Input and Output

Image Data



Supported read image methods.

read_image(path[, bit_depth, method])

Reads the image at given path using given method.


Supported write image methods.

write_image(image, path[, bit_depth, method])

Writes given image at given path using given method.

Ancillary Objects

ImageAttribute_Specification(name, value[, ...])

Defines the an image specification attribute.

convert_bit_depth(a[, bit_depth])

Converts given array to given bit depth, the current bit depth of the array is used to determine the appropriate conversion path.

read_image_OpenImageIO(path[, bit_depth, ...])

Reads the image at given path using OpenImageIO.

write_image_OpenImageIO(image, path[, ...])

Writes given image at given path using OpenImageIO.

read_image_Imageio(path[, bit_depth])

Reads the image at given path using Imageio.

write_image_Imageio(image, path[, bit_depth])

Writes given image at given path using Imageio.

Look Up Table (LUT) Data


LUT1D([table, name, domain, size, comments])

Defines the base class for a 1D LUT.

LUT3x1D([table, name, domain, size, comments])

Defines the base class for a 3x1D LUT.

LUT3D([table, name, domain, size, comments])

Defines the base class for a 3D LUT.


Defines the base class for a LUT sequence, i.e. a series of LUTs.

read_LUT(path[, method])

Reads given LUT file using given method.

write_LUT(LUT, path[, decimals, method])

Writes given LUT to given file using given method.

Ancillary Objects


Defines the base class for LUT sequence operators.

LUT_to_LUT(LUT, cls[, force_conversion])

Converts given LUT to given cls class instance.


Reads given Cinespace .csp LUT file.

write_LUT_Cinespace(LUT, path[, decimals])

Writes given LUT to given Cinespace .csp LUT file.


Reads given Iridas .cube LUT file.

write_LUT_IridasCube(LUT, path[, decimals])

Writes given LUT to given Iridas .cube LUT file.


Reads given Sony .spi1d LUT file.

write_LUT_SonySPI1D(LUT, path[, decimals])

Writes given LUT to given Sony .spi1d LUT file.


Reads given Sony .spi3d LUT file.

write_LUT_SonySPI3D(LUT, path[, decimals])

Writes given LUT to given Sony .spi3d LUT file.

CSV Tabular Data


read_sds_from_csv_file(path[, delimiter, ...])

Reads the spectral data from given CSV file and return its content as an OrderedDict of colour.SpectralDistribution classes.

read_spectral_data_from_csv_file(path[, ...])

Reads the spectral data from given CSV file in the following form.

write_sds_to_csv_file(sds, path[, ...])

Writes the given spectral distributions to given CSV file.

IES TM-27-14 Data


SpectralDistribution_IESTM2714([path, ...])

Defines a IES TM-27-14 spectral distribution.

X-Rite Data



Reads the spectral data from given X-Rite file and returns it as an OrderedDict of colour.SpectralDistribution classes.