colour.models.RGB_COLOURSPACE_LIN_REC2020_SCENE = RGB_Colourspace('Linear Rec.2020',                 [[ 0.708,  0.292],                  [ 0.17 ,  0.797],                  [ 0.131,  0.046]],                 [ 0.3127,  0.329 ],                 'D65',                 [[  6.36958048e-01,   1.44616904e-01,   1.68880975e-01],                  [  2.62700212e-01,   6.77998072e-01,   5.93017165e-02],                  [  4.99410657e-17,   2.80726930e-02,   1.06098506e+00]],                 [[ 1.71665119, -0.35567078, -0.25336628],                  [-0.66668435,  1.61648124,  0.01576855],                  [ 0.01763986, -0.04277061,  0.94210312]],                 linear_function,                 linear_function,                 False,                 False)#

Linear Rec.2020 colourspace.

Its gamut is very similar to ACEScg and thus makes a good rendering colourspace, though it is not often used for that purpose. The primaries are on the spectrum locus and therefore most monitors are unable to display the entire gamut.

