.

Other Parameters:
  • bounding_box (array_like, optional) – Array defining current axes limits such bounding_box = (x min, x max, y min, y max).
  • x_tighten (bool, optional) – Whether to tighten the X axis limit. Default is False.
  • y_tighten (bool, optional) – Whether to tighten the Y axis limit. Default is False.
  • limits (array_like, optional) – Array defining current axes limits such as limits = (x limit min, x limit max, y limit min, y limit max). limits argument values are added to the margins argument values to define the final bounding box for the current axes.
  • margins (array_like, optional) – Array defining current axes margins such as margins = (x margin min, x margin max, y margin min, y margin max). margins argument values are added to the limits argument values to define the final bounding box for the current axes.

Current axes.

Return type:
