colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_SRGB_AP1_SCENE = RGB_Colourspace('sRGB Encoded AP1',                 [[ 0.713,  0.293],                  [ 0.165,  0.83 ],                  [ 0.128,  0.044]],                 [ 0.32168,  0.33767],                 'ACES',                 [[ 0.66245418,  0.13400421,  0.15618769],                  [ 0.27222872,  0.67408177,  0.05368952],                  [-0.00557465,  0.00406073,  1.0103391 ]],                 [[ 1.64102338, -0.32480329, -0.2364247 ],                  [-0.66366286,  1.61533159,  0.01675635],                  [ 0.01172189, -0.00828444,  0.98839486]],                 eotf_inverse_sRGB,                 eotf_sRGB,                 False,                 False)#

sRGB Encoded AP1 colourspace.

This colourspace is used in game engines that implement texture decoding on the GPU using the sRGB piece-wise transfer function and when the working colourspace is ACEScg.