Source code for colour.plotting.corresponding

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Corresponding Chromaticities Prediction Plotting

Defines corresponding chromaticities prediction plotting objects:

-   :func:`colour.plotting.plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction`

from __future__ import division

from colour.corresponding import corresponding_chromaticities_prediction
from colour.plotting import (CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE, artist,
                             override_style, render)
from colour.utilities import is_numeric

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = ['plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction']

[docs]@override_style() def plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction(experiment=1, model='Von Kries', transform='CAT02', **kwargs): """ Plots given chromatic adaptation model corresponding chromaticities prediction. Parameters ---------- experiment : integer or CorrespondingColourDataset, optional {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12} *Breneman (1987)* experiment number or :class:`colour.CorrespondingColourDataset` class instance. model : unicode, optional Corresponding chromaticities prediction model name. transform : unicode, optional Transformation to use with *Von Kries* chromatic adaptation model. Other Parameters ---------------- \\**kwargs : dict, optional {:func:`colour.plotting.artist`, :func:`colour.plotting.diagrams.plot_chromaticity_diagram`, :func:`colour.plotting.render`}, Please refer to the documentation of the previously listed definitions. Returns ------- tuple Current figure and axes. Examples -------- >>> plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction(1, 'Von Kries', 'CAT02') ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (<Figure size ... with 1 Axes>, <...AxesSubplot...>) .. image:: ../_static/Plotting_\ Plot_Corresponding_Chromaticities_Prediction.png :align: center :alt: plot_corresponding_chromaticities_prediction """ settings = {'uniform': True} settings.update(kwargs) _figure, axes = artist(**settings) name = ('Experiment {0}'.format(experiment) if is_numeric(experiment) else title = (('Corresponding Chromaticities Prediction - {0} ({1}) - {2} - ' 'CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram').format( model, transform, name) if model.lower() in ('von kries', 'vonkries') else ('Corresponding Chromaticities Prediction - {0} - {1} - ' 'CIE 1976 UCS Chromaticity Diagram').format(model, name)) settings = {'axes': axes, 'title': title} settings.update(kwargs) settings['standalone'] = False plot_chromaticity_diagram_CIE1976UCS(**settings) results = corresponding_chromaticities_prediction( experiment, transform=transform) for result in results: _name, uv_t, uv_m, uv_p = result axes.arrow( uv_t[0], uv_t[1], uv_p[0] - uv_t[0] - 0.1 * (uv_p[0] - uv_t[0]), uv_p[1] - uv_t[1] - 0.1 * (uv_p[1] - uv_t[1]), color=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.dark, head_width=0.005, head_length=0.005) axes.plot( uv_t[0], uv_t[1], 'o', color=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.brightest, markeredgecolor=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.dark, markersize=(CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 6 + CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 0.75), markeredgewidth=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 0.75) axes.plot( uv_m[0], uv_m[1], '^', color=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.brightest, markeredgecolor=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.dark, markersize=(CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 6 + CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 0.75), markeredgewidth=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.geometry.short * 0.75) axes.plot( uv_p[0], uv_p[1], '^', color=CONSTANTS_COLOUR_STYLE.colour.dark) settings.update({ 'standalone': True, 'bounding_box': (-0.1, 0.7, -0.1, 0.7), }) settings.update(kwargs) return render(**settings)