Colour Models#
Tristimulus Values, CIE xyY Colourspace and Chromaticity Coordinates#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIE xyY colourspace. |
Convert from CIE xyY colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Return the CIE xy chromaticity coordinates from given CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Return the CIE XYZ tristimulus values from given CIE xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Convert from CIE xyY colourspace to CIE xy chromaticity coordinates. |
Convert from CIE xy chromaticity coordinates to CIE xyY colourspace by extending the array last dimension with given \(Y\) luminance. |
Common Models#
Colourspace models supporting a direct conversion to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from Jab colour representation to JCh colour representation. |
Convert from JCh colour representation to Jab colour representation. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to IPT-like \(Iab\) colour representation. |
Convert from IPT-like \(Iab\) colour representation to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
CIE L*a*b* Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIE L*a*b* colourspace. |
Convert from CIE L*a*b* colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE L*a*b* colourspace to CIE L*C*Hab colourspace. |
Convert from CIE L*C*Hab colourspace to CIE L*a*b* colourspace. |
CIE L*u*v* Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIE L*u*v* colourspace. |
Convert from CIE L*u*v* colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE L*u*v* colourspace to CIE L*C*Huv colourspace. |
Convert from CIE L*C*Huv colourspace to CIE L*u*v* colourspace. |
Return the \(uv^p\) chromaticity coordinates from given CIE L*u*v* colourspace array. |
Return the CIE L*u*v* colourspace array from given \(uv^p\) chromaticity coordinates by extending the array last dimension with given \(L\) Lightness. |
Return the CIE xy chromaticity coordinates from given CIE L*u*v* colourspace \(uv^p\) chromaticity coordinates. |
Return the CIE L*u*v* colourspace \(uv^p\) chromaticity coordinates from given CIE xy chromaticity coordinates. |
CIE 1960 UCS Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIE 1960 UCS colourspace. |
Convert from CIE 1960 UCS colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Return the uv chromaticity coordinates from given CIE 1960 UCS colourspace array. |
Return the CIE 1960 UCS colourspace array from given uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Return the CIE xy chromaticity coordinates from given CIE 1960 UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates. |
Return the CIE 1960 UCS colourspace uv chromaticity coordinates from given CIE xy chromaticity coordinates. |
CIE 1964 U*V*W* Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to CIE 1964 U*V*W* colourspace. |
Convert CIE 1964 U*V*W* colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Hunter L,a,b Colour Scale#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Hunter L,a,b colour scale. |
Convert from Hunter L,a,b colour scale to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from whitepoint CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Hunter L,a,b \(K_{a}\) and \(K_{b}\) chromaticity coefficients. |
Hunter Rd,a,b Colour Scale#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Hunter Rd,a,b colour scale. |
Convert from Hunter Rd,a,b colour scale to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
DIN99 Colourspace and DIN99b, DIN99c, DIN99d Refined Formulas#
Convert from CIE L*a*b* colourspace to DIN99 colourspace or one of the DIN99b, DIN99c, DIN99d refined formulas according to Cui et al. (2002). |
Convert from DIN99 colourspace or one of the DIN99b, DIN99c, DIN99d refined formulas according to Cui et al. (2002) to CIE L*a*b* colourspace. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to DIN99 colourspace or one of the DIN99b, DIN99c, DIN99d refined formulas according to Cui et al. (2002). |
Convert from DIN99 colourspace or one of the DIN99b, DIN99c, DIN99d refined formulas according to Cui et al. (2002) to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
CAM02-LCD, CAM02-SCD, and CAM02-UCS Colourspaces - Luo, Cui and Li (2006)#
Convert from CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIECAM02 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Luo et al. (2006) CAM02-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
CAM16-LCD, CAM16-SCD, and CAM16-UCS Colourspaces - Li et al. (2017)#
Convert from CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CAM16 \(JMh\) correlates array. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-LCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-SCD colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Li et al. (2017) CAM16-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array. |
Convert from Li et al. (2017) CAM16-UCS colourspace \(J'a'b'\) array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
\(IC_AC_B\) Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to \(IC_AC_B\) colourspace. |
Convert from \(IC_AC_B\) tristimulus values to CIE XYZ colourspace. |
\(I_GP_GT_G\) Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to \(I_GP_GT_G\) colourspace. |
Convert from \(I_GP_GT_G\) colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
IPT Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to IPT colourspace. |
Convert from IPT colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Compute the hue angle in degrees from IPT colourspace. |
Ragoo and Farup (2021) Optimised IPT Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Ragoo and Farup (2021) Optimised IPT colourspace. |
Convert from Ragoo and Farup (2021) Optimised IPT colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
hdr-CIELAB Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to hdr-CIELAB colourspace. |
Convert from hdr-CIELAB colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Supported hdr-CIELAB colourspace computation methods. |
hdr-IPT Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to hdr-IPT colourspace. |
Convert from hdr-IPT colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Supported hdr-IPT colourspace computation methods. |
Oklab Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Oklab colourspace. |
Convert from Oklab colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
OSA UCS Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values under the CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer to OSA UCS colourspace. |
Convert from OSA UCS colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values under the CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer. |
ProLab Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to ProLab colourspace. |
Convert from ProLab colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Yrg Colourspace - Kirk (2019)#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to Kirk (2019) Yrg colourspace. |
Convert from Kirk (2019) Yrg colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert from LMS colourspace to Kirk (2019) Yrg colourspace. |
Convert from Kirk (2019) Yrg colourspace to LMS colourspace. |
\(Jzazbz\) Colourspace#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to \(J_za_zb_z\) colourspace. |
Convert from \(J_za_zb_z\) colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Ancillary Objects
Supported \(I_za_zb_z\) computation methods. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to \(I_za_zb_z\) colourspace. |
Convert from \(I_za_zb_z\) colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
RGB Colourspace and Transformations#
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to RGB colourspace array. |
Convert given RGB colourspace array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
Convert given RGB colourspace array from given input RGB colourspace to output RGB colourspace using given chromatic adaptation method. |
Compute the matrix \(M\) converting from given input RGB colourspace to output RGB colourspace using given chromatic adaptation method. |
Ancillary Objects
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to sRGB colourspace. |
Convert from sRGB colourspace to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
RGB Colourspace Derivation#
Compute the Normalised Primary Matrix (NPM) converting a RGB colourspace array to CIE XYZ tristimulus values using given primaries and whitepoint \(xy\) chromaticity coordinates. |
Chromatically adapt given primaries \(xy\) chromaticity coordinates from test |
Compute the primaries and whitepoint \(xy\) chromaticity coordinates using given Normalised Primary Matrix (NPM). |
Return the luminance \(Y\) of given RGB components from given primaries and whitepoint. |
Return the luminance equation from given primaries and whitepoint. |
RGB Colourspaces#
Implement support for the RGB colourspaces datasets from |
Aggregated RGB colourspaces. |
ACES2065-1 colourspace, base encoding, used for exchange of full fidelity images and archiving. |
ACEScc colourspace, a working space for color correctors, target for ASC-CDL values created on-set. |
ACEScct colourspace, an alternative working space for colour correctors, intended to be transient and internal to software or hardware systems, and is specifically not intended for interchange or archiving. |
ACESproxy colourspace, a lightweight encoding for transmission over HD-SDI (or other production transmission schemes), onset look management. |
ACEScg colourspace, a working space for paint/compositor applications that don't support ACES2065-1 or ACEScc. |
Adobe RGB (1998) colourspace. |
Adobe Wide Gamut RGB colourspace. |
ARRI Wide Gamut 3 colourspace. |
ARRI Wide Gamut 4 colourspace. |
Apple RGB colourspace. |
Best RGB colourspace. |
Beta RGB colourspace. |
Blackmagic Wide Gamut colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-R BT.470 - 525 colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-R BT.470 - 625 colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-R BT.709 colourspace. |
RecommendationITU-R BT.2020 colourspace. |
CIE RGB colourspace. |
Canon Cinema Gamut colourspace. |
ColorMatch RGB colourspace. |
DaVinci Wide Gamut colourspace. |
DCDM XYZ colourspace. |
DCI-P3 colourspace. |
DCI-P3+ colourspace. |
Display P3 colourspace. |
Don RGB 4 colourspace. |
*EBU Tech. |
ECI RGB v2 colourspace. |
Ekta Space PS 5 colourspace. |
Fujifilm F-Gamut colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-T H.273 Generic Film (colour filters using Illuminant C) colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-T H.273 row 22 colourspace as given in Table 2 - Interpretation of colour primaries (ColourPrimaries) value. |
Protune Native colourspace. |
Max RGB colourspace. |
NTSC (1953) colourspace. |
NTSC (1987) colourspace. |
P3-D65 colourspace. |
Pal/Secam colourspace. |
REDcolor colourspace. |
REDcolor2 colourspace. |
REDcolor3 colourspace. |
REDcolor4 colourspace. |
REDWideGamutRGB colourspace. |
DRAGONcolor colourspace. |
DRAGONcolor2 colourspace. |
ROMM RGB colourspace. |
RIMM RGB colourspace. |
ERIMM RGB colourspace. |
ProPhoto RGB colourspace, an alias colourspace for ROMM RGB. |
PLASA ANSI E1.54 colourspace. |
Russell RGB colourspace. |
SMPTE 240M colourspace. |
SMPTE C colourspace. |
S-Gamut colourspace. |
S-Gamut3 colourspace. |
S-Gamut3.Cine colourspace. |
Venice S-Gamut3 colourspace. |
Venice S-Gamut3.Cine colourspace. |
Smits (1999) colourspace. |
Panasonic V-Gamut colourspace. |
Xtreme RGB colourspace. |
Colour Component Transfer Functions#
Encode linear \(RGB\) values to non-linear \(R'G'B'\) values using given encoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Supported encoding colour component transfer functions (Encoding CCTFs), a collection of the functions defined by |
Decode non-linear \(R'G'B'\) values to linear \(RGB\) values using given decoding colour component transfer function (Decoding CCTF). |
Supported decoding colour component transfer functions (Decoding CCTFs), a collection of the functions defined by |
Define a typical gamma encoding / decoding function. |
Define a typical linear encoding / decoding function, essentially a pass-through function. |
Define the ROMM RGB encoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Define the ROMM RGB decoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Define the RIMM RGB encoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Define the RIMM RGB decoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Define the ProPhoto RGB encoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Define the ProPhoto RGB decoding colour component transfer function (Encoding CCTF). |
Ancillary Objects
Define the basic exponent transfer function. |
Define the Monitor Curve exponent transfer function. |
Define the basic logarithmic function. |
Define the quasilog logarithmic function. |
Define the camera logarithmic function. |
Opto-Electronic Transfer Functions#
Encode estimated tristimulus values in a scene to \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value using given opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Supported opto-electrical transfer functions (OETFs / OECFs). |
Decode \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value to tristimulus values at the display using given inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Supported inverse opto-electrical transfer functions (OETFs / OECFs). |
Define ARIB STD-B67 (Hybrid Log-Gamma) opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define ARIB STD-B67 (Hybrid Log-Gamma) inverse opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define the Blackmagic Film Generation 5 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define the Blackmagic Film Generation 5 inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define the DaVinci Intermediate opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the DaVinci Intermediate inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG inverse opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ inverse opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-7 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.601-7 inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-6 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.709-6 inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100:1 range). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 inverse-opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100:1 range). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100*Sqrt(10):1 range). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 inverse-opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for logarithmic encoding (100*Sqrt(10):1 range). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for IEC 61966-2 family of transfer functions (2-1 sRGB, 2-1 sYCC, 2-4 xvYCC). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 inverse opto-electronic transfer function (OETF) for IEC 61966-2 family of transfer functions (2-1 sRGB, 2-1 sYCC, 2-4 xvYCC). |
Define SMPTE 240M opto-electrical transfer function (OETF). |
Electro-Optical Transfer Functions#
Decode \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value to tristimulus values at the display using given electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Supported electro-optical transfer functions (EOTFs / EOCFs). |
Encode estimated tristimulus values in a scene to \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value using given inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Supported inverse electro-optical transfer functions (EOTFs / EOCFs). |
Define the DCDM electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the DCDM inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the DICOM - Grayscale Standard Display Function electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the DICOM - Grayscale Standard Display Function inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.1886 electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.1886 inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Supported Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Supported Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the SMPTE ST 428-1 (2019) electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-T H.273 inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF) for SMPTE ST 428-1 (2019). |
Define SMPTE 240M electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define SMPTE ST 2084:2014 optimised perceptual electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define SMPTE ST 2084:2014 optimised perceptual inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the IEC 61966-2-1:1999 sRGB electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the IEC 61966-2-1:1999 sRGB inverse electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Opto-Optical Transfer Functions#
Map relative scene linear light to display linear light using given opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Supported opto-optical transfer functions (OOTFs / OOCFs). |
Map relative display linear light to scene linear light using given inverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Supported inverse opto-optical transfer functions (OOTFs / OOCFs). |
Supported Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Supported Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG inverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference HLG inverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Define Recommendation ITU-R BT.2100 Reference PQ inverse opto-optical transfer function (OOTF / OOCF). |
Log Encoding and Decoding#
Encode scene-referred exposure values to \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value using given log encoding function. |
Supported log encoding functions. |
Decode \(R'G'B'\) video component signal value to scene-referred exposure values using given log decoding function. |
Supported log decoding functions. |
Define the ACEScc colourspace log encoding / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the ACEScc colourspace log decoding / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the ACEScct colourspace log encoding / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the ACEScct colourspace log decoding / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the ACESproxy colourspace log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the ACESproxy colourspace log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the ARRI LogC3 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the ARRI LogC3 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log 2 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log 2 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log 3 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log 3 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Canon Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Cineon log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Cineon log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the ERIMM RGB log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function (OETF). |
Define the ERIMM RGB log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function (EOTF). |
Define the Fujifilm F-Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Fujifilm F-Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Fujifilm F-Log2 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Fujifilm F-Log2 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Leica L-Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Leica L-Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the common Log2 encoding function. |
Define the common Log2 decoding function. |
Supported Log3G10 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function methods. |
Define the Log3G10 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Supported Log3G10 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function methods. |
Define the Log3G10 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Log3G12 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Log3G12 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Nikon N-Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Nikon N-Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Panalog log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Panalog log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Josh Pines style Pivoted Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Josh Pines style Pivoted Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Protune log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Protune log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the REDLog log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the REDLog log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the REDLogFilm log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the REDLogFilm log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log2 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log2 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log3 log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Sony S-Log3 log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Panasonic V-Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Panasonic V-Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Define the Viper Log log encoding curve / opto-electronic transfer function. |
Define the Viper Log log decoding curve / electro-optical transfer function. |
Colour Encodings#
Y’CbCr Colour Encoding#
Implement a delimiter and case-insensitive |
Compute the Y'CbCr to R'G'B' matrix for given weights, bit-depth, range legality and representation. |
Compute the R'G'B' to Y'CbCr offsets for given bit-depth, range legality and representation. |
Convert an array of R'G'B' values to the corresponding Y'CbCr colour encoding values array. |
Convert an array of Y'CbCr colour encoding values to the corresponding R'G'B' values array. |
Convert an array of RGB linear values to the corresponding Yc'Cbc'Crc' colour encoding values array. |
Convert an array of Yc'Cbc'Crc' colour encoding values to the corresponding RGB array of linear values. |
Ancillary Objects
Convert given code value \(CV\) or float equivalent of a code value at a given bit-depth from full range (full swing) to legal range (studio swing). |
Convert given code value \(CV\) or float equivalent of a code value at a given bit-depth from legal range (studio swing) to full range (full swing). |
Return the code value \(CV\) range for given bit-depth, range legality and representation. |
YCoCg Colour Encoding#
Convert an array of R'G'B' values to the corresponding YCoCg colour encoding values array. |
Convert an array of YCoCg colour encoding values to the corresponding R'G'B' values array. |
\(IC_TC_P\) Colour Encoding#
Convert from ITU-R BT.2020 colourspace to \(IC_TC_P\) colour encoding. |
Convert from \(IC_TC_P\) colour encoding to ITU-R BT.2020 colourspace. |
Convert from CIE XYZ tristimulus values to \(IC_TC_P\) colour encoding. |
Convert from \(IC_TC_P\) colour encoding to CIE XYZ tristimulus values. |
RGB Representations#
Prismatic Colourspace#
Convert from RGB colourspace to Prismatic \(L\rho\gamma\beta\) colourspace array. |
Convert from Prismatic \(L\rho\gamma\beta\) colourspace array to RGB colourspace. |
HSV Colourspace#
Convert from RGB colourspace to HSV colourspace. |
Convert from HSV colourspace to RGB colourspace. |
HSL Colourspace#
Convert from RGB colourspace to HSL colourspace. |
Convert from HSL colourspace to RGB colourspace. |
HCL Colourspace#
Convert from RGB colourspace to HCL colourspace according to Sarifuddin and Missaoui (2005) method. |
Convert from HCL colourspace to RGB colourspace according to Sarifuddin and Missaoui (2005) method. |
CMY Colourspace#
Convert from RGB colourspace to CMY colourspace. |
Convert from CMY colourspace to CMY colourspace. |
Convert from CMY colourspace to CMYK colourspace. |
Convert from CMYK colourspace to CMY colourspace. |
IHLS - Hanbury (2003)#
Convert from RGB colourspace to IHLS (Improved HLS) colourspace. |
Convert from IHLS (Improved HLS) colourspace to RGB colourspace. |
Recommendation ITU-T H.273 Code points for Video Signal Type Identification#
ColourPrimaries indicates the chromaticity coordinates of the source colour primaries as specified in Table 3 of [InternationalOfStandardization21] and [InternationalTUnion21] in terms of the CIE 1931 definition of x and y, which shall be interpreted as specified by ISO/ CIE 11664-1. |
TransferCharacteristics, as specified in Table 3 of [InternationalOfStandardization21] and [InternationalTUnion21], either indicates the reference opto-electronic transfer characteristic function of the source picture as a function of a source input linear optical intensity input Lc with a nominal real-valued range of 0 to 1 or indicates the inverse of the reference electro-optical transfer characteristic function as a function of an output linear optical intensity Lo with a nominal real-valued range of 0 to 1. |
MatrixCoefficients describes the matrix coefficients used in deriving luma and chroma signals from the green, blue and red or X, Y and Z primaries, as specified in Table 4 and equations 11 to 77 of [InternationalOfStandardization21] and [InternationalTUnion21]. |
Ancillary Objects
Describe given video signal colour primaries code point. |
Describe given video signal transfer characteristics code point. |
Describe given video signal matrix coefficients code point. |
Pointer’s Gamut#
ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, |
ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, |
ndarray(shape, dtype=float, buffer=None, offset=0, |