
class colour.Extrapolator(interpolator=None, method='Linear', left=None, right=None, dtype=None)[source]

Bases: object

Extrapolates the 1-D function of given interpolator.

The colour.Extrapolator class acts as a wrapper around a given Colour or scipy interpolator class instance with compatible signature. Two extrapolation methods are available:

  • Linear: Linearly extrapolates given points using the slope defined by the interpolator boundaries (xi[0], xi[1]) if x < xi[0] and (xi[-1], xi[-2]) if x > xi[-1].

  • Constant: Extrapolates given points by assigning the interpolator boundaries values xi[0] if x < xi[0] and xi[-1] if x > xi[-1].

Specifying the left and right arguments takes precedence on the chosen extrapolation method and will assign the respective left and right values to the given points.

  • interpolator (object) – Interpolator object.

  • method (unicode, optional) – {‘Linear’, ‘Constant’}, Extrapolation method.

  • left (numeric, optional) – Value to return for x < xi[0].

  • right (numeric, optional) – Value to return for x > xi[-1].

  • dtype (type) – Data type used for internal conversions.



  • The interpolator must define x and y attributes.


[], []


Extrapolating a single numeric variable:

>>> from colour.algebra import LinearInterpolator
>>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y)
>>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator)
>>> extrapolator(1)

Extrapolating an array_like variable:

>>> extrapolator(np.array([6, 7 , 8]))
array([ 4.,  5.,  6.])

Using the Constant extrapolation method:

>>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y)
>>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator, method='Constant')
>>> extrapolator(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 8, 9]))
array([ 1.,  1.,  3.,  3.])

Using defined left boundary and Constant extrapolation method:

>>> x = np.array([3, 4, 5])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> interpolator = LinearInterpolator(x, y)
>>> extrapolator = Extrapolator(interpolator, method='Constant', left=0)
>>> extrapolator(np.array([0.1, 0.2, 8, 9]))
array([ 0.,  0.,  3.,  3.])
__init__(interpolator=None, method='Linear', left=None, right=None, dtype=None)[source]
property interpolator

Getter and setter property for the Colour or scipy interpolator class instance.


value (callable) – Value to set the Colour or scipy interpolator class instance with.


Colour or scipy interpolator class instance.

Return type



list of weak references to the object (if defined)

property method

Getter and setter property for the extrapolation method.


value (unicode) – Value to set the extrapolation method. with.


Extrapolation method.

Return type


property left

Getter and setter property for left value to return for x < xi[0].


value (numeric) – Left value to return for x < xi[0].


Left value to return for x < xi[0].

Return type


property right

Getter and setter property for right value to return for x > xi[-1].


value (numeric) – Right value to return for x > xi[-1].


Right value to return for x > xi[-1].

Return type



Evaluates the Extrapolator at given point(s).


x (numeric or array_like) – Point(s) to evaluate the Extrapolator at.


Extrapolated points value(s).

Return type

float or ndarray