Source code for colour.geometry.vertices

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Geometry Primitive Vertices

Defines various geometry primitive vertices generation methods:

-   :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`
-   :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`
-   :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`
-   :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`
-   :func:`colour.primitive_vertices`

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

import numpy as np

from colour.algebra import spherical_to_cartesian
from colour.geometry import PLANE_TO_AXIS_MAPPING
from colour.utilities import (CaseInsensitiveMapping, as_float_array,
                              filter_kwargs, full, ones, tsplit, tstack, zeros)

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'primitive_vertices_quad_mpl', 'primitive_vertices_grid_mpl',
    'primitive_vertices_cube_mpl', 'primitive_vertices_sphere',
    'PRIMITIVE_VERTICES_METHODS', 'primitive_vertices'

[docs]def primitive_vertices_quad_mpl(width=1, height=1, depth=0, origin=np.array([0, 0]), axis='+z'): """ Returns the vertices of a quad primitive for use with *Matplotlib* :class:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection` class. Parameters ---------- width: numeric, optional Quad width. height: numeric, optional Quad height. depth: numeric, optional Quad depth. origin: array_like, optional Quad origin on the construction plane. axis : array_like, optional **{'+z', '+x', '+y', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'}**, Axis the quad will be normal to, or plane the quad will be co-planar with. Returns ------- ndarray Quad primitive vertices. Examples -------- >>> primitive_vertices_quad_mpl() array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]]) """ axis = PLANE_TO_AXIS_MAPPING.get(axis, axis).lower() u, v = tsplit(origin) if axis == '+z': vertices = ((u, v, depth), (u + width, v, depth), (u + width, v + height, depth), (u, v + height, depth)) elif axis == '+y': vertices = ((u, depth, v), (u + width, depth, v), (u + width, depth, v + height), (u, depth, v + height)) elif axis == '+x': vertices = ((depth, u, v), (depth, u + width, v), (depth, u + width, v + height), (depth, u, v + height)) else: raise ValueError('Axis must be one of "{0}"!'.format( ['+x', '+y', '+z'])) return as_float_array(vertices)
[docs]def primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width=1, height=1, depth=0, width_segments=1, height_segments=1, origin=np.array([0, 0]), axis='+z'): """ Returns the vertices of a grid primitive made of quad primitives for use with *Matplotlib* :class:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection` class. Parameters ---------- width: numeric, optional Grid width. height: numeric, optional Grid height. depth: numeric, optional Grid depth. width_segments: int, optional Grid width segments, quad primitive counts along the width. height_segments: int, optional Grid height segments, quad primitive counts along the height. origin: array_like, optional Grid origin on the construction plane. axis : array_like, optional **{'+z', '+x', '+y', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'}**, Axis the grid will be normal to, or plane the grid will be co-planar with. Returns ------- ndarray Grid primitive vertices. Examples -------- >>> primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width_segments=2, height_segments=2) array([[[ 0. , 0. , 0. ], [ 0.5, 0. , 0. ], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 0. , 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0. , 0.5, 0. ], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 0.5, 1. , 0. ], [ 0. , 1. , 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.5, 0. , 0. ], [ 1. , 0. , 0. ], [ 1. , 0.5, 0. ], [ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.5, 0.5, 0. ], [ 1. , 0.5, 0. ], [ 1. , 1. , 0. ], [ 0.5, 1. , 0. ]]]) """ u, v = tsplit(origin) w_x, h_y = width / width_segments, height / height_segments quads = [] for i in range(width_segments): for j in range(height_segments): quads.append( primitive_vertices_quad_mpl(w_x, h_y, depth, (i * w_x + u, j * h_y + v), axis)) return as_float_array(quads)
[docs]def primitive_vertices_cube_mpl(width=1, height=1, depth=1, width_segments=1, height_segments=1, depth_segments=1, origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]), planes=None): """ Returns the vertices of a cube primitive made of grid primitives for use with *Matplotlib* :class:`mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection` class. Parameters ---------- width : float, optional Cube width. height : float, optional Cube height. depth : float, optional Cube depth. width_segments : int, optional Cube segments count along the width. height_segments : float, optional Cube segments count along the height. depth_segments : float, optional Cube segments count along the depth. origin : array_like, optional Cube origin. planes : array_like, optional **{'-x', '+x', '-y', '+y', '-z', '+z', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'yx', 'zx', 'zy'}**, Grid primitives to include in the cube construction. Returns ------- ndarray Cube primitive vertices. Examples -------- >>> primitive_vertices_cube_mpl() array([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 0., 1., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 0., 1., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 1.]]]) """ planes = (sorted(list( PLANE_TO_AXIS_MAPPING.values())) if planes is None else [ PLANE_TO_AXIS_MAPPING.get(plane, plane).lower() for plane in planes ]) u, v, w = tsplit(origin) w_s, h_s, d_s = width_segments, height_segments, depth_segments grids = [] if '-z' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width, depth, v, w_s, d_s, (u, w), '+z')) if '+z' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width, depth, v + height, w_s, d_s, (u, w), '+z')) if '-y' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width, height, w, w_s, h_s, (u, v), '+y')) if '+y' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(width, height, w + depth, w_s, h_s, (u, v), '+y')) if '-x' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(depth, height, u, d_s, h_s, (w, v), '+x')) if '+x' in planes: grids.extend( primitive_vertices_grid_mpl(depth, height, u + width, d_s, h_s, (w, v), '+x')) return as_float_array(grids)
[docs]def primitive_vertices_sphere(radius=0.5, segments=8, intermediate=False, origin=np.array([0, 0, 0]), axis='+z'): """ Returns the vertices of a latitude-longitude sphere primitive. Parameters ---------- radius: numeric, optional Sphere radius. segments: numeric, optional Latitude-longitude segments, if the ``intermediate`` argument is *True*, then the sphere will have one less segment along its longitude. intermediate: bool, optional Whether to generate the sphere vertices at the center of the faces outlined by the segments of a regular sphere generated without the ``intermediate`` argument set to *True*. The resulting sphere is inscribed on the regular sphere faces but possesses the same poles. origin: array_like, optional Sphere origin on the construction plane. axis : array_like, optional **{'+z', '+x', '+y', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'}**, Axis (or normal of the plane) the poles of the sphere will be aligned with. Returns ------- ndarray Sphere primitive vertices. Notes ----- - The sphere poles have latitude segments count - 1 co-located vertices. Examples -------- >>> primitive_vertices_sphere(segments=4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ -3.5355339...e-01, -4.3297802...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01], [ -5.0000000...e-01, -6.1232340...e-17, 3.0616170...e-17], [ -3.5355339...e-01, -4.3297802...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01], [ -6.1232340...e-17, -7.4987989...e-33, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 2.1648901...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.0616170...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 2.1648901...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.7493994...e-33, -6.1232340...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 3.5355339...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 5.0000000...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 3.5355339...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 6.1232340...e-17, 0.0000000...e+00, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 2.1648901...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.0616170...e-17, 5.0000000...e-01, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 2.1648901...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.7493994...e-33, 6.1232340...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01]]]) """ axis = PLANE_TO_AXIS_MAPPING.get(axis, axis).lower() if not intermediate: theta = np.tile( np.radians(np.linspace(0, 180, segments + 1)), (segments + 1, 1)) phi = np.transpose( np.tile( np.radians(np.linspace(-180, 180, segments + 1)), (segments + 1, 1))) else: theta = np.tile( np.radians(np.linspace(0, 180, segments * 2 + 1)[1::2][1:-1]), (segments + 1, 1)) theta = np.hstack([ zeros([segments + 1, 1]), theta, full([segments + 1, 1], np.pi), ]) phi = np.transpose( np.tile( np.radians(np.linspace(-180, 180, segments + 1)) + np.radians( 360 / segments / 2), (segments, 1))) rho = ones(phi.shape) * radius rho_theta_phi = tstack([rho, theta, phi]) vertices = spherical_to_cartesian(rho_theta_phi) # Removing extra longitude vertices. vertices = vertices[:-1, :, :] if axis == '+z': pass elif axis == '+y': vertices = np.roll(vertices, 2, -1) elif axis == '+x': vertices = np.roll(vertices, 1, -1) else: raise ValueError('Axis must be one of "{0}"!'.format( ['+x', '+y', '+z'])) vertices += origin return vertices
PRIMITIVE_VERTICES_METHODS = CaseInsensitiveMapping({ 'Quad MPL': primitive_vertices_quad_mpl, 'Grid MPL': primitive_vertices_grid_mpl, 'Cube MPL': primitive_vertices_cube_mpl, 'Sphere': primitive_vertices_sphere, }) PRIMITIVE_VERTICES_METHODS.__doc__ = """ Supported geometry primitive vertices generation methods. PRIMITIVE_VERTICES_METHODS : CaseInsensitiveMapping **{'Cube MPL', 'Quad MPL', 'Grid MPL', 'Sphere'}** """
[docs]def primitive_vertices(method='Cube MPL', **kwargs): """ Returns the vertices of a geometry primitive using given method. Parameters ---------- method : unicode, optional **{'Cube MPL', 'Quad MPL', 'Grid MPL', 'Sphere'}**, Vertices generation method. Other Parameters ---------------- origin : unicode, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`}, Primitive origin on the construction plane. axis : array_like, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`}, **{'+z', '+x', '+y', 'yz', 'xz', 'xy'}**, Axis the primitive will be normal to, or plane the primitive will be co-planar with. planes : array_like, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, **{'-x', '+x', '-y', '+y', '-z', '+z', 'xy', 'xz', 'yz', 'yx', 'zx', 'zy'}**, Included grid primitives in the cube construction. width : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive width. height : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive height. depth : numeric, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_quad_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive depth. radius: numeric, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`}, Sphere radius. segments : int, optional, {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`}, Latitude-longitude segments, if the ``intermediate`` argument is *True*, then the sphere will have one less segment along its longitude. intermediate: bool, optional {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_sphere`}, Whether to generate the sphere vertices at the center of the faces outlined by the segments of a regular sphere generated without the ``intermediate`` argument set to *True*. The resulting sphere is inscribed on the regular sphere faces but possesses the same poles. width_segments {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive width segments, quad primitive counts along the width. height_segments {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive height segments, quad primitive counts along the height. depth_segments {:func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_grid_mpl`, :func:`colour.geometry.primitive_vertices_cube_mpl`}, Primitive depth segments, quad primitive counts along the depth. Returns ------- ndarray Primitive vertices. Examples -------- >>> primitive_vertices() array([[[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 1.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 0., 1., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 0., 1., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 1.], [ 0., 0., 1.]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 1., 1., 1.], [ 1., 0., 1.]]]) >>> primitive_vertices('Quad MPL') array([[ 0., 0., 0.], [ 1., 0., 0.], [ 1., 1., 0.], [ 0., 1., 0.]]) >>> primitive_vertices('Sphere', segments=4) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([[[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ -3.5355339...e-01, -4.3297802...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01], [ -5.0000000...e-01, -6.1232340...e-17, 3.0616170...e-17], [ -3.5355339...e-01, -4.3297802...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01], [ -6.1232340...e-17, -7.4987989...e-33, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 2.1648901...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.0616170...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 2.1648901...e-17, -3.5355339...e-01, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.7493994...e-33, -6.1232340...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 3.5355339...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 5.0000000...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 3.5355339...e-01, 0.0000000...e+00, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 6.1232340...e-17, 0.0000000...e+00, -5.0000000...e-01]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 0.0000000...e+00, 0.0000000...e+00, 5.0000000...e-01], [ 2.1648901...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01, 3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.0616170...e-17, 5.0000000...e-01, 3.0616170...e-17], [ 2.1648901...e-17, 3.5355339...e-01, -3.5355339...e-01], [ 3.7493994...e-33, 6.1232340...e-17, -5.0000000...e-01]]]) """ function = PRIMITIVE_VERTICES_METHODS[method] return function(**filter_kwargs(function, **kwargs))