Source code for colour.recovery.jakob2019

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Jakob and Hanika (2019) - Reflectance Recovery

Defines objects for reflectance recovery, i.e. spectral upsampling, using
*Jakob and Hanika (2019)* method:

-   :func:`colour.recovery.sd_Jakob2019`
-   :func:`colour.recovery.find_coefficients_Jakob2019`
-   :func:`colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019`
-   :class:`colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019`

-   :cite:`Jakob2019` : Jakob, W., & Hanika, J. (2019). A Low‐Dimensional
    Function Space for Efficient Spectral Upsampling. Computer Graphics Forum,
    38(2), 147-155. doi:10.1111/cgf.13626

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import struct
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from scipy.interpolate import RegularGridInterpolator

from colour import SDS_ILLUMINANTS
from colour.algebra import spow, smoothstep_function
from colour.colorimetry import (
    MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER, SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape,
    intermediate_lightness_function_CIE1976, sd_to_XYZ)
from colour.difference import JND_CIE1976
from colour.models import XYZ_to_xy, XYZ_to_Lab, RGB_to_XYZ
from colour.utilities import (as_float_array, domain_range_scale, full,
                              index_along_last_axis, is_tqdm_installed,
                              message_box, to_domain_1, runtime_warning, zeros)
    from unittest import mock
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import mock
if is_tqdm_installed():
    from tqdm import tqdm
    tqdm = mock.MagicMock()

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019', 'StopMinimizationEarly', 'sd_Jakob2019',
    'error_function', 'dimensionalise_coefficients', 'lightness_scale',
    'find_coefficients_Jakob2019', 'XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019', 'LUT3D_Jakob2019'

SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019 = SpectralShape(360, 780, 5)
Spectral shape for *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* method.

SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019 : SpectralShape

class StopMinimizationEarly(Exception):
    The exception used to stop :func:`scipy.optimize.minimize` once the
    value of the minimized function is small enough. *SciPy* doesn't currently
    offer a better way of doing it.

    -   :attr:`~colour.recovery.jakob2019.StopMinimizationEarly.coefficients`
    -   :attr:`~colour.recovery.jakob2019.StopMinimizationEarly.error`

    def __init__(self, coefficients, error):
        self._coefficients = coefficients
        self._error = error

    def coefficients(self):
        Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* exception

            *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* exception coefficients.

        return self._coefficients

    def error(self):
        Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* exception error

            *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* exception coefficients.

        return self._error

[docs]def sd_Jakob2019(coefficients, shape=SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019): """ Returns a spectral distribution following the spectral model given by *Jakob and Hanika (2019)*. Parameters ---------- coefficients : array_like Dimensionless coefficients for *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* reflectance spectral model. shape : SpectralShape, optional Shape used by the spectral distribution. Returns ------- SpectralDistribution *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* spectral distribution. References ---------- :cite:`Jakob2019` Examples -------- >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... sd_Jakob2019([-9e-05, 8.5e-02, -20], SpectralShape(400, 700, 20)) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS SpectralDistribution([[ 400. , 0.3143046...], [ 420. , 0.4133320...], [ 440. , 0.4880034...], [ 460. , 0.5279562...], [ 480. , 0.5319346...], [ 500. , 0.5 ...], [ 520. , 0.4326202...], [ 540. , 0.3373544...], [ 560. , 0.2353056...], [ 580. , 0.1507665...], [ 600. , 0.0931332...], [ 620. , 0.0577434...], [ 640. , 0.0367011...], [ 660. , 0.0240879...], [ 680. , 0.0163316...], [ 700. , 0.0114118...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) """ c_0, c_1, c_2 = as_float_array(coefficients) wl = shape.range() U = c_0 * wl ** 2 + c_1 * wl + c_2 R = 1 / 2 + U / (2 * np.sqrt(1 + U ** 2)) name = '{0} (COEFF) - Jakob (2019)'.format(coefficients) return SpectralDistribution(R, wl, name=name)
def error_function(coefficients, target, cmfs, illuminant, max_error=None, additional_data=False): """ Computes :math:`\\Delta E_{76}` between the target colour and the colour defined by given spectral model, along with its gradient. Parameters ---------- coefficients : array_like Dimensionless coefficients for *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* reflectance spectral model. target : array_like, (3,) *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colourspace array of the target colour. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution Illuminant spectral distribution. max_error : float, optional Raise ``StopMinimizationEarly`` if the error is smaller than this. The default is *None* and the function doesn't raise anything. additional_data : bool, optional If *True*, some intermediate calculations are returned, for use in correctness tests: R, XYZ and Lab. Returns ------- error : float The computed :math:`\\Delta E_{76}` error. derror : ndarray, (3,) The gradient of error, i.e. the first derivatives of error with respect to the input coefficients. R : ndarray Computed spectral reflectance. XYZ : ndarray, (3,) *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values corresponding to ``R``. Lab : ndarray, (3,) *CIE L\\*a\\*b\\** colourspace array corresponding to ``XYZ``. Raises ------ StopMinimizationEarly Raised when the error is below ``max_error``. """ c_0, c_1, c_2 = as_float_array(coefficients) wv = np.linspace(0, 1, len(cmfs.shape)) U = c_0 * wv ** 2 + c_1 * wv + c_2 t1 = np.sqrt(1 + U ** 2) R = 1 / 2 + U / (2 * t1) t2 = 1 / (2 * t1) - U ** 2 / (2 * t1 ** 3) dR = np.array([wv ** 2 * t2, wv * t2, t2]) E = illuminant.values * R dE = illuminant.values * dR dw = cmfs.wavelengths[1] - cmfs.wavelengths[0] k = 1 / (np.sum(cmfs.values[:, 1] * illuminant.values) * dw) XYZ = k *, cmfs.values) * dw dXYZ = np.transpose(k *, cmfs.values) * dw) XYZ_n = sd_to_XYZ(illuminant, cmfs) XYZ_n /= XYZ_n[1] XYZ_XYZ_n = XYZ / XYZ_n XYZ_f = intermediate_lightness_function_CIE1976(XYZ, XYZ_n) dXYZ_f = np.where( XYZ_XYZ_n[..., np.newaxis] > (24 / 116) ** 3, 1 / (3 * spow(XYZ_n[..., np.newaxis], 1 / 3) * spow( XYZ[..., np.newaxis], 2 / 3)) * dXYZ, (841 / 108) * dXYZ / XYZ_n[..., np.newaxis], ) def intermediate_XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ_i, offset=16): """ Returns the final intermediate value for the *CIE Lab* to *CIE XYZ* conversion. """ return np.array([ 116 * XYZ_i[1] - offset, 500 * (XYZ_i[0] - XYZ_i[1]), 200 * (XYZ_i[1] - XYZ_i[2]) ]) Lab_i = intermediate_XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ_f) dLab_i = intermediate_XYZ_to_Lab(dXYZ_f, 0) error = np.sqrt(np.sum((Lab_i - target) ** 2)) if max_error is not None and error <= max_error: raise StopMinimizationEarly(coefficients, error) derror = np.sum( dLab_i * (Lab_i[..., np.newaxis] - target[..., np.newaxis]), axis=0) / error if additional_data: return error, derror, R, XYZ, Lab_i else: return error, derror def dimensionalise_coefficients(coefficients, shape): """ Rescales the dimensionless coefficients to given spectral shape. A dimensionless form of the reflectance spectral model is used in the optimisation process. Instead of the usual spectral shape, specified in nanometers, it is normalised to the [0, 1] range. A side effect is that computed coefficients work only with the normalised range and need to be rescaled to regain units and be compatible with standard shapes. Parameters ---------- coefficients : array_like, (3,) Dimensionless coefficients. shape : SpectralShape Spectral distribution shape used in calculations. Returns ------- ndarray, (3,) Dimensionful coefficients, with units of :math:`\\frac{1}{\\mathrm{nm}^2}`, :math:`\\frac{1}{\\mathrm{nm}}` and 1, respectively. """ cp_0, cp_1, cp_2 = coefficients span = shape.end - shape.start c_0 = cp_0 / span ** 2 c_1 = cp_1 / span - 2 * cp_0 * shape.start / span ** 2 c_2 = ( cp_0 * shape.start ** 2 / span ** 2 - cp_1 * shape.start / span + cp_2) return np.array([c_0, c_1, c_2]) def lightness_scale(steps): """ Creates a non-linear lightness scale, as described in *Jakob and Hanika (2019)*. The spacing between very dark and very bright (and saturated) colours is made smaller, because in those regions coefficients tend to change rapidly and a finer resolution is needed. Parameters ---------- steps : int Samples/steps count along the non-linear lightness scale. Returns ------- ndarray Non-linear lightness scale. Examples -------- >>> lightness_scale(5) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0. , 0.0656127..., 0.5 , 0.9343872..., \ 1. ]) """ linear = np.linspace(0, 1, steps) return smoothstep_function(smoothstep_function(linear))
[docs]def find_coefficients_Jakob2019( XYZ, cmfs=MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] .copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), illuminant=SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), coefficients_0=zeros(3), max_error=JND_CIE1976 / 100, dimensionalise=True): """ Computes the coefficients for *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* reflectance spectral model. Parameters ---------- XYZ : array_like, (3,) *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to find the coefficients for. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution Illuminant spectral distribution. coefficients_0 : array_like, (3,), optional Starting coefficients for the solver. max_error : float, optional Maximal acceptable error. Set higher to save computational time. If *None*, the solver will keep going until it is very close to the minimum. The default is ``ACCEPTABLE_DELTA_E``. dimensionalise : bool, optional If *True*, returned coefficients are dimensionful and will not work correctly if fed back as ``coefficients_0``. The default is *True*. Returns ------- coefficients : ndarray, (3,) Computed coefficients that best fit the given colour. error : float :math:`\\Delta E_{76}` between the target colour and the colour corresponding to the computed coefficients. References ---------- :cite:`Jakob2019` Examples -------- >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> find_coefficients_Jakob2019(XYZ) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS (array([ 1.3723791...e-04, -1.3514399...e-01, 3.0838973...e+01]), \ 0.0141941...) """ shape = cmfs.shape if illuminant.shape != shape: runtime_warning( 'Aligning "{0}" illuminant shape to "{1}" colour matching ' 'functions shape.'.format(, illuminant = illuminant.copy().align(cmfs.shape) def optimize(target_o, coefficients_0_o): """ Minimises the error function using *L-BFGS-B* method. """ try: result = minimize( error_function, coefficients_0_o, (target_o, cmfs, illuminant, max_error), method='L-BFGS-B', jac=True) return result.x, except StopMinimizationEarly as error: return error.coefficients, error.error xy_n = XYZ_to_xy(sd_to_XYZ(illuminant, cmfs)) XYZ_good = full(3, 0.5) coefficients_good = zeros(3) divisions = 3 while divisions < 10: XYZ_r = XYZ_good coefficient_r = coefficients_good keep_divisions = False coefficients_0 = coefficient_r for i in range(1, divisions): XYZ_i = (XYZ - XYZ_r) * i / (divisions - 1) + XYZ_r Lab_i = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ_i) coefficients_0, error = optimize(Lab_i, coefficients_0) if error > max_error: break else: XYZ_good = XYZ_i coefficients_good = coefficients_0 keep_divisions = True else: break if not keep_divisions: divisions += 2 target = XYZ_to_Lab(XYZ, xy_n) coefficients, error = optimize(target, coefficients_0) if dimensionalise: coefficients = dimensionalise_coefficients(coefficients, shape) return coefficients, error
[docs]def XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019( XYZ, cmfs=MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] .copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), illuminant=SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), optimisation_kwargs=None, additional_data=False): """ Recovers the spectral distribution of given RGB colourspace array using *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* method. Parameters ---------- XYZ : array_like, (3,) *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to recover the spectral distribution from. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution Illuminant spectral distribution. optimisation_kwargs : dict_like, optional Parameters for :func:`colour.recovery.find_coefficients_Jakob2019` definition. additional_data : bool, optional If *True*, ``error`` will be returned alongside ``sd``. Returns ------- sd : SpectralDistribution Recovered spectral distribution. error : float :math:`\\Delta E_{76}` between the target colour and the colour corresponding to the computed coefficients. References ---------- :cite:`Jakob2019` Examples -------- >>> from colour.colorimetry import CCS_ILLUMINANTS, sd_to_XYZ_integration >>> from colour.models import XYZ_to_sRGB >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> sd = XYZ_to_sd_Jakob2019(XYZ, cmfs, illuminant) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility. ... sd # doctest: +SKIP SpectralDistribution([[ 360. , 0.4884502...], [ 370. , 0.3251871...], [ 380. , 0.2144337...], [ 390. , 0.1480663...], [ 400. , 0.1085298...], [ 410. , 0.0840835...], [ 420. , 0.0682934...], [ 430. , 0.0577098...], [ 440. , 0.0504300...], [ 450. , 0.0453634...], [ 460. , 0.0418635...], [ 470. , 0.0395397...], [ 480. , 0.0381585...], [ 490. , 0.0375912...], [ 500. , 0.0377870...], [ 510. , 0.0387631...], [ 520. , 0.0406086...], [ 530. , 0.0435015...], [ 540. , 0.0477476...], [ 550. , 0.0538528...], [ 560. , 0.0626607...], [ 570. , 0.0756177...], [ 580. , 0.0952978...], [ 590. , 0.1264501...], [ 600. , 0.1779277...], [ 610. , 0.2648782...], [ 620. , 0.4037993...], [ 630. , 0.5829234...], [ 640. , 0.7442651...], [ 650. , 0.8497961...], [ 660. , 0.9093483...], [ 670. , 0.9424527...], [ 680. , 0.9615805...], [ 690. , 0.9732085...], [ 700. , 0.9806277...], [ 710. , 0.9855663...], [ 720. , 0.9889743...], [ 730. , 0.9913993...], [ 740. , 0.9931703...], [ 750. , 0.9944931...], [ 760. , 0.9955002...], [ 770. , 0.9962802...], [ 780. , 0.9968932...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd, cmfs, illuminant) / 100 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.2065841..., 0.1220125..., 0.0514023...]) """ XYZ = to_domain_1(XYZ) if optimisation_kwargs is None: optimisation_kwargs = {} with domain_range_scale('ignore'): coefficients, error = find_coefficients_Jakob2019( XYZ, cmfs, illuminant, **optimisation_kwargs) sd = sd_Jakob2019(coefficients, cmfs.shape) = '{0} (XYZ) - Jakob (2019)'.format(XYZ) if additional_data: return sd, error else: return sd
[docs]class LUT3D_Jakob2019(object): """ Class for working with pre-computed lookup tables for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* spectral upsampling method. It allows significant time savings by performing the expensive numerical optimization ahead of time and storing the results in a file. The file format is compatible with the code and *\\*.coeff* files in the supplemental material published alongside the article. They are directly available from `Colour - Datasets <>`__ under the record *4050598*. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.size` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.lightness_scale` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.coefficients` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.interpolator` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.generate` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.RGB_to_coefficients` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.RGB_to_sd` - :meth:`` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.LUT3D_Jakob2019.write` References ---------- :cite:`Jakob2019` Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> LUT.generate(RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3, lambda x: x) >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'sRGB_Jakob2019.coeff') >>> LUT.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> RGB = np.array([0.70573936, 0.19248266, 0.22354169]) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility. ... LUT.RGB_to_sd(RGB, cmfs.shape) # doctest: +SKIP SpectralDistribution([[ 360. , 0.7663248...], [ 370. , 0.6248040...], [ 380. , 0.4582328...], [ 390. , 0.3161403...], [ 400. , 0.2196885...], [ 410. , 0.1597642...], [ 420. , 0.1226653...], [ 430. , 0.0990878...], [ 440. , 0.0836822...], [ 450. , 0.0734525...], [ 460. , 0.0667002...], [ 470. , 0.0624502...], [ 480. , 0.0601529...], [ 490. , 0.0595328...], [ 500. , 0.0605182...], [ 510. , 0.0632235...], [ 520. , 0.0679778...], [ 530. , 0.0754093...], [ 540. , 0.0866232...], [ 550. , 0.1035471...], [ 560. , 0.1295933...], [ 570. , 0.1708525...], [ 580. , 0.2377171...], [ 590. , 0.3442627...], [ 600. , 0.4952907...], [ 610. , 0.6605014...], [ 620. , 0.7914286...], [ 630. , 0.8738002...], [ 640. , 0.9212534...], [ 650. , 0.9486329...], [ 660. , 0.9650124...], [ 670. , 0.9752510...], [ 680. , 0.9819246...], [ 690. , 0.9864387...], [ 700. , 0.9895916...], [ 710. , 0.9918554...], [ 720. , 0.9935199...], [ 730. , 0.9947694...], [ 740. , 0.9957242...], [ 750. , 0.9964656...], [ 760. , 0.9970494...], [ 770. , 0.9975148...], [ 780. , 0.9978900...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) """
[docs] def __init__(self): self._interpolator = None self._size = None self._lightness_scale = None self._coefficients = None
@property def size(self): """ Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator size, i.e. the samples count on one side of the 3D table. Returns ------- ndarray *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator size. """ return self._size @property def lightness_scale(self): """ Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator lightness scale. Returns ------- int *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator lightness scale. """ return self._lightness_scale @property def coefficients(self): """ Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator coefficients. Returns ------- ndarray *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator coefficients. """ return self._coefficients @property def interpolator(self): """ Getter property for the *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator. Returns ------- RegularGridInterpolator *Jakob and Hanika (2019)* interpolator. """ return self._interpolator def _create_interpolator(self): """ Creates a :class:`scipy.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator` class instance for read or generated coefficients. """ samples = np.linspace(0, 1, self._size) axes = ([0, 1, 2], self._lightness_scale, samples, samples) self._interpolator = RegularGridInterpolator( axes, self._coefficients, bounds_error=False) def generate(self, colourspace, cmfs=MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] .copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), illuminant=SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019), size=64, print_callable=print): """ Generates the lookup table data for given *RGB* colourspace, colour matching functions, illuminant and given size. Parameters ---------- colourspace: RGB_Colourspace The *RGB* colourspace to create a lookup table for. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution, optional Illuminant spectral distribution. size : int, optional The resolution of the lookup table. Higher values will decrease errors but at the cost of a much longer run time. The published *\\*.coeff* files have a resolution of 64. print_callable : callable, optional Callable used to print progress and diagnostic information. Examples -------- >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> print(LUT.interpolator) None >>> LUT.generate(RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3) ======================================================================\ ========= * \ * * "Jakob et al. (2018)" LUT Optimisation \ * * \ * ======================================================================\ ========= <BLANKLINE> Optimising 27 coefficients... <BLANKLINE> >>> print(LUT.interpolator) ... # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <scipy.interpolate.interpolate.RegularGridInterpolator object at 0x...> """ shape = cmfs.shape if illuminant.shape != shape: runtime_warning( 'Aligning "{0}" illuminant shape to "{1}" colour matching ' 'functions shape.'.format(, illuminant = illuminant.copy().align(cmfs.shape) xy_n = XYZ_to_xy(sd_to_XYZ(illuminant, cmfs)) # It could be interesting to have different resolutions for lightness # and chromaticity, but the current file format doesn't allow it. lightness_steps = size chroma_steps = size self._lightness_scale = lightness_scale(lightness_steps) self._coefficients = np.empty( [3, chroma_steps, chroma_steps, lightness_steps, 3]) cube_indexes = np.ndindex(3, chroma_steps, chroma_steps) total_coefficients = chroma_steps ** 2 * 3 # First, create a list of all the fully bright colours with the order # matching cube_indexes. samples = np.linspace(0, 1, chroma_steps) ij = np.meshgrid(*[[1], samples, samples], indexing='ij') ij = np.transpose(ij).reshape(-1, 3) chromas = np.concatenate( [ij, np.roll(ij, 1, axis=1), np.roll(ij, 2, axis=1)]) message_box( '"Jakob et al. (2018)" LUT Optimisation', print_callable=print_callable) print_callable( '\nOptimising {0} coefficients...\n'.format(total_coefficients)) def optimize(ijkL, coefficients_0): """ Solves for a specific lightness and stores the result in the appropriate cell. """ i, j, k, L = ijkL RGB = self._lightness_scale[L] * chroma XYZ = RGB_to_XYZ(RGB, colourspace.whitepoint, xy_n, colourspace.matrix_RGB_to_XYZ) coefficients, _error = find_coefficients_Jakob2019( XYZ, cmfs, illuminant, coefficients_0, dimensionalise=False) self._coefficients[i, L, j, k, :] = dimensionalise_coefficients( coefficients, shape) return coefficients with tqdm(total=total_coefficients) as progress: for ijk, chroma in zip(cube_indexes, chromas): progress.update() # Starts from somewhere in the middle, similarly to how # feedback works in "colour.recovery.\ # find_coefficients_Jakob2019" definition. L_middle = lightness_steps // 3 coefficients_middle = optimize( np.hstack([ijk, L_middle]), zeros(3)) # Goes down the lightness scale. coefficients_0 = coefficients_middle for L in reversed(range(0, L_middle)): coefficients_0 = optimize( np.hstack([ijk, L]), coefficients_0) # Goes up the lightness scale. coefficients_0 = coefficients_middle for L in range(L_middle + 1, lightness_steps): coefficients_0 = optimize( np.hstack([ijk, L]), coefficients_0) self._size = size self._create_interpolator() def RGB_to_coefficients(self, RGB): """ Look up a given *RGB* colourspace array and return corresponding coefficients. Interpolation is used for colours not on the table grid. Parameters ---------- RGB : ndarray, (3,) *RGB* colourspace array. Returns ------- coefficients : ndarray, (3,) Corresponding coefficients that can be passed to :func:`colour.recovery.jakob2019.sd_Jakob2019` to obtain a spectral distribution. Examples -------- >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> LUT.generate( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3, lambda x: x) >>> RGB = np.array([0.70573936, 0.19248266, 0.22354169]) >>> LUT.RGB_to_coefficients(RGB) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 1.5012557...e-04, -1.4678661...e-01, 3.4017293...e+01]) """ RGB = as_float_array(RGB) value_max = np.max(RGB, axis=-1) chroma = RGB / (np.expand_dims(value_max, -1) + 1e-10) i_m = np.argmax(RGB, axis=-1) i_1 = index_along_last_axis(RGB, i_m) i_2 = index_along_last_axis(chroma, (i_m + 2) % 3) i_3 = index_along_last_axis(chroma, (i_m + 1) % 3) indexes = np.stack([i_m, i_1, i_2, i_3], axis=-1) return self._interpolator(indexes).squeeze() def RGB_to_sd(self, RGB, shape=SPECTRAL_SHAPE_JAKOB2019): """ Looks up a given *RGB* colourspace array and return the corresponding spectral distribution. Parameters ---------- RGB : ndarray, (3,) *RGB* colourspace array. shape : SpectralShape, optional Shape used by the spectral distribution. Returns ------- sd : SpectralDistribution Spectral distribution corresponding with the RGB* colourspace array. Examples -------- >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> LUT.generate( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3, lambda x: x) >>> RGB = np.array([0.70573936, 0.19248266, 0.22354169]) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility. ... LUT.RGB_to_sd(RGB, cmfs.shape) # doctest: +SKIP SpectralDistribution([[ 360. , 0.7663250...], [ 370. , 0.6248043...], [ 380. , 0.4582331...], [ 390. , 0.3161405...], [ 400. , 0.2196887...], [ 410. , 0.1597643...], [ 420. , 0.1226654...], [ 430. , 0.0990879...], [ 440. , 0.0836822...], [ 450. , 0.0734526...], [ 460. , 0.0667003...], [ 470. , 0.0624502...], [ 480. , 0.060153 ...], [ 490. , 0.0595329...], [ 500. , 0.0605182...], [ 510. , 0.0632236...], [ 520. , 0.0679778...], [ 530. , 0.0754094...], [ 540. , 0.0866233...], [ 550. , 0.1035472...], [ 560. , 0.1295934...], [ 570. , 0.1708527...], [ 580. , 0.2377174...], [ 590. , 0.3442632...], [ 600. , 0.4952913...], [ 610. , 0.6605019...], [ 620. , 0.7914290...], [ 630. , 0.8738004...], [ 640. , 0.9212535...], [ 650. , 0.9486330...], [ 660. , 0.9650125...], [ 670. , 0.9752511...], [ 680. , 0.9819246...], [ 690. , 0.9864387...], [ 700. , 0.9895916...], [ 710. , 0.9918554...], [ 720. , 0.9935199...], [ 730. , 0.9947694...], [ 740. , 0.9957242...], [ 750. , 0.9964656...], [ 760. , 0.9970494...], [ 770. , 0.9975148...], [ 780. , 0.9978900...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) """ sd = sd_Jakob2019(self.RGB_to_coefficients(RGB), shape) = '{0} (RGB) - Jakob (2019)'.format(RGB) return sd def read(self, path): """ Loads a lookup table from a *\\*.coeff* file. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path to the file. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> LUT.generate( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3, lambda x: x) >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'sRGB_Jakob2019.coeff') >>> LUT.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ with open(path, 'rb') as coeff_file: if'ISO-8859-1') != 'SPEC': raise ValueError( 'Bad magic number, this is likely not the right file type!' ) self._size = struct.unpack('i',[0] self._lightness_scale = np.fromfile( coeff_file, count=self._size, dtype=np.float32) self._coefficients = np.fromfile( coeff_file, count=3 * (self._size ** 3) * 3, dtype=np.float32) self._coefficients = self._coefficients.reshape( 3, self._size, self._size, self._size, 3) self._create_interpolator() def write(self, path): """ Writes the lookup table to a *\\*.coeff* file. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path to the file. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> from colour.models import RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> LUT = LUT3D_Jakob2019() >>> LUT.generate( ... RGB_COLOURSPACE_sRGB, cmfs, illuminant, 3, lambda x: x) >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'sRGB_Jakob2019.coeff') >>> LUT.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ with open(path, 'wb') as coeff_file: coeff_file.write(b'SPEC') coeff_file.write(struct.pack('i', self._coefficients.shape[1])) np.float32(self._lightness_scale).tofile(coeff_file) np.float32(self._coefficients).tofile(coeff_file)