
colour.colorimetry.adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308(W: ArrayLike, shape_r: colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralShape, shape_t: colour.colorimetry.spectrum.SpectralShape) numpy.ndarray[source]

Adjust given table of tristimulus weighting factors to account for a shorter wavelengths range of the test spectral shape compared to the reference spectral shape using practise ASTM E308-15 method: Weights at the wavelengths for which data are not available are added to the weights at the shortest and longest wavelength for which spectral data are available.


Adjusted tristimulus weighting factors.

Return type





>>> from colour import (MSDS_CMFS, SpectralDistribution, SpectralShape,
...     sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A)
>>> from colour.utilities import numpy_print_options
>>> cmfs = MSDS_CMFS['CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer']
>>> A = sd_CIE_standard_illuminant_A(cmfs.shape)
>>> W = tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME2022(
...     cmfs, A, SpectralShape(360, 830, 20))
>>> with numpy_print_options(suppress=True):
...     adjust_tristimulus_weighting_factors_ASTME308(
...         W,  SpectralShape(360, 830, 20), SpectralShape(400, 700, 20))
array([[  0.0509543...,   0.0040971...,   0.2144280...],
       [  0.7734225...,   0.0779839...,   3.6965732...],
       [  1.9000905...,   0.3037005...,   9.7554195...],
       [  1.9707727...,   0.8552809...,  11.4867325...],
       [  0.7183623...,   2.1457000...,   6.7845806...],
       [  0.0426667...,   4.8985328...,   2.3208000...],
       [  1.5223302...,   9.6471138...,   0.7430671...],
       [  5.6770329...,  14.4609708...,   0.1958194...],
       [ 12.4451744...,  17.4742541...,   0.0051827...],
       [ 20.5535772...,  17.5838219...,  -0.0026512...],
       [ 25.3315384...,  14.8957035...,   0.       ...],
       [ 21.5711570...,  10.0796619...,   0.       ...],
       [ 12.1785817...,   5.0680655...,   0.       ...],
       [  4.6675746...,   1.8303239...,   0.       ...],
       [  1.3236117...,   0.5129694...,   0.       ...],
       [  0.4171109...,   0.1618194...,   0.       ...]])