Source code for colour.recovery.otsu2018

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Otsu, Yamamoto and Hachisuka (2018) - Reflectance Recovery

Defines objects for reflectance recovery, i.e. spectral upsampling, using
*Otsu et al. (2018)* method:

-   :class:`colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018`
-   :func:`colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018`
-   :func:`colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018`

-   :cite:`Otsu2018` : Otsu, H., Yamamoto, M., & Hachisuka, T. (2018).
    Reproducing Spectral Reflectances From Tristimulus Colours. Computer
    Graphics Forum, 37(6), 370-381. doi:10.1111/cgf.13332

from __future__ import division, print_function, unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import six
from collections import namedtuple

from colour.colorimetry import (MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER, SDS_ILLUMINANTS,
                                SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape,
                                msds_to_XYZ, sd_to_XYZ)
from colour.models import XYZ_to_xy
from colour.recovery import (SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018, BASIS_FUNCTIONS_OTSU2018,
                             CLUSTER_MEANS_OTSU2018, SELECTOR_ARRAY_OTSU2018)
from colour.utilities import (as_float_array, domain_range_scale,
                              is_tqdm_installed, message_box, runtime_warning,
                              to_domain_1, zeros)

if six.PY3:
    from unittest import mock
    import mock
if is_tqdm_installed():
    from tqdm import tqdm
    tqdm = mock.MagicMock()

__author__ = 'Colour Developers'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (C) 2013-2020 - Colour Developers'
__license__ = 'New BSD License -'
__maintainer__ = 'Colour Developers'
__email__ = ''
__status__ = 'Production'

__all__ = [
    'Dataset_Otsu2018', 'DATASET_REFERENCE_OTSU2018', 'XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018',
    'PartitionAxis', 'ColourData', 'Node', 'NodeTree_Otsu2018'

[docs]class Dataset_Otsu2018(object): """ Stores all the information needed for the *Otsu et al. (2018)* spectral upsampling method. Datasets can be either generated and converted as a :class:`colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018` class instance using the :meth:`colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018.to_dataset` method or alternatively, loaded from disk with the :meth:`` method. Parameters ---------- shape: SpectralShape Shape of the spectral data. basis_functions : array_like, (n, 3, m) Three basis functions for every cluster. means : array_like, (n, m) Mean for every cluster. selector_array : array_like, (k, 4) Array describing how to select the appropriate cluster. See :meth:`` method for details. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.shape` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.basis_functions` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.means` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.selector_array` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.__init__` - :meth:`` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.cluster` - :meth:`` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018.write` References ---------- :cite:`Otsu2018` Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2, print_callable=lambda x: x) >>> dataset = node_tree.to_dataset() >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'ColorChecker_Otsu2018.npz') >>> dataset.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> dataset = Dataset_Otsu2018() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape=None, basis_functions=None, means=None, selector_array=None): self._shape = shape self._basis_functions = as_float_array(basis_functions) self._means = as_float_array(means) self._selector_array = selector_array
@property def shape(self): """ Getter property for the shape used by the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. Returns ------- SpectralShape Shape used by the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. """ return self._shape @property def basis_functions(self): """ Getter property for the basis functions of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. Returns ------- ndarray Basis functions of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. """ return self._basis_functions @property def means(self): """ Getter property for means of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. Returns ------- int Means of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. """ return self._means @property def selector_array(self): """ Getter property for the selector array of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. Returns ------- ndarray Selector array of the *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset. """ return self._selector_array def __str__(self): """ Returns a formatted string representation of the dataset. Returns ------- unicode Formatted string representation. """ return '{0}({1} basis functions)'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self._basis_functions.shape[0]) def select(self, xy): """ Returns the cluster index appropriate for the given *CIE xy* coordinates. Parameters ---------- xy : array_like, (2,) *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates. Returns ------- int Cluster index. """ i = 0 while True: row = self._selector_array[i, :] direction, origin, lesser_index, greater_index = row if xy[int(direction)] <= origin: index = int(lesser_index) else: index = int(greater_index) if index < 0: i = -index else: return index def cluster(self, xy): """ Returns the basis functions and dataset mean for the given *CIE xy* coordinates. Parameters ---------- xy : array_like, (2,) *CIE xy* chromaticity coordinates. Returns ------- basis_functions : ndarray, (3, n) Three basis functions. mean : ndarray, (n,) Dataset mean. """ index = return self._basis_functions[index, :, :], self._means[index, :] def read(self, path): """ Reads and loads a dataset from an *.npz* file. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path to the file. Raises ------ ValueError, KeyError Raised when loading the file succeeded but it did not contain the expected data. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2, print_callable=lambda x: x) >>> dataset = node_tree.to_dataset() >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'ColorChecker_Otsu2018.npz') >>> dataset.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> dataset = Dataset_Otsu2018() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ npz = np.load(path) if not isinstance(npz, np.lib.npyio.NpzFile): raise ValueError('The loaded file is not an ".npz" type file!') start, end, interval = npz['shape'] self._shape = SpectralShape(start, end, interval) self._basis_functions = npz['basis_functions'] self._means = npz['means'] self._selector_array = npz['selector_array'] n, three, m = self._basis_functions.shape if (three != 3 or self._means.shape != (n, m) or self._selector_array.shape[1] != 4): raise ValueError( 'Unexpected array shapes encountered, the file could be ' 'corrupted or in a wrong format!') def write(self, path): """ Writes the dataset to an *.npz* file at given path. Parameters ---------- path : unicode Path to the file. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2, print_callable=lambda x: x) >>> dataset = node_tree.to_dataset() >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'ColorChecker_Otsu2018.npz') >>> dataset.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP """ shape_array = as_float_array( [self._shape.start, self._shape.end, self._shape.interval]) np.savez( path, shape=shape_array, basis_functions=self._basis_functions, means=self._means, selector_array=self._selector_array)
DATASET_REFERENCE_OTSU2018 = Dataset_Otsu2018( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018, BASIS_FUNCTIONS_OTSU2018, CLUSTER_MEANS_OTSU2018, SELECTOR_ARRAY_OTSU2018) """ Builtin *Otsu et al. (2018)* dataset as a :class:`colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018` class instance, usable by :func:`colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018` definition among others. """
[docs]def XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018( XYZ, cmfs=MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'] .copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018), illuminant=SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018), dataset=DATASET_REFERENCE_OTSU2018, clip=True): """ Recovers the spectral distribution of given *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values using *Otsu et al. (2018)* method. Parameters ---------- XYZ : array_like, (3,) *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to recover the spectral distribution from. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution, optional Illuminant spectral distribution. dataset : Dataset_Otsu2018, optional Dataset to use for reconstruction. The default is to use the published data. clip : bool, optional If *True*, the default, values below zero and above unity in the recovered spectral distributions will be clipped. This ensures that the returned reflectance is physical and conserves energy, but will cause noticeable colour differences in case of very saturated colours. Returns ------- SpectralDistribution Recovered spectral distribution. Its shape is always that of the :class:`colour.recovery.SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018` class instance. References ---------- :cite:`Otsu2018` Examples -------- >>> from colour.colorimetry import CCS_ILLUMINANTS, sd_to_XYZ_integration >>> from colour.models import XYZ_to_sRGB >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> sd = XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018(XYZ, cmfs, illuminant) >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility. ... sd # doctest: +SKIP SpectralDistribution([[ 380. , 0.0601939...], [ 390. , 0.0568063...], [ 400. , 0.0517429...], [ 410. , 0.0495841...], [ 420. , 0.0502007...], [ 430. , 0.0506489...], [ 440. , 0.0510020...], [ 450. , 0.0493782...], [ 460. , 0.0468046...], [ 470. , 0.0437132...], [ 480. , 0.0416957...], [ 490. , 0.0403783...], [ 500. , 0.0405197...], [ 510. , 0.0406031...], [ 520. , 0.0416912...], [ 530. , 0.0430956...], [ 540. , 0.0444474...], [ 550. , 0.0459336...], [ 560. , 0.0507631...], [ 570. , 0.0628967...], [ 580. , 0.0844661...], [ 590. , 0.1334277...], [ 600. , 0.2262428...], [ 610. , 0.3599330...], [ 620. , 0.4885571...], [ 630. , 0.5752546...], [ 640. , 0.6193023...], [ 650. , 0.6450744...], [ 660. , 0.6610548...], [ 670. , 0.6688673...], [ 680. , 0.6795426...], [ 690. , 0.6887933...], [ 700. , 0.7003469...], [ 710. , 0.7084128...], [ 720. , 0.7154674...], [ 730. , 0.7234334...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) >>> sd_to_XYZ_integration(sd, cmfs, illuminant) / 100 # doctest: +ELLIPSIS array([ 0.2065494..., 0.1219712..., 0.0514002...]) """ XYZ = to_domain_1(XYZ) xy = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ) basis_functions, mean = dataset.cluster(xy) M = np.empty((3, 3)) for i in range(3): sd = SpectralDistribution(basis_functions[i, :], dataset.shape.range()) with domain_range_scale('ignore'): M[:, i] = sd_to_XYZ(sd, cmfs, illuminant) / 100 M_inverse = np.linalg.inv(M) sd = SpectralDistribution(mean, dataset.shape.range()) with domain_range_scale('ignore'): XYZ_mu = sd_to_XYZ(sd, cmfs, illuminant) / 100 weights =, XYZ - XYZ_mu) recovered_sd =, basis_functions) + mean recovered_sd = np.clip(recovered_sd, 0, 1) if clip else recovered_sd return SpectralDistribution(recovered_sd, dataset.shape.range())
class PartitionAxis(namedtuple('PartitionAxis', ('origin', 'direction'))): """ Represents a horizontal or vertical line, partitioning the 2D space in two half-planes. Parameters ---------- origin : numeric The x coordinate of a vertical line or the y coordinate of a horizontal line. direction : int *0* if vertical, *1* if horizontal. Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.PartitionAxis.__str__` """ def __str__(self): """ Returns a formatted string representation of the partition axis. Returns ------- unicode Formatted string representation. """ return '{0}({1} partition at {2} = {3})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, 'horizontal' if self.direction else 'vertical', 'y' if self.direction else 'x', self.origin) class ColourData(object): """ Represents the data for multiple colours: their spectral reflectance distributions, *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values and *CIE xy* coordinates. The standard observer colour matching functions and illuminant are accessed via the parent tree. This class also supports partitioning: Creating two smaller instances of :class:`colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData` class by splitting along a horizontal or a vertical axis on the *CIE xy* plane. Parameters ---------- tree : NodeTree_Otsu2018, optional The parent tree which determines the standard observer colour matching functions and illuminant used in colourimetric calculations. reflectances : ndarray, (n, m), optional Reflectances of the *n* colours to be stored in this class. The shape must match ``tree.shape`` with *m* points for each colour. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.tree` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.reflectances` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.XYZ` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.xy` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.__str__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.__len__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData.partition` """ def __init__(self, tree, reflectances): self._tree = tree self._XYZ = None self._xy = None self._reflectances = None self.reflectances = reflectances @property def tree(self): """ Getter property for the colour data tree. Returns ------- NodeTree_Otsu2018 Colour data tree. """ return self._tree @property def reflectances(self): """ Getter and setter property for the colour data reflectances. Parameters ---------- value : array_like Value to set the colour data reflectances with. Returns ------- ndarray Colour data reflectances. """ return self._reflectances @reflectances.setter def reflectances(self, value): """ Setter for the **self.reflectances** property. """ if value is not None: self._reflectances = as_float_array(value) self._XYZ = msds_to_XYZ( self._reflectances, self.tree.cmfs, self.tree.illuminant, method='Integration', shape=self.tree.cmfs.shape) / 100 self._xy = XYZ_to_xy(self._XYZ) @property def XYZ(self): """ Getter property for the colour data *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. Returns ------- ndarray Colour data *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. """ return self._XYZ @property def xy(self): """ Getter property for the colour data *CIE xy* tristimulus values. Returns ------- ndarray Colour data *CIE xy* tristimulus values. """ return self._xy def __str__(self): """ Returns a formatted string representation of the colour data. Returns ------- unicode Formatted string representation. """ return '{0}({1} Reflectances)'.format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of colours in the colour data. Returns ------- int Number of colours in the colour data. """ return self._reflectances.shape[0] def partition(self, axis): """ Parameters ---------- axis : PartitionAxis Partition axis used to partition the colour data. Returns ------- lesser : ColourData The left or lower part. greater : ColourData The right or upper part. """ lesser = ColourData(self.tree, None) greater = ColourData(self.tree, None) mask = self.xy[:, axis.direction] <= axis.origin lesser._reflectances = self.reflectances[mask, :] greater._reflectances = self.reflectances[~mask, :] lesser._XYZ = self.XYZ[mask, :] greater._XYZ = self.XYZ[~mask, :] lesser._xy = self.xy[mask, :] greater._xy = self.xy[~mask, :] return lesser, greater class Node(object): """ Represents a node in a :meth:`colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018` class instance node tree. Parameters ---------- tree : NodeTree_Otsu2018 The parent tree which determines the standard observer colour matching functions and illuminant used in colourimetric calculations. colour_data : ColourData The colour data belonging to this node. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.tree` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.colour_data` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.children` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.partition_axis` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.basis_functions` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.mean` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.leaves` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.__str__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.__len__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.is_leaf` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.split` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.PCA` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.reconstruct` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.leaf_reconstruction_error` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.branch_reconstruction_error` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.partition_reconstruction_error` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node.find_best_partition` """ _NODE_COUNT = 1 """ Total node count. _NODE_COUNT : int """ def __init__(self, tree, colour_data): self._id = Node._NODE_COUNT Node._NODE_COUNT += 1 self._tree = tree self._colour_data = colour_data self._children = [] self._partition_axis = None self._mean = None self._basis_functions = None self._M = None self._M_inverse = None self._XYZ_mu = None self._best_partition = None self._cached_leaf_reconstruction_error = None @property def id(self): """ Getter property for the node id. Returns ------- int Node id. """ return self._id @property def tree(self): """ Getter property for the node tree. Returns ------- NodeTree_Otsu2018 Node tree. """ return self._tree @property def colour_data(self): """ Getter property for the node colour data. Returns ------- ColourData Node colour data. """ return self._colour_data @property def children(self): """ Getter property for the node children. Returns ------- tuple Node children. """ return self._children @property def partition_axis(self): """ Getter property for the node partition axis. Returns ------- PartitionAxis Node partition axis. """ return self._partition_axis @property def basis_functions(self): """ Getter property for the node basis functions. Returns ------- array_like Node basis functions. """ return self._basis_functions @property def mean(self): """ Getter property for the node mean distribution. Returns ------- array_like Node mean distribution. """ return self._mean @property def leaves(self): """ Getter property for the node leaves. Returns ------- generator Generator of all the leaves connected to this node. """ if self.is_leaf(): yield self else: for child in self._children: # TODO: Python 3 "yield from child.leaves". for leaf in child.leaves: yield leaf def __str__(self): """ Returns a formatted string representation of the node. Returns ------- unicode Formatted string representation. """ return '{0}#{1}({2})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self._id, self._colour_data) def __len__(self): """ Returns the number of children of the node. Returns ------- int Number of children of the node. """ return len(list(self.leaves)) def is_leaf(self): """ Returns whether the node is a leaf. :class:`colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018` class instance tree leaves do not have any children and store instances of :class:`colour.recovery.otsu2018.ColourData` class. Returns ------- bool Whether the node is a leaf. """ return len(self._children) == 0 def split(self, children, partition_axis): """ Converts the leaf node into a non-leaf node using given children and partition axis. Parameters ---------- children : tuple Tuple of two :class:`colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node` classes instances. partition_axis : PartitionAxis Partition axis. """ self._colour_data = None self._children = children self._partition_axis = partition_axis self._mean = None self._basis_functions = None self._M = None self._M_inverse = None self._XYZ_mu = None self._best_partition = None self._cached_leaf_reconstruction_error = None # # PCA and Reconstruction # def PCA(self): """ Performs the *Principal Component Analysis* (PCA) on the colours data of the node and sets the relevant private attributes accordingly. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the node is not a leaf node. """ if not self.is_leaf(): raise RuntimeError('{0} is not a leaf node!'.format(self)) if self._M is not None: return self._mean = np.mean(self._colour_data.reflectances, axis=0) self._XYZ_mu = self._tree.msds_to_XYZ(self._mean) matrix_data = self._colour_data.reflectances - self._mean matrix_covariance =, matrix_data) _eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(matrix_covariance) self._basis_functions = np.transpose(eigenvectors[:, -3:]) self._M = np.transpose(self._tree.msds_to_XYZ(self._basis_functions)) self._M_inverse = np.linalg.inv(self._M) def reconstruct(self, XYZ): """ Reconstructs the reflectance for the given *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values. If the node is a leaf, the colour data from the node is used, otherwise the branch is traversed recursively to find the leaves. Parameters ---------- XYZ : ndarray, (3,) *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values to recover the spectral distribution from. Returns ------- SpectralDistribution Recovered spectral distribution. """ xy = XYZ_to_xy(XYZ) if not self.is_leaf(): if (xy[self._partition_axis.direction] <= self._partition_axis.origin): return self._children[0].reconstruct(XYZ) else: return self._children[1].reconstruct(XYZ) weights =, XYZ - self._XYZ_mu) reflectance =, self._basis_functions) + self._mean reflectance = np.clip(reflectance, 0, 1) return SpectralDistribution(reflectance, self._tree.cmfs.wavelengths) # # Optimisation # def leaf_reconstruction_error(self): """ Reconstructs the reflectance of the *CIE XYZ* tristimulus values in the colour data of this node using PCA and compares the reconstructed spectrum against the measured spectrum. The reconstruction errors are then summed up and returned. Returns ------- error : float The reconstruction errors summation for the node. Notes ----- The reconstruction error is cached upon being computed and thus is only computed once per node. Raises ------ RuntimeError If the node is not a leaf node. """ if not self.is_leaf(): raise RuntimeError('{0} is not a leaf node!'.format(self)) if self._cached_leaf_reconstruction_error: return self._cached_leaf_reconstruction_error if self._M is None: self.PCA() error = 0 for i in range(len(self.colour_data)): sd = self.colour_data.reflectances[i, :] XYZ = self.colour_data.XYZ[i, :] recovered_sd = self.reconstruct(XYZ) error += np.sum((sd - recovered_sd.values) ** 2) self._cached_leaf_reconstruction_error = error return error def branch_reconstruction_error(self): """ Computes the reconstruction error for an entire branch of the tree, starting from the node, i.e. the reconstruction errors summation for all the leaves in the branch. Returns ------- error : float Reconstruction errors summation for all the leaves in the branch. """ if self.is_leaf(): return self.leaf_reconstruction_error() else: return sum([ child.branch_reconstruction_error() for child in self._children ]) def partition_reconstruction_error(self, axis): """ Computes the reconstruction errors summation of the two nodes created by splitting the node with a given partition. Parameters ---------- axis : PartitionAxis Partition axis used to compute the reconstruction error. Returns ------- error : float Reconstruction errors summation of the two nodes created by splitting the node with a given partition. lesser, greater : tuple Nodes created by splitting the node with the given partition. """ partition = self.colour_data.partition(axis) if (len(partition[0]) < self._tree.minimum_cluster_size or len(partition[1]) < self._tree.minimum_cluster_size): raise RuntimeError('Partition generated parts smaller ' 'than the minimum cluster size!') lesser = Node(self._tree, partition[0]) lesser.PCA() greater = Node(self._tree, partition[1]) greater.PCA() error = (lesser.leaf_reconstruction_error() + greater.leaf_reconstruction_error()) return error, (lesser, greater) def find_best_partition(self): """ Finds the best partition for the node. Returns ------- partition_error : float Partition error axis : PartitionAxis Horizontal or vertical line, partitioning the 2D space in two half-planes. partition : tuple Nodes created by splitting a node with a given partition. """ if self._best_partition is not None: return self._best_partition leaf_error = self.leaf_reconstruction_error() best_error = None with tqdm(total=2 * len(self.colour_data)) as progress: for direction in [0, 1]: for i in range(len(self.colour_data)): progress.update() origin = self.colour_data.xy[i, direction] axis = PartitionAxis(origin, direction) try: partition_error, partition = ( self.partition_reconstruction_error(axis)) except RuntimeError: continue if partition_error >= leaf_error: continue if best_error is None or partition_error < best_error: self._best_partition = (partition_error, axis, partition) if self._best_partition is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not find a best partition!') return self._best_partition
[docs]class NodeTree_Otsu2018(Node): """ A sub-class of :class:`colour.recovery.otsu2018.Node` class representing the root node of a tree containing information shared with all the nodes, such as the standard observer colour matching functions and the illuminant, if any is used. Global operations involving the entire tree, such as optimisation and reconstruction, are implemented in this sub-class. Parameters ---------- reflectances : ndarray, (n, m) Reflectances of the *n* reference colours to use for optimisation. cmfs : XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions, optional Standard observer colour matching functions. illuminant : SpectralDistribution, optional Illuminant spectral distribution. Attributes ---------- - :attr:`~colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018.reflectances` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018.cmfs` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018.illuminant` - :attr:`~colour.recovery.NodeTree_Otsu2018.minimum_cluster_size` Methods ------- - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.NodeTree_Otsu2018.__init__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.NodeTree_Otsu2018.__str__` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.NodeTree_Otsu2018.msds_to_XYZ` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.NodeTree_Otsu2018.optimise` - :meth:`~colour.recovery.otsu2018.NodeTree_Otsu2018.to_dataset` References ---------- :cite:`Otsu2018` Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options >>> XYZ = np.array([0.20654008, 0.12197225, 0.05136952]) >>> cmfs = ( ... MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER['CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer']. ... copy().align(SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) ... ) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(cmfs.shape).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances, cmfs, illuminant) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2, print_callable=lambda x: x) >>> dataset = node_tree.to_dataset() >>> path = os.path.join(colour.__path__[0], 'recovery', 'tests', ... 'resources', 'ColorChecker_Otsu2018.npz') >>> dataset.write(path) # doctest: +SKIP >>> dataset = Dataset_Otsu2018() # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP >>> sd = XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018(XYZ, cmfs, illuminant, dataset) ... # doctest: +SKIP >>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True): ... # Doctests skip for Python 2.x compatibility. ... sd # doctest: +SKIP SpectralDistribution([[ 360. , 0.0651341...], [ 370. , 0.0651341...], [ 380. , 0.0651341...], [ 390. , 0.0749684...], [ 400. , 0.0815578...], [ 410. , 0.0776439...], [ 420. , 0.0721897...], [ 430. , 0.0649064...], [ 440. , 0.0567185...], [ 450. , 0.0484685...], [ 460. , 0.0409768...], [ 470. , 0.0358964...], [ 480. , 0.0307857...], [ 490. , 0.0270148...], [ 500. , 0.0273773...], [ 510. , 0.0303157...], [ 520. , 0.0331285...], [ 530. , 0.0363027...], [ 540. , 0.0425987...], [ 550. , 0.0513442...], [ 560. , 0.0579256...], [ 570. , 0.0653850...], [ 580. , 0.0929522...], [ 590. , 0.1600326...], [ 600. , 0.2586159...], [ 610. , 0.3701242...], [ 620. , 0.4702243...], [ 630. , 0.5396261...], [ 640. , 0.5737561...], [ 650. , 0.590848 ...], [ 660. , 0.5935371...], [ 670. , 0.5923295...], [ 680. , 0.5956326...], [ 690. , 0.5982513...], [ 700. , 0.6017904...], [ 710. , 0.6016419...], [ 720. , 0.5996892...], [ 730. , 0.6000018...], [ 740. , 0.5964443...], [ 750. , 0.5868181...], [ 760. , 0.5860973...], [ 770. , 0.5614878...], [ 780. , 0.5289331...]], interpolator=SpragueInterpolator, interpolator_kwargs={}, extrapolator=Extrapolator, extrapolator_kwargs={...}) """
[docs] def __init__(self, reflectances, cmfs=MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018), illuminant=SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align( SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018)): self._reflectances = as_float_array(reflectances) self._cmfs = cmfs shape = cmfs.shape if illuminant.shape != shape: runtime_warning( 'Aligning "{0}" illuminant shape to "{1}" colour matching ' 'functions shape.'.format(, illuminant = illuminant.copy().align(cmfs.shape) self._illuminant = illuminant self._dw = shape.interval # Normalising constant :math:`k`, see :func:`colour.msds_to_XYZ` # definition. self._k = 1 / (np.sum( self._cmfs.values[:, 1] * self._illuminant.values) * self._dw) self._minimum_cluster_size = None super(NodeTree_Otsu2018, self).__init__( self, ColourData(self, self._reflectances))
@property def reflectances(self): """ Getter property for the reflectances. Returns ------- ndarray Reflectances. """ return self._reflectances @property def cmfs(self): """ Getter property for the standard observer colour matching functions. Returns ------- XYZ_ColourMatchingFunctions Standard observer colour matching functions. """ return self._cmfs @property def illuminant(self): """ Getter property for the illuminant. Returns ------- SpectralDistribution Illuminant. """ return self._illuminant @property def minimum_cluster_size(self): """ Getter property for the minimum cluster size. Returns ------- int Minimum cluster size. """ return self._minimum_cluster_size def __str__(self): """ Returns a formatted string representation of the tree. Returns ------- unicode Formatted string representation. """ child_count = len(self) return '{0}({1} {2})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, child_count, 'Node' if child_count == 1 else 'Nodes') def _create_selector_array(self): """ Creates an array that describes how to select the appropriate cluster for given *CIE xy* coordinates. See :meth:`` method for information about what the array structure and its usage. """ rows = [] leaf_number = [0] symbol_table = {} def add_rows(node): """ Add rows for given node and its children. """ if node.is_leaf(): symbol_table[node] = leaf_number[0] leaf_number[0] += 1 return symbol_table[node] = -len(rows) rows.append([ node.partition_axis.direction, node.partition_axis.origin, node.children[0], node.children[1] ]) for child in node.children: add_rows(child) add_rows(self) # Special case for tree with just a root node. if len(rows) == 0: return zeros(4) for i, (_direction, _origin, symbol_1, symbol_2) in enumerate(rows): rows[i][2] = symbol_table[symbol_1] rows[i][3] = symbol_table[symbol_2] return as_float_array(rows) def msds_to_XYZ(self, reflectances): """ Computes the XYZ tristimulus values of a given reflectance. Faster for humans, by using cmfs and the illuminant stored in the ''tree'', thus avoiding unnecessary repetition. Faster for computers, by using a very simple and direct method. Parameters ---------- reflectances : ndarray Reflectance with shape matching the one used to construct this ``tree``. Returns ------- ndarray (3,) XYZ tristimulus values, normalised to 1. """ E = self._illuminant.values * reflectances return self._k *, self._cmfs.values) * self._dw def optimise(self, iterations=8, minimum_cluster_size=None, print_callable=print): """ Optimises the tree by repeatedly performing optimal partitioning of the nodes, creating a tree that minimizes the total reconstruction error. Parameters ---------- iterations : int, optional Maximum number of splits. If the dataset is too small, this number might not be reached. The default is to create 8 clusters, like in :cite:`Otsu2018`. minimum_cluster_size : int, optional Smallest acceptable cluster size. By default it is chosen automatically, based on the size of the dataset and desired number of clusters. It must be at least 3 or the *Principal Component Analysis* (PCA) will not be possible. print_callable : callable, optional Callable used to print progress and diagnostic information. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS_STANDARD_OBSERVER[ ... 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer'].copy().align( ... SpectralShape(360, 780, 10)) >>> illuminant = SDS_ILLUMINANTS['D65'].copy().align(cmfs.shape) >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(cmfs.shape).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances, cmfs, illuminant) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS ======================================================================\ ========= * \ * * "Otsu et al. (2018)" Node Tree Optimisation \ * * \ * ======================================================================\ ========= Initial branch error is: 4.8705353... <BLANKLINE> Iteration 1 of 2: <BLANKLINE> Optimising "NodeTree_Otsu2018(1 Node)"... <BLANKLINE> Split "NodeTree_Otsu2018(1 Node)" into \ "Node#...(ColourData(10 Reflectances))" and \ "Node#...(ColourData(14 Reflectances))" along "\ PartitionAxis(horizontal partition at y = 0.3240945...)". Error is reduced by 0.0054840... and is now 4.8650513..., \ 99.9% of the initial error. <BLANKLINE> Iteration 2 of 2: <BLANKLINE> Optimising "Node#...(ColourData(10 Reflectances))"... Optimisation failed: Could not find a best partition! Optimising "Node#...(ColourData(14 Reflectances))"... <BLANKLINE> Split "Node#...(ColourData(14 Reflectances))" into \ "Node#...(ColourData(7 Reflectances))" and \ "Node#...(ColourData(7 Reflectances))" along \ "PartitionAxis(horizontal partition at y = 0.3600663...)". Error is reduced by 0.9681059... and is now 3.8969453..., \ 80.0% of the initial error. Node tree optimisation is complete! >>> len(node_tree) 3 """ self._minimum_cluster_size = (minimum_cluster_size if minimum_cluster_size is not None else len(self.colour_data) / iterations // 2) self._minimum_cluster_size = max(self._minimum_cluster_size, 3) initial_branch_error = self.branch_reconstruction_error() message_box( '"Otsu et al. (2018)" Node Tree Optimisation', print_callable=print_callable) print_callable( 'Initial branch error is: {0}'.format(initial_branch_error)) best_leaf, best_partition, best_axis, partition_error = [None] * 4 for i in range(iterations): print_callable('\nIteration {0} of {1}:\n'.format( i + 1, iterations)) total_error = self.branch_reconstruction_error() optimised_total_error = None for leaf in self.leaves: print_callable('Optimising "{0}"...'.format(leaf)) try: partition_error, axis, partition = ( leaf.find_best_partition()) except RuntimeError as error: print_callable('Optimisation failed: {0}'.format(error)) continue new_total_error = ( total_error - leaf.leaf_reconstruction_error() + partition_error) if (optimised_total_error is None or new_total_error < optimised_total_error): optimised_total_error = new_total_error best_axis = axis best_leaf = leaf best_partition = partition if optimised_total_error is None: print_callable('\nNo further improvements are possible!\n' 'Terminating at iteration {0}.\n'.format(i)) break print_callable( '\nSplit "{0}" into "{1}" and "{2}" along "{3}".'.format( best_leaf, best_partition[0], best_partition[1], best_axis)) print_callable( 'Error is reduced by {0} and is now {1}, ' '{2:.1f}% of the initial error.'.format( leaf.leaf_reconstruction_error() - partition_error, optimised_total_error, 100 * optimised_total_error / initial_branch_error)) best_leaf.split(best_partition, best_axis) print_callable('Node tree optimisation is complete!') def to_dataset(self): """ Creates a :class:`colour.recovery.Dataset_Otsu2018` class instance based on data stored in the tree. The dataset can then be saved to disk or used to recover reflectance with :func:`colour.recovery.XYZ_to_sd_Otsu2018` definition. Returns ------- Dataset_Otsu2018 The dataset object. Examples -------- >>> import os >>> import colour >>> from colour.characterisation import SDS_COLOURCHECKERS >>> reflectances = [ ... sd.copy().align(SPECTRAL_SHAPE_OTSU2018).values ... for sd in SDS_COLOURCHECKERS['ColorChecker N Ohta'].values() ... ] >>> node_tree = NodeTree_Otsu2018(reflectances) >>> node_tree.optimise(iterations=2, print_callable=lambda x: x) >>> node_tree.to_dataset() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS <colour.recovery.otsu2018.Dataset_Otsu2018 object at 0x...> """ basis_functions = [leaf.basis_functions for leaf in self.leaves] means = [leaf.mean for leaf in self.leaves] selector_array = self._create_selector_array() return Dataset_Otsu2018(self._cmfs.shape, basis_functions, means, selector_array)