Source code for colour.models.cie_luv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
CIE L*u*v* Colourspace

Defines the *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace transformations:

-   :func:`colour.XYZ_to_Luv`
-   :func:`colour.Luv_to_XYZ`
-   :func:`colour.Luv_to_uv`
-   :func:`colour.uv_to_Luv`
-   :func:`colour.Luv_uv_to_xy`
-   :func:`colour.xy_to_Luv_uv`
-   :func:`colour.Luv_to_LCHuv`
-   :func:`colour.LCHuv_to_Luv`

-   :cite:`CIETC1-482004j` : CIE TC 1-48. (2004). CIE 1976 uniform
    chromaticity scale diagram (UCS diagram). In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd
    Edition (p. 24). ISBN:978-3-901906-33-6
-   :cite:`CIETC1-482004m` : CIE TC 1-48. (2004). CIE 1976 uniform colour
    spaces. In CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd Edition (p. 24).
-   :cite:`Wikipedia2007b` : Wikipedia. (2007). CIELUV. Retrieved February 24,
    2014, from
-   :cite:`Wikipedia2007d` : Wikipedia. (2007). The reverse transformation.
    Retrieved February 24, 2014, from

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals

from colour.colorimetry import (CCS_ILLUMINANTS, lightness_CIE1976,
from colour.models import xy_to_xyY, xyY_to_XYZ, Jab_to_JCh, JCh_to_Jab
from colour.utilities import (domain_range_scale, from_range_1, from_range_100,
                              full, to_domain_1, to_domain_100, tsplit, tstack)

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'XYZ_to_Luv', 'Luv_to_XYZ', 'Luv_to_uv', 'uv_to_Luv', 'Luv_uv_to_xy',
    'xy_to_Luv_uv', 'Luv_to_LCHuv', 'LCHuv_to_Luv'

[docs]def XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ, illuminant=CCS_ILLUMINANTS[ 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']['D65']): """ Converts from *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace. Parameters ---------- XYZ : array_like *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. illuminant : array_like, optional Reference *illuminant* *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates or *CIE xyY* colourspace array. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. Notes ----- +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | ``illuminant`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004m`, :cite:`Wikipedia2007b` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> XYZ_to_Luv(XYZ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 41.5278752..., 96.8362605..., 17.7521014...]) """ X, Y, Z = tsplit(to_domain_1(XYZ)) X_r, Y_r, Z_r = tsplit(xyY_to_XYZ(xy_to_xyY(illuminant))) with domain_range_scale('100'): L = lightness_CIE1976(Y, Y_r) X_Y_Z = X + 15 * Y + 3 * Z X_r_Y_r_Z_r = X_r + 15 * Y_r + 3 * Z_r u = (13 * L * ((4 * X / X_Y_Z) - (4 * X_r / X_r_Y_r_Z_r))) v = (13 * L * ((9 * Y / X_Y_Z) - (9 * Y_r / X_r_Y_r_Z_r))) Luv = tstack([L, u, v]) return from_range_100(Luv)
[docs]def Luv_to_XYZ(Luv, illuminant=CCS_ILLUMINANTS[ 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']['D65']): """ Converts from *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace to *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Parameters ---------- Luv : array_like *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. illuminant : array_like, optional Reference *illuminant* *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates or *CIE xyY* colourspace array. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Notes ----- +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | ``illuminant`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``XYZ`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004m`, :cite:`Wikipedia2007b` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> Luv = np.array([41.52787529, 96.83626054, 17.75210149]) >>> Luv_to_XYZ(Luv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.2065400..., 0.1219722..., 0.0513695...]) """ L, u, v = tsplit(to_domain_100(Luv)) X_r, Y_r, Z_r = tsplit(xyY_to_XYZ(xy_to_xyY(illuminant))) with domain_range_scale('100'): Y = luminance_CIE1976(L, Y_r) a = 1 / 3 * ( (52 * L / (u + 13 * L * (4 * X_r / (X_r + 15 * Y_r + 3 * Z_r)))) - 1) b = -5 * Y c = -1 / 3.0 d = Y * (39 * L / (v + 13 * L * (9 * Y_r / (X_r + 15 * Y_r + 3 * Z_r))) - 5) X = (d - b) / (a - c) Z = X * a + b XYZ = tstack([X, Y, Z]) return from_range_1(XYZ)
[docs]def Luv_to_uv(Luv, illuminant=CCS_ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] ['D65']): """ Returns the :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates from given *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. Parameters ---------- Luv : array_like *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. illuminant : array_like, optional Reference *illuminant* *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates or *CIE xyY* colourspace array. Returns ------- ndarray :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates. Notes ----- +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | ``illuminant`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004j` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> Luv = np.array([41.52787529, 96.83626054, 17.75210149]) >>> Luv_to_uv(Luv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.3772021..., 0.5012026...]) """ Luv = to_domain_100(Luv) X, Y, Z = tsplit(Luv_to_XYZ(Luv, illuminant)) X_Y_Z = X + 15 * Y + 3 * Z uv = tstack([4 * X / X_Y_Z, 9 * Y / X_Y_Z]) return uv
[docs]def uv_to_Luv(uv, illuminant=CCS_ILLUMINANTS['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] ['D65'], Y=1): """ Returns the *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array from given :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates by extending the array last dimension with given :math:`L` *Lightness*. Parameters ---------- uv : array_like :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates. illuminant : array_like, optional Reference *illuminant* *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates or *CIE xyY* colourspace array. Y : numeric, optional Optional :math:`Y` *luminance* value used to construct the intermediate *CIE XYZ* colourspace array, the default :math:`Y` *luminance* value is 1. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. Notes ----- +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +================+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | ``illuminant`` | [0, 1] | [0, 1] | +----------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004j` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> uv = np.array([0.37720213, 0.50120264]) >>> uv_to_Luv(uv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 100. , 233.1837603..., 42.7474385...]) """ u, v = tsplit(uv) Y = to_domain_1(Y) X = 9 * u / (4 * v) Z = (-5 * Y * v - 3 * u / 4 + 3) / v Y = full(u.shape, Y) return XYZ_to_Luv(from_range_1(tstack([X, Y, Z])), illuminant)
[docs]def Luv_uv_to_xy(uv): """ Returns the *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates from given *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates. Parameters ---------- uv : array_like *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\* u"v"* chromaticity coordinates. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates. References ---------- :cite:`Wikipedia2007d` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> uv = np.array([0.37720213, 0.50120264]) >>> Luv_uv_to_xy(uv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.5436955..., 0.3210794...]) """ u, v = tsplit(uv) d = 6 * u - 16 * v + 12 xy = tstack([9 * u / d, 4 * v / d]) return xy
[docs]def xy_to_Luv_uv(xy): """ Returns the *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace :math:`uv^p` chromaticity coordinates from given *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates. Parameters ---------- xy : array_like *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\* u"v"* chromaticity coordinates. References ---------- :cite:`Wikipedia2007b` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> xy = np.array([0.54369558, 0.32107944]) >>> xy_to_Luv_uv(xy) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.3772021..., 0.5012026...]) """ x, y = tsplit(xy) d = -2 * x + 12 * y + 3 uv = tstack([4 * x / d, 9 * y / d]) return uv
[docs]def Luv_to_LCHuv(Luv): """ Converts from *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace to *CIE L\\*C\\*Huv* colourspace. Parameters ---------- Luv : array_like *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE L\\*C\\*Huv* colourspace array. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ +------------+-----------------------+------------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+==================+ | ``LCHuv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``C`` : [0, 100] | ``C`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``Huv`` : [0, 360] | ``Huv`` : [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+------------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004m` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> Luv = np.array([41.52787529, 96.83626054, 17.75210149]) >>> Luv_to_LCHuv(Luv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 41.5278752..., 98.4499795..., 10.3881634...]) """ return Jab_to_JCh(Luv)
[docs]def LCHuv_to_Luv(LCHuv): """ Converts from *CIE L\\*C\\*Huv* colourspace to *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace. Parameters ---------- LCHuv : array_like *CIE L\\*C\\*Huv* colourspace array. Returns ------- ndarray *CIE L\\*u\\*v\\** colourspace array. Notes ----- +------------+-----------------------+------------------+ | **Domain** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+==================+ | ``LCHuv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``C`` : [0, 100] | ``C`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``Huv`` : [0, 360] | ``Huv`` : [0, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+------------------+ +------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ | **Range** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** | +============+=======================+=================+ | ``Luv`` | ``L`` : [0, 100] | ``L`` : [0, 1] | | | | | | | ``u`` : [-100, 100] | ``u`` : [-1, 1] | | | | | | | ``v`` : [-100, 100] | ``v`` : [-1, 1] | +------------+-----------------------+-----------------+ References ---------- :cite:`CIETC1-482004m` Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> LCHuv = np.array([41.52787529, 98.44997950, 10.38816348]) >>> LCHuv_to_Luv(LCHuv) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 41.5278752..., 96.8362605..., 17.7521014...]) """ return JCh_to_Jab(LCHuv)