
colour.YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(YcCbcCrc: ArrayLike, in_bits: int = 10, in_legal: bool = True, in_int: bool = False, is_12_bits_system: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) NDArrayFloat[source]#

Convert an array of Yc’Cbc’Crc’ colour encoding values to the corresponding RGB array of linear values.

  • YcCbcCrc (ArrayLike) – Input Yc’Cbc’Crc’ colour encoding array of linear float values.

  • in_bits (int) – Bit-depth for int input, or used in the calculation of the denominator for legal range float values, i.e., 8-bit means the float value for legal white is 235 / 255. Default is 10.

  • in_legal (bool) – Whether to treat the input values as legal range. Default is False.

  • in_int (bool) – Whether to treat the input values as in_bits int code values. Default is False.

  • is_12_bits_system (bool) – Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 EOTF (EOCF) adopts different parameters for 10 and 12 bit systems. Default is False.

  • in_range – Array overriding the computed range such as in_range = (Y_min, Y_max, C_min, C_max). If in_range is undefined, Y_min, Y_max, C_min and C_max will be computed using colour.models.rgb.ycbcr.ranges_YCbCr() definition.

  • kwargs (Any)


RGB array of linear float values.

Return type:



Domain *

Scale - Reference

Scale - 1


[0, 1]

[0, 1]

Range *

Scale - Reference

Scale - 1


[0, 1]

[0, 1]

* This definition has input and output int switches, thus the domain-range scale information is only given for the floating point mode.


This definition is specifically for usage with Recommendation ITU-R BT.2020 when adopting the constant luminance implementation.


[InternationalTUnion15a], [Wikipedia04e]


>>> YcCbcCrc = np.array([1689, 2048, 2048])
>>> YcCbcCrc_to_RGB(
...     YcCbcCrc,
...     in_legal=True,
...     in_bits=12,
...     in_int=True,
...     is_12_bits_system=True,
... )
array([ 0.1800903...,  0.1800903...,  0.1800903...])