colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_LIN_REC709_SCENE = RGB_Colourspace('Linear Rec.709 (sRGB)',                 [[ 0.64,  0.33],                  [ 0.3 ,  0.6 ],                  [ 0.15,  0.06]],                 [ 0.3127,  0.329 ],                 'D65',                 [[ 0.4123908 ,  0.35758434,  0.18048079],                  [ 0.21263901,  0.71516868,  0.07219232],                  [ 0.01933082,  0.11919478,  0.95053215]],                 [[ 3.24096994, -1.53738318, -0.49861076],                  [-0.96924364,  1.8759675 ,  0.04155506],                  [ 0.05563008, -0.20397696,  1.05697151]],                 linear_function,                 linear_function,                 False,                 False)#

Linear Rec.709 (sRGB) colourspace.

Still one of the most commonly used computer graphics (CG) rendering space. However, it is a small gamut which means it is not possible to represent certain colourful objects with only positive RGB values. This poses challenges for rendering since negative values cause computational problems. It is recommended that the industry move to wider gamut colourspaces such as ACEScg for rendering.

