- colour.plotting.diagrams.plot_sds_in_chromaticity_diagram(sds: Sequence[SpectralDistribution | MultiSpectralDistributions] | SpectralDistribution | MultiSpectralDistributions | ValuesView, cmfs: MultiSpectralDistributions | str | Sequence[MultiSpectralDistributions | str] = 'CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer', chromaticity_diagram_callable: Callable = plot_chromaticity_diagram, method: Literal['CIE 1931', 'CIE 1960 UCS', 'CIE 1976 UCS'] | str = 'CIE 1931', annotate_kwargs: dict | List[dict] | None = None, plot_kwargs: dict | List[dict] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) Tuple[Figure, Axes] [source]#
Plot given spectral distribution chromaticity coordinates into the Chromaticity Diagram using given method.
- Parameters:
sds (Sequence[SpectralDistribution | MultiSpectralDistributions] | SpectralDistribution | MultiSpectralDistributions | ValuesView) – Spectral distributions or multi-spectral distributions to plot. sds can be a single
class instance, a list ofcolour.MultiSpectralDistributions
class instances or a List ofcolour.SpectralDistribution
class instances.cmfs (MultiSpectralDistributions | str | Sequence[MultiSpectralDistributions | str]) – Standard observer colour matching functions used for computing the spectral locus boundaries.
can be of any type or form supported by thecolour.plotting.common.filter_cmfs()
definition.chromaticity_diagram_callable (Callable) – Callable responsible for drawing the Chromaticity Diagram.
method (Literal['CIE 1931', 'CIE 1960 UCS', 'CIE 1976 UCS'] | str) – Chromaticity Diagram method.
annotate_kwargs (dict | List[dict] | None) –
Keyword arguments for the
definition, used to annotate the resulting chromaticity coordinates with their respective spectral distribution names.annotate_kwargs
can be either a single dictionary applied to all the arrows with same settings or a sequence of dictionaries with different settings for each spectral distribution. The following special keyword arguments can also be used:annotate
: Whether to annotate the spectral distributions.
plot_kwargs (dict | List[dict] | None) –
Keyword arguments for the
definition, used to control the style of the plotted spectral distributions. plot_kwargs` can be either a single dictionary applied to all the plotted spectral distributions with the same settings or a sequence of dictionaries with different settings for each plotted spectral distributions. The following special keyword arguments can also be used:illuminant
: The illuminant used to compute the spectral distributions colours. The default is the illuminant associated with the whitepoint of the default plotting colourspace.illuminant
can be of any type or form supported by thecolour.plotting.common.filter_cmfs()
: The standard observer colour matching functions used for computing the spectral distributions colours.cmfs
can be of any type or form supported by thecolour.plotting.common.filter_cmfs()
: Whether to normalise the computed spectral distributions colours. The default is True.use_sd_colours
: Whether to use the computed spectral distributions colours under the plotting colourspace illuminant. Alternatively, it is possible to use thematplotlib.pyplot.plot()
argument with pre-computed values. The default is True.
kwargs (Any) – {
}, See the documentation of the previously listed definitions.
- Returns:
Current figure and axes.
- Return type:
>>> A = SDS_ILLUMINANTS["A"] >>> D65 = SDS_ILLUMINANTS["D65"] >>> annotate_kwargs = [ ... {"xytext": (-25, 15), "arrowprops": {"arrowstyle": "-"}}, ... {}, ... ] >>> plot_kwargs = [ ... { ... "illuminant": SDS_ILLUMINANTS["E"], ... "markersize": 15, ... "normalise_sd_colours": True, ... "use_sd_colours": True, ... }, ... {"illuminant": SDS_ILLUMINANTS["E"]}, ... ] >>> plot_sds_in_chromaticity_diagram( ... [A, D65], annotate_kwargs=annotate_kwargs, plot_kwargs=plot_kwargs ... ) ... (<Figure size ... with 1 Axes>, <...Axes...>)