- colour.contrast.maximum_angular_size_Barten1999(u: ArrayLike, X_0: ArrayLike = 60, X_max: ArrayLike = 12, N_max: ArrayLike = 15) NDArrayFloat [source]#
Return the maximum angular size \(X\) of the object considered using Barten (1999) method.
- Parameters:
u (ArrayLike) – Spatial frequency \(u\), the cycles per degree.
X_0 (ArrayLike) – Angular size \(X_0\) in degrees of the object in the x direction.
X_max (ArrayLike) – Maximum angular size \(X_{max}\) in degrees of the integration area in the x direction.
N_max (ArrayLike) – Maximum number of cycles \(N_{max}\) over which the eye can integrate the information.
- Returns:
Maximum angular size \(X\) of the object considered.
- Return type:
[Bar99], [Bar03], [CKMW04], [InternationalTUnion15c],
>>> maximum_angular_size_Barten1999(4) 3.5729480...