Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sony .spi1d LUT Format Input / Output Utilities

Defines *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT* Format related input / output utilities objects.

-   :func:``
-   :func:``

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.constants import DEFAULT_INT_DTYPE
from import LUT1D, LUT3x1D, LUTSequence
from import parse_array, path_to_title
from colour.utilities import as_float_array, usage_warning

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['read_LUT_SonySPI1D', 'write_LUT_SonySPI1D']

[docs]def read_LUT_SonySPI1D(path): """ Reads given *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT* file. Parameters ---------- path : unicode *LUT* path. Returns ------- LUT1D or LUT3x1D :class:`LUT1D` or :class:`LUT3x1D` class instance. Examples -------- Reading a 1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> import os >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources', 'sony_spi1d', ... 'eotf_sRGB_1D.spi1d') >>> print(read_LUT_SonySPI1D(path)) LUT1D - eotf sRGB 1D -------------------- <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 1 Domain : [-0.1 1.5] Size : (16,) Comment 01 : Generated by "Colour 0.3.11". Comment 02 : "colour.models.eotf_sRGB". Reading a 3x1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> path = os.path.join( ... os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests', 'resources', 'sony_spi1d', ... 'eotf_sRGB_3x1D.spi1d') >>> print(read_LUT_SonySPI1D(path)) LUT3x1D - eotf sRGB 3x1D ------------------------ <BLANKLINE> Dimensions : 2 Domain : [[-0.1 -0.1 -0.1] [ 1.5 1.5 1.5]] Size : (16, 3) Comment 01 : Generated by "Colour 0.3.11". Comment 02 : "colour.models.eotf_sRGB". """ title = path_to_title(path) domain_min, domain_max = np.array([0, 1]) dimensions = 1 table = [] comments = [] with open(path) as spi1d_file: lines = filter(None, (line.strip() for line in spi1d_file.readlines())) for line in lines: if line.startswith('#'): comments.append(line[1:].strip()) continue tokens = line.split() if tokens[0] == 'Version': continue if tokens[0] == 'From': domain_min, domain_max = parse_array(tokens[1:]) elif tokens[0] == 'Length': continue elif tokens[0] == 'Components': component = DEFAULT_INT_DTYPE(tokens[1]) assert component in (1, 3), ( 'Only 1 or 3 components are supported!') dimensions = 1 if component == 1 else 2 elif tokens[0] in ('{', '}'): continue else: table.append(parse_array(tokens)) table = as_float_array(table) if dimensions == 1: return LUT1D( np.squeeze(table), title, np.array([domain_min, domain_max]), comments=comments) elif dimensions == 2: return LUT3x1D( table, title, np.array([[domain_min, domain_min, domain_min], [domain_max, domain_max, domain_max]]), comments=comments)
[docs]def write_LUT_SonySPI1D(LUT, path, decimals=7): """ Writes given *LUT* to given *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT* file. Parameters ---------- LUT : LUT1D or LUT2d :class:`LUT1D`, :class:`LUT3x1D` or :class:`LUTSequence` class instance to write at given path. path : unicode *LUT* path. decimals : int, optional Formatting decimals. Returns ------- bool Definition success. Warning ------- - If a :class:`LUTSequence` class instance is passed as ``LUT``, the first *LUT* in the *LUT* sequence will be used. Examples -------- Writing a 1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> from colour.algebra import spow >>> domain = np.array([-0.1, 1.5]) >>> LUT = LUT1D( ... spow(LUT1D.linear_table(16), 1 / 2.2), ... 'My LUT', ... domain, ... comments=['A first comment.', 'A second comment.']) >>> write_LUT_SonySPI1D(LUT, 'My_LUT.cube') # doctest: +SKIP Writing a 3x1D *Sony* *.spi1d* *LUT*: >>> domain = np.array([[-0.1, -0.1, -0.1], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]]) >>> LUT = LUT3x1D( ... spow(LUT3x1D.linear_table(16), 1 / 2.2), ... 'My LUT', ... domain, ... comments=['A first comment.', 'A second comment.']) >>> write_LUT_SonySPI1D(LUT, 'My_LUT.cube') # doctest: +SKIP """ if isinstance(LUT, LUTSequence): LUT = LUT[0] usage_warning('"LUT" is a "LUTSequence" instance was passed, ' 'using first sequence "LUT":\n' '{0}'.format(LUT)) assert not LUT.is_domain_explicit(), '"LUT" domain must be implicit!' assert (isinstance(LUT, LUT1D) or isinstance( LUT, LUT3x1D)), ('"LUT" must be either a 1D or 3x1D "LUT"!') is_1D = isinstance(LUT, LUT1D) if is_1D: domain = LUT.domain else: domain = np.unique(LUT.domain) assert len(domain) == 2, 'Non-uniform "LUT" domain is unsupported!' def _format_array(array): """ Formats given array as a *Sony* *.spi1d* data row. """ return ' {1:0.{0}f} {2:0.{0}f} {3:0.{0}f}'.format(decimals, *array) with open(path, 'w') as spi1d_file: spi1d_file.write('Version 1\n') spi1d_file.write('From {1:0.{0}f} {2:0.{0}f}\n'.format( decimals, *domain)) spi1d_file.write('Length {0}\n'.format(LUT.table.size if is_1D else LUT.table.shape[0])) spi1d_file.write('Components {0}\n'.format(1 if is_1D else 3)) spi1d_file.write('{\n') for row in LUT.table: if is_1D: spi1d_file.write(' {1:0.{0}f}\n'.format(decimals, row)) else: spi1d_file.write('{0}\n'.format(_format_array(row))) spi1d_file.write('}\n') if LUT.comments: for comment in LUT.comments: spi1d_file.write('# {0}\n'.format(comment)) return True