- colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_ACESCG = RGB_Colourspace('ACEScg', [[ 0.713, 0.293], [ 0.165, 0.83 ], [ 0.128, 0.044]], [ 0.32168, 0.33767], 'ACES', [[ 0.66245418, 0.13400421, 0.15618769], [ 0.27222872, 0.67408177, 0.05368952], [-0.00557465, 0.00406073, 1.0103391 ]], [[ 1.64102338, -0.32480329, -0.2364247 ], [-0.66366286, 1.61533159, 0.01675635], [ 0.01172189, -0.00828444, 0.98839486]], linear_function, linear_function, False, False)#
ACEScg colourspace, a working space for paint/compositor applications that don’t support ACES2065-1 or ACEScc.
The ACEScg colourspace encoding has a wide gamut that has been shown to work well as the computational space for computer graphics rendering. It is thoroughly documented on the ACES website.
[] [TheAoMPAaSciencesScienceaTCouncilAcademyCESACESPSubcommittee14b], [TheAoMPAaSciencesScienceaTCouncilAcademyCESACESPSubcommittee14c], [TheAoMPAaSciencesScienceandTCouncilAcademyCESACESPSubcommittee15], [TheAoMPAaSciencesScienceaTCouncilAcademyCESACESPSubcommitteea]